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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 1 - WAR!

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Turrosh Mak said:

We are somewhat uncomfortible with allowing any group to opperate unrestricted in our empire. Especially one as secretive as the brotherhood. What exactly does the brotherhood stand for? What are the beleifs you wish to spread in my land?

Security and stability, my friend.

We believe that if all nations could rest secure, everything would be fine.


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What remains of Aurican's strike force returns to Lyrn. The armies of the Wind Dukes that had massed on the eastern boarders of the Crescent now move into the Baklunish Confederation lands.

William Ronald

The Kevellond League is furious over the loss of Dyvers. More forces are sent to the wild coast and dyvers.

Word is sent to Iuz. If you attack the Shade, we will let you move troops. If you try to move against us, beware. (I will only let troops move against the Shade.)

A message is sent to the leader of the Scarlet Brotherhood - by magic -detailing the offer that was made and any and all descriptions of the individuals who brought i. "Did you send this person? We say neither yea nor nay. We should warn you we caught someone impersonating a League representative and we will deal with him in due course. "(Maudlin, answer if this is your message. Rhialto, I am waiting to see what the REAL Scarlet Brotherhood says. Not that I trust them that much. I also begin divinations to determine who really sent it. Is it the Scarlet Brotherhood or the Black Brotherhood. All uprising is quelled. Any one attempting to cause trouble is detained. Several are mind-probed by magic and other means.)

"I believe we can hold our own lands, my allies" Archcleric Hazen advises his allies. "We have long known there is a Scarlet Brotherhood and a Black Brotherhood. The latter is dedicated to a dark god whose name I will not utter. I have sent word directly to the true leader of the Scarlet Brotherhood. I say neither yea nor nay. Also, there is someone who claimed to speak for the league to another power. I look forward to correcting this individual. I say caution for now."

"Security is increased inside the Kevellond League to maximum levels. Martial law is declared. Agents of enemy powers who are captured will be interrogated and mind probed. If any power is so foolish to believe that by starting riots you can undermine us, you are sadly mistaken."

Security forces move to capture and subdue the trouble makers. Spell casters interrogate them and use divinations.

A hard hitting force is moving towards Dyvers. A strong force is moving towards the Wild Coast. We are not defending our fortified positions in the hellfurnaces. Keoghtom will lead the forces to retake Dyvers or at least hold the line in the unconquered lands. Murlynd joins Heward with the forces going to the Wild Coast.

We request the aid of our allies in retaking Dyvers. May the Church of Shade fall!


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Re: Rhialto OOC:

Serpenteye said:

I thought Maudlin represented the Scarlet Brotherhood (and Acererak). Has he given the Sc brotherhood to you?
As far as the lists show you have only the black Brotherhood (Pl 7)

The BB is a secret society of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Many of its members are high-ranking members of the latter as well. As such, they can help decide matters of policy. If Maudlin says otherwise, then everything I've said gets pulled back--I defer to his position. If he doesn't--then consider it binding.


OOC- I guess I have to charge... I gave you a chance Sollir... Now we both have to make sacrifices...

Sanctus Leads the charge, "For the Riftcrag, I want this cowards head!"

The Delrune Army is moving in, one conflict at a time, till eventually we meet the Hellmaster and I officially challenge him again. March on Brotherhood of elves... Artonsamay will be ours! We will take Artonsamay and if the enemy is behind us... 'Then let them wander where they don't know the ground, my traps wait for their foolish moves!"

The Delrune Army secures Artonsamay, and leaves 10 PL to build trenches around this territory.

Edena: I never saw the post about them moving behind me, clarify that? There's no way they moved past my armies without being scryed, and if so then instead of my previous movements I send the Delrune Army to march on their forces.

As for the Seldanaran Army, we regroup with our allies to prepare a quick set defensive structure. Quick construction of some trenches has began. Everyone in the Army and allied to it join me and form a defensive... they can't rain too many more mountains on us.

"Tenser's death is to be greaved for! Elves, Giants, Good People of Oerth do not be sundered by such fate, let them know that it means nothing to die for good, when we die we take up arms again, we are the constant, not some vain changing evil, we are the lifeblood of the multiverse. Without us the evil would tile and tide over itself till irreconsilable nothingness was achieved. Not Chaos, not law, just void! We exist, and because of this no Void shall find us or our families!"

-Did anyone make it out of Amedio Alive?

To Turrash Mac! Help me corner these fools, they are spending everything they have on this one battle! They fear defeat so bad they are exausting ALL OF THERE FORCES! March onto their lands where they are unatentive!

To anyone who seeks my Alliance! We are ready! Evil is spread far too thin, we may not be able to destroy them... we may never destroy them... but we will Fight against them! They cannot be everywhere, fight for Everything!


First Post
William Ronald said:
"We have long known there is a Scarlet Brotherhood and a Black Brotherhood. The latter is dedicated to a dark god whose name I will not utter. I have sent word directly to the true leader of the Scarlet Brotherhood. I say neither yea nor nay. Also, there is someone who claimed to speak for the league to another power. I look forward to correcting this individual. I say caution for now."

OOC: Umm, no. The Black Brotherhood is a secret to most Scarlet Brotherhood members. Outsiders don't even know it exists, or at best have heard only garbled rumors.


First Post

He stated it earlier, so it happens now.

When Iuz sends forces to aid Kas, Vecna and all his Legions teleport out.
Where they teleport, nobody is sure of (since I myself don't know yet.)

This move by Iuz saved the lives of the remainder of Kas's force - now down to about 2 million.
Otherwise, the Legions of Vecna would have annihilated them.

In the Amedio Rainforest, the forces of Varnaith are successful in driving the Hive Cluster back, and they regain half the region.
Which means that the situation in the Amedio Rainforest is about where it was at the start of the war.
Except that the villages of the region have been burned, large forest fires are raging, and large numbers of corpses litter the forest.

The Battle of the Flinty Hills continues on, like a broken record, with neither side able to win amidst the horrible slaughter.

The Grandwood continues to hold out against the assault against it.
Years of careful preparation, tunnels dug, and plans made, are paying off ... the Grandwood will survive this Turn, I think.

The County of Urnst will not survive. The fell peoples of the Isles of Woe have turned it into a slaughterhouse.
The men are tortured and killed, the women taken away as slaves for what should be all too painfully obvious, and the children are taken as slaves (or killed if they are too weak or too young to be of use as workers.)
The invaders take everything of value, and what they do not take, they destroy.
Celadan Forest withstands the onslaught from the Isles of Woe (which are living up to their name), and many refugees flee there.

The Duchy of Urnst sends an army to it's western border to protect itself from this new threat, even while it has it's main army on the northern front, facing the wreckage in Nyrond, wondering just who is on who's side, completely bewildered.

Seeing the MASSIVE force in Dyvvers, the Kevellond forces come to a halt, and are digging in.
They find that the Pomarj, Ulek, the Lortmil Technomancy, and Celene have all allied and have a defensive front set up that stretches from Verbobonc in the northwest through the Gnarley Forest and the Welkwood to the northern frontier of the Pomarj.
I assume they welcome the Kevellond forces, which are badly needed.

The Kevellond League learns that the Shadow Empire has an awesomely powerful army in the Wild Coast and Dyvvers, and more in Greyhawk.
They have millions strong, they have shades, and they have the largest Planar Army Oerth has seen since the Greyhawk Wars.
And they may have more ... nobody is able to get into Greyhawk and return alive with the news of what might be in there!
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Valkys, in his throne room, recieves reports of what seems to be happening all over Oerth. He ponders the inevitable and makes his decisions. Without declarations from those he offered to aid, he assumes he will be alone in this, at least until such time as he becomes a threat.

In addition to his Planar allies, he orders his necromancers to begin summoning and creating undead as necessary. He sets a portion of his wizards aside, assigning them the task of beginning the magical research that will eventually lead to tenth level magic, though he knows it is far off. He also orders some of his best minds to study technology and see how it might be best mated with magic.

A task force is sent to raid the City of the Gods. It is a risk, but without aid from those *with* technology, he knows it must be gained in someway.

Planars continue to arrive as fast as he can summon them. And Valkys realizes that allies will be very handy if things continue to be so chaotic. Therefore:

Valkys sends a letter to each and every power on Oerth, offering his services if the price is right. (32 points may not seem like much, but most of you are so even that it can make the difference between victory and defeat, but alliances won't take effect until turn 2)

EDENA: You have not yet altered my Planar Claims. They should be Unseelie, Planar Chromatic Dragons, and Shades. I sent an email a while ago, but you've had a lot to do as well as email problems(which i understand completely), so I guess you missed it. Thanks.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
To Creamsteak
Unfortunatly I have no forces which can move into his lands. At best I can lend you what remains of the Dark Swamp Host, Though I fear they may be to Exhasted from the battle of Flinty hills to be much help :(

Everything else is commited elsewhere.

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