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Free HârnWorld: More FREE stuff and more!


HârnWorld: More FREE stuff and more!

We have ANOTHER FREE DOWNLOAD for you today along with over $90 worth of product for less than $19!

Some as low as 99 cents!

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Escorsen's Hermitage – only 99 cents!

Escorsen's hermitage is deep in the Leonese Marshes on the eastern side of the Island of Melderyn. The setting is simple and isolated, typical of the dwelling of a hermit. People who have encountered Escorsen have described him as a slightly eccentric Ilviran priest. But Escorsen is not all that he seems; those few who suspected he was other than he let on are no longer among the living.

Escorsen's Hermita includes full-color GM and player maps as well as floor plans for the hermitage buildings and a barrow grave.

HârnWorld Medieval Fantasy RPG Setting 80% off! 60 Pages! GOLD SELLER!

HârnWorld is a detailed, realistic, flexible, and system-neutral setting for fantasy role-playing games. Since 1983, HârnWorld has been used by thousands of people across the world to run a wide array of medieval fantasy adventures. HârnWorld can accommodate whatever style of campaign you are looking for, whether your player characters are knights, mages, barbarians, clerics, noble lords, mercenaries, gladiators, craftsmen, merchants, thieves, or even simple peasants yearning for adventure.

Oselbridge – $1.99!

Oselbridge is a welcome waystation for weary travelers on the Genin Trail, the road between Tashal and Thay in eastern Hârn. The bridge is the only crossing of the Osel River and most travelers spend a day or two at this oasis of civilization. Because of its strategic location, there has been an on-going dispute over control of Oselbridge for centuries. The bridge has been seized from time to time by Pagaelin tribesmen and the kingdoms of Kaldor and Chybisa; none have established any lasting authority. A seasonal trading post maintained at the bridge by the Mercantylers' Guild is a favorite rendezvous for tribesmen, adventurers, brigands, and riffraff.
The Oselbridge article describes the bridge's history and the various factions vying for control of it. It includes full-color GM and player maps of the area around the bridge and trading post.

Dead Weight – Intro Adventure – 75% off

Dead Weight is an introductory adventure for HârnWorld. Although designed to be used with the HârnMaster rule system, it is generic enough for easy conversion for use with other rule systems and can easily fit into any medieval fantasy game setting.

The PCs find themselves on the Sea Hag, a sailing vessel bound for northwestern Kanday, a feudal kingdom in western Hârn. Faced with an offer they cannot refuse, can the characters overcome their enemies and seize new opportunities or will they end up as Dead Weight?

Included is a description of the Sea Hag and its crew, the adventure, and four pre-generated characters. Also included are optional quickstart rules for running a HârnMaster 3rd edition game.

Tontury Lake – Free Download

This article describes the history, wildlife, and geography of the areas surrounding Tontury Lake, Hârn's second largest after Lake Benath. The lake and surrounding wilderness help form the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Kaldor. Its watershed includes the densely forested Valdrun, the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Darlen, and the vast Ilmen Marsh, home to the reclusive meredragons. Few people willingly venture into the wilderness around the lake after hearing stories of the fey folk, dragons, and other monsters said to be found there.

Hârn Overview: This 58-page Hârn article is a general overview of Hârnic cultures, governments, economics, history, and more. It also includes campaign aids for such tasks as generating weather conditions and character backgrounds.
Hârn Regional Map: The map of Hârn provides a vast amount of information with a unique cartographic system developed specifically for fantasy gaming. The area detailed measures 620×930 miles (1000×1500 km). The colors and textures show vegetation and terrain as noted on the map key.

Atlas Map K6 – Southwestern Kaldor – only 99 cents!

Atlas Hârnica map J6 covers southwestern Kaldor and parts of Evael, the Elven Kingdom. Jedes Keep is the only major civilized area. South of the Osel River lies a large area known as the Oselmarch, claimed by Kaldor, but controlled by Pagaelin tribesmen. Pagaelin villages are named and located on the map along with the native names of lakes and rivers. The impassable Tuleme Falls and vast Linor Bog are the dominant natural features. The map area is bounded to the south by the Shomos River.

Kingdom of Kaldor 80% off! 61 Pages! ELECTRUM SELLER!

Located in the eastern interior of Hârn, Kaldor is a feudal realm ruled by King Miginath Elendsa from his royal castle in Tashal. The king has always been sickly; his imminent death has been yearly predicted. After 27 years on the throne, the aged king continues to baffle his subjects simply by getting up each morning. He has never married, leaving the succession unclear. Kaldor is ripe with adventure possibilities. A player might become involved in succession intrigue, play a knight ruling a manor, trade as a merchant, or campaign with the Oselmarch or Chelmarch armies in barbarian territory. Additional castles and keeps in Kaldor are detailed in their own articles, including City of Tashal, Gardiren, Minarsas, and more!

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