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Pathfinder 1E [Fire Mountain Games]Throne of Night


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Fire Mountain Games is pleased to announce its next product line. Starting in early 2013 we will be releasing "Throne of Night".


"Throne of Night" will be a campaign where your characters need never see the sun. Build an empire in the depths of the earth and defend it against all foes. Explore an alien world beyond imagination and make it your own.

Two adventure paths in one, you can play either noble settlers epitomized by the dwarves or wicked overlords exemplified by the drow. Though there will be notes on playing any race and class, the campaign will focus on those two points of view.

We'll be releasing more details all day today so visit the web site or our facebook page for preview art and further information.

Of course we welcome your questions!

And to answer your first question: Aboleth? Yes, lots.

Fire Mountain Games is the ENnie award nominated publisher of Pathfinder's only evil adventure path the critically acclaimed "Way of the Wicked" for sale now at Paizo.com and DriveThruRPG.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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One of the unique aspects of "Throne of Night" will be that every party has the option of having a patron. The Patron is a minor deity or demon lord who all or most of the PCs revere. The Patron helps tie together parties and it allows all the PCs to participate in a mini-game before the campaign begins so that cooperatively they can design their own. Faithfully serving your patron and making sacrifices grants you minor boons as the campaign progresses and is a source of unique treasures and rewards.

With Patrons the dwarves could end up being servitors of Father Mountain or the Queen of Mithral. Drow could end up serving the Demon Lord of Curses, the Master of Secrets or yes even the Spider Queen. The PCs choose their own reasons for being bound together in service to this master. This is one of the ways we help even a potentially predominantly chaotic evil party stay together and cooperate. But even with lawful good dwarves a Patron can provide an intense focus for the adventures to come.

Patrons will be an optional sub-system that can be exported to any campaign. The full system will be presented in Throne of Night Book One: Dark Frontier available early 2013.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games



I thought you would be hard pressed to came with an original, cool, nice-looking Adventure Path that could live to the expectations raised by Way of the Wicked.

I was so utterly wrong.


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Let's discuss another part of the Patron sub-system -- rivals. Every Patron has an arch-enemy, another faith that is inimical to it. As you are picking what qualities your Patron has you are also giving the GM tools to design its opponent.

The Patron system remains optional for the adventure path, however if you pick a patron you will also be changing the nature of at least one major enemy in the campaign.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games


First Post
Re: Subscriptions, there will be announcements about this very topic somewhere down the road...

Re: Throne of Night


Yes, there will be different kinds of terrain in Azathyr. It will not just be "cave". There will be the desolate dry caverns, where little can survive. Forest of fungi, rich with food and alchemical components. Hot springs. Underwater rivers, seas and lakes. Bat caves near the surface -- rich with guano. Fallen jungles where rare orchids thrive touched only rarely by the sun's light. Fields of cave lichen where the under-auroch graze. And more...

Cave? This is more than just a cave. This is a domain worth fighting for.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games


This sounds as a great AP to have, even for those not interested on Sandbox Style or dwarves or drows or whatever. It seems to be a cute "complete underdark" book.

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