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(IR) Preparations for the IR, Thread 2

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Mr. Draco

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Edena: The Xill are Lawful Evil and from the ethereal plane. Information about them can be found in the Monster Manual 3rd edition. As to the Rakshasa, I'm not sure what plane they live on, the Monster Manual didn't say.
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Mr. Draco

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Everybody: Please reply to the non-agression pact i offerred in the name of the Dark Union! The full text is on page 9.
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Kaboom-- Those are listed as the Lendore Isles in the list, and they're claimed by Alyx already. (I admit the dark green colour isn't as distinctive as it could be)


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Kalanyr said:
Mr Draco & Serpent Eye:

We accept your offer of none aggression and are willing to offer you tech aid (the full amount we can) in return for the secrets of 10th and 11th Level magics.

Non aggression we can agree with, and consider it a binding agreement. As for the other... surely you realise it's not a proportionate exchange. We offer you technology for technology, point for point, and throw in the virgin I promised earlier to make the deal more appetizing.

William Ronald

Claims Clarification

Edena: I e-mailed John Brown and have yet to hear from him. The same with Creamsteak. I also have bumped one of the IR threads on the general discussion boards. I will e-mail Frigid Spleen. In the interim, rest. You have earned it.

Hello, everyone:

I am checking in and will come back in a few hours.

Now, here is my clarification.

Black Omega: I was reserving the Circle of Eight for Kesh. I relinquish my claim. As Mordenkainen is in the Yatils, it makes sense that you have them.

The Lortmils were transferred by Lynux to Gnomeworks in a diplomatic move. Lynux, he might prove to be a valuable ally. At least he will be a major source of technology

Kaboom: You had claimed the Sky Riders of Telchuria when they were the Sky Riders of Hyperborea. Therefore, your claim is recognized.

Mr. Draco: Not ignoring you, but I want to see if someone will claim those lands. I have been answering a ton of e-mails. So when I have not been on the boards I have been seeking to help our members. I have been deluged by e-mails and busy with the real world.

Maudlin: Maybe try another shade of green, and see if it works better. Just do a quick test at home on different shades of green. When you have time after your hot date.

I also can't find my Manual of the Planes. Can someone let the Forsaken One know about the rulers of the Formians, the ant-like creatures from Mechanus, or is it Nirvana here.
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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Formian Queens

From the Manual Of The Planes, pg 128

"At the heart of the formian Realm, surrounded in all directions by colonized cogs, lies the centermost cog where the Scion Queen Mother Resides. Formian Myrmarchs believe that the Scion Queen Mother's cog, which has a diamiter of at least 3000 miles, is the center cog for all of Mechanus and imparts movement to all other cogs on the plane.
Whether true or simply a belief, the granduer of the two sided city hivethat covers the surface area of the cog is godly in it's slendor. The Scion Queen Mother Herself claimsthe power of an Intermediate deity, though this claimis difficult to scrutinize. Thirty-three garganttuan queens of maximum advancement attend the Scion Queen Mother at all times, and even her escorts are still dwarfed by the Scion Queen Mothers bulk."


First Post
I want in!

Alright, I've read the first attempt at this IR, and this looooong pre-IR thread, and I'm quite confused. However, that's never stopped me before, and it won't stop me now: I want in on the IR. However, I'm lost as to what's going on now, and I know very little of Greyhawk, so I could use a little help. :)

I'm not going to pick any powers now, partly because it seems like the folks running the IR have been saving powers up for new players, and partly because I need to be caught up first.

Please email me at bhplunkett@students.wisc.edu, Edena, William, or whoever's in charge. Thanks.

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