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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 1)


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The Angels disallow any travel from Oerth or Greyspace to Toril or Realmspace.
The reasons for that are all too obvious.
Messages via telepathy can still get through, both ways, and Torilians are still able to come to Oerth (it's a one way journey, though.)

Sigil slams shut all the Gates leading to and from Oerth and Greyspace.

Spelljammers leaving Greyspace are attacked and blown up by their own people, or anyone else they encounter, and the remains of the vessels are incinerated.
All spelljammers travelling towards Greyspace come to a screeching halt.

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First Post
I'm afraid that all initial research into this disease, even by Iuz (the Empire of Iuz is being hit also) fails.

Acererak comes from an ancient time, and is aware of ancient illnesses that do not exist in the current era of Oerth.
It is one of these ancient ills he has unleashed.

Undead do not arise from those killed while they are incubating.
Those killed while incubating are merely dead, their souls intact.

Nobody in the Flanaess has yet actually exhibited any symptoms of the disease.
Nor will anyone, until the next Turn (Turn 4.)
The disease started over 2 weeks into the current Turn, and has a long incubation time.

William Ronald

An idea for a cure

I have an idea.

In real life, smallpox was a deadly disease that until relatively recent times claimed many lives. It was noticed that people who suffered from cowpox, a very minor illness, did not contract smallpox.

In addition to other efforts, research is begun into a disease which may protect/cure people from the Red Death (Maudlin, you released it. I get to name it. :D)

Also, it should be noted that the Suel who are not allied with Vecna and Acerak may also be impacted with the disease. The Northern Suel are contacted for help. Indeed, Vecna and Acerak may have angered the gods whose support they seek.

(Edena check my e-mails for some of my research ideas. Let us say I am not going to show all my cards in public.)

Also, Rao is one of the oldest - if not the oldest of the gods of Oerth - he is consulted about this plague. As is the one deity who should know all about all matters Oerthly. Beory the Oerth Mother.
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We will take a few small samples of Sanctus' blood, and try to figure out how he has fought off vampirism. We will compare his blood cells to those of actual vampires (if we have a few samples of vampire blood in the back somewhere). We will try to figure this out, in conjunction with our other projects.

We will begin recruiting some of the smarter people in our country that are not scientists in nature to assist in these proceedings - they will receive crash courses in recent events and our current level of technology. We'll start handing out Discover for dirt cheap to keep people up to date.


First Post
((My intent was not to embarrass Forrester.
If that has been the result of my posts, my apologies to him.
I am required to roleplay all those who fall under my jurisdiction, and these beings - Angels and Horrors alike - have strong opinions, and sometimes put things strongly.
I am not in this to embarrass or humble or humilate anyone.
As for the actions of Acererak, I merely am using my typical grandeose way - SOP for me - of portraying what he has done.))


First Post
10th level magic will stop the illness on a grand scale.
But typically only for the Power that has the 10th level magic.

Forrester could save his own people if he gains 10th level magic on Turn 4, but he could not save anyone else also ... there are just too many cases.
If Kalanyr gains 10th level magic on Turn 4, he could save vast numbers of the people of the Flanaess, since the drow have not been hit by the illness, and Kalanyr does not need to expend energy saving his own people.
Vecna could save vast numbers of people right now, but - unfortunately - his help comes with a price.

And yes, Acererak has the antidote.
He could save vast numbers of people.
However, he has his price too.


The messengers will not be allowed in they may be infected. They can shout to us if they want too but they may not enter.


Edena_of_Neith said:
And yes, Acererak has the antidote.
He could save vast numbers of people.
However, he has his price too.

To Acerak,

"You draw no end to your ignorance. You necromancer kissing fiend, I demand you end your plague! To be so blasphemous as to use disease as a weapon of war! Your people still obey you even though you care nothing for life as having value! You are attacking forces that have not wained against your evil on any scale! You have a cure for this and you have not released it? Foul defiler, prepare thineself for eternal oblivion! Necromancer, your tricks pay no homage to my blade, and therefore I shall smaketh your wrotten caracass downeth with my sword! Peon..."

-Love Dearly,
Sanctus Punitor

Voidrunner's Codex

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