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Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?


Player Critical Fumbles...or just really bad rolls

I have a player who every time he makes a failed roll (spot, search, etc), he doesn't tell me the number he rolled. Usually, it goes something like this...

"Wow. I have really cool shoes."
"Oooooooo. Pretty."
"Damn, I look good."


Needless to say, they all end up being exceptionally funny and deflate what could be a really bad situation.

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Doctor Doom


-sound effect made whenever a fighter type hits with multiple attacks and cleaves.

Just then a giant Roc swoops down and grabs (character's name) and flies off.
And at that moment, (character's name) falls from the sky and lands with a thud.

-This is when a player isn't at a session, to explain where their character goes off to (it works even in dungeons or caves).

player: Can I (something dumb)
DM: (Pause)... wait for it... (pause)... (pause)... no.

Ow! My liver!
-uttered after being critted. Stolen from Beavis and Butthead

-Throws weapon- Eh, I didn't need that (+5holy defender or super power weapon) anyway.
-in our game fumbles mean you've dropped your weapon.
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Glaurung said:
"there are no rocks in the forest" ... this quote ensued and is used whenever the DM describes a patently ridiculous situation.

There is a fairly famous short story by, I think, Henry Lawson, about a traveller who goes into the pub at Walgett and runs on at leangth about what a pathetic river the Barwon is, about how it wouldn't even count as a creek on the coast, etc. One of the locals bets him five pounds that he can't throw a rock from one bank to the other. The traveller accepts the bet and spends a whole afternoon trying to find a rock....

When I went to Walgett in 1985 I carried a rock with me, and spent a whole fortnight of afternoons trying to taunt a local into repeating the famous bet. No soap.

There are places with no rocks. And if they get more rain than Walgett, most are good places to grow forests.

Think alluvium!

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Cold porridge.

See, we had this halfling, who was in charge of breakfast, which he was supposed to cook while he was on third watch. So for some reason the player decided to roll a cooking skill roll (which he had quite a good score in, for some reason). He rolled a 1. So he decided that breakfast that morning was burnt up.

When the rest of us awoke, we were rather pissed. So we searched our character sheets for anything else we had in the way of breakfast rations (this party was rather "into" their inventories). It seemed the dwarf had a large keg of beer in the wagon. Of course, beer is cold, and made from grain. The halfling quickly dubbed it "cold porridge" and dished it out.

So we had "cold porridge" for breakfast.

In turn, now, whenever something looks suspiciously inedible, we say "I'll have cold porridge instead." Or we offer it to people, who turn it down in disgust, and then we go have a drink.



House Ruler
Now where did I put my foam rubber baseball bat?

Said by me when my players are being particularly obtuse. Picked up by them when one of their number is particularly dense ("Get out the foam rubber baseball bat."). Until, finally, one of my players actually brought a foam rubber baseball bat to the game!

La Bete

First Post
Werewolf Pants.

Problems with ripping up all your clothes when changing form? Wear Werewolf Pants. (which are just sweat pants with really stretchy elastic waistband)

The Honk of Derision.

One player, when someone else did something dopey, would do this freaky honking/hooting sound. Whats bizzare is that after a while we all started doing it, or trying to, IN the game. One session we used it to find each other when the party was separated.... (werewolf again)

Lay on the healing tongue.

(any paladin using laying on of hands ability. juvenile, yes, but funny at the time)

Because.... I'm the man!

Response when another player queries how your character hit/made a check, did lots of damage because of special abilities the GM has secretly given your character.

Generally provokes intraparty violence.


First Post
I've got a plus # to drown.

Considering our first few 3e games, where most the characters wore heavy armor, we had huge penalties to swim, so we looked on the bright side.

Crap, Init 23, I'm gonna die.

Said by the half orc fighter Scrag, cause he usually rolls bad init, but when he rolls well, he gets severly injured. Additional: there was this one time when we faced a barbaran, he rolled the best init in the party, and instead of attacking, he chose to defensivly assist my barbarian, but the second character to act was our foe, he charged me, criticaled with his mercerial greatsword, and nearly killed me. I was giving the orc the evil eye the whole night.

Don't go down the well.

During a dungeon hack, there was a well that we were repeatedly told led to a more dangerous section of the dungeon. When we got to level 9, we decided to attempt it, and after our first fight down there, with a pack of displacer beasts that we completly owned, our monk sarcastically said "don't go down the well" later that night, after going thru a teleport maze, we got into a fight with some Minotaurs that could go etheral, and we were almost wiped out, if it had not been for my bard cohort turning the cleric invisable and the cleric keeping me and the half orc alive with heals. after the fight, the monk said "don't go down the well" emphaticly. Used since for times when we scoff at danger only to come near to death.

"Never lie to Jimmy"

I was playing a dumb Fighter(int 9), who was discovered in the travels of the group (I had just lost a character and this was my replacement). They were on a quest to recover a treasure that had been lost in the local mountians that belonged to Jimmy, a gnomish king. As we recovered the treasure, my fighter found a shiny ring, which he took a liking to, so he kept it. When we returned to Jimmy he asked if we had turned in all the treasure. I of course said yes, and making a decent roll on my bluff, as well as Jimmy's reaction which was to say, "ok" and then hand out our rewards, I was satisfied I had fooled him. Later that night on my character's watch I was asked to make a spot roll, which I failed, then a reflex, which I also failed. So the DM informed me I was now a pincushion for about 20 arrows. I said "Ok I make a gurgling noise", the DM had the rest of the party make listen checks, the only one to awaken was our druid, who saw a group of darkly clad men walk forward, decapitate my character and take the ring. They turned to the druid and simply said "We weren't here, you didn't see us, and never lie to Jimmy"
after that the phrase "Don't lie to Jimmy" became the thing to say when some one was about to do something very stupid.

Where's my nerf stick...

A line used, in reference to the wiffle ball bat that's normally in my living room, to discourage the use of stupidly powerful home brewed rules.

Slowly raising your right hand to cover your eyes.

In one game I played, we had a monk played by my friend Alex, who wore artifact level gloves. We had a wizard who never payed attention to the game, but the DM told him we were in a battle and he cast his signature spell called Death Marshmellow, which summoned a slowly falling flamming marshemellow that would explode in a nuclear blast. The monk, seeing the falling marshmellow and knowing he was in range, slowly raised his hand over his eyes. After the explosion, the only parts of him with flesh were his hands, in the gloves, and a hand shaped area of his face. Now slowly raising your hand over your eyes means that you accept your incoming doom.


First Post
Good times, man, good times.

Total newbie, I had to register JUST for this thread.

Reading all of these brought back some great memories of years past, playing and DM'ing (mostly AD&D2e. Here's a few of ours:

"Magical Dogass"
Whenever we would encounter a terrible creature that could easily kill us all, the Barbarian in our group would always "dog-ass run" away. "I'm going to run away, in fact, I'm going to DOG-ASS run."
Eventually, the DM gave the player an item for his dedication to the phrase; a magical strip of leather headband that increased his movement rate by a negligible amount.
Any quickly souring encounter with a "boss" would have players chiming, "Time to strap on the dogass!"

"Get the Phone!"
Once, during a serious and heavy roleplaying scene in which my cleric was communing with his Goddess, our DM launched into a terribly dramatic speech. Everyone was silent, as the DM recited a speech he had obviously memorized for the occasion, ignoring the noises from an adjacent room...until the telephone rang... and in the middle of his speech, without a pause, he shouted, "GET THE PHONE!"
This immediately shattered the mood, and I shouted, "Yes, my lady! I will get the phone for you, no matter the cost!"
After the laughter subsided, the DM realized the damage had already been done. For the rest of that character's tenure, it was a semi-OOC joke that he always asked the local parishes about an artifact called "the phone." (He never found it.)

"Johnny Ranger and Damyu"
One of the groups I gamed with included a tall, mostly silent player, whose Ranger character was named Johnny.
Johnny Ranger, as we called him, wasn't known for his eloquence, but he could make dice rolls that would turn vegas pros green with envy. With a bastard sword in one hand, and a magic long sword in the other, he was our primary offense, and when his turn came up to fight, the entire table would chant, "Johnny RAAANGERRR!!" The DM had to make battles harder, because he was so ruthlessly efficient and had the devil's own luck.
Games later, the player might be a drow mage or a half-elven bard, and yet he would always be called to bat by a chorus of "JOHNNNY RAANGERRRR!"

Johnny Ranger also had a large warhorse that was contractually obligated to him, as per the rules of the game; but being the quiet, largely unimaginative sort, Johnny didn't name his horse for quite some time. The horse would constantly balk at his orders, and each command was invariably followed by "Damn you!"
After a few gaming sessions of, "Get over here, Damn you!" or "Attack that thing, damn you!" The horse began responding to the name "Damyu." In successive other campaigns without Johnny, whenever someone would say, "Damn you." Someone else at the table would mutter an imitation of a horse neighhing, and the DM would look around conspiratorily.

OUR solution to the whole absent player problem was a curse that had been placed upon us by a god of mischeif, so that occasionally, one of our ranks would turn into a cockroach. Of course, this only happened when a player was absent, but it was easy enough to have a cockroach scurry into one of our bags and wait for the next game.

"Piffed and Splapped"
Like all groups, we had our own little pet phrases for attacks and damage...
During a gruesome battle with an archlich, our DM puncutated a hit on one of the PCs with a loud "pfff!" sound, and announced that the pc was now a pile of dust. After killing the lich, scooping our comrades up in baggies, and appropriating his "Rod of Disentegration", "piff" became the verb and the sound effect for a successful disentegration.
One battle, Johnny Ranger dropped his handful of attack dice, and ended up delivering damage equal to at least three times the monster's HP to said monster, to which one of us players leering over his shoulder cried "AWWW...SPLAP!!" After that, any hit that severely damaged an enemy, or in the case of Johnny Ranger versus a Kobold, splattered its entirety into a greasy puddle, would be punctuated by a visceral "SPLAP!"
Like Piff, Splap is a verb and a sound. :)

"Minty Green Incense Sticks"
In some old "Dungeon" magazine somewhere, I read an article where someone wrote about players deviating from the storyline, and sarcastically mentioned something about the theif sneaking into the church to steal minty green incense sticks.
During a game I DM'ed, I had to corral my players who all-too-frequently broke out of the adventure and ignored the plot, and I strongly advised them to stop hunting for Minty green incense sticks, and get back to their room.
They got a kick out of the phrase, and from then on, any game I ran or played with those people, the term "Minty green incnese sticks" became a synonym for aimlessly wasting time, seperating the party, distracting other players, or any other personal endeavor detrimental to the plotline.

(As a side note, In a later campaign, illegal trafficking in minty green incense sticks became a major part of the game, and the focus for quite a few adventures...)

Thanks for the memories, you've made me want to start up a game all over again.

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