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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Karma smiles at the abrupt answer, "I too am a servant of faith". He opens the shifts the top of his jacket revealing a clear holy symbol. It is recognizable as the symbol of Mireva. "Now can I get you a drink?"

Xander glances at the holy symbol and gives a slight nod, a gesture meant to acknowledge the other mans faith. His eyes light up and his lips raise in the slightest of smiles. "That is an offer I shall not turn away" he responds and downs his third shot of liquor. "I'll have an ale" he remarks to the barkeep.

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Karma smirks slightly in recognition of the success of the offer. He also turns to the barman, I'l have *he points at the dusty shelf, that all bar's have with a range of exotic bottles which no-one has ever drank from, but Barmen insist on having to look authentic and in the hope someone will one day order one.* "the.. is that a 94. no the one on the left. Yes that's it." Eventually having received his drink Karma sits down.

"So what are you looking for," *looking down at the many shotglasses scattered on the bar* "Amnesia? or just a good time?"


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Xander looks up from his ale and over at Karma, a frown on his face.
"Amnesia I suppose" he grumbles and then drains the ale in front of him.
"Look" he continues, "We all have reasons to drown ourselves in liquor, and I'm not about to start sharing mine" He slides his empty mug to the side and waves over the barkeeper. "Lets talk of other things shall we" he says in a tone that leaves no room for negotiation as he accepts another mug of ale from the barkeeper.

As he speaks you pick up a very odd accent, one you have definitely not heard before and is clearly not local. ((OOC - think slightly Scottish highland like, but not the over the top version everyone thinks dwarves would have talk with))


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Karma nodds quietly, well I'l tell you a little about myself, I am a servant of information, I am looking for the transport of secrets. There are those, *He places his hand over where the holy symbol is under his jacket* who don't look favorably on such. There are secrets which have reasons for not seeing the light of day. Information is something to be guarded and as such I will respect your defense of your own secrets.


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Xander just gives a slight nod at Karmas response and continues downing his ale.

After a few moments of silence he looks around the room and then towards the doors through which he came in through.
"I thought this to be a place where one could find the opportunity for adventures and questing and the like. I'm thinking that I may have been mislead...." he lets his sentence trail off as he returns his mug of ale to his mouth and leans back against the bar.

Voda Vosa

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"I was under the same impression" states the stony character from his place, not turning to address his statement to no one in particular.


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A tall dragonborn walks into the bar confidently and upon seeing the mounted dragon heads smiles and takes a seat facing the door. The dragonborn is covered in scars that snake across all the exposed parts of his body. Between the scars you can tell that his scales are a dark orange almost brown in colour. Not that much of his body is exposed due to the equally scarred scale mail he is wearing. The scale on scale layering creates the effect of making him seem almost more draconic. He rests an ornate shield made from polished metal with an oxidised copper design that has turned bright jade. He starts removing the scale mail to reveal more scars held together with slithers of unmarked skin. Under his armour he is wearing a simple sleeveless shirt that showed why he was so confident when he came in. Now that he is comfortable the dragonborn walks over to the two people at the bar and introduces himself. "My name's Krav, I hope it's nice to meet you. What can I get to eat here?"

Krav the Dragonborn Warlord ready for action. This is my only character.
[sblock=Krav’s Stats]
Krav - Dragonborn Warlord
Racial Features: Draconic Heritage, Dragon Breath, Dragonborn Fury
Class Features: Bravura Presence, Battlefront Leader, Inspiring Word
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 11
AC 19, Fort 15, Reflex 13, Will 15
HP 25/25, Bloodied 12, Surge Value 14, Surges 9/9
Speed 5, Initiative +1
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Brash Assault, Direct the Strike
Encounter Powers: Battlefront Shift, Dragon’s Breath, Vengeance is Mine, Inspiring Word, Inspiring Word
Daily Powers: Lamb to the Slaughter


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Karma kept his twinkling eyes on the newcomer as he came through, he outstretches a hand, never keeping his eyes off the dragonborn. "Please, let me get you a drink, the name is Karma. I couldn't help notice the boar looked particularly juicy when some one ordered it a little while ago. Where are you from, Friend?"

[ sblock=OOC]
My character is being edited to be a cleric/warlord hybrid. Contrary to the Wiki which say's Avenger, as it as not been played I can change class. Character concept remains the same.
[ /sblock ]
Last edited:


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Krav shakes Karma's hand and smiles. "I'll have a beer then, I couldn't turn down such a nice offer now could I? I come from the Kingdom of the Jade but I didn't fit in very well there. I'm much happier with a beer in hand getting ready to do something...adventurous. I feel like I fit in here better." He then turns to the barman and orders two plates of boar. As the barman leaves he turns back to Karma. "So where do you hail from?"


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"I come from a Temple of Mireva, good 40 miles South, was trained in battle and faith. Just another officer priest in the Thought-War. Karma looks intently at Krav, "Do you have a Deity of your own then Krav?" He smirks, "Don't worry I am not the evangelical type"

Voidrunner's Codex

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