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Wrath Daughter, Storm Hag, Mother of Grace

Enworldian Demigoddess
Symbol: A dove holding a bolt of lightning in its beak.
Home Plane: Varies.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Portfolio: Storms, hurricanes, catharsis and forgiveness.
Worshippers: Sailors, fishermen, criminals and those who suffer and seek redemption or release.
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE.
Domains: Air, Water, Chaos
Favored Weapon: Trident "Stormshard"

Shurassa is one of the Seven Sisters.

Daughter of the sea god Delanor, Shurassa is the violence of a storm at sea, as well as the welcome calm after. She can be unpredictable and considered harsh by those who have run afoul of her temper, but she can be as swift to forgive and bring peace to her followers as she is to bring gales and thunder. Ayratha has often called upon her sister to call the sea's rage down upon the crew of a worthy ship. Shurassa has a strained relationship with Phyrah, as the light-hearted goddess is more often loved than feared by followers.

Those who suffer painful diseases or wasting illnesses burn candles afloat in sea or salt water to summon her to their sides and ease their pain. Those who suffer great personal trial will seek out storms and cry hymns and prayers to the goddess to release them from their struggles. Those she answers are not always grateful.

Hymns to the goddess are part praise for the majesty of a storm tossed sea and supplications to stay her wrath. Her temples are often found on coastlines hit by hurricanes and it is a rare ship that doesn't have a shrine to the storm goddess. It is considered good luck to sail with a piece of a ship sunken by her wrath, as many believe she does not visit her wrath upon the same ship twice. The truth of that is hard to ascertain, as the ships upon which her wrath has been spent, do not often survive the experience. Even so, many sailors will put a splinter from a sunken ship or some image of a ship sinking beneath a shipboard shrine in efforts to turn the goddess' attention.

She appears as a grey-eyed woman with severe features, often elven, with long black hair that clings to her face and neck and shoulders, wet with rain and sea water. She wears a dress made of the sails of sunken ships of all nations and wears a golden circlet upon her brow said to be a gift from Ayratha. She wields a trident named "Stormshard" after her father's blade.

-Created by Sparky

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The Mortalists.

Across Enworld, there are many people who dedicate their life to a god. Clerics and palidans are the most obvious examples, but many individuals who do not personally wield divine power still place great importance on the worship of a particular diety. There are others who follow the religion they were born to out of habit and also those who give equal respect to any diety they are told of. And then there are the Mortalists. Mortalists' individual veiws of gods differ (see below) but they are bound by the belief that gods, if they exist at all, will not improve the lot of the mortal races and that the world is in the hands of its inhabitants. They also believe, by and large, that divine magic is just as personally generated as arcane and that gods do not grant their followers any special abilities.

Mortalism is generally a personal philosophy, and prostylitizing mortalists are rare. The few exceptions tend to be from amoung the many mortalist clerics who, having found that their own "Divine" gifts flow just as easily from personal meditation as devout prayer, try to open the eyes of ther clerics to the "true source" of their powers. The vast majority of mortalists, however, are inspired by their philosophy to attempt to better the world they live in by hard work, knowing that no miracle can accomplish that which the sentient races will not.

There are several rough catagories of mortalists.

PERSONAL MORTALISTS are not devoted to any particular god, though they may follow the non spiritual teachings of the religion in which they were raised. They are generally accepting of whatever non violent religion others choose to practice, and rarely self identify as mortalists unless the land they live in attempts to impose religion on them. Some personal mortalists believe in the existance of the various gods but simply do not include gods in their lives. Personal mortalists may be of any class but rarely include clerics or palidans.

SOFT MORTALISTS are usually agnostic on the existance of gods, and tend to beleive that if any of the enwordian gods do exist, they are involved in their own godly concerns and do not effect the lives of mortals for good or ill. They focus strongly on the positive aspects of mortalism, including personal responsibility and the obligation to change the world for the better. Though they will defend their philosophy if it is challanged, they tend to get along well with the religious. In regions of religious contention, they like to describe themselves as simply "impartial", and attempt to lead by example to guide others out of the conflict. Arcane spellcasters, druids and palidans tend to form the bulk of soft mortalists, though some clerics of religions which encourage learning and questioning may evolve into soft mortalists through their studies.

HARD MORTALISTS are firmly convinced of the non existance of gods as they are usually concieved of. They believe that divine magic is purely self generated in nature and that religions are simply a drain on the potential of the sentient races. Some of the hard mortalist philosophers have even posited the existance of powerful extraplaner beings who have learned to tap into the worshipping energy of religious groups, thus inverting the usual assumptions of divine connection. While only some hard mortalists will actively prostelitize against religion, none shy from identifying themselves and they will often wear the unofficial symbol of the mortalist philosophy, a lighted candle. (based on the words of one of the first recorded mortalist philosophers, who stated that it was better for the sentient races to light a candle than hope that gods would end their darkness.) The majority of hard mortalists are clerics, though other spell casters are common as well.

Mortalists are almost always good and tend towards the chaotic end of the spectrum, though neutral good mortalists are common as well. Mortalist clerics tend to take either the Magic or Knowlege domain with the second reflecting their work in life (healing or protection are common, followed by strength or war for those in regions of conflict.) In situations where a "favored weapon" is nessaccary, they tend to use a weapon based on a tool of the common folk of their region - sickles and scyths being common in agrarian societies, nets amoung fisherfolk, etc.

Though Mortalists do not have temples per se, they often run hospices in areas between major towns, providing healing, education and protection to travelers and the rural populace. They also act as centers of learning and discussion amoung Mortalists. (Kirin, the Mortalist cleric, was raised and trained in such a hospice following the death of her parents.) Such organized groups often 'sponsor' good members of traditionaly evil or savage races who are cast out from their people of birth, but shunned by the 'civilized' races. Mortalist philosophy lends itself strongly to the judgement of each mortal as an individual, and the hope for improvement and progress in any of the sentient races.

-Created by Kahuna Burger


You know how to put your full weight behind a punch.
Prerequisite: Str 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.
Benefit: When making an attack with both hands free, you can treat your unarmed strikes as if coming from a one-handed weapon being used with two-hands.
Mighty Punch cannot be used in conjunction with a flurry of blows or when making an when using an off-hand attack such as with Two Weapon Fighting or Multiweapon Fighting.
Mighty Punch cannot be used when grappling.

Normal: You treat your unarmed attacks as a light weapon.

-Created by GPEKO
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Sairundan is a land far to the southwest of the city of Orussus, a loose federation of several seminomadic tribes, supposedly founded by djinni.
Currently, 13 tribes exist, each named after a storm or wind. These are the Aeolus, Bayamo, Boreas, Coromell, Etesian, Haboob, Hurakan, Kadja, Kohilo, Monsoon, Notus, Sirrocco and Zephyr.
Two tribes that have existed a long time in the past, but joined with other tribes are the Typhoon, who joined the Hurakan, and the Eurus, who joined the Monsoon.
Sairundani tend to be open-minded and friendly, and embrace change in a way that can be confusing to outsiders, but is actually a tradition for them. They love singing and dancing, and they enjoy travel and excitement.
Sairundani usually have a large and slender build, and fair or tanned skin. Brown and black hair is the most common, with occasional streaks of white or blue, while eyes are usually gray or blue. Sairundani of Sirocco descent often have red hair or brown eyes.
The language of the Sairundani is based on Auran, the language of air creatures. It is a soft, flowing language that lends itself to song and poem, and, like Auran, uses the Draconic alphabet.
Sairundani do not use clan or last names. Instead, they name themselves after their parent - usually their father. Males use ai (son of), and females yn (daughter of). Great heroes are sometimes awarded the honor to be called a son/daughter of their tribe, such as ai Monsoon. A few legendary heroes have been called ai Sairundan.

History and Legends

Ages ago, according to the legends, the djinn ruled the lands surrounding the Tower of Air, not by force, but by advise. Fourteen nobles were the advisors of fourteen human tribes, and the humans aimed to emulate both the power and the kindness of the genies. Other djinn similarly advised the other races that lived in the region. The advise given usually prevented large scale combat, but small skirmishes still happened.
Then, from the hobgoblins arose warlord Kar’Talagh, and he rallied most goblinoids under his banner, with the goal to overthrow the djinn and their “random tyranny of kindness”. The goblinoids marched against the djinn, but were utterly defeated, and scattered into all directions. Kar’Talagh, however, did not want to give up so easily, and tried to gather a new force from the east. He failed to enlist any new ercruits, however, and in his desperation, continued ever farther to the east, and into the desert surrounding the Tower of Fire. Miraculously, he managed to get closer to the Tower than any mortal before, and the Efreet of the Tower granted the dying warlord a single wish. With his dying breath, Kar’Talagh muttered “Revenge...Djinn... .” Bound by the wish, but also gleeful to get a chance to fight their hated cousins. Transporting armies of humans to Sairundan, the Efreet gained early advantages, but long, there was no decisive victory for either side.
The Sairundani, always lovers of freedom, did their best not to kill their opponents, but to free them from the grasp of the Efreet. More and more, they suceeded in doing so, and along with warriors of other tribes, the freed people became known as the fifteenth human tribe - the Sirocco. It was the Sirocco who realized that this tactic could be decisive in the war against the Efreet - as an old saying goes, “Fire is the most dangerous element because it cannot be destroyed. Fight fire not by fighting it, but by fighting its fuel.”
It did not take long after that, and the fifteen tribes marched together, united by a powerful war song, known as the “Song of the Storms United”. The Efreet and their armies were scattered as the goblinoids had been, and they retreated to the east. However, the Djinn also had suffered great casualties, and left Sairundan, supposedly to the Tower of Air.
The loss of their advisors hit the Sairundani, but they quickly adapted to the new situation. Over time, a few tribes joined or new tribes were formed. Only once was the Song of the Storms United sung again, as the tribes united against an orc horde that emerged from underground 700 years ago.

Outlook and Society

For a Sairundani, life is an adventure waiting to happen. Many Sairundani seek change and excitement, and travel the near lands. They do keep close ties to their tribes and families, but otherwise value their freedom and grant others their right of freedom, too. The most exemplar of this style of life might be the dervishes, who even sever the ties to their tribes.
Sairundani tribes are usually represented by a patriarch or matriarch who is aided by a small group of advisors. Anyone can become an advisor, and any advisor might be appointed to be patriarch should the current patriarch step down or die. Many patriarchs enjoy political bickering with their peers, stalling little, non-vital decisions in patriarchical council, but usually have the sense to quickly decide vital actions.
While many tribes travel the lands of Sairundan, a few tribes live in the cities that survived the wars against the Efreet. The largest city, Helatia, currently houses the Hurakan, while the Zephyr live in Baras, a small town. As it might be expected, several tribes have left a city they lived in for the change this step brings, and a tribe that leaves a city invites another tribe into the city. Most times, the invited tribe passes the invitiation to a different tribe, and so on, until a tribe does accept and moves into the town. Only a few tribes refuse to live in the cities entirely, namely the Sirocco and the Boreas.
The Sirocco have retained a few tendencies for stability from their enslavement to the Efreet, and their patriarch Harmattan may well be the oldest and longest-“ruling” of all patriarchs. Their education puts more emphasis on the value of freedom than the joy of life, and some Sairundani regard this as a flaw.


Sairundani have a long tradition of combat, and of the battle-related classes, fighters are the most common, quickly followed by rangers. These two classes are the most likely to pick up the traditional fighting style of the Sairundani dervishes, blending dance and fighting with two scimitars. Barbarians are a bit rarer, and paladins and monks almost non-existant, except among the Sirocco. Clerics and druids are equally uncommon, and most rever deities or forces of air and storm. Rogues and bards are quite common among the Sairundani, as scouts, advisors, emissaries and warsingers. Especially bards are well-liked as advisors. Wizards and sorcerers are rarer today than during the age of the djinn, with sorcerers being somewhat more common.

Magic, Lore, Superstitions and Faith

While arcanists are much rarer these days in Sairundan than they were during and shortly after the era of the Djinn, there is still a healthy tradition of elementalism among the wizards and sorcerers of Sairundan. Most spellcasters choose spells of air, cold and electricity natures, and sometimes sonic spells. Spellcasters wielding primarily fire spells are rare, and frowned upon. The druidic spellcasters share many likes and dislikes of the arcanists, but are usually faster to use fire spells as long as they don’t hurt the surrounding area.
The bardic tradition is propably the largest tradition of spellcasters in Sairundan, and several of their songs have spread over the world. The most widely traveled song is propably the Song of the Winds United, which some people mistake for the Song of the Storms United. Some people wonder why the Song of the Storms United is not sung except in great wars, and the typical answer is that the songs means too much to use it frivolously, but there is also the fact that the song cannot be sung with only a few people and do it justice.
Among the Sairundani, four small poems sum up the superstitions many feel regarding the elements. Many are aware that most of it is superstition, tinted with believes of genie habits, but will still tend to quote these poems in appropriate (or unappropriate) situations.

Wind is strong, not smart.
It is swift, not enduring.
It is persuasive, and easily persuaded.
Wind is the most dangerous element because it cannot be contained.
Fight wind by being more enduring than the wind, by being as hard as rock.
Endure the strikes of the wind as it tries to persuade you to leave, and you will be victorious.
Wind is whimful, but life-giving. Without wind, there would be no air to breathe.

Fire is smart, not strong.
It is swift, and easily persuaded.
It is enduring, not persuasive.
Fire is the most dangerous element because it cannot be destroyed.
Fight fire not by fighting it, but by fighting its fuel.
Cause fire to hunger and follow your commands, and you will be victorious.
Fire is life-giving, but insidious. Knowing its necessity, it will try to burn your tents when you are careless.

Earth is strong, not smart.
It is enduring, not swift.
It is strong of will, not persuasive.
Earth is the most dangerous element because it cannot be avoided.
Fight earth by being swift, always a step ahead.
Be as the wind as earth strikes against you, and you will be victorious.
Earth is wrathful, but live-giving. Without earth, food could not be grown.

Water is strong, not smart.
It is enduring, not persuasive.
It is swift, and easily persuaded.
Water is the most dangerous element because it cannot be predicted.
Fight water not by fighting it, but by controling it.
Cause water to regard you as itself, and you will be victorious.
Water is live-giving, but careless. It will wash you away as quickly as it quenches your thirst.

Among the Sairundani, deities of Air and Battle are held in the highest esteem, and Phyrah and Grendath are among the most revered gods. Among the first Sirocco, Mongrel was very popular, and continues to be a major deity today. Taka has a number of hidden worshipers, and it is not uncommon for them to assume the position of an advisor. Sairundani also revere Chennet’, as he shows one great way to control the insidious powers of fire and turn them into weapons.
The displaced Sirocco introduced the Sairundani to a few deities as well, namely Ayratha and Geoth, but only Geoth gathered much worship. Some people say that Geoth, Mongrel and Phyrah were especially concerned about the fate of the Sirocco, and created what is today known as the Wanderlust Inn as a way for those who wanted to meet their family and friends again to do so.
A few people pay respect to the Delanor, Antonidas and Shurassa, who embody aspects the Sairundani respect, but are overall not as important to their daily life. Some people silently invoke Jareth before a game of Dervish, but it is more common to invoke Grendath or the Green Eyed Lady.


Perhaps surprisingly, Sairundani have a traditionally good relation to dwarves of all kinds, and it seems likely that the dwarves introduced the Sairundani to Chennet’ and Grendath. Dwarves also are the only small race common to Sairundan. Gnomes and halflings are practically unheard of. While not particularly common, elves are a welcome sight in Sairundan, and a few tribes have a sizeable population of half-elves. Since their invasion 700 years ago, orc have grown more and more common, and are being accepted into society, but not really liked. Half-orcs are rather uncommon.
Goblinoids of all kinds have kept away from Sairundan ever since the Djinn drove them out, and most Sairundani only know them from highly inaccurate Dervish pieces.
Several creatures of elemental air make their home in Sairundan, due to the proximity of the Tower of Air, and storm and cloud giants sometimes deal with the tribes. Djinn are virtually gone, but every once in a while, rumors spread that a particular patriarch, advisor or hero is in fact a djinni.

Equipment and Animals

Sairundani prefer to travel light, and refrain from overly heavy equipment. Armorwise, they usually keep towards leather armor and chain shirts, and mithral armor is considered a blessed possession. The traditional weapon of the Sairundani is the scimitar, and most warriors possess at least one. Those who seek to become dervishes train at a young age to wield two scimitars at once. Besides the scimitar, archery is a very popular combat style, praying to Phyrah to let the wind guide the arrow.
The Sairundani enjoy a game named Dervish, which is based on chess, but has been changed to fit the tastes of the tribes. It is played on a 10x10 board, with 20 pieces for each player, chosen from a total of 30 unique pieces. The game is won by scoring a number of points, either by killing or capturing the enemy pieces. The rules of the game can rapidly change from round to round, depending which pieces are on the board and which are not, and what happens to various pieces. For example, the Patriarch allows pieces to capture other pieces, but if captured itself, it gives so many points that it is hard to recover; the Dervish can use any movement rules of its allied pieces, and the Hobgoblin can bring in one of the ten remaining pieces if captured or killed.
The Sairundani love animals that exemplify freedom and the wind, and often keep cats, falcons and horses in their tribes, who usually are allowed to do as they please. They would rather not limit their movement, but they make sure that the animal is properly trained to return to the tribe. A number of more excentric Sairundani, especially among the Hurakan, have attempted to train arrowhawks, but few have managed to realise that arrowhawks are as intelligent as humans, and made them friends.

-Created by Knight Otu
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Goblin, 1st-Level Warrior
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Hit Dice:
1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +2 leather armor, +1 light shield), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/–3
Attack: Longsword +2 melee (1d6/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged (1d4)
Full Attack: Longsword +2 melee (1d6/19-20) or javelin +2 ranged (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Lowlight vision, mountain goblin traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0*
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +3, Knowledge (history) +3, Listen +2, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Any mountains
Organization: Solitary, gang (4–9), band (10–100 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 4th–6th level), or monastery (40–400 plus 100% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level and 1 leader of 6th–8th level)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

Mountain goblin traits: Mountain goblin characters possess the following racial traits.
— –2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
—Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
—A mountain goblin’s base land speed is 20 feet.
—Lowlight vision
—Natural Builder: Mountain goblins have natural skill in architecture, and gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (architecture and engineering).
— +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge (history)
— +1 racial attack bonus against goblinoids
—* +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Mountain goblins are remarkably rational and clear-thinking, and therefore have an above-average resistance to magic that would alter that process.
—Weapon Familiarity: Mountain goblins may treat goblin ranseurs as martial rather than exotic weapons.
—Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan.
—Favored Class: Ranger.
The mountain goblin warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Mountain Goblins:
Mountain goblins tend to be reserved and clear-thinking. They prefer a careful plan of action over spontaneity, which occasionally becomes limiting when quick thinking is called for. Mountain goblins value a spartan lifestyle, which is somewhat at odds with their artistic ability and architectural outlook.

Physical Description: Mountain goblins at first glance look alike to the regular goblin, but there are a few key differences. Mountain goblins are slightly taller, perhaps because they stand upright rather than hunched over, and often possess an austere demeanor. Like standard goblins, they have leathery skin, but it ranges from deep green to a royal red. Additionally, mountain goblins are usually well-groomed and well-dressed, and many wear a silver hammer earring as a sign of devotion to Shural.

Relations: Mountain goblins have long become accustomed to being mistaken for the usual bloodthirsty goblins, and generally will soon correct this misjudgement through their deed and word - few lower goblins are so polite or eloquent in speech.

Alignment: Often lawful and rarely evil.

Lands: Mountain goblins possess a disjointed culture focused in a mountain range, with no large towns or cities, but instead many small communities based around nearby monasteries. They are few in number.

Religion: Almost exclusively devoted to the worship of Shural, though a few mountain goblins have been known to follow other deities, especially those of law or creation.

Language: Mountain goblins speak a dialect of Goblin which is clearly distinguishable from the guttural tongue of lower goblins. Indeed, there are many words of peace in their language that are not present in the tongue of the lower goblins.

Names: Usually a first name only, though some are granted epithets (such as "The Wise," or "The Just") by their communities. Mountain goblin names are usually two or three syllables, and can be slightly harsh-sounding. Examples: Jazakhar, Xiah.

Adventurers: Mountain goblins leave their towns for various reasons, ranging from wanderlust to trade. Though they are more isolated than other cultures, most reasons that would drive an elf or a dwarf to adventure might similarly motivate a mountain goblin.

-Created by Knight Otu and WizWrm
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History of the Goblins
Written by Sparky and WizWrm, with input by Jack Haggerty

Shural-Kazi first came to Enworld millennia ago and created a race, the goblins. They were a proud, clever, and intelligent race, of high culture if not high stature. He allotted to them a holy land, the Greater Sajebak Mountains, a span of craggy peaks and lofty cliffs. There they built a mighty city, truly a wonder in design, for their patron was a god of construction and architecture. The goblins’ civilization reached heights worthy of the mountains of their homeland, and it flourished, even branching out into trade with nearby nation-states.

However, after centuries of peaceful interaction, they came into contact with the followers of Taurusk, a deity devoted to chaos and to crushing the weak. Taurusk saw the serene goblins and saw fit to make war upon them. Taurusk brought his armies, led by the vicious Riders, to the mountain home of the goblins, with the intent to crush their city and scatter their civilization to the winds.

Within Inzehdu'un (as their city was named), uneasiness grew among the goblin leadership. Kurim, the high priest, lobbied to stay the hand of goblins, praying fervently and hoping to deceive the Riders through some trick, perhaps a false “evacuation” of the city. Rovig, warlord of the un-warlike goblins, insisted that he be allowed to bring his forces to bear against Taurusk’s armies and defeat them on the fields of battle. Kurim, however, would not allow it, for he knew that the small goblin contingent could not hope to overpower their battle-hardened foe.

Rovig, bitter at the refusal, sneaked out of city at night to learn what he could of the army, praying to Shural-Kazi that he could gain some insight into the defense of the city. Soon after he had left Inzehdu'un, however, Taurusk looked down and saw the lone goblin creeping about. He ordered his Riders to capture him, cackling all the while at what he could learn from the goblin warlord, who had virtually walked into his hands. Shural-Kazi, however, was watching over Rovig as well, and snatched him to safety. There he revealed his plan to Rovig – Shural-Kazi had begun the construction of a vast labyrinth, a shadow version of Inzehdu'un, in which Taurusk will be led to and then trapped. Rovig went to Kurim and shared the details of the plan and gloated over the revelation, especially how he had been personally chosen to understand this plan, and how Kurim, the high priest, had been left to worry and pray fruitlessly.

Morning came, and the armies of the Riders crashed over Inzehdu'un like a tidal wave, led by Taurusk himself. Shural-Kazi appeared on the battlefield, challenging Taurusk. Taurusk accepted, but Shural-Kazi fled deep into the city, into the sacred ritual chamber, where, with the aid of the most powerful of his priests, he had laid a trap for Taurusk. Both deities were dragged into the Labyrinth, a perfect copy of Inzehdu'un at its height, though empty of all life. Here it is forever twilight, and here all is still; the bricks will not crumble despite the passing of ages. Shural-Kazi fled again, and Taurusk found himself quickly lost within the Labyrinth.

In the real Inzehdu'un, the construction ritual neared its end, but by this time the Riders had crushed the armies which were sent against it, entered the city proper, and begun to slaughter its defenseless citizens. Due to the mortal terror and death of so many worshippers, Shural-Kazi was struck by a sudden divine shock, paralyzing him, and Taurusk caught up with him in a flash. Overcome with grief and rage at the death of so many of his goblins, Shural-Kazi shed a single tear. It fell to the ground, and opened a portal through which Shural-Kazi leapt, though not before Taurusk had managed to land a single, terrible blow, a blow that rocked Shural-Kazi to his core. Returning to Enworld, he rapidly ascended to the heavens to survey his domain. Witnessing the destruction of the great Inzehdu'un, Shural-Kazi shed a second tear – this one for the ruin of such a mighty civilization. It fell to the earth and landed in the sacred ritual chamber where his high priests have trapped Taurusk within. A mirror was created, a hole between worlds – the Well of Tears, through which Taurusk will forever gaze through, raging but powerless to escape. The evil god had his revenge, however. Shural-Kazi found himself afflicted by his battle with Taurusk. A seed grows within his mind, a seed of fury and mindless hatred, inspired by Taurusk and by the crushing blow dealt to his people.

Scattering themselves across the mountains, the remnants of the goblin race found themselves split into two factions: the somewhat arrogant followers of Rovig, who felt that they must prepare for a cataclysmic battle in which they shall surge forth and return the death-blow to Taurusk and his minions; and the followers of Kurim, who wished only to slowly rebuild their culture and live in peace. By this time, Shural-Kazi had already begun to develop a second personality; a seed that occasionally broke through his rational exterior to express itself in fits of anger, giving him a terrible temper. However, the decisive split came one day when Rovig’s son confronted the aging Kurim, demanding that leadership of the goblins be handed over to him. When Kurim refused, Rovig’s son struck him down, and the heavens shuddered as Shural-Kazi was cleaved in twain – his affliction freed itself physically, manifesting in the form of Kazikazi, a twisted goblin deity, while the other, purified half, Shural, found a return to the rationality and serenity of his primary foundation.

When word of the split reached the goblins, Rovig’s son and his followers immediately declared their allegiance to Kazikazi, while the others flocked to the banner of Shural. Kazikazi’s worshippers were soon routed out of the ascetic mountain communities where the goblins live, and forced underground, where they rage against Shural. However, their desire for vengeance is ultimately fruitless, for even Kazikazi understands that he cannot be brought too close to Shural. The tears of a united god created the Labyrinth, and only the tears of a united god may undo it – thus, he does not allow his followers to encroach upon the mountain goblins’ territory.

Unchecked by the need for a stable society, Kazikazi’s body of worshippers bloated into massive proportions, until hundreds of thousands of the fallen goblins – twisted in form and in mind by their dark god – now swarm beneath the earth. Some expand to the surface, but always will they hate it, and hate the surface-dwellers, for they once belonged to the blessed surface civilizations as well. There are even some goblins who have left the worship of Kazikazi, and he does not mind so much, as they always will be touched by his divine drive for vengeance.

The mountain goblins, on the other hand, grew more isolated in their mountain communities. They continue to build architectural works of art, but limit themselves to smaller achievements for now, as expressed in the elegant monasteries that contrast strangely with their simple lifestyles. They also continue to train with the ancient weapons and methods of battle, treating it as an art-form like any other. The mountain goblins occasionally venture out for trade or other purposes, though most Enworldians today are only familiar with the 'lower' goblins.

Lord Jade, the Resolute One

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A goblin with a long white beard and a peaceful mien, holding a hammer in one hand.
Home Plane: Peaceable Kingdom of Arcadia.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Portfolio: Mountain goblins, architecture, reason and rationalism.
Worshippers: Mountain goblins, builders.
Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE.
Domains: Earth, Knowledge, Law, Protection.
Favored Weapon: "Greyhand" (hammer, light or war).

Shural is the aspect most similar to the original deity, Shural-Kazi. He is patron of the clever mountain goblins as well as an inspiration for the great city-builders and architects of times past. Shural encourages the use of reason and skepticism, and believes that all foes (physical or metaphorical) may be overcome by learning to understand them and their weaknesses. He prizes efficiency in action and grace in form, and demands a code of personal honor among his followers.

Frenzy-Caller, Broken Face

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A twisting, full-toothed goblinoid sneer.
Home Plane: Infinite Layers of the Abyss.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Portfolio: Goblins, tunneling, animalistic vengeance.
Worshippers: Goblins and goblinoids, evil berserkers.
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Strength, War.
Favored Weapon: "Smashtooth" (pick, heavy or light).

Kazikazi is the aspect that broke from Shural-Kazi when a faction of the greater deity's goblins originally rebelled. He is the ruler over the 'lower' goblins now, and spurs his followers to wild attacks and crazed bloodlust. Kazikazi encourages the digging of tunnels and warrens, and hates the surface world and the light. He would see his followers ruling over the world from the underground, if he had the organization to do it. Kazikazi's name is often shouted during the swarming raids of his worshippers.

-Created by WizWrm


The Labyrinth
This demplane is a mirror of the city of Inzehdu'un, where Taurusk is trapped. It is built on the peak of a terraced mountain, with mighty arches and artistic construction, not to mention the stunning view of the Greater Sajebak Mountains. It is also somewhat of a maze to those who are unfamiliar with the city. All this is lost, however, on Taurusk, who looks about him and sees only his captivity - there is no way to leave (other than through the Well of Tears; his scrying pool, which will only open itself with the tears of a united Shural-Kazi). Descending down from the mountain-top along one of the myraid pathways will only result in being lost in the fog which permeates the lower region, and upon emerging from the fog, the wanderer finds himself along a path leading back into the vast city. There are a few key differences in construction as compared to the true city of Inzehdu'un. First, here it is always twilight. Second, there is nothing alive here other than Taurusk, not even moss. Third, the Labyrinth is Inzehdu'un at the height of civilization; the real Inzehdu'un lies in ruins, rumored to be guarded by terrible creatures and the ghosts of fallen goblins. Fourth, it is uncannily difficult to move things around - the Labyrinth resists change.

Traits of the Labyrinth
  • Normal Gravity
  • Timeless: Creatures do not age, hunger, thirst, heal naturally, or need to sleep while in the Labyrinth. These resume functioning when the traveller leaves the Labyrinth.
  • Self-Contained: Travellers cannot leave the Labyrinth through physical means. The paths descending down the mountain lead into fog, and upon emerging from the fog, travellers find themselves heading in the opposite direction.
  • Static: The Labyrinth is eternally unchanging. It is difficult to affect things on the demiplane, requiring a Strength check (DC 16) to move unattended objects. The buildings of the city itself cannot be affected in any way, and nothing will grow in this plane - seeds do not take root, cells do not regenerate themselves, etc. Travellers trapped on this plane without some means of magically restoring themselves will eventually crumble into dust if they spend too long (usually more than a few weeks) in the plane.
  • Impeded Magic: All magic is impeded. It takes a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + level of the spell) to cast any spell.

-Created by WizWrm


New Weapon: The Goblin Ranseur
Two-Handed Exotic Melee Weapon
Cost: 50gp; Dmg 1d6/1d4* (S), 1d8/1d6* (M); Critical x3; Weight 10lbs.; Piercing

A goblin ranseur is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a goblin ranseur in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.

When using a goblin ranseur, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails).

-Created by WizWrm
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The Order of the Wooden Sword

"Strongest of all is the sword that protects the weak, even if it be made of wood"
-Adrianne the Poor


The Order of the Wooden Sword was formed by a Paladin named Adrianne the Poor. She is not known for one deed in particular but for a string of kindly and nigh legendary actions. According to peasant legend, she wrestled an ogre to save a village, leapt into a waterfall to save a child in midfall, exorcised a demon with a single word as well as other such extraordinary (but not to an adventurer) feats.

Her squire, a former Bard turned Paladin, started up the Order of the Wooden Sword to defend the commonfolk from the dangers that crept from the wilderness. The now nameless squire's Order grew slowly, recruiting lawful or neutral good warriors from all walks of the world, regardless of their heritage or social status.

Many years have passed, however, since the beginning of this small and inconspicous order of knights. Only a small number of the peasantry remember the name of Adrianne the Poor. Many commonfolk owe their lives to the members of the Wooden Sword, so they maintain a reputation of being defenders of Justice and the weak. Recent defeats have shaken this reputation and the order's integrity and thus, it is not as popular as it should be.

Joining the Order of the Wooden Sword:

The Order of the Wooden Sword's membership is easily joined, though very few take the opportunity to do so. A noble deed done for the peasantry, and a recomendation by a Senior knight, can allow someone to enter the Order as either a squire or a Junior Knight. One does not have to be a Paladin to be part of the Wooden Sword, though being good and non-chaotic is a requirement.

There is a 10% quarterly tithe that must be either given to the poverty-stricken or to the Order. It is not enforced, each Knight being honor bound to the sacrifice. It is brought to the Order's meetings if it is to be given to the Wooden Sword.

Ranks of the Wooden Sword:

The Order of the Wooden Sword gathered together to fight the evils that threaten the land's commonfolk and peasantry. The Order is ruled by a Triumvirate of senior knights known for their wisdom and leadership in times of crisis. Sir Dhin VII (Human Pal/Sor/Eldritch Knight), Lady Felina the Tranquil (Wood Elf Pal/Rgr) and Sir Anri True-counsel (Hu Clr) are the current members of this ruling body.

There are currently 50 knights in the Order, arranged in a Senior Knight-Junior Knight-Squire ranking. Most (approximately 50%) of the Order's members are Junior Knights who are, basically squires that have acquired enough training to hold their own. There are currently 9 Senior Knights (counting the Triumvirate). The remainder of the membership are squires under both Senior and Junior Knights.

The Order meets once every quarter-year in their isolated mountain stronghold kept safe by Lady Felina the Tranquil. The Order's structure and status are usually discussed at this time as well as reports of any threats within the regions protected by their membership. This event is also a social one, where friends can meet up and relate their experiences to each other and young knights can make powerful contacts.

At the conclusion of these Meets, Senior Knights and Junior Knights are sometimes given assignments. The Senior Knights give a stipend to those knights with especially dangerous quests. For the most part though, those of the Wooden Order are content to wander the land like errant knights and destroy whatever evil dares harass the innocent.

Current Affairs:

The order hangs at a low point of its existence. There are rumors of a schism within the Order. Several prominent knights have left the membership. Factions are forming within the organization that oppose the current leadership, led by Sir Charles Wraithbane (Elf Clr) and Sir Hugo (Hu Ftr), brother to Sir Anri.

Mishaps have rocked the integrity of the Wooden Sword. Dhin VII has gone missing for the past few months. The Senior Knight Sir Mazan Ironforge was killed by a powerful Blackguard and the dwarf's brother, Sir Gaspar (Pal), left his place to pursue vengeance.

The remaining members of the Triumvirate are attempting to quell the problems arising from within the Order. Sir Nikolas (Hu Rgr), Lady Felina's cohort, and Sir Anri True-counsel are discussing with the other Senior knights about the current dilemmas facing the Order.

Secrets of the Order:

Coming Soon...

-Created by Nimisgod
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Ventrid Swordsman - PrC

"To live and die by the sword, in a world where slighted honour is best settled at the tip of my rapier. On guarde."

To the Ventrid Swordsman’s life is filled with wonder and adventure. The dashing rogue, a Ventrid Swordsman carries himself light and quick, favouring little armor and a slim blade. Atop high walkways between soaring towers, to dimly lit back alleys, the Ventrid Swordsman is always alert and ready for a duel. He is an expert at agility and daring, especially with a rapier in hand. To many he is brave and charming, but to his enemies as deadly as a snake.

The Ventrid Swordsman concentrates on not only defensive maneuvers, but on skilled attacks professionally delivered to counter any style in combat. Through out a duel, lighting quick movements allow the Ventrid Swordsman to avoid damage while studying his opponent, watching for weaknesses. At just the right moment the Ventrid Swordsman attacks with a well placed thrust driving home that might doesn't always make right. But a Ventrid Swordsman doesn't just fight anyone, they always seek those with more skill, for to beat someone better than one's self will bring fame and glory.

Adventurers: The call of an adventurer is very fitting for the Ventrid Swordsman for a life of daring and danger is what they yearn. Most adventuring Ventrid Swordsmen find themselves in just the right amount of danger to satisfy their needs. Sticking to the code as loosely or as strictly as they see fit an individual Ventrid Swordsman can be a welcome companion to anyone.

Characteristics: The Ventrid Swordsman is an agile fighter, preferring light armor and light weapons. Daring and charismatic, the Ventrid Swordsman is a cross between a fighter and a rogue. As they gain levels, Ventrid Swordsmen become better able to avoid damage all together.

Alignment: Ventrid Swordsmen can come from all walks of life and indeed from any alignment. Lawful Ventrid Swordsmen stick to a code, taking great pride in their honour. Chaotic Ventrid Swordsmen often find themselves at odds with the Law, taking the role of liberator and protector of the people to heart. Both evil and good Ventrid Swordsmen abound on all sides of the spectrum.

Religion: Both Delenor and Grendath find many Ventrid Swordsmen among their worshippers. As the god of sailors and seagoing merchants, Delenor is particularly suited to those Ventrid Swordsmen who love the open sea, but have a respect for the law. Grendath appeals more widely to the danger loving heroes of freedom and exploration among the Ventrid Swordsmen. Phyrah and Taka also appeal many Ventrid Swordsmen, as they are more urban styled deities. The nature based gods such as Verdante as well as those who represent a tougher, more solid approach such as Sela and Chennet' do not have many Ventrid Swordsmen who call upon them. But among Ventrid Swordsmen, there is nothing preventing them from worshiping any one god over another.

Background: Many Ventrid Swordsmen get their start in local militias or on board merchant vessels. As they are trained well in the use of all weapons, but particularly light ones, a Ventrid Swordsman is well learned in affairs of battle. Ventrid Swordsmen generally do not belong to any formal association or guild, though many search on the water as either merchants or pirates.

Races: Human adaptability lends itself well to the Ventrid Swordsman, as does the lithe agility of elves, half-elves and halflings. Gnomes and dwarves don’t often fit the archetype, but some do still wander the world protecting their honour. The more savage humanoids such as Half-Orcs and Goblins rarely ever find the calling as a Ventrid Swordsman.

Other Classes: Ventrid Swordsmen tend to get along with most everyone, though their more urban outlook sometimes precludes meeting the more outdoor types like the ranger, barbarian and druid. They like the support offered by spellcasters and particularly like bards who sing their fame to the masses.

Role: Generally taking the role of the frontline defense in a party, the Ventrid Swordsman is at home as the charismatic diplomat too. Their dexterous skill set lends itself to the roles of information gathering and spying, though often a rogue is better at that type of skill.

Game Rule Information
Abilities: Dexterity is the most important ability for Ventrid Swordsmen, allowing them to dodge the most well-placed strikes. Intelligence also plays a big part in their abilities allowing Ventrid Swordsmen to take better advantage of combat situations by reading their opponents. Charisma play a large part in defining the archetype as well, supplementing the more diplomatic skills.

  • Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge
  • Skills: Balance 2 ranks, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 2 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks.

Alignment: Ventrid Swordsmen can be any alignment.

Hit Die: d8

Class Skills: The Ventrid Swordsman’s class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at Higher Levels: 4 + Intelligence bonus

Table: The Ventrid Swordsman
	Base		Fort	Ref	Will
Level	Attack Bonus	Save	Save	Save	Special
1st	+1		+0	+2	+0	Parry
2nd	+2		+0	+3	+0	Size Up Opponent +1
3rd	+3		+1	+3	+1	Precision Strike, Acrobatic +1
4th	+4		+1	+4	+1	Riposte
5th	+5		+1	+4	+1	Size up Opponent +2
6th	+6		+2	+5	+2	Acrobatic +2
7th	+7		+2	+5	+2	Elaborate Parry
8th	+8		+2	+6	+2	Size up Opponent +3
9th	+9		+3	+6	+3	Acrobatic +3
10th	+10		+3	+7	+3	Crippling Strike

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Ventrid Swordsman is proficient with all simple and martial weapons as well as light armor. Many of his abilities prohibit the use of heavier armor.

Parry (Ex): Starting at 1st level, during her action, a Ventrid Swordsman can designate an opponent and receive a dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. She can select a new opponent on any action. When not wearing armor heavier than light armor or using a shield, a Ventrid Swordsman adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per class level as a dodge bonus to Armor Class. This ability only funtions while wielding a melee weapon and only versus that one opponent. If a Ventrid Swordsman is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.

Size Up Opponent (Ex): At 2nd level, if the Ventrid Swordsman spends a full round in melee with an opponent, then makes a Spot check (DC = 5 + the opponent’s melee attack bonus). If the character succeeds, she spots a weakness in the foe’s combat style and modifies her own style to take advantage of it. The character gains a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls and damage against that foe for the rest of that combat session. The bonus increases to +2 at 5th level and finally +3 at 8th level.

Precision Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, the Ventrid Swordsman is able to devote more effort into striking critical locations. On their action, before making an attack roll for the round, the Ventrid Swordsman may subtract a number from all melee attack rolls. This number may not exceed 6. Until the Ventrid Swordsman's next turn her critical threat range is increased by one half of the amount subtracted from her base attack bonus. This ability may only be used with light or one-handed weapons. For example if the Ventrid Swordsman is wielding a rapier and chooses to sacrifice 4 points from her melee attack rolls than until her next action her critical threat range is 16-20.

Acrobatic (Ex): Begining at 3rd level the Ventrid Swordsman gains a bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble. This is a competence bonus and begins at +1 at 3rd level. It increases to +2 at 6th level and +3 at 9th level.

Riposte (Ex): By 4th level, in melee combat, when an opponent designated by her Parry ability misses a Ventrid Swordsman by an amount no greater the dodge bonus she received from the Parry ability, the Ventrid Swordsman gains an immediate attack of opportunity against that opponent. The Ventrid Swordsman must follow all of the normal rules for making an attack of opportunity.

Elaborate Parry (Ex): At 7th level and higher, if a Ventrid Swordsman chooses to fight defensively or use total defense in melee combat, she gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC for every 2 levels of Ventrid Swordsman she has (maximum +5 at 10th level).

Crippling Strike (Ex): At 10th level, as a full attack action, the Ventrid Swordsman can make a single melee attack against an opponent which inflicts normal damage. If she damages her opponent, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half her level + Intelligence Bonus) or take 2 points of Strength Damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

-Created by Erekose13

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