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Fantasy Grounds Tutorials


I think Fantasy Grounds is an amazing solution for running D&D online. It's the only true virtual tabletop software I've come across, the rest being purely a battlemat. But F2 simulates all the stuff you do at the table including handouts, rewards, die rolling with actual 3D dice.

But gosh it's a pain to figure out. It took me months of fiddling to get it to work. It's my hope that with a series of short (~20 mins each) tutorials, more people will find it easier to use.

Here's step one: importing a character. 4E is my system of choice, so everything in here is 4E, but most of this works with any of the systems FG2 supports.


This one is 4E specific, because it shows you how to scrape the DDI Compendium for all it's data.


If you follow these directions, and you play 4E, you will never need WotC again. You won't care what they do with the DDI, they can kill it, whatever. You'll have all the 4E data locally!

There will be more as I have time.

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Tutorial #3, in which we take an Encounter from one of the WotC PDFs, bring it into Fantasy Grounds, and then save it as a module.

This means you can take any adventure you have a PDF for, turn it into a FGII module, and have instant access to it anytime you need it.

I find this great because I like to run an Open World game where I have no idea where my players are going to go from one moment to the next. If they decide to go to the Moathouse today, I've got all that content ready, I just open the module.

Of course, you can use FGII with the PDF you want open while you play, and just grab the information you need as you run the game. You don't need to prep this info before the game, you don't need to pack it into a module. You can just reference the PDF, find the monsters you need as you play, etc....


Next tutorial is the main event. We fight!

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