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Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?


We have a few...

1: You think it's a troglodite: Someone was trying to identify the footprints of a of a creature we were tracking, but they failed criticly... the DM told the character he was sure it was a troglodyte (It was a dire something or other... boar I think, but it's been a while)... every since then, "You think it's a troglodite" has been come or catch phrase for a critical failure... or anything else involving troglodite... for example, failing to read an old book: "You think it's a troglodite romance novel", or failing a listen check "You hear troglodites"

2: Lawful somethinghole: We used to have a player who, no matter what alignment he played, his characters were... well... yeah. We always called his character alignment the above... and it's sorta stayed with us, even though he moved away.

3: Whatever you do, do NOT defile the altar: We had a player who played with us a handful of times... she didn't work out... We were in a dungeon, hunting down a goblinoid cult... We found an altar to the goblins god... said god's avatar attacked us... We had almost defeated him, when the newbie, for no reason she was ever able to explain, called out "I defile the altar!"... TPK.

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Shiv said:
"You implode"
The ultimate death scenario. The character is completely gone. Nothing left to raise. Generally utilized as a threat to get an annoying player to shut-up or calm down.

Yeah... I use the somewhat tamer "you explode" in this situation... primarily as a flashback to Time Bandits where the uber powerful villain temporarily destroys minions he is annoyed at.


First Post
I play a fighter/sorcerer (going for spellsword) in a campaign. He doesn't wear armor but frequently ends up in melee, so one spell had been his constant mainstay: "I cast shield."

Now when we enounter danger someone frequently says "Dalin casts shield".

It has even made it into a drinking game proposed by another player.
Rule #1: Take a drink whenever Dalin casts shield.



In Sagiro's campaign, we were on our third game when we killed a bunch of cultists. Out of nowhere, Tor (the fighter) announces, "I cut him open and suck all of the XP out of his XP gland." It now has become a tradition after killing monsters to look for the XP gland where all of its experience is stored.

When Dr. Rictus (Tim) joined my game, we were all astonished by his rules knowledge. Sagiro's and mine is pretty good, but Dr. Rictus just blows us away. This was brought poignantly home when someone had to turn undead and without even thinking about it Tim said "Page 139." He then had the good graces to look embarrassed, but it was too late. "Hey look!" someone said. "Push Tim's tummy and he spouts rules!" Now, every time someone needs to look up or recite a rule, we refer to it as "Pushing Tim's tummy." Even better, one of our players (Blackjack) has no idea what most of the obscure rules are, so he refers to himself as the "anti-tummy" and answers rules question with elaborately incorrect answers.

We have a number of in-game sayings. Rule One is "Never give the DM any ideas." Rule Two is "Don't gloat before striking." (This came from a PC who had an enemy trapped and helpless. He gave a little gloating speech and swung - and fumbled. The enemy grabbed his dropped weapon, did a little gloating speech of his own - and fumbled. Sad, really.)


First Post
"Suddenly, nothing happens"- a phrase often used by the DM when rolling encounter checks

"stanstone" -we had a DM named Stan for a while who always used stone in every building that was immune to any sort of physical or magical force. This nigh indestructible rock is referred to as stanstone

"there are no rocks in the forest" -we had a really vicious DM who gave us no breaks. I had a halfling slinger who ran out of slingstones while in the forest-this quote ensued and is used whenever the DM describes a patently ridiculous situation

"pink mist" -whenever an enemy or PC is so horribly slaughtered that nothing at all remains of him--as in the fighter pink-misted the orc.


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a character of mine had been put in charge of the law enforcement of a city. of course the first thing he did was to make the party members special "constables" giving them the power to act as he would. the halfling rogue constantly refered to his job as "constabulating" or "constabulation" and it stuck. now every time we try to solve a mystery or aprehend a criminal, we are constabulating.

Holy Bovine

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Piratecat said:
In Sagiro's campaign, we were on our third game when we killed a bunch of cultists. Out of nowhere, Tor (the fighter) announces, "I cut him open and suck all of the XP out of his XP gland." It now has become a tradition after killing monsters to look for the XP gland where all of its experience is stored.

*gasp* *wheeze* *choke*

Oh, god - XP gland!

breaks down in hystyerical fits of laughter

:D :D :D

Teflon Billy

When we rolled dice, and they landed askew (like halfway on a stack of paper, or sitting in a crack in the table) and we felt the number shown was unclear, the die was refered to as being "C0cked"

In recent years we have changed the gender of that term.

I'll leave it to you to decipher what term we use, but here is a hint: it still starts witht he same letter :)

My group rules:)


1. The Ass Mantle

In my group, we often say demented and very wrong things (like most groups I imagine). But when one of us says something really wrong, then that player gets the Ass Mantle, because he is a huge ass and deserves a special mantle to show he is an ass. The Ass Mantle has a special calling ability, so when you say something really stupid, just snap your fingers.

2. The Bashing Light

In my group, we have a tendency to make hilarious and twisted comments about people who aren't in the immediate area. If we keep insulting that person long enough, we say the bashing light is indeed on. The joke comes from airplanes with seatbelt lights.

3. Thats What She Said.

Sometimes one of us says something which can be taken the wrong way (for example, "take that out of your mouth") and then one of us will say in response, "Thats what she said".

4. Where's the Paladin? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Back in a Basic Set D&D game, I was running Keep on the Borderlands. The fighter and the paladin (custom class for the player) were fighting it, and well, the minotaur threw the paladin out of the cave. At the same exact moment, one of the players at the camp said out loud "Where's the Paladin?" Suddenly, he heard the paladin yelling as he was thrown out.

There is probably more, but I'm too lazy to think of them.


First Post
Teflon Billy said:
When we rolled dice, and they landed askew (like halfway on a stack of paper, or sitting in a crack in the table) and we felt the number shown was unclear, the die was refered to as being "C0cked"

In recent years we have changed the gender of that term.

I'll leave it to you to decipher what term we use, but here is a hint: it still starts witht he same letter :)

My group rules:)

(I know, I know...funny me.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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