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(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 4 - 5 (thread 1)

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Mr. Draco

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Whoa! That was quite a bang. At least it connects the Eastern Territories of the DU with land, although I'm pretty sure that's the least of our worries...


First Post
Well, I did say, early in Turn 4, that things were going to happen in Turn 4.

I also said that the word Happen was going to become a dirty word during Turn 4.
I also said people would shudder when the word Happen was mentioned, after Turn 4 was over.

I think I lived up to my promise.



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Time to Wheel and Deal like it is 1969

An emmisarry from Iuz arrives in the court of the Kevellond League, a tall pale skinned male dressed in dark crimson robes adorned with strange crimson and golden jewlery. His hair is ebon and long and his eyes red, like swirling fire, the blood of demon's run through his veins...

"I have come to speak of truces... and a possible future for our two nations... we may have much to speak of... much to ponder in these trying times... perhaps we can attempt a more solid alliance; we may be able to further our nations..."

OOC: Mr. Draco who were you aiding in the raids against the City of the Gods...
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William Ronald

Archcleric Hazen stands in the presence of his guest and rings a bell. Pages bring refreshment for the weary traveller. The choicest refreshments are ready for the representative of the Empire of Iuz.

"Greetings, Ambassador of Iuz the Mighty, Iuz the Bold."

"On behalf of the Kevellond League and the Oerth Alliance, I welcome you to this temporary court. Please partake of the liquor of your choice and rest."

"There is much we must talk of, regarding our truce and mutual cooperation. Indeed, there are some threats which we must address. Threats to your great lord and to Oerth itself, for which he imperiled his very being."

"As you know, we treated your wounded warriors as valiant allies. We helped as many as we could return to the service of their Emperor. Their valor will always be remembered and honored by us."

"I welcome you to the council chambers, ambassador."

Tokiwog: Please e-mail me at williamwronald@aol.com with proposals.

Edena: Happen is an understatement.
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First Post
Just in case you missed it the first time...

The Archive has been Updated.

It now includes the entire 1st and 2nd IRs.

Also, I am taking submissions for the following sections:

~Character/Player Profiles: Information about yourself, your Faction, and/or your Character.

~IR Fiction: There are lots of Stories still untold in the IR. If you have one, send it to me and I'll place it on the site.

~Campaign Setting: Game information about the IR. Rules, Prestige Classes, Spells, Characters, etc...

The Archive can be found here: http://bugbearslair.homestead.com/



First Post
Silver Phase looks about him, it is hard for him to get a good visual image as he is wearing a thick, heavy cloak to protect himself from the sun. Nonetheless, the sounds of what is happening are hard to miss. Chaos was everywhere within sight and earshot, as the sounds of Oerth rending itself apart boom everywhere. Khelarque stands beside him startled at what is happening and trying to take it all in.

For the first time in a couple of centuries Silver, normally a calm and collected being, growls in frustration. He grabs the sides of his head through his long sleeves and yells coarse language into the ground.

"Call everyone back," he says to Khelarque, barely able to control his anger, "We need to move our forces and those who need our assistance to safer ground. All we can do is watch as Oerth dies. What news of our forces at home? I need to know, but I can guess the red goo is causing trouble in the underdark. Once everyone is here we could get something done about saving ourselves and getting my people.............."

He trails off into another yell of frustration. He clenches his fists so hard Khelarque hears bones in Silver's hands break. He stops for a moment and puts his hands in the light to see what he did to himself. For a split second they see holes in his hands where he forced his fingers into them and dark blood, deficient of white blood cells, oozes from out over splinters of bone to well in his open palms. Silver screams and pulls his hands back in as the sunlight takes its toll. Khelarque gulps as he turns away from Silver and goes about calling in the other NPC's.

"Why am I doing this? I don't belong here, my help hasn't made an ounce differance in the Flaeness and that help which I have done has been totally undone by the death throws of Oerth. I should be with my people aiding THEM in this time of crisis, how can good aligned beings cope with this?" Silver says to himself. He then sits on the scorched ground and tries to make sense of what has been happening.

Durgrim Dragonaxe, his party and Obmi appear when Lenaurae teleports them to Silver's location.

James looks over at Silver who is sitting on the ground and has his back turned to them.

Kcyldyei also notices, "Are you alright Silver?" he calls out in his eloquent elven voice. He receives no reply.

Khelarque turns to them, "Silver isn't in the mood to talk so here's what he needs done.........."

OOC:- What's my situation plz?
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