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(IR) Preparations for the IR - Thread 3


First Post

Here is a copy (subject to further modification) of what the first post will look like on every thread.

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Faction map for the World of Greyhawk IR thread:

The Oerik Continent:

The Big Map of Oerth:

Previous IR threads on Toril, the world of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting:

Turn 1

1st Month of the IR

6th Month of the Oeridian Year

Wealsun (Common)
Berrytime (Olven)
Fox (Nomads)

3rd Month of the Torilian Year

Common Year (FY) 624
Oeridian Reckoning (OR) 1268
Baklunish Hegira (BH) 3283
Flan Tracking (FT) 2744
Suloise Dating (SD) 6139
Olven Calendar (OC) 5086

Dale Reckoning (DR) 1405
Netherese Calendar (NC) 5264

8th Regency of Shadowlord Rhamagaum (Shadow Empire calendar)



* indicates this power has not yet been claimed by anyone

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ALYX - The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3
ANABSTERCORIAN - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, PsychicWarrior 20/ Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4
BLACK OMEGA - none yet
BONEDAGGER - Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
CREAMSTREAK - Sanctus Punitor (PC, high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr10, lawful good) PL 1
DAGGER - none yet
DARKNESS - none yet
MR DRACO - Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4
FESTY DOG - Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) PL 4
FORSAKEN ONE - Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5
FRIGID SPLEEN - none yet
GNOMEWORKS - Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3
JOHN BROWN - none yet
KABOOM - King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3
KALANYR - Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10/ Weaponmaster(Longsword) 10/ Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5
LYNUX - Talice Kellen (PC, elven, rogue of unknown level, evil) PL 2
MAUDLIN - Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) - none yet
RHIALTO - none yet
SERPENTEYE - The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, Human, classes unknown, evil) PL 3
TURROSH MAK - Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2
UVENELEI - Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3
VALKYS - Prince Aerion Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Scion of the Faerie Realm, Son of Titania and Oberon (PC, dark-elf/balor/unseelie, evil) PL 3
WILLIAM RONALD - Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3
ZELDA - none yet

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(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
* Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1
Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Jaran Krimeeah, Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2
Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
* Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
* Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
* Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) PL 1
Ogon Tillit, Supreme Prelate of the Theocracy of the Pale (NPC, human, cleric of Pholtus of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1
* Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level) PL 2
Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1
Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

* Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
* Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) PL 5
* Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
* Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
* Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) PL 6
* Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) PL 6

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Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Raskshasa (Planars of Acheron and Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Githyanki (Planars of the Astral Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Filchers (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Thought Eaters (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
Invisible Stalkers (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Marids (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Water Wierds (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xorn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

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Church of Toril (If played by current player)
Eternal Empire of Realmspace (If played by current player)
Hope Isle of Toril (If played by current player)
Star League of Realmspace (If played by current player)

The Shadow Empire (Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77
United Commonwealth of Realmspace (A greater part of the people of Toril and Realmspace, neutral and good) PL 1,000

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Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (Spelljamming dwarves, neutral and good) PL 25
Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (Spelljamming elves, neutral and good) PL 15
Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming gith and gith mercenaries, neutral) PL 20
Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (Spelljamming gnomes, neutral and good) PL 10
Illithid of Greyspace (Spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) PL 25
Neogi of Greyspace (Spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) PL 30
Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) PL 30

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Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) PL 30
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) PL 25
Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 25
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 40
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) PL 23
Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) PL 22
Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) (northwest just off-map) PL 40
Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky) (far northwest off-map) PL 35
Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) PL 23
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) PL 30
Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) PL 20
* Zindia (Star dwarves, nibelungen dwarves, star gnomes, high kobolds, high orcs, galeb duhr, dinosaurs of all types, lizard men, lizard kings, evil) PL 20

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All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 8
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 3
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral) PL 4
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 4

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Human dominated nations and peoples

March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 3
Geoff (In hiding are suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by drow and giants) PL none
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 5
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 4
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) PL 5
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

County of Ulek (Gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (Dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 5
Valley of the Mage (Valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) PL 4

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) PL 15
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) PL 2

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Human dominated nations and peoples

Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) PL 4
Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 2
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 7
Domain of Greyhawk (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all alignments) PL 5 (if not contested, this goes to Melkor and becomes the Shadow Throne)
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 8
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 2
Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Kingdom of Celene (Grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) PL 5
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) PL 2
Domain of Highfolk (High elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) PL 6
Peoples of the Kron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
Technomancy of the Lortmils (Gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) PL 17
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) PL 3

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All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Theocracy of the Pale (Oeridian humans, flannae humans, suel humans, neutral) PL 4
Duchy of Tenh (In hiding - oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by the Hold of Stonefist) PL none
County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3

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Human dominated nations and peoples

Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6
Sunndi (In hiding - oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good - occupied by Acererak and his minions) PL none

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Adri Forest (High elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4
* The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (If released from the artifact’s hold - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) PL 4
Peoples of the Flinty Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 4
Garrel Enkdal (Mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 3
Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 4
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) PL 2

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 3

Undead dominated nations and peoples

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) PL 15
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4

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Human dominated nations and peoples

Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) PL 5
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) PL 3
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (Gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (Elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4

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Iuz the Old (Demipower, evil) PL 7

All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Bandit Kingdoms (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 3
Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) PL 4
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 25
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 4
Rift Canyon (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, evil) PL 4
Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 3

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All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 3
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 2
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 6
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) PL 4

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Human dominated nations and peoples

Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Lendore Isles (Grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) PL 7

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All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 5
Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) PL 7
Lordship of the Isles (Suel humans, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 30
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

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The nations and peoples of the Under-Oerth

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Drow, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formians (giant ants), lawful neutral) PL 7
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Illithid, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3

The nations and peoples of the Oerthian Underdark

Non-Solistarim Aboleth of the Underdark (Aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Cloakers of the Underdark (Cloakers, neutral) PL 6
Delvers of the Underdark (Delvers, neutral) PL 4
Non-Solistarim Derro of the Underdark (Derro, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Destrachan of the Underdark (Destrachan, evil) PL 4
Non-Solistarim Duergar of the Underdark (Duergar, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Drow of the Underdark (Drow, slaves of all types, evil) PL 25
Grimlocks of the Underdark (Grimlocks, evil) PL 3
Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (Kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (Trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (Umber hulks, evil) PL 4

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Nations and peoples of the Drawmij Ocean, in the northwest

Deepwater League (Merfolk, sea-elves, tritons, dolphins, neutral and good) PL 15

Nations and peoples of the Azure Sea, in the south

People of the Shining Grottos (Merfolk, sea-elves, dolphins, tritons, heavily good) PL 10

Nations and peoples of the Solnor Ocean, in the east

Coral Empire of the Solnor (sea-elves, dolphins, many other underwater races, neutral and good) PL 15
Sea League (merfolk, tritons, neutral) PL 13

- - -


Faerie of the Flanaess (Every type of Faerie, neutral and good) PL 20
Unseelie of the Flanaess (Every type of Dark Faerie, evil) PL 13

- - -


Kas (Suel human, evil) PL 4
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30
Vecna (Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 100

- - -


Acererak (Suel demilich, evil) PL 10
Acererak's Minions (Undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 10


Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Dragons, evil) PL 7

- - -


Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) PL 2
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) PL 2
Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) PL 2
* Order of the Hart (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, good) PL 2
* Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) PL 2
* The Fellowship of the Torch (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, all alignments) PL 2

- - -


City of the Gods (City of superscience in the Godspires) PL 300 (See Rule 17, City of the Gods, please.)
The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) PL 3


- - - THE CLAIMS LIST - - -


* indicates the power is contested between two or more people
? indicates a shared power (maybe :D ), but nevertheless a third person (or even more people) may be contesting the Power

- - -


The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1

(The Alliance of the Rising Sun)

(Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 5 *
Kingdom of Celene (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) PL 5
Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) PL 30
Lendore Isles (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) PL 7
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) PL 2)
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) PL 20
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) PL 23

- - -


Anabstercorian - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, PsychicWarrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4

Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) PL 40
Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) PL 5
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) PL 3

- - -


Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (spelljamming elves, neutral and good) PL 15

Faerie of the Flanaess (every type of Faerie, neutral and good) PL 20

Domain of Highfolk (high elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) PL 6
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4

- - -


Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20

Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 100


Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1

Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) PL 4
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) PL 2
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 3
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) PL 2

- - -


Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1

Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (dwarves, spelljamming mountains, neutral and good) PL 25

Peoples of the Kron Hills (dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 2
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) PL 3

(The Free Peoples of Ulek)

(County of Ulek (gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 5)

- - -


Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) PL 25

(The Baklunish Confederation)

(Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 8
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 3
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 4)

- - -


Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4

Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Rakshasas (Planars of Acheron and Hell, home plane unknown, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1 ?
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2 ?

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18 ?

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4 ?
The southern one-third of the Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 1
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2 ?
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30 ?
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4 ?
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6)

- - -


Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, evil) PL 4

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) PL 30

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) PL 15 ?

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 5 *
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 4

Non-Solistarim Aboleth of the Underdark (aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Cloakers of the Underdark (cloakers, neutral) PL 6
Delvers of the Underdark (delvers, neutral) PL 4
Non-Solistarim Derro of the Underdark (derro, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Destrachan of the Underdark (destrachan, evil) PL 4
Non-Solistarim Duergar of the Underdark (duergar, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Grimlocks of the Underdark (grimlocks, evil) PL 3
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (umber hulks, evil) PL 4

- - -


Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see below

Illithid of Greyspace (spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) PL 25
Neogi of Greyspace (spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) PL 30

Unseelie of the Flanaess (every type of Dark Faerie, evil) PL 13

Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formian Giant Ants, lawful neutral) PL 7
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (illithid, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3

Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8

- - -


Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL 9

- - -


Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3

Technomancy of the Lortmils (gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) PL 17
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3

(The Eastern League)

(Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4
Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Peoples of the Flinty Hills (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 4
Garrel Enkdal (mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3)

(The Iron League)

(Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 3
Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 4
Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3)

- - -


Iuz the Old (demipower, evil) PL 7

Bandit Kingdoms (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 3
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 25
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 4
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral) PL 4
Rift Canyon (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, evil) PL 4
Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 3
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 6
Duchy of Tenh (In hiding - oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by the Hold of Stonefist) PL none

- - -


King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
The Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (gnomes, neutral and good) PL 10

Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) PL 22

Sea League (merfolk, tritons in the Solnor Ocean, neutral) PL 13
Coral Empire of the Solnor (sea-elves in the Solnor, all around the Lendore Isles and elsewhere, neutral and good) PL 15

- - -


Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, Balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10/ Weaponmaster(Longsword) 10/ Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (the same rules apply)

Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) PL 20

Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) PL 4

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) PL 15 ?
The northern two-thirds of the Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 2
Geoff (In hiding are suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by drow and giants) PL none

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (drow, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Drow of the Underdark (drow, slaves of all types, evil) PL 25
Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (dragons, evil) PL 7

- - -


Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see below
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (the same rules apply)

Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2

Acererak's Minions (undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 10
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 30
Sunndi (In hiding - oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good - occupied by Acererak and his minions) PL none
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) PL 2)

- - -


The Shadow Empire (The Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77

Domain of Greyhawk (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all alignments) (if not contested, this goes to Melkor and becomes the Shadow Throne) PL 5

- - -


Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) PL 7

- - -


God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, Human, classes unknown, evil) PL 3

Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18 ?

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1 ?
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2 ?

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4 ?
The southern one-third of the Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 1
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2 ?
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30 ?
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4 ?
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6)

- - -


Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2

Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jaran Krimeeah, Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2

Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming mercenary gith, neutral) PL 20

Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) PL 15
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) PL 2
Valley of the Mage (valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) PL 4

The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) PL 3

- - -


Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race

(The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent)

(Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 25
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 40
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) PL 30)

- - -


Prince Aerion Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Scion of the Faerie Realm, Son of Titania and Oberon (PC, dark-elf/balor/unseelie, evil) PL 3

Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL 9
Elementals (Elementals of the various Elemental Planes, neutral) PL 9
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL 9

- - -


Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3

Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Ogon Tillit, Supreme Prelate of the Theocracy of the Pale (NPC, human, cleric of Pholtus of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25

Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2
Theocracy of the Pale (Oeridian humans, flannae humans, suel humans, neutral) PL 4
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

(The Kevellond League)

(March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 3
Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 2
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 7
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 5
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) PL 5
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 8
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4)

Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) PL 2

- - -


Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky) (far northwest off-map) PL 35

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 3
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 2
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) PL 4


- - - THE ARMS RACE LIST - - -

BASE STRENGTH (these numbers were (hopefully) accurate as of my last post)

ALYX (Planar Xeg-Ya/Jann/Nature Elementals, People of the Amedio Rainforest, Alliance of the Rising Sun (elven and oriental nations)) PL 99
ANABSTERCORIAN (Blackmoor, Heimmorj, Solistarim (evil confederation of races)) PL 52
BLACK OMEGA (Planar Guardinals/Eladrin/Faerie, Circle of Eight, Faerie of the Flanaess, Elven Imperial Navy, Highfolk, People of the Vesve, Sepia Uplands, Perrenland) PL 67
BONEDAGGER (Vecna, The Legions of Vecna) PL 120
CREAMSTREAK (Tenser, Peoples and Rangers of the Gnarley, Peoples of the Grandwood) PL 13
DAGGER (Dwarves of Greyspace, Demihumans of the Kron Hills, Peoples of the Welkwood, Verbobonc, The Free Peoples of Ulek (good demihuman nations)) PL 45
DARKNESS (Erypt, Esmerin, Baklunish Confederation (baklunish human nations)) PL 77
MR DRACO (Planar Salamanders/Rakshasa/Xill, Isles of Woe, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth (evil nations)) PL 100
FESTY DOG (Planar Chromatic Dragons/Modrons/Earth Elementals, Ivid and Rauxes, many Races of the Underdark, the Amedio Rainforest) PL 95
FORSAKEN ONE (Planar Modrons/Formians/Unseelie, Illithid and Neogi of Greyspace, Unseelie of the Flanaess, many Underdark Races of the H/C) PL 99
FRIGID SPLEEN (Planar Eladrin Only) 9
GNOMEWORKS (Technomancy of the Lortmils, Eastern League (neutral and good human/demihuman nations), Iron League (neutral and good human/demihuman nations)) PL 66
JOHN BROWN (Iuz, Empire of Iuz (evil human/humanoid nations)) PL 56
KABOOM (Planar Air Elementals/Djinn/Water Elementals, Gnomes of Greyspace, Sky League, Sea League, Coral Empire) PL 63
KALANYR (Planar Demons/Slaadi/Unseelie, Undead, Empire of the Yuan-Ti, Ivid and Rauxes, Drow of Oerth, Dragons of H/Cs, occupied Geoff) PL 98
MAUDLIN (Planar Demons/Xeg-Yi, Undead, Acererak and Minions, the Scarlet Brotherhood, Vast Swamp, occupied Sunndi) PL 54
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) (Shadow Empire, Domain of Greyhawk) PL 83
SERPENTEYE (PC The God Emperor, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth (evil nations)) PL 99
TURROSH MAK (Planar Githzerai/Earth Elementals/Dao, Gith of Greyspace, Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, eastern half of the Principality of Ulek, Valley of the Mage, Robots of Barrier Peaks) PL 48
UVENELEI (The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent (western nations off-map)) PL 98
VALKYS (PC Prince Valys of the Unseelie, Planar Unseelie/Elementals/Nature Elementals Only) 30
WILLIAM RONALD (PC Archcleric Hazen of Veluna, Kevellond Alliance (neutral and good nations), Rary and the Empire of the Bright Lands) PL 88
ZELDA (Storm Riders of Telchuria, Ratik, the Frost/Snow/Ice Barbarians) PL 47

THE PLANAR ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx (in contention as per above) 0
Anabstercorian (in contention as per above) 0
Black Omega (in contention as per above) 0
Bonedagger (in contention as per above) 0
Creamstreak (in contention as per above) 0
Dagger (in contention as per above) 0
Darkness (in contention as per above) 0
Mr Draco (in contention as per above) 0
Festy Dog (in contention as per above) 0
Forsaken One (in contention as per above) 0
Frigid Spleen (in contention as per above) 0
GnomeWorks (in contention as per above) 0
John Brown (in contention as per above) 0
Kaboom (in contention as per above) 0
Kalanyr (in contention as per above) 0
Maudlin (in contention as per above) 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) (in contention as per above) 0
Rhialto (in contention as per above) 0
Serpenteye (in contention as per above) 0
Turrosh Mak (in contention as per above) 0
Uvenelei (in contention as per above) 0
Valkys (in contention as per above) 0
William Ronald (in contention as per above) 0
Zelda (in contention as per above) 0

THE MAGICAL ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx (in contention as per above) 0
Anabstercorian (in contention as per above) 0
Black Omega (in contention as per above) 0
Bonedagger (in contention as per above) 0
Creamstreak (in contention as per above) 0
Dagger (in contention as per above) 0
Darkness (in contention as per above) 0
Mr Draco (in contention as per above) 0
Festy Dog (in contention as per above) 0
Forsaken One (in contention as per above) 0
Frigid Spleen (in contention as per above) 0
GnomeWorks (in contention as per above) 0
John Brown (in contention as per above) 0
Kaboom (in contention as per above) 0
Kalanyr (in contention as per above) 0
Maudlin (in contention as per above) 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) (in contention as per above) 0
Rhialto (in contention as per above) 0
Serpenteye (in contention as per above) 0
Turrosh Mak (in contention as per above) 0
Uvenelei (in contention as per above) 0
Valkys (in contention as per above) 0
William Ronald (in contention as per above) 0
Zelda (in contention as per above) 0

THE TECHNOLOGICAL RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx (in contention as per above) 0
Anabstercorian (in contention as per above) 0
Black Omega (in contention as per above) 0
Dagger (in contention as per above) 0
Bonedagger (in contention as per above) 0
Creamstreak (in contention as per above) 0
Darkness (in contention as per above) 0
Mr Draco (in contention as per above) 0
Festy Dog (in contention as per above) 0
Forsaken One (in contention as per above) 0
Frigid Spleen (in contention as per above) 0
GnomeWorks (in contention as per above) 0
John Brown (in contention as per above) 0
Kaboom (in contention as per above) 0
Kalanyr (in contention as per above) 0
Maudlin (in contention as per above) 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) (in contention as per above) 0
Rhialto (in contention as per above) 0
Serpenteye (in contention as per above) 0
Turrosh Mak (in contention as per above) 0
Uvenelei (in contention as per above) 0
Valkys (in contention as per above) 0
William Ronald (in contention as per above) 0
Zelda (in contention as per above) 0

THE UNDEAD ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx (in contention as per above) 0
Anabstercorian (in contention as per above) 0
Black Omega (in contention as per above) 0
Bonedagger (in contention as per above) 0
Creamstreak (in contention as per above) 0
Dagger (in contention as per above) 0
Darkness (in contention as per above) 0
Mr Draco (in contention as per above) 0
Festy Dog (in contention as per above) 0
Forsaken One (in contention as per above) 0
Frigid Spleen (in contention as per above) 0
GnomeWorks (in contention as per above) 0
John Brown (in contention as per above) 0
Kaboom (in contention as per above) 0
Kalanyr (in contention as per above) 0
Maudlin (in contention as per above) 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) (in contention as per above) 0
Rhialto (in contention as per above) 0
Serpenteye (in contention as per above) 0
Turrosh Mak (in contention as per above) 0
Uvenelei (in contention as per above) 0
Valkys (in contention as per above) 0
William Ronald (in contention as per above) 0
Zelda (in contention as per above) 0

- - -

Level of your Society and Culture, in Terran terms.

Alyx (in contention as per above) 1500
Anabstercorian (in contention as per above) 1500
Black Omega (in contention as per above) 1500
Bonedagger (in contention as per above) 1500
Creamstreak (in contention as per above) 1500
Dagger (in contention as per above) 1500
Darkness (in contention as per above) 1500
Mr Draco (in contention as per above) 1500
Festy Dog (in contention as per above) 1500
Forsaken One (in contention as per above) 1500
Frigid Spleen (in contention as per above) 1500
GnomeWorks (in contention as per above) 1880 and 1500
John Brown (in contention as per above) 1500
Kaboom (in contention as per above) 1500
Kalanyr (in contention as per above) 1500
Maudlin (in contention as per above) 1500
Lord Melkor (Talos) (in contention as per above) 2100 and 1500
Rhialto (in contention as per above) 1500
Serpenteye (in contention as per above) 1500
Turrosh Mak (in contention as per above) 1500
Uvenelei (in contention as per above) 1500
Valkys (in contention as per above) 1500
William Ronald (in contention as per above) 1500
Zelda (in contention as per above) 1500
Last edited:

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First Post
The Rules Post


We start on the 20th.
We end when the IR dies; hopefully, the IR will be fun and stick around awhile.

- - -


A Turn consists of one thread with 200 posts, plus my replies at the end.

A Turn represents one month of game time.

If a Turn represents more or less than that, I'll tell you.

- - -


At the start of every Turn thread will be posted:

The Lists Post, updated for the new Turn.
The Rules Post (this post.)

- - -


Post to the thread. Or e-mail me.

You must post whether you are spending points to advance your civilization.

An Action post is just that - you say your Power is doing something.
Make as many Action Posts in a Turn as you think your Power can get away with.
If you post too many Action Posts, I'll disallow the last posts, because your Power has done all it could in the month!

E-mail me with any questions. With comments. With secret agendas. With secret plots. Anything you think is worthwhile.

- - -


When 200 or more posts have accumulated on a thread, and I come online and see this, I will:

Immediately declare Time Out.

Do not post to the thread following that Time Out. Wait for the next Turn. (I will ignore any posts after the Time Out is called, because I must focus on the 200 odd posts already there, and my e-mails.)

I will access everything that has happened.

I will then post to THAT THREAD the results, as I arbitrate them, of all the posts for that Turn.

Then I will ask the Moderator to close the Thread.

- - -


200 posts is a lot to look at, especially if you are just logging on.
I will attempt to keep up with the thread, and comment on what is presently occurring.

Thus, my posts will be updates.

Look for my posts in the sea of posts you see.
They will help you to find out what is going on, amidst dozens of pages of text.

- - -


Conquer your enemy's countries, and their PL goes to you.
Devastate your enemy's countries, and their PL is halved.

- - -


At the start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be in the Dark Ages, or one step up in the Medieval Ages (except the Lortmil Technomancy and the Shadow Empire.)

All Powers are considered to be in the Industrial Arms Race, for this is the IR!

All Powers in the Industrial Arms Race will gain 1 point per Turn.
These points start accumulating on Turn 2.
These points stack. Each Power in the Race continues to gain 1 point per Turn, indefinitely.

You can declare you are sharing your technology with other Powers.
All Powers you share technology with gain an additional 1 point in the Technological Arms Race at the start of the next Turn.

For every Power that shares technology with yours, your Power gains an additional 1 point in the Technological Arms Race.

To a maximum of 4. No power can advance more than 4 points.
So, you can gain 3 points from others helping you, and 1 from your own efforts, maximum.

Here is what your Strength Level in the Technological Arms Race means, in terms of what military weapons your Power can build:

0 indicates your country has primitive firearms.
3 indicates your country has very advanced flintlocks, cannon, and is beginning to seriously enter the field of Technomancy.
6 indicates your country is now able to produce early 19th century weapons.
9 indicates your country is now able to produce mid 19th century weapons.
12 indicates your country is now able to produce late 19th century weapons.
15 indicates your country is at 1900 Terran levels of weaponry.
18 indicates World War One technology.
21 indicates early World War Two technology.
24 indicates late World War Two technology.
27 indicates nuclear weapons.
30 indicates ICBMs.
33 indicates thermonuclear weapons.
36 indicates primitive computer guided weapons.
39 indicates your first space shot.
41 indicates your first moon landing.
45 indicates your first smart weapons.
48 indicates you have very sophisticated computer guided weapons.
51 indicates you can protect your nation from ballistic weapons (nuclear or not) with a missile defense shield.

- - -


The ability to build massive weapons of destruction does not mean your civilization is advanced.

Subrule 1:

At the Start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be at the Terran equivalent of the year 1500, for the purposes of where they stand in relation to the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution.

Exception: The Lortmil Technomancy, which is considered to be around the Terran equivalent of 1880.
Exception: The Shadow Empire, which has some elements within it living at the Terran equivalent of 2050.

Subrule 2:

All the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace may choose to advance the equivalent of one Terran year into the Renaissance, at no cost, per Turn.
This requires a post to the thread that your Power is actively making this attempt, or you do not advance.

Subrule 3:

You may speed up your advancement by paying points out of your total Power Level.

Benefits: Your Power passes through the Renaissance and into the Industrial Revolution more quickly.

Drawbacks: If you are spending Power Level on this, you are not spending it defending your country, or attacking another country. This will be taken into account concerning all posts to the thread.

For every 3 points of your Power Level value you declare you are spending this Turn on advancing your civilization, your Power is considered to have advanced an additional year Terran equivalent into the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution.
This advancement will show up at the beginning of the next Turn.

Other Powers may elect to help you (with the same drawbacks for them as noted above.)
For every 3 points of Power Level value they declare to be devoted to helping your society advance, your Power is considered to have advanced an additional year Terran equivalent into the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution.
The benefits of the help, will show up at the beginning of the next Turn.

The Power helping you, gets nothing for it's sacrifice.


The Kevellond League declares it is spending 20 Strength Levels on advancing their civilization.
Celene declares it is helping the Kevellond League, giving them 4 points of aid.

The Kevellond Alliance has 24 points devoted to advancing their civilization.
The Kevellond League is considered to have advanced 8 years (24 divided by 3) into the Renaissance on that Turn, plus the 1 free year noted above - for a total of 9 years of advancement.
Celene does not advance at all, except for the 1 free year noted above.

Subrule 4:

The true reward for advancing your civilization is huge, if you are willing to turn aside from war (or are allowed to) and devote your efforts to advancement.

For every 10 years Terran equivalent your Power advances into the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution, the following happens, at the beginning of the Turn:

Small nations like Ekbir, Geoff, and the County of Ulek gain 1 point in Power Level, permanently.
Intermediate sized nations, like Zeif, Furyondy, and Keoland gain 2 points in Power Level, permanently.
Large nations, like the Peoples of the Vesve, Nyrond, the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi, and United Ahlissa gain 3 points in Power Level, permanently.
Vast Empires, like the Celestial Imperium, Varnaith, and Erypt, gain 4 Power Levels in value, permanently.

Small Underdark Races, like the Derro, gain 1 to 2 points in Power Level, permanently.
Large Underdark Nations gain 2 to 3 points in Power Level, permanently.
Entire Major Races of the Underdark, like the Drow, gain 4 points in Power Level, permanently.
Vast Underdark Alliances, such as the Solistarim, also gain 4 points in Power Level, permanently.

Example - the Dark Union makes 10 years of progress, so:

Bone March increases by 2 points of Power Level permanently.
The Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi increases by 3 points of Power Level, permanently.
United Ahlissa increases by 3 points of Power Level, permanently.
The Sea Barons increase by 1 point of Power Level, permanently.
Rel Astra increases by 1 point of Power Level, permanently.
Medegia increases by 1 point of Power Level, permanently.
Dullstrand increases by 1 point of Power Level, permanently.
The Legions of Kas increase by 2 points of Power Level, permanently.
The Isles of Woe increase by 1 point of Power Level, permanently.

The Power Level of Player Characters (such as the God Emperor of the Dark Union) does not increase.

The Dark Union is now 15 points stronger, permanently.

- - -


A player can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar Races to help his Power, at (or before) the start.
Those Planar Races come and aid him.

He gains 1 point per Turn, starting on Turn 2, for each Planar Race helping him.

Two or more players may claim the same group of Planars.
If this happens, it is not considered a Contested situation.

A player whose Power is primarily evil cannot summon good Planars.
A player whose Power is primarily good cannot summon evil Planars.
A player can't claim good and evil Planars.

If you discard one Planar Race, you can take another in it's place.

A player who begins the game claiming only Planars (plus his PC) starts with 9 points per Planar Race claimed.
He can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar groups.

He then gains 1 point per Planar Race he has, from Turn 2 onward.

- - -


The entry of Kas and his Legions into the Present has returned the Arcane Age to Oerth and Greyspace.
The entry of Vecna and his Legions will further strengthen magic on Oerth and in Greyspace.

Everyone is now automatically in the Magical Arms Race, since great magic is returned to the world, and researchers abound.

Everyone gains 1 point per Turn for this Arms Race.

The Shadow Empire, Vecna, Kas, Acererak, Iuz, and the Solistarim are already more magically advanced than everyone else is.
This increased magical capability is factored into their Base PL.


Everyone can start throwing 10th level magic on Turn 1.

If your power can cast 10th level spells, you may announce ALL of the following during your turn:

You can counter someone else's 10th level magic.
You can freely transport your entire army from one area of Oerth to another.
Your ability to destroy all enemies is greatly enhanced, and this will be taken into account in what you say you do.
Your ability to defend yourself against attack will be greatly enhanced, and this will be taken into account in what you say you do.
You can begin to permanently alter the climate of your country.
You can begin to permanently alter the flora and fauna of your country.
You can begin to permanently alter the topography of your country.
You can begin to attempt to permanently alter your people, enhancing them in some way (increases to stats, extra limbs, mutations, psionic powers, innate magical powers, etc.) This kind of alteration could permanently increase your country's base Power Level.

You may attempt to cause a catrastrophe of some sort, like a tidal wave, hurricane, volcanic explosion, earthquake, major (and uncontrollable) forest fire, tempest, blizzard (in the tropics), heat wave (in the arctic), and the like.
The catastrophe can be countered if another power (or the target) with 10th level magic states it is doing so, and you may only target one Power (one person IRL) per Turn with a catastrophe.
Wish spells will not stop your catastrophe.
If your catastrophe succeeds, your enemy will suffer a permanent loss to his Base Strength Total.


All Powers can begin casting 11th level magic on Turn 8.

Vecna and Acererak can do it on Turn 1.
Iuz and Kas can do it starting on Turn 4.
The Shadow Empire, the Solistarim, and the Wind Dukes of Aaqa can do it starting on Turn 5.

Any Power already capable of using 11th level magic may choose to share the secret of 11th level magic with another Power that can't.

The Power bequeathed the secrets of this magic gains the ability to cast 11th level magic immediately.
Thus, any Power could gain the ability to employ 11th level magic starting on Turn 1 - if Vecna or Acererak were to help them.

Once any Power knows the secrets of 11th level magic, it can share it with any other Power.

Note that sharing the secrets of 11th level magic means you are also sharing the secrets of 10th level magic, if the nation you are sharing with did not know the secrets of 10th level magic.

If your Power can employ 11th level magic, you can announce ALL of the following during your Turn:

You can counter someone else's 11th level magic.
You can automatically counter any lesser magic.
Your power to destroy is MASSIVELY increased, and this will be taken into account regarding what you say you do.
Your power to defend yourself is MASSIVELY increased, and this will be taken into account regarding what you say you do.
You can permanently alter the climate of your country totally.
You can rearrange the geography of your country in major ways.
You can rearrange the flora and fauna of your country as you please.
You may bequeath upon your entire population one innate magical power per Turn (anything of 5th level or lower.)
You may permanently alter your entire population, mutating them into something else (you could turn all your elves into avariel, or all your humans into elves, or all your goblins into orcs.)
You may permanently increase your Power's Strength Total by 3 per Turn.

You may inflict a major catastrophe.
Unless countered by a 10th level or higher spell, it automatically succeeds.
A 10th level spell does not stop it, but lessens it's effect.
You can cause a massive tidal wave, regions at the equator to freeze solid, regions in the arctic to melt and steam, violent earthquakes, massive explosions, massive volcanic eruptions, the devastation of an entire region by any kind of force.
The Power you target will suffer a loss of 1/4 of his entire Power Level, rounded up, permanently.
You may only target one Power (one person IRL) per Turn with a catastrophe.

You may attempt to squelch all magic on Oerth for the current Turn.
If you are countered by 10th level magic, you have only a 50% chance of success.
If you are countered by 11th level magic, you fail.
Otherwise, the Magical Arms race is halted that turn (nobody gains any points the next Turn from this Turn's research.)
Planars lose most of their abilities, and this will be noted in what is said and done.
Undead lose most of their abilities, and this will be noted in what is said and done.
If you squelch all magic with your 11th level magic, that is all you can do with it in your Turn.

- - -


Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace will work fine, on Toril and in Realmspace.

Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace will work fine, on Oerth and in Greyspace.

Such technology can be given to the Planars for their use (but the Planars do not start their own Technological Arms Race ... your power must continue that.)

Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace, which is taken to Oerth and/or Greyspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.

Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace, which is taken to Toril and/or Realmspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.

(Thus, for the past 40 years, the Church of Shade which is now called the Shadow Empire on Oerth had to start from scratch learning technological and technomancical knowhow on Oerth, just like the Lortmil Technomancy had to start from scratch.)

Magic, including Arcane Age magic, works normally when taken from one place to another.

- - -


ANY attempt by ANYONE from Oerth or Greyspace, to enter Realmspace or to travel to Toril (no matter how convoluted a route you take, or what spell you use) is met by the Realmspace Border Guard.
The Realmspace Border Guard are the final arbiters of whether those entering go any further, or whether they go back.

If those attempting to enter Realmspace or attempting to go to Toril attempt to fight the Border Guard, the entire 1,000 points of the United Commonwealth of Toril, plus the 500 points of the Eternal Empire, plus the 500 points of Hope Island, plus the 300 points of the Scro Star League, plus anything else I can think of, stands ready to back them up.
Hit and run raids (popping in, dropping a nuke and running) are not possible - the Border Guard is expecting such tactics.

However, the reverse is not true, not true at all.

Anyone from Toril or Realmspace may enter Greyspace, or Gate or teleport to Oerth, as they please.
When they do so, they lose all of their technological and technomancical (I think I have invented a new word here ...) Strength Level, and they are considered to be at:

ONE-HALF for the United Commonwealth (that is, they can throw 500 points at you)
FULL STRENGTH for Hope Isle (they can throw 500 points at you)
ONE-HALF for the Eternal Empire (they can throw 250 points at you)
ONE-HALF for the Scro Star League (they can throw 150 points at you)

Moral of the story:

Don't dis the Torilians.
At least, don't dis the Torilians until you can get away with it. :D

(The Wanderer, apparently doesn't care, since he is slandering them pitilessly.)

- - -


A character of 30th level 2nd or 3rd edition would have a Power Level of 1.
A character of 60th level 2nd or 3rd edition would have a Power Level of 2.
A character of 90th level 2nd or 3rd edition would have a Power Level of 3.
A character of 120th level 2nd or 3rd edition would have a Power Level of 4.
A character of 160th level 2nd or 3rd edition would have a Power Level of 5.

If the character has innate magical powers, and huge numbers of high powered magical items (and/or artifacts) his power level can increase further.
By further, I mean by 1 Power Level ... 2 at the absolute most, assuming the most extraordinary of conditions.

The above applies to NPCs.
It applies to the famous NPCs of Oerth.

An NPC who is a demipower, like Iuz, has inherently greater power than the norm, and his PL is enhanced further.

- - -


Presume you decided to claim only Dullstrand, Power Level 2, as your claimed Power.
You begin the IR, on Turn One, with a Power Level of 2.

You are automatically in all the Arms Races.

For the Planar Arms Race, you select djinn, eladrin, and guardinals to help you.
You elect to stay in the Undead Arms Race, summoning good undead.
You talk 3 other Powers into helping you in the Technological Arms race.
You are in the Magical Arms Race like everyone else.

On Turn One, you convince Acererak to share with you the secrets of both 10th and 11th level spells.


On Turn One, you can employ 10th and 11th level magic.

On Turn Two, your Power Level increases by:

3 for the Planar Arms Race (3 Planar Races)
1 for the Undead Arms Race
4 for the Technological Arms Race (Yourself plus 3 helpers)
1 for the Magical Arms Race

You now have a Strength Total of 11

- - -


Originally (and still, officially) a Mystaran product, the City of the Gods is here on Oerth, for the IR.
It is the left-over product of a super-advanced civilization (more advanced even than the United Commonwealth of Toril) that has disappeared.
It has maintained itself for thousands of years since, by maintaining and creating new robots.

The City of the Gods, as people call it, sits up in the Godspires, in the Black Ice (just off-map to the north), in the middle of the territory of the Solistarim.

It is not possible to claim the City of the Gods.
The Solistarim cannot claim the City of the Gods anymore readily than anyone else.

It IS possible to raid the City of the Gods for their high tech goodies.
A successful raid (75% of any raid being successful) produces an increase in your PL of 2, permanently.
An unsuccessful raid (25% of any raid being unsuccessful) produces nothing.

Each raid, successful or unsuccessful, against the City of the Gods gives a cumulative 1% chance that the City of the Gods will take notice of the raids, and that there are beings out there existing that can raid it.
In that case, the City of the Gods will DECLARE WAR ON EVERYONE IN THE IR.

Yours Truly will run the City of the Gods if that happens.

The City of the Gods will then attack all those who raided it, immediately.
Once those Powers are destroyed, the City of the Gods will randomly attack all the other Powers in the IR.
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First Post
Very upset

:( :( :(

(horrified and dispirited, looks like he was hit in the stomach)

We have lost Valkys.

He gave up. He wanted what the first two IRs were: just plain fun.
He was overwhelmed by the complexity and the gigantic alliances.

I wanted the third IR to be like the first two.

The first two IRs were silliness and fun.
Yes, this IR has a lot of rules - all of which I made up on the spot, and not necessarily good or workable - but I made them up because people were asking for details.
This IR has a lot of big alliances, and that is because there are more nations than there are people.

I made up some of the rules so the posting wouldn't run away from people. So that people would have a chance to catch up, at the end of each Turn, to the posting.

But somehow I have gone wrong.
Valkys joined the IR for the same reason I ran the first two IRs, and now he has left.
Not because of IRL trouble, but because the IR has changed - in his eyes - into something not fun.

You'all must understand - the IR is not serious.
This is not an Axis and Allies game.
It most certainly isn't a chess game or a bridge game, or a tournament game.

This is about silliness and fun. It won't work, if it's not about silliness and fun.

I wish Valkys would return. His loss is a devastating blow to me.
How many more people will become intimidated by all those rules and quit??
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First Post
To Uvenelei

To Uvenelei I say:

Don't read any of the rules.
Don't read anymore of the lists posts than the list of Powers available.

Pick any Powers you want. Any, up to the limit of 100 PL (just add together the PLs of those you pick, up to 100.)

Don't think of anything else, or pay attention to anything or anyone else.
Just pick your Powers.

Then e-mail me with the choices.

Forget about rules and complexity.
Forget about who has already claimed powers - that is not important.

This is about fun.

Welcome to the 3rd IR, Uvenelei!
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First Post
What the IR is, and is not

Let me clarify what the IR is, and is not.

The IR is not a tournament.
The IR is not a bridge or chess match.
The IR is not formal.
The IR is not even informal.

The IR is silliness.
The IR is anarchy and chaos.
The IR is uproar.
The IR is trashing one of WOTC's fine campaign worlds.
The IR is remaking said world beyond recognition.

The IR is machine-gun toting demons.
The IR is elf eating orcs (and later, elves mating with orcs.)
The IR is blowing up hallowed places like Evermeet.
The IR is impossible alliances.
The IR is technomancy running amok.
The IR is the Gods sitting back and saying it's their problem (even though it's our world.)

The IR is, in the last word, one long mess.

The IR is, hopefully, fun for those involved.

Fun is the point.
If it is not fun, there is no point.

Any rules I placed on the IR, are subservient to the fun.
Any rules I placed on the IR, were intended to increase the fun, and rectify past mistakes.
Any rules I placed on the IR that interfere with the fun, will be given to the ochre jellies for their immediate consumption.

In the first IR, all I did was ask a hypothetical question, as a bit of humor after a previous grim post.
I had no idea what was going to happen as a result.
It was spontaneous combustion, and it was great. So I helped it along, and we built momentum. And the IR was born.
We had a lot of fun.

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First Post
I'm sorry he left.

I, for one, was intenting to be completely silly. Not in a looney toons way, but in an "it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine" way.

I'm not sure what Valkys was expecting, but with this many players, and such a vast range of creatures involved, anything except utter pandemonium is completely ruled out, I think :)

All the rules are just a way of rendering abstract what I can reasonably expect my faction to be capable of, to me.

You have very little to lose by rejoining, Valkys... Hell, if it's not fun for you, just kamikaze someone you don't like :D

Turrosh Mak

First Post
About Valkys

I too am sorry that he is going. I understand why though. I have my doubts about the "rules" myself and hve fears about the loss of spontanaity. But on the other hand, edena had rules in the first two IRs, even though they weren't written down for everyone to see.
The pace is going to be less frantic, with the 200 post limit each turn and with each turn lasting one month. That allone makes the thread a lot easier to deal with, for edena and everyone else :)
So I'm more than willing to give this a chance.

On a related note, William has asked me to post a link to the GIRA site: http://bugbearslair.homestead.com/Gira1.html


I'm sorry to see all the players dropping off myself. For me the incredibly complex alliances are part of the fun. Even if I am about Public Enemy number 5.

Edena- Is it possible to throw PL into increasing ones Magical Arms Race level as one can do with tech? Some races/nations might decide to try to enhance magic rather than to counter tech with tech.

All Players-The Drow,The Yuan-Ti, Kalanyr & Ivid are willing to negotiate for rewards with any faction capable of providing them with the secrets of 10 &/or 11 level magic, except Vecna (sorry I'd rather not die along with him).


First Post
It is not possible to speed up the Magical Arms Race.

I have added the NPCs and Knightly Orders to the lists.

The Circle of Eight are already claimed, by Black Omega.

I am assigning most of the NPCs and Knightly Orders to various people who should have them.

However, some of them will be open for claiming.
Those that are, I will mark with a star (*).


First Post
Lynux, you are over 100. You must relinquish something.
You may relinquish the NPCs I have given you.
You may relinquish a country or two (you are currently being contested for The Hold of the Sea Princes by Forsaken One, I believe.)

Neither Mr. Draco nor Serpenteye can make any further claims without relinquishing something (they may relinquish the NPCs I've given them, obviously.)
Mr. Draco is at 100 points.
Serpenteye is at 99 points, and can gain only 1 point more.

Maudlin, I sent you a large update to the map via e-mail.
Thanks again for the great map.
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