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D&D 5E How are Drow viewed in the 5E Forgotten Realms?

My gaming group have just started a 5E campaign (we were playing 3.5E previously) and are playing through a bit of LMoP before moving on to PotA. For our first session our group decided to use pre-gens from the WotC website, just so we could jump straight into playing.

We’ve now played 2 sessions and while a couple of players have changed their race, I have decided to stick with my original choice (albeit with some changes to stats, skills and background). I picked a Drow Rogue as my PC. Another player in the group (who has only been playing for about 4 years, and has never played in the Forgotten Realms) is playing a Wood Elf Ranger.

In the first session we had quite a bit of banter between the two of us, with both characters trying to show the other that they were the “best” elf in the party. From an out-of-character perspective it was all in good fun, although our PCs probably don’t see it in-game as a playful thing!

However, in between the first session and the second session, the player of the Wood Elf did a bit of reading about Drow and mentioned before we started the second session that he didn’t realise just how “evil” Drow were considered to be and that he wasn’t sure if the party could work as he wasn’t sure his PC would be ok with working with a Drow.

So, how can we make this work, whilst still allowing the Wood Elf player to be true to his race? Personally I like the roleplaying side of things but when it comes down to it, I’m happy to bend in-game realism a little to make things work from a game perspective. So if I was the Wood Elf player, I’d have my Wood Elf be at least willing to give the Dark Elf the benefit of the doubt, whilst letting him know that I’d be keeping my eye on him.

However, I know that the Wood Elf player would like to try and remain true to his PC’s character, even if that means that doesn’t completely fit with the group. He doesn’t do this in a problematic way though. For instance, last campaign he had his Rogue PC leave the group as the character had more than enough wealth to live comfortably for the rest of his life (which was the PC’s big motivation). He then rolled up a new Rogue PC to replace the character.

So, for those of you with good Forgotten Realms knowledge, would there be a way for a Wood Elf to work with a Drow? Or are these two sub-races such bitter enemies that there is no way for them to be in the same party?

What sort of information could I give to the player of the Wood Elf to help convince him that this will work from an in-game perspective? The in-character banter between us from the 2 sessions so far has been great (even as we help each other out during combat) and I’d really like to see it continue to develop.

Personally I’ve read about 15 Drizzt novels (up to the end of the Hunter Blades trilogy), so I have a little bit of an idea of Drow and how they are treated in the Forgotten Realms. That said, the Drizzt books are about just one particular Drow, and not Drow in general.

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Your average surface dweller is terrified of Drow. They are the boogeymen of stories told to child and adult alike and to see one is likely the last thing you see before death or a lifetime of slavery in the underdark.

The enmity between them and surface elves is that, amplified. From what I remember, they tend to attack eachothers on sight, if the Drow don't kill them before they can briefly parlay.

But what you have in your games is whatever the group agrees upon. I've ran Drow many ways in my own games, and also Realms games with more racial leeway, but.. It's up to your group and DM.


First Post
Traditionally, Drow don't play well with others at all, and attack their surface cousins on sight. To make matters worse, Wood Elves tend to be suspicious of even Sun/Moon Elves, and have a special hatred for the Drow, and were at war with them even before the balor taint.

Having said that, it should be fine if your Drow is an outcast, and the Wood Elf is a pragmatist. Maybe be a worshipper of the newly-resurrected Eilistraee?


41st lv DM
When your PC enters town? People who know what a Drow is should be freaking the 9 Hells out. You should be constantly hunted down as the monster that your kin are. And when you stand there trying to proclaim yourself to be a GOOD drow? The twang of crossbows should be the response.

There's a REASON Drizzt lives a lonely life in the arctic you know. And it's not that he likes the weather....


The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide says that drow currently still cause alarm and hostility, but that the actions of some outcasts have somewhat tempered the opinions towards this race. Eilistraee and her followers are an example of such drow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eilistraee).

When it comes to elves the situation is different, as many of them are still uncomfortable with Eilistraee, because she kinda is the living proof that drow are not to blame for everyhting bad that has happened to the Tel'Quessir, as many like to think (this is from 3e Faiths and Pantheons, also reported here). Either way, wood and moon elves may be more tolerant towards the followers of the Dark Maiden (or other non evil, not worshipers of Lolth, Vhaeraun or any of the other drow gods) than sun elves are.
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Wood Elves tend to be suspicious of even Sun/Moon Elves, and have a special hatred for the Drow, and were at war with them

As far as I know, back during the Crown Wars there was a whole kingdom of dark and wood/green elves (Miyeritar), where Eilistraee's faith was very strong, so the hostility wasn't universal.

Are Drow really still at the "shoot on sight" stage in the Forgotten Realms?

I get that they may not feel welcome in places and be asked to leave the local inn before trouble finds them, etc., I wasn't expecting everyone to want to be best friends with my PC. Shooting on sight is a whole another level though.

Why have them as a PC race in the PHB if the default setting makes them almost impossible to fit in?

Are tieflings regarded in the same way?


Are Drow really still at the "shoot on sight" stage in the Forgotten Realms?

I get that they may not feel welcome in places and be asked to leave the local inn before trouble finds them, etc., I wasn't expecting everyone to want to be best friends with my PC. Shooting on sight is a whole another level though.

Why have them as a PC race in the PHB if the default setting makes them almost impossible to fit in?

Are tieflings regarded in the same way?

In the current era, drow are not really shoot on the sight anymore (as the SCAG says, the general opinion on this race has been somewhat tempered with the years). But it depends on the location, and on who meets them (an elf is more likely to be hostile, but it is because of recyprocal hatred. Something that the followers of Eilistraee, and even Vhaeraun, are trying to fix). Not all the regions of the Realms are the same and those who have lost more at the hands of Lolthite raiders may obviously prove more likely to not accept a drow, or even attack them.

Tieflings aren't treated like that.


You show your buddy the SCAG entry on Drow, then say...

"Hey man. It looks like the Drow race are getting to be a little more accepted nowadays, though things will always be dicey for my character. I know yours probably has some really big hang ups about drow, and I think it would make for some amazing roleplay if we could go back and forth on the issue of prejudice for a while, then eventually start to overcome our differences. Sound good?"

Then cross your fingers and hope that he is not dead set on playing a racist. =D

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