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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Hard to say.

I feel for her if only because about 7 years ago she had cancer of the lady parts. Now this. She is already having side effects of the cancer in that her leg sometimes will not support her or do as she commands.

Wife is taking it hard. It is reminding her of my own cancer.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
There are a lot of foods with additives that are no longer marketable we never hear about, but there are a lot of foods on the market that we eat regularly that have possible carcinagenic elements. A good example would be aspertame. it is consumed in great quantities and causes obesity and is a known carcenigen- it is just that the FDA reasearch that says otherwise is paid for an done by the same people that market the stuff. seems like a conflict of interest to me. FDA should be independent study.

There are also the possible effects of nuclear testing by former USSR, by the USA, by china, by india, by packistan, by france, by who elseever might want to become a super power like Korea .. .. .. ..

If you want, i can on about 2nd hand smoke too! It is a deadly environment out there, and we still do not now what all the implications aare. Even high voltage power lines have been found tocause leukemea in children, Chromium-6 use to be used in water treatment and other substances that were found to get into peoples DNA, in my home town a Chrome processing plant was dumping their waste into a creekbed and pcb oils were used for dust control on dirt roads. I hate to put it this way, but i am suprised there is not more cancer being seen out there.

I know that sounds morbid, but that is my honest opinion. I have lost my grandfather to liver cancer. That is supposed to be one of the most painful things to to endure.

Your wife going to visit her friend is probably the best medicine she could receive, to be honest. You being there with your wife gives her the strength to be strenghth to her friend.


Staff member
Cancer is one of those things with so many potential causes- natural and manmade, environmental and genetic- that its hard to pin down. In addition, it's also one of those things to which we become more suceptible simply by aging.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Howza bout a rat trap? all we need is Pirate cat to help a bit .. .. .. ..


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Got in my Fing Fang Foom Heroclix yesterday. Hefty monster!

It's the Next Wave version (wearing purple underpants ;) )

600 pt, 900pt and 1200pt versions.

My son saw it just now and has proclaimed that he wants to play it the next time we play heroclix.

If so then clearly it will be photo time as Cathy wants to play Dark Phoenix and I could go for the Apocalypse and extended family set.


As has been stated about cancer there are a number of variables in its cause, the other factors include increased world population and more accurate diagnosis.

So with the increased number of people on the planet and the better medical diagnostic tools cancer is correctly diagnosed much more often; the real question is how many deaths attributed to "old age" or "natural causes" over the span of time were actually cancer related? Only then can we get an accurate snap shot of a real "increase" in occurrence of cancer. This is why the American Cancer Society always uses the term diagnosis vice occurrence.

Ignorance of past diagnosis does not provide empirical data for increased occurrence in modern humans. - Just "food" for thought.

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