• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Kickstarter (KS) Come and Explore Arcanis 5E on Kickstarter…

Arcanis the World of Shattered Empires is back and updated for 5th Edition, with new character options but the same Grim Dark attitude!

Arcanis the World of Shattered Empires is back and updated for 5th Edition, with new character options but the same Grim Dark attitude!

Taking its inspiration more from the Ancient World than the European medieval era. Arcanis was originally published in 2001 as a d20 campaign setting. Arcanis has been a critical and commercial success attracting players with to its grim dark world of epic fantasy and now this award-winning setting is being updated to be fully compatible with the 5th Edition of the worlds most popular fantasy RPG.

The 400+ page book will include:

· 19 New Races and sub-races
· New take on base classes such as Fury (Barbarian), Holy Champion (Paladin), Ranger without spell casting, and introducing Elder and Eldritch Sorcerer Traditions.
· New classes such as the Psion and Shaman.
· 12 new Clerical Aspects and a new take on Domains.
· 13 New Holy Champion (Paladin) Orders.
· Dozens of new Archetypes such as the Tactician (Fighter), the Bard (Rogue), and the Warped ne (Fury)
· Over 50 new Spells
· Skills and Feats including new Combat Schools
· New and unique Psionic system
· New Fame and Renown system for Allegiances and Secret Societies
· New weapons, armor, equipment, magic items and monsters.

The Arcanis Campaign Setting is an immersive world of epic battles, where the most dangerous adversary is not some mythical creature, but your fellow being. It is not a world of stark black and whites, but rather a spectrum of grays where heroes have their flaws and even the most devilish of villains have virtues. This is also reflected in the world’s religious structure where the gods are arranged in Pantheons, being neither inherently good or evil. It is the religions created by mortals that choose what aspects of the gods are worshipped and whether these are good or evil is determined by each cultures’ values.

The Arcanis 5E RPG Kickstarter campaign runs until Saturday 22nd April.

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In case you missed it yesterday here's an Arcanis 5e Kickstarter update about a new stretch goal at $47k, the Disciples of Heresy. Get all the details at the link. But here's a highlight.

Part of the stretch goal is to include two adventures to be featured in the Disciples of Heresy volume, they are: For Eye See Naught but Ruin and Woe and The Return of the Necromancer Lords. Note: For Eye See Naught but Ruin and Woe was originally released as a Living Arcanis module in 2006. The version in this product is modified and expanded.

Once the Stretch Goal is unlocked, the PDF of this product will be included with those pledge levels that contain the PDF Collection. A print copy will be made available for purchase, but only for those backers at the $75 or higher Reward Level.

Print copies will be limited exactly to those pledged during the Kickstarter. This book will never be reprinted in this form, though the source material may find its way into future products (there are none planned for at least the next three years). The adventures will not be released in any form again, other than in this edition.
I hope you help us spread the word to unlock the Disciples of Heresy so we can get this exclusive product in your hands.



The latest update to the Arcanis Kickstarter is live, this time giving a glimpse into the new Psionics system for 5e. In Arcanis psionics is a means to wield the power of Creation, like the other Arcanum, but in a unique manner. Instead of preparing spells and using spell slots, psionicists split their consciousness into multiple parts and concentrate on specific mental patterns called fractures. Learn more and become a backer.


Have you always wanted to be a psion? Well now you can with the recently announced Psionics chapter in Arcanis you can be immortalized as a psion with this pledge level!

Immortalized in Psionics Chapter

You may submit your likeness (face only) to be used as the face of an illustration to be used in the chapter you select. Alternatively, you may choose to have your Arcanis legal character (the character must conform to the race, gender or other restrictions as put forth by the rules or setting) be central figure in an illustration in the chapter you select. See Reward Level section for details.


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