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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 2)

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Forrester said:

Kas was fighting by my side during the battle -- this means that the fight between Kas and Vecna was likely near my forces.

And I think you know what THAT means.

I don't expect my Kender to get both the Sword of Kas and the Staff of Vecna, but I do expect that they will have a half-decent shot of picking up one or the other (preferably the staff, but we'll see).

I'll let you decide what the d100% chance is, and let me know :)

Well, Acererak stated that he stood guard on the duel between Kas and Vecna and that he would kill anyone who came within 1000 feet as long as the duel lasted. The moment Vecna fell the task force of DU wizards teleported in to take all the loot from the battle. Acererak stole the staff of Vecna but left the rest for the Dark Union. I don't think the Kender could have got there in time.

Why use a cybernetic arm when you can use the ... ARM OF VECNA! ... That's what I was planning to use him for, harvesting his body for artifacts. Consider the possibilities. The power. The ironic justice. You were his "right arm", now his right arm will be yours. :))
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Kalanyr if you want to help in saving Shadow Throne, state it quickly on the boards, otherwise we will have to evacuate, it seems that our enemies are fanatical in their hatred towards us, and don`t want to seek peace.


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Acererak and the Dark Brotherhood made off with the Staff of Vecna, the Sword of Kas, the body of Vecna, and the injured Kas.

Not even the kender could stand directly against Acererak, who was there in person.

He rayed them down.
He turned them into goo and devoured their souls. By the hundreds.

Kender cannot know fear, but they can die.

These loyal, gentle beings of the United Commonwealth stood no chance against the unearthly necromancy of one of the world's greatest mages, a demilich from the Arcane Age.

By the battle's end, when Kas struck Vecna down, and Vecna struck at Kas that last time, no kender remained to steal Staff or Sword.
Only their clothing, bright with colors, and the spillage of trinkets out of the pockets of the clothing, show that they ever existed.


Olinstaad Corond, King of the Kingdom of Ulek, sends message to all his allies along with a barrel of his thickest dwarven ale.

“The Kingdom of Ulek is proud to fight beside its allies! I look forward to further battles against our enemies together, though hopefully peace will come eventually. ”


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The Doomgrinder continues marching west, at about 3 miles per hour (!!)

People are quickly discovering that The Bloody Waste, as some are calling it, is impassable.

It starts with people accidentally slipping down the slopes into the pools of blood.
Those people, dissolve. Be they living or undead.

Avoiding the pools of blood is difficult, as one must navigate stone slabs sticking hundreds of feet into the air, half a mile wide.
Or they must avoid crevaces whose bottom cannot be seen.
Or walk across ground as rough and broken as a home flattened by a tornado.

The air itself is strange, and there is a red tinge to it.
Breathing it makes one feel exhilarated and strong - or deathly sick, or both in alternation.

The problem gets worse.

Imagine a hundred paper cuts on your hand, crisscrossing each other.
Imagine the blood welling through, slowly.

There are thousands of crevaces in the Bloody Waste.
Through these crevaces, magma from the Oerth's interior is welling up, slowly, like blood.
The Oerth has been wounded, and it is bleeding.

The lava superheats the air, fills it with sulpher and volcanic fumes, making breathing difficult or impossible.

The lava runs into the pools of blood.
The blood, does not evaporate.
The blood, rises up over the lava, MERGING with it.
The blood-lava then continues to rise, filling many of the craters.
It pours down into pools of water, water poisoned by the Shade.
Water, blood, and lava all merge into one substance.

This substance (which, obviously, is magical) is thick and gooey like mud, cool to the touch (although nobody is touching it), and it radiates a bright vivid red color.
Soon, the entire sky above the Bloody Waste is crimson from this light, from the Nyr Dyv to the Wolly Bay, from the Shadow Throne to the Kron Hills.
As more and more lava pours forth, more and more of the blood and water combines with it, and great lakes of the strange, glowing substance are created.
When captured prisoners are driven into this substance, screaming in futile protest, they dissolve.
Even those pulling back dissolve. The substance, once on them, cannot be removed, and it eats away at them until nothing remains.

Any force which wishes to strike east at the Shade or Dark Union, or west at the Allies, is going to have to go north, around the northern side of the Nyr Dyv (which is glowing a faint reddish-purple light now) in order to do so.

As for what the strange and lethal substance in the Bloody Waste is, and more importantly - what it might be evolving towards, and how much of it is ultimately going to be created, is anyone's guess.

A final note: this substance devours all the millions of corpses in the Bloody Waste, those of Vecna's Legions and those of the allies alike.
Only the fallen near the edge of the Bloody Waste were able to be retrieved, and only when men and women worked in a hurry to retrieve those bodies.
As the corpses are dissolved, the red radiance flares up higher, more brilliantly, ever greater in virulent power.
The emanations of magic from the region grow ever stronger.
Interestingly, emanations of strong good and strong evil, both, are coming for the afflicted region.
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First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Acererak and the Dark Brotherhood made off with the Staff of Vecna, the Sword of Kas, the body of Vecna, and the injured Kas.

Well, Maudlin wrote that he only took the staff of Vecna and left ecerything else for the Dark Union. If he did take it all I assume he then delivered Kas, the sword of Kas, Vecna and all the other artifacts of Vecna (except the staff) to the God Emperor immediately afterwards. I really don't see where the Dark brotherhood fits into things, they would have been killed by Acererak as easily as the Kender.


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(This is OOC knolage)

(Edena, if you want to disalow this then that's fine.)

Thayadon Fasfoni awakes, "strange", he thinks; "I haven't slept in hundreds of years." he stands up and amazingly feels muscles moving. He looks at himself and sees a living human body. His old body. From hundreds of years ago. "I'm alive!" he shouts.
Really looking around him for the first time, he sees a garden. Realizing that he can see the weave, he thinks aloud “This must be a dream.”
“It is a dream.” A beautiful woman steps out from behind a tree.
“What? Who are you? Where am I?”
“I have been called many things, but mostly Mystra. You are in a dream”
Thayadon falls to his knees murmuring; “I am truly sorry to be presumptuous great Mystra”
“Rise, Thayadon Fasfoni. I have called you here for a vary special purpose. I wish you to become my first chosen on Oerth.”
“How can I say no?”


First Post
In THIS case - ask: and ye shall receive!!!

The first CHOSEN OF MYSTRA stands upon the world of Oerth.
His name is Thayadon Fasfoni, and Kaboom runs him!

And thus, the religion of Mystra comes to Oerth in a big way, spreading like wildfire through the Sky-Sea League!

Thayadon Fasfoni's PL increases to 5.

:D :D :D :D :D
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Oh pish posh

OOC: I'm sorry, Forrester, did you know I was firing on both sides? Because if you did I'm extremely impressed you got through arcane, psionic, and divine shielding against scrying, and followed the trajectory of my bullets over the course of a mile from where I was, up in the sky. Frankly, I don't know any IC way you could know that I was attacking both sides - Unless you've devoted 10th level magic specifically to keeping an eye on me, which is far from unlikely given our history. So unless that's the case, you mostly know I've just stayed out of the way - Lazy jackass, perhaps, but not a murderer.

Forrester, you have my solemn word that neither I, the Solistarim, or my allies, will attack ANYONE for three months. I'm Lawful - My word is good, even to Thrall. And frankly, you aren't thrall. You're better.

<< Edena, I need to know - How fares... the DICTUM? >>

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