• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Explorer's Handbook (Book Approval)


The man with the probe
Since this one of the books in the mail for me (Five Nations is the other), I figured I'd start this up.

Any thoughts or comments on crunch in this book?

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
In many respects, the Explorer's Handbook is a DM tool than a player one, though that isn't a bad thing. Lots of good fluff. I especially like "How to Survive a Human Sacrifice" sidebar. ;)

Chapter 1: Prices on travel, especially long range.

Chapter 2: Elemental vessel properties (how to control, consequences of attacks, etc.)

Magic Item: Life rings (feather falling life preservers, last 8 rounds)

Misc: Discussed traveler's marks (signs that warn of danger, food ahead, etc. Survival based)

Affiliations: Wafinder's Guild and the 12's Acquisition Directorate. Not flushed out as PHBII style (so, its soft crunchy---"squishy?)

Cataclysm Mage: Mage that studies Eberron apocalypses. 10 level, all but one +1 CL. d4 HD. 6th to start, need an RP vision or visitation. Gain various abilities tied to different periods of history, but must continue to seek out visions to keep power. Abilities (in rough order of acquisition): while fulfilling vision, use d8 for AP [first 4 only], create magic items with some components for free (keen, mighty cleaving, bane, thundering, viccious or arrow catching, bashing, ...) [only XP affected, gp as normal]; immunity to insanity; open a gateway to Xioriat briefly, causing pain, slow movement, and cannot hold items; maximize repair spells once for free per day; +2 saves vs. psi; cause a quake like effect 1/day w/in 20' with fear in addition; +1 save vs enchantment; +2 to overcome fiendish spell resistence; create a flood of silver fire that does 1d6+class level per round no save for class level rounds max; ability to chose to manifest any non-Syberius dragonmark (but only one a day) with the possibility of dragons hunting you down.

Thunder Guide: Storied explorer. +4 BaB with some diplomacy, must have visisted several non-Khovair places. Mid BaB, good Fortr, d10 HD. Gain languages over time, and various spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary abilities over time; ties to native cultures; famous in the press; catch people while falling w/ Climb, grab people on horses w/ ride; money from fame; lordship from fame. Lots of small abilities similar in vein as horizon walker benefits but w/ Eberron flavor.

Windwright captain (one I'd love to go to): Airship or elemental galleon captain. Have to be half-elf w/ dragonmark, usually rogue/sorcerer, rogue/wizard, bard, or artificer, at least level 8. 5 level PrC, d6, +3 CL. Assists in controlling elemental and vessel, gain access to a ship (access, not ownership, though you can buy it if you get really wealthy later).

Infusion: Invoke Elemental. Free a bound elemental briefly to fight for you.

Chapters 3-5: Fluff

Appendix: Magic Items

Rystil Arden

First Post
No XP cost ad infinitum seems excessive, since it would be fairly trivial to get a discount with the GP discount feat in the ECS and then sell an infinite number of those items for a huge profit, at least in a norma game. It may actually be okay thanks to the craft point system, though if so, it would be a STRONG proof to those naysayers for the craft point system that we need to have one.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rystil Arden said:
No XP cost ad infinitum seems excessive, since it would be fairly trivial to get a discount with the GP discount feat in the ECS and then sell an infinite number of those items for a huge profit, at least in a norma game. It may actually be okay thanks to the craft point system, though if so, it would be a STRONG proof to those naysayers for the craft point system that we need to have one.
The discount feats in the ECS can only be taken once (not several times, that was errata'd) and you can only get one of the abilities "for free" (no XP). Gold and time to make are unaffected (and yes, if you did not have a system to "take the time", that would make this more borked; any DM that doesn't enforce time rules for creation w/ Artificers is asking for trouble).

Rystil Arden

First Post
stonegod said:
The discount feats in the ECS can only be taken once (not several times, that was errata'd) and you can only get one of the abilities "for free" (no XP). Gold and time to make are unaffected (and yes, if you did not have a system to "take the time", that would make this more borked; any DM that doesn't enforce time rules for creation w/ Artificers is asking for trouble).
I only meant to take the gold discount feat once, but even once is enough--at no XP cost, working on magic items full time infinitely without stopping, even with standard time costs, is too lucrative to be economically feasible. That's 625 GP profit a day if you can sell market price, for instance. Fortunately, Craft Point system could make this less crazy, but in a regular game, it really isn't fair.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Rystil Arden said:
I only meant to take the gold discount feat once, but even once is enough--at no XP cost, working on magic items full time infinitely without stopping, even with standard time costs, is too lucrative to be economically feasible. That's 625 GP profit a day if you can sell market price, for instance. Fortunately, Craft Point system could make this less crazy, but in a regular game, it really isn't fair.
Couple things to note: Artificers do not qualify for the PrC (wizard/artificers could, of course); and the XP cost only applies the keen effect, for example, the +1 (or whatever) still costs. The real potential borkage is upgrading existing +n weapons. One way to fix that is to keep the rule that the caster level required to make or upgrade the weapon is the higest of the (free XP) weapon ability or the existing enhancement bonus. Thus, wizards would have to wait until 10th level to add keen and such to +1/+2 weapons.

And, in a regular game, some throttles should be put in place, but that is the case for much of the normal crafting system (as discussed at length during the discussion of the craft system).

Rystil Arden

First Post
Ah, I thought you get any weapon with those effects completely free. That's fine then (for what it's worth, I wasn't worried about Artificers here--just Wizards spamming swords all day :D). Sounds like it isn't really a problem at all.


First Post
stonegod said:
In many respects, the Explorer's Handbook is a DM tool than a player one, though that isn't a bad thing. Lots of good fluff.

It is definately a DM's book. It is packed full of maps for random locations and stats for NPC's to go with them. I ran the Aal'dresh Seals location for my players and it was great. It also has a lot of useful maps for airships, lightning rails, docking towers, and galleons. It also addresses the cost of elemental airships and galleons. Lotta flavor for the PrC's and some RP considerations. Thunder Guides are classic hero types, rescue the helpless, create ties with far flung tribes, etc. Cataclysm mage gets some neat special abilities but has some restrictions. You have to fulfill some roleplaying requirements before you can level. Windwright captain is nothing outstanding but you get an airship for free with the cavaet that you tithe some of your money to Lyrander. Overall a good book.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Bront: Have you received this yet?

BTW: Here is the build for my swashbuckler 3/bard 2/dread pirate 2/windwright captain 1 named Mal. Dread Pirate just made too much sense for the build. Doesn't have all his equipment, but you get the idea.
[sblock=Mal]Malfin "Mal" d'Lyrandar, CR 8
Male half-elf swashbuckler 3/bard 2/honorable dread pirate 2/windwright captain 1
CN medium humanoid (elf)
Action Points 9
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Elven, Ignan
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14; shipboard fighter
hp 66 (8 HD)
Immune sleep
Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +6 (+8 against enchantment); grace
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 keen rapier +8/+3 (1d6+6/15-20) and +1 kukri +8 (1d4+6/18-20)
Melee +1 keen rapier +10/+5 (1d6+6/15-20) or
Ranged mwk composite longbow +10 (1d8+2/x3)
Base Atk +6; Grp +8
Atk Options insightful strike, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Special Actions bardic music 2/day (inspire courage +1, fascinate 1 target, countersong)
Combat Gear 2 potions of cure serious wounds
Bard Spells Known (CL 3):
- 1st (2/day): feather fall, phantom threat (DC 12, CW), remove fear
- 0 (3/day): daze (DC 11), flare (DC 11), know direction, light, message, resistance
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7):
- 2/day: fog cloud
- 1/day: wind's favor
Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ bardic knowledge +5, bardic music, elven blood, dragonmark control, fearsome reputation +2 (Diplomacy), grace +1, half-elf traits, master pilot, seamanship, shipboard fighter
Feats Least Dragonmark of Storm, Lesser Dragonmark of Storm, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting (B), Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills Appraise +11, Balance +18, Climb +13, Diplomacy +10, Jump +12, Gather Information +3, Listen +1, Perform (oratory) +4, Profession (sailor) +13 (+14 piloting bound elemental vessels), Search +4, Spot +1, Swim +6, Tumble +16, Use Magic Device +7, Use Rope +7
Possessions combat possessions plus mithral shirt, +1 keen rapier, +1 kukri, mwk composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) with 40 arrows.
Bardic Knowledge (Ex) Mal may make a bardic knowledge check with a +5 bonus to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places.
Bardic Music (various) Two times per day, Mal can use bardic music to perform a countersong, fascinate 1 target, or inspire courage. While doing so, Mal cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion, spell trigger, or command words.
- Countersong (Su) Any creature within 30 feet of Mal (including himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use Mal's Perform check in place of its saving throw. Any creature currently under such an effect that is not instantaneous may attempt another save using Mal's perform check. Mal may concentrate on a countersong for 10 rounds.
- Fascinate (Sp) Mal can fascinate one target with 90 feet that can see and hear him and able to pay attention; Mal must also be able to see the creature. Mal's Perform check is used at the target's Will save vs. the effect. If the creature fails the save, it is fascinated for long as Mal performs (up to 2 rounds).
- Inspire Courage (Su) Mal may add a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage and a +1 morale bonus vs. saves against charm and fear for as long as he performs plus 5 rounds.
Dragonmark Control (Ex) Levels in the windwright captain class count as levels in the dragonmark heir prestige class when determining Mal's caster level for his dragonmark spell-like abilities.
Fearsome Reputation (Ex) Mal adds a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Grace (Ex) Mal adds a +1 competence bonus to Reflex saves
Insightful Strike (Ex)[/b] Mal applies his Intelligence bonus as a bonus to damage rolls with any light weapon as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse. Mal cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
Master Pilot (Ex) Mal can add his levels of windwright captain class levels to his Profession (sailor) checks if on a bound elemental vessel.
Seamanship (Ex) Mal adds his dread pirate class levels as an insight bonus to all Profession (sailor) checks. Allies within sight or hearing of Mal add an insight bonus of half this number on their Profession (sailor) checks.
Shipboard Fighter (Ex) Mal can take 10 on Balance and Climb checks even if threatened and distracted. He also does not lose his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class when balancing or climbing. [/sblock]

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