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Free Get Your Free Nibiru Quick Start Guide Now!

I’ve been following Federico Sohns development of the Nibiru – A Sci-Fi RPG of Lost Memories on Facebook for some time. The artwork he’s been previewing has been really evocative and the lore he’s shown off has made me quite keen to see more of this little gem. Now he has just released the Nibiru Quick Start Guide for free on DriveThruRPG – so grab your copy now!

I’ve been following Federico Sohns development of the Nibiru – A Sci-Fi RPG of Lost Memories on Facebook for some time. The artwork he’s been previewing has been really evocative and the lore he’s shown off has made me quite keen to see more of this little gem. Now he has just released the Nibiru Quick Start Guide for free on DriveThruRPG – so grab your copy now!

You crawl away from the wreckage of your past.
You hang on tight to the last remnants of your previous life.
You wash ashore, on a beach of rust.
You observe yourself; your inner strife.
The choice is yours; Remember , or Die.

Step into the world of Nibiru; an ominous space station, home to millions, where stories of mystery, drama and struggle are written on a daily basis. You will embody the Vagabonds; people that have lost most of the memories of their past, searching for meaning in an artificial work where humanity is an anomaly; where secrets can be found at the tyrn of every corner and danger lurks underneath every shadow.

This Quick Start Guide will provide all you need to run a short adventure set in the upcoming Nibiru Role Playing Game. Nibiru uses a novelty system that builds your character both mechanically and narratively. The complete game will be released through Kickstarter.

Check out the games website for more information!

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