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Enworld World Guide (Work in Progress)

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Overview of the World

Shape of the World
Enworld is a hexagonal disk of 25,000 miles diameter, carried by the vast elephant - called the Enworphant - through the Astral Plane. Time flows because Enworphant eternally walks. Should it ever stop, everything would freeze in a stillness of death. As it walks, with every little step it takes reality vibrates, and it sends slow waves of time upon Enworld. On Enworld's surface these waves collide, creating small ripples in the tissue of time. Wherever smaller crests rise, time starts flowing faster; wherever they ebb, time slows as the place is slowly left behind. Most people don't notice these ripples, but travellers occasionally encounter inconsistencies in time. At every point of the hexagon sits one of the Elemental Towers, and the lands near them are sometimes called the Elemental Lands, shaped by the proximity of the powerful magics inherent in the Towers.

The Lands of Positive Energy - A region where life is its own worst foe, full of small creatures, whether animal or plant. Many a settlement has been overrun by nature itself, and many a new species has been sighted, only to be extincted by the overwhelming competition.
The Lands of Earth - This is the most temperate of the Elemental Landa, having been one of the most fertile growing lands in history. Metal veins run deep around its Tower, and wealth is common. The Tower itself is surrounded by mountains of stone and metal, once bastions to passing civilizations. The land is flat beyond the mountains, and forests populate this area.
The Lands of Fire - This elemental region in the south-west is covered with volcanic activity and dangerous natural phenomenon. It never rains within a hundred miles of its Tower, so it is surrounded by desert beyond the mountains.
The Lands of Negative Energy - Surrounded by the graveyards of the dead sits a lone grey Tower. It is rumored that all evil bodies and souls migrate to this place after death. A dark place made of bone, surrounded by the unfertile soil of death.
The Lands of Air - This region is the most isolated of all the towers. Where the Earth, Fire, and Water Towers are protected by natural phenomenon, the Air Tower is seperated by a lack of such. The land around the tower of wind has fallen off Enworphant's back, ages before anyone can recall. Now the tower, jutting down towards Enworphant, is surrounded by nothing but the unpredictable winds that it controls.
The Lands of Water - This region is part of the largest ocean of Enworld. Here sits a Tower surrounded by mountains of ice and then by water for miles. Near the Tower itself, it is nearly impossible to land a boat. Isolated and cold, even during the summer, the water tower is an isolated place.
In the very center of the world sits a bustling city, home to a famous tavern - the Red Dragon Inn in Orussus.

Enworld has a sun and a moon, said to be birds accompanying the Enworphant on its eternal travel, subsisting on the brightmoths - the stars in Enworld's sky. Enworphant itself is androgynous and immortal.

The Elemental Towers
In every corner of the world hexagon sits one of the Elemental Towers, often cited to be the source of the arcane powers. Towards the north sits the Tower of Positive Energy. The north-east holds the Tower of Earth. The south-east is home to the Tower of Fire. The south-wards path brings one to the Tower of Negative Energy. The south-west Tower is that of Air. And finally, the north-west Tower holds the power of Water.

There is no knowledge of just how deep into the earth they go. Perhaps they pierce the bottom of the world disk. At the top of each tower is a shard of an ancient gem brought to this planet from the outermost edges of conceivable existence. These forces fuel many of the elements as they are seen on the world sphere. Each gem has successfully warded itself against ages of experiments, greed, and control. Each one of these artifacts has managed to protect itself, or be protected, by hundreds of different people in kind over the millennia.

It is believed that many have tried to destroy the towers as well. Such efforts, obviously, have been useless, but marks and scars around the grounds surrounding the towers leave ponderances of what would cause such a massive movement against something that provides such a fundamental power to the world. Perhaps they knew something that has long since been forgotten, but it is also possible that they were attempting to destroy the world.

At times, during earlier civilizations now burnt to the ground, cities sprang up around the towers. These cities used the force of the gems proximity to fuel their own desires. These cities were eventually left with no name, and little memory of their existence. Stories have come and gone, leaving many to believe that the towers themselves, while necessary and helpful, are curses to those that use it. It has become tradition, however, among many guilds and cabals of mages that one who has reached the pinnacle of their craft must seek out the towers, in a form of pilgrimage. Whatever happens on these trips is often unknown, many are killed, stripped of their power, or otherwise left inept by their own actions. Sometimes they just quit, which has more often than not resulted in a much healthier future.

Another story tells that the shards are in fact the remnants of six golems crafted by one fantastic god, or godlike arcanist, that were shattered by all other gods in a sundering event that broke the world, and destroyed the old gods. Very few support this belief, however, except perhaps the occational fanatic or cult.

Yet another sect of devout have claims that the towers were at one time part of an ancient and powerful vessel, that traveled between the many stars on a journey of knowledge. The people, at some point, decided to settle down, and so they formed a planet and chose a star to rest it around. They used their ship, the towers arcane, as the structure to support their fanatical development. Many who believe this also believe that the creators of their world are in fact somewhere inside the towers, dormant.
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The Central Lands I


City details: Large city. Population, about 20,000

Details: [sblock]
Status: Largely public. As long as the city is not destroyed or substantially altered, DMs should feel free to run adventures here.

Location: On the coast, just South of the Northern Mountains.

Government: Monarchy, currently ruled by Crassus Jara (Hum Ari2/Sor2). Town Council, representing merchants, Landowners, Artisans, wizard guild and representatives from the dwarves runs many of the day-to-day affairs. King has total veto power. Exercise of royal power has varied by king. Crassus has ruled very firmly, often vetoing the council’s decisions.

Description: Monemvassia city is built onto a gigantic boulder, thrust out into the sea, and connected to the mainland by a thin strip of land, about half a mile long. The sea side of the city has a good port. The castle rests atop the boulder. It is well built and nigh-impregnable. Farms, orchards and mines in the area fall under the city’s fief.

City landmarks:

Throne room:

The most awe-inspiring room in the castle, the throne room presents two large gold thrones underneath the stuffed head of an enormous black dragon. This is the mortal remains of Asphetoon, the ancient huge black dragon that ruled this peninsula for 500 years.

Tavern of the One-eyed Owl.

This seedy dive of a tavern in the docks area is a meeting place for many of the city’s criminal elements. A small rat-faced man named Drauer uses this sleazy tavern as a base. A small-time crook, Drauer was once hired by Jezibel and assisted in the capture and detention of Irene.

Funary Gates: Main city entrance. Guards led by huge half orc: Grindell. (Ftr3) Foul tempered and bribe taking.

The Monemvassia Thieves Guild: This organization is second in power and influence only to the Royal family and government. They are highly integrated into legitimate businesses. Their main priority is to make money, and depend on free trade. They undertake numerous illegal activities in order to evade taxes. They are very upset with the current government and are/were under attack by some unknown force via goblin raiders and a rogue named Jezibel.


The royal family:

King Crassus: This King is about 50. He was sick as a child, is small and ugly. He is no warrior, but has had military training, as all the men in the Jara family do. He is also an accomplished sorcerer. (at least Aristocrat 2/Sor 4)

Duke Antoine Jara: In his late 40s, the Duke is considered by many to be the true King. People hope he will take over. He has been a Naval man all his life, and is still in charge of the royal navy. He spends most of his time away from the city, particularly after the death of his father. Presumed dead after an assassination attempt(Ari2/Ftr4)

Duchess Sofia Maria Jara: Antoine’s wife. A retiring, prim woman who avoids politics, but hosts an exceptional tea party.

Prince Julian Jara: Tall, strong, and very hansom, the young prince was the hope of the future. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Knowledge (Monemvassia) DC 10 OR Knowledge (nobility & royalty) DC12 or Bardic Knowledge DC 15
[sblock]Now in his early 20s, Julian is rumored to be alive and well, plotting the overthrow of the crown. He fled in the company of his gnome tutor, Knockbottle (Bard3), and in possession of the Sword of Truth. Julian himself could well have become more powerful during his years of exile. He is at least a ftr4.

Prince Ajax Jara: Ajax is a sickly and unambitious youth. Yet he is intelligent and capable. He is the palace accountant, and knows much of the city’s finances. He displays no desire for power, which is perhaps why he is allowed his responsibility and freedom. (Ari1/Exp 3)

Princess Esmerelda: Beautiful as Julian is handsome, Esmerelda was much loved by the citizens of the peninsula. Though women cannot become rulers, many hope she will marry well, and bring a more just king to the throne. Her beauty makes her a royal prize, and many princes came to court her, offering various diplomatic and financial advantages in exchange for her hand. Independent and headstrong, she spurned all suitors. Her current whereabouts are unknown.[/sblock]

Lady Justine. Daughter of Antoine’s wife, the attractive, but shy royal still makes her home in Monemvassia. She rarely comes out in public.

Prince Medius: Tall, thin, handsome and proud, this future king is very active in the government. He has been appointed commander and chief of the armed forces. Shrewd, paranoid, and cruel, he has been in the forefront of replacing former commanders and administrators with loyal followers of his person. Wears mithril chainshirt. (Ari2/Ftr1/Sor 1, or higher)

Other NPCs:
Kim Tensil: A prominant merchant, recently in trouble with the law. Someone paid Jezibel to plant stolen silver in his warehouse. Although an adventuring party was able to recover much of the silver and demonstrate that the goblins had taken it, they weren’t able to rule out Kim’s involvement. Kim is free on probation but in danger in an unjust justice system

Grod: Ogre bodyguard of Kim Tensil’s.

Flavius: Caravan guard who befriended the adventuring party in M1.

Antagra – court wizard. Human wizard (8?) About 60 years old. Academy graduate (Conjuration) blue trimmed cloak

Artemis Trent: Another merchant, who runs frequent caravans to Orussus.

Edgar Vossinvinger, major domo for Prince Medius (like a chief of staff)

Graybane: one eyed ranger. Head of militia. Has mighty Silver-enforced darkwood long composite bow and red-fletched arrows.

History: Monemvassia is a city on an immense boulder protruding from the coast. This small peninsula occupies a key strategic point along trading routes, and its natural defensibility makes it an important city.

It was once occupied by the dwarves of the Northern Mountains who mined its precious minerals and used its vast underground caves for storage and audience chambers. Their productive world was shattered by the sudden arrival of Asphetoon, a huge black dragon who shattered their defenses and slaughtered all who got in his way. The dwarves retreated and bided their time, never forgetting their humiliation at the claws of that dragon. They forged mighty weapons and planned their revenge. Their opportunity seemed to come at the hands of a mighty eldritch knight. The human Nolan Jara appeared and offered his services. In return he and his descendents would be granted eternal control of the Monemvassian peninsula. The dwarves, intrigued, agreed, and offered him their most powerful creation. The Sword of Truth. Forged to help a leader build and control an army, as well as slay a dragon, this sword was a great gift. With it, Jara killed Ashpetoon, claimed a lion’s share of his vast hoard for his treasury, and built a beautiful city. He established peaceful and productive trade agreements with the dwarves, gifted them all the treasure taken by the dragon, and signed treaties of mutual defense. His descendents rule to this day.

Five years ago, Nolan’s great great great grandson, Dorian Jara, died, and left the throne to his eldest son Crassus. Although Crassus was oldest, most people thought Jara would skip over him & pass the throne to his second son, Antoine. Antoine was the father of Esmerelda & her two brothers, Julian and Ajax. Crassus was violent and cruel, making himself very unpopular. More damning was that he no longer used the ancestral weapon, The Sword of Truth, in public. This sword, among other things, would glow yellow when a lie was told in its presence. This made it very useful for adjudicating disputes. Julian was convinced it wouldn’t work for Crassus due to his evil nature. Julian was always hot-tempered. He was the eldest, and a talented warrior. Ajax had been sick as a child, and was not suited for war. He worked as an accountant in the King’s treasury.

Recently Crassus’ son Medius was accused of raping another noble, the lady Justine. Crassus finally used the sword in a public hearing to investigate the matter. To the shock of most present, the sword glowed yellow during Justine’s testimony. Medius was declared innocent. Yet most present remembered the yellow glow to be different, more subtle & suffused in the days of Jara. Julian was convinced Antagra, Crassus’ court wizard had cast some sort of a light spell to get that effect.

Crassus also arranged for his niece, the beautiful Esmerelda, to be married to the wizard Philip, who rules a small province South of Monemvassia. This town, Three Rings, is said to be the home of the infamous Black Hand assassin guild. Philip is an old man, who dabbles in strange breeding programs, creating hideous monsters.

At this, both Prince Julian and Princess Esmerelda fled Monemvassia. Rumor has it that Julian took with him the Sword of Truth. Esmerelda has disappeared.

The city is in an economic decline. King Crassus has gotten rid of many of the competent administrators that ran the city in Dorian’s day, in favor of his sycophantic cronies. Bribes are common. Merchants have started to avoid the city’s corruption and increasing taxes. Residents fear the now-arbitrary justice. Discontent is rising, though it has no legal outlet.

Bandit attacks, evidently organized by some intelligent force, temporarily stifled land trade, until they were wiped out by a brave adventuring group.

Geography: North along the coast are a range of mountains, home of the dwarves, and their goblin enemies. South along the coast is the small town of Three Rings. Beyond that jungles.

Monemvassia has never been threatened by land, but pirates and sahaugins make the sea a dangerous place. Many small volcanic islands dot the area around Monemvassia. Some of these serve as pirate bases, and worse! Traditionally, Monemvassia’s strong navy keep these threats at bay, but the deterioration of the armed services through corruption and nepotism has contributed to increased pirate activity in the area. Some say other factors influence this, and that the pirates are becoming increasingly organized and united.[/sblock]

Three Rings – small coastal town just south of Monemvassia. Fairly poor. Mostly fishermen and farmers.

Knowledge (Monemvassia) DC 15 OR Knowledge (geography) DC20 or Bardic Knowledge DC 20 [sblock]
Rumored to house the area’s most feared assassin’s guild, the Black Hand.[/sblock]

Knowledge (Monemvassia) DC 5 OR Knowledge (geography or history) DC10 or Bardic Knowledge DC 10
[sblock]Three Rings is named after the three magic rings taken from the dragon hoard, and gifted to its ruler by Nolan Jara, in return for his assistance in the battle.[/sblock]

South of Three Rings lies dangerous jungle. Off the coast are scattered small volcanic islands.

NPCs Knowledge (Monemvassia) DC 10 OR Knowledge (geography) DC12 or Bardic Knowledge DC 12 [sblock]
Prince Philip – Wizard King of Three Rings. (Wiz 8/Exp 4)
- served by Croft the animal keeper
- Lara his maid
- Various guards
- Lothar, the groundsman
Arness: Mayor – appointed by Philip and reporting to him. (W6)[/sblock]
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