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D&D 3E/3.5 Elder Dragons


An elder dragon is a type of dragon that predates written history and even most oral histories. There are whispers of legends that tell that they have always existed, even before the creation of the world. Early history of the world suggests that dragons ruled all. Nothing could stand against them. Some few of them survive from that distant time, more powerful than any other dragons alive today. Most of the surviving elder dragons attempted godhood and entered the ranks of deities. These elder dragons do have some worshippers of lesser (non-dragon) species; but only one, as far as is known, has dragon worshippers and he requires that they be undead.

Perhaps, though, it is different for dragonkind. For dragons, maybe worshiping is a minor act of heart rather than a major act of spirit. In which case, maybe many dragons worship elder dragons in their own private way, much less obvious than for other species. Perhaps all that is necessary is to have an icon of that elder dragon deity among the other jewels of their hoard. Whatever the case, elder dragons are some of the most powerful creatures in the multiverse.

Each elder dragon is unique and focuses on an area of expertise, some type of knowledge, an element, or a force. Some sages speculate that many more elder dragons than are mentioned by Kerthan the Historian could well exist. They are an insular species as a whole (certain elder dragons are exceptions to this) and usually find out-of-the-way places to inhabit.
Some elder dragons are insubstantial in some way (ethereal, shadowy, gaseous, astral, dream, wind, etc.), but not all are. What is not known about elder dragons could fill the libraries of all the major cities of the whole world, and many are the “facts” supposedly known about them that simply are not true.

Most gods and goddesses treat elder dragons with respect, thereby giving them the status of a near-equal, even if they have no deific rank. While elder dragons could work for powerful deities in various duties, only one is known to do so. A pitifully small number of elder dragons have actually joined the ranks of the gods.
Elder dragons have all of the racial charactistics of true dragons whom they most resemble, but most have changed or added to their racial abilities and modified their appearance. Some stories tell of how elder dragons were once normal true dragons until something unique happened to them or they did something strange and unexpected. There is no way to substantiate any of these tales; or to infer that all elder dragons were once normal true dragons; as even their racial charactistics have changed over the eons that each elder dragon has been alive through active magical experimentation, divine morphing, and even through adaptation to a novel environment.

Most of this information is straight from the writings of Kerthan himself; said to have been translated by several bards directly from the Draco Procreatio, a mythical draconic history book (though the word "book" is somewhat of a misnomer). There is no actual proof such a book exists except through the eminiment sage’s writings. No other person in history has claimed to have seen even translations of it. And outright mentions of it are rare and often couched in fable. Kerthan seems to suggest that there may be as many as one hundred elder dragons. If they are all of this power level, though, such a gathering of elder dragons would make the gods themselves take notice and tremble.

According to Kerthan the Historian (and thus the Draco Procreatio), “The first draconic gods begat many hatchlings of all the true dragon species [both chromatic and metallic] in their first clutches. The hatchlings from all these clutches, being nearly immortal themselves, and of deific rank 0, wandered to the material plane where they became the progenitors of each of their species. These original progenitors all lived long lives, even for dragons; but each and every one eventually passed away, (it seems immortality was not always a requirement for godhood, or maybe they did not die of natural causes, no one can say for sure). Their first clutches spawned the few dragons who were to later become the elder dragons. Most of these elder dragons also passed away or moved into the shadows of legend; only a relative few rose to become gods or unique beings.”
As this information goes against all known draconic histories, most sages discount any of Kerthan’s musings as the writings of a madman and fool. Whatever the case; elder dragons do exist; and, it seems, this is their story. It must be remembered that both oral and written history are not always the way it actually happened, but rather some historian's view of what happened. We all know that bards are not above embellishing a story to enhance its effect on their audience.

Deific elder dragons mentioned in this series are considered new-comers to the god-scene, even though they have been around for millenia. Each elder dragon has found its own way to achieve immortality; so perhaps at first, they were only ordinary true dragons. Elder dragons that will speak to other species will not answer any questions about themselves. True dragons usually refuse to speak of the tales of elder dragons to lesser species (even half-dragons are considered lesser species in this case); letting whatever theories are developed about them remain unconfirmed.

It is evident from the writings of Kerthan, that the legendary Draco Procreatio would fill several shelves of books if ever fully assembled into a non-draconic language and supposedly it lists non-deific but still unique elder dragons, too. Kerthan gives no mention of who these other unique elder dragons might be. It seems that his translations came abruptly to an end when the wyrm, Volnegrot (angered no doubt that the translations from ancient draconic were sent magically first to Kerthan instead of himself) destroyed the eminent sage's residence as well as the whole surrounding town of Bridgeford. The ruins that were once Bridgeford is now only home to vagrants and ghouls.

Only one person's name not of draconic hatching is mentioned in Kerthan's writings as having ever laid eyes upon this legendary history of dragons by dragons (he mentions other translators but gives no names for them), a simple bard by the name of Erevann. It seems that this bard worked feverishly to translate the draconic histories in the lair of a great green wyrm. Many sages refuse to admit that such histories exist; purporting that Kerthan the historian and all his bardic translators are nothing more than charlatans and mountebanks–if the translators ever actually existed, that is.

Here is a surviving scrap of one of Erevann's letters to Kerthan:
Finally, after almost a month of entertaining Volnegrot, the ancient green wyrm, the immense dragon led me deep into the bowels of a nearby dormant volcano all the way to the great draconic library of Volnegrot, close to the lava streams themselves. I first beheld the thirty some-odd tablets stacked neatly upon obsidian shelves; both tablets and shelves sized for dragons, in a smotheringly hot, eeriely red-tinted cavern. Close examination revealed that the tablets were made of mithral deeply scratched with the draconic slashes of the pure dragon script, obviously written by a draconic claw. The script was seemingly etch-marks inlayed with some sparkling silvery metal I could not identify.
Volnegrot gestured a wing-tip at the shelves. "Cloudius the sage wrote these histories." So saying, he turned ponderously and left me to my studies and translations. I had never heard the name before, I hope I spelled it right when I made my notes later Writing here was simply out of the question, no paper would last long enough to get close enough to make the notes feasable; I would have to rely on memory and make notes later.
The heat from the lava streams came at me in waves like a hot wind that wouldn't let up. I could barely stand it; but having taken Volnegrot's suggestion, I had prepared with fire resistance so as not to be another crispy husk of a body lying next to the shelves. Former translaters or failed thieves? I could not be sure.
The elder wyrm had lead me to the Draco Procreatio. These tablets recount the beginnings of draconic history and tell of several wondrous dragons singular of their kind, as well as lost arcana, strange magic items, and special abilitiess developed by these dragons. There are many creatures that remain unknown to the world at large; strange beasts that would confound even the most learned sage. These tablets seem to mention a lot of them.
Sliding out the first in a long series of heavy mithral tablets, each roughly the size of a tower shield, I began to study the sparkling dragon-wroght script of pure draconic.
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Lead Dragon, Null Magic Elemental
Symbol: A black hole within the open maw of a reptile
Home Plane: Prime Material (Underground)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Antimagic, disease, insanity, oozes
Worshipers: Indirectly only: fey, giants, humanoids, and monstrous humanoids
Cleric Alignments: Slime Keepers* only: CN, CE
Domains: Antimagic, Madness, Pestilence
Favored Weapon: Bite
*God-Cursed Template

Arkonseptsis (r-kun-sept-sis) appears as a very large, gray lizard. He wings have atrophied to the point of being no more than bumps on his sides. He uses his unassuming, lizard-like appearance to get closer to anyone who uses or displays magic or psionics. He likes to appear as a big, dumb, slow lizard. He is anything but dumb or slow.
Though Arkonseptsis can speak with any intelligent, language-speaking creature; he never converses with anyone who has the “stench” of magic about them. Those with the taint of magic, psionics, or undeath about themselves usually don’t live long enough to ask him why.

Lightning Master, Lord of the Eye, Storm King
Lesser Deity
Symbol: Lightning bolt with a roaring dragon’s head at close end
Home Plane: Prime Material (The Eye of the Storm)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Lightning, speed, storms, thunder, wind, weather
Worshipers: Feral humanoids, lizardfolk, and troglodytes
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE (adepts, fanatics*, and hermits*)
Domains: Air, Antimagic, Evil, Weather
Favored Weapon: Bite
*New NPC class

Blitzhavoc (blitz-ha-vuk) appears as a normal black dragon except he has prominent eye ridges adorned with elaborate jewelry. His size equals that of a black great wyrm. There, the resemblance stops. He is so much more sleek, supple, and agile than a normal great wyrm that it shows. He is almost overly muscled. He carries the scar of some former battle with an acid-using deity of higher rank on his left fore-shoulder just below the wing; it gleams white in almost any light. There is no information on which deity marked him. His wings unfurl to become great black curtains, torn in several places but still serviceable. This dragon epitomizes electricity in all its aspects. He is exceptionally quick, amazingly agile, drawn to metal (greedily), and often accompanies a storm. If no storm is present, Blitzhavoc will always summon one using one of his spell-like or psionic abilities. Blitzhavov’s flight remains unaffected by even the most powerful winds or precipitation. Blitzhavoc loves all metals. It is said that he dines on the rarest metals and will allow anyone who gives him at least 10 pounds of a rare metal a “head start” before he destroys them.

Death that Seeps, Mist of Annihilation, Uncaring Goddess, Veiled Dragon, Vengeance Unleashed
Lesser Deity
Symbol: A pair of glowing red eyes
Home Plane: Prime Material (Deepearth)/Ethereal (Crallex's Lair)
Alignment: Chaoitc evil
Portfolio: Retaliation, retribution, vengeance
Worshipers: None, but lip service from dark elves, deep gnomes, gray dwarves, and other underground city dwellers.
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN (adepts, clerics, and fanatics*)
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Shadow, Travel
Favored Weapon: Bite
*New NPC class

In dragon form Crallex (kral-ux) can be mistaken for a wingless red dragon if the light sources are dim or distant. Anyone using darkvision to see her or anyone using low-light vision will always mistake her for a red dragon. Otherwise, her shimmering gray hide scintillates mirror-like in an almost hypnotic effect that she uses with her diplomacy skill to convince others to do her will.
In gaseous form, Crallex appears as an area of mist or fog, sometimes with errie and faint glowing red eyes in the middle of the mist.

Blanket of Destruction, Cold Fire, Dame of Vindictiveness, Dragon Swarm, Lady of Spite, Mistress of Retaliation, Rainbow Death, Rancor Personified, the Dreamer
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Upside-down Rainbow
Home Plane: The Abyss (The Shroud of Sleep)
Alignment: Chaoitc evil
Portfolio: Dreams, hallucinations, madness, nightmares, retaliation, retribution, vengeance
Worshipers: Madmen, prophets, and seers
Cleric Alignments: CE, NE (adepts, clerics, druids, fallen paladins, rangers, and fanatics*)
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Bite
*New NPC class

Desinora (deh-se-nor-a), the Dreamer, appears as an outline of a small dragon. In actuality, she is a hive-minded multitude of fine-sized flying dragons that act in concert to rule her domain, one of the uncounted layers of the Abyss. Each dragon in the swarm is approximately 2 inches long and has a 4-inch wingspan. Each individual dragon in the swarm is colored like some type of normal chromatic dragon. This makes her form seem to shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow.
Demons fear her wrath and avoid her realm religiously.
Desinora can communicate with any language-speaking intelligent creature via limited-range (12 miles) telepathy.
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The Whisperer
Symbol: A dark cloud with a malevolent face, blowing winds
Home Plane: Ethereal (West Wind)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: None
Worshipers: None
Cleric Alignments: N/A
Domains: None
Favored Weapon: Incorporeal bite
Ergon (er-gon), when he is visible (through either his manifestation ability or because the observer can see Ethereal objects), appears as a drab olive green dragon, much like a normal green dragon except for the many rings set into his head-fin and back-fin all the way down to the tip of his tail. Ergon usually converses with mortals as an unbodied whispering voice, often teasing them into doing something for him.

Dragon Mountain, Serpent’s Ridge, the Earth that Walks, the Sleeper, the Stone, Wyrm Peak
Symbol: A heart-shaped chunk of granite
Home Plane: Prime Material (Dragon Mountain)
Alignment: Lawful evil
Portfolio: Earth, earthquakes, mountains, stone
Worshipers: Those that have acquired the dark template and live on Dragon Mountain.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN (adepts, clerics, druids, fanatics, and rangers)
Domains: Earth, Protection, Strength
Favored Weapon: Bite
Farrag (fr-agg) appears as just another mountain, slightly shaped like a dragon. Villages are sometimes built upon his back to scratch out an existence in the thick earth that always covers his body. His scales appear as solid granite; indistinguishable from normal rock up to 1,500 feet away. Even so, it takes an expert to truly tell the difference: DC 30 in Craft (stonemasonry) or Craft (sculpturing) from a close distance of only 10 feet. Creatures with stonecunning ability like dwarves automatically know the stone is alive and not actually stone but they must also get within 10 feet, otherwise it still passes for granite. Farrag is immense even by dragon standards. Since he so rarely moves; villages, groves of trees, bushes, and even rock formations cover his back ensuring he blends into the environment and remains mostly unnoticed.

Eater of the Pearl, Mistress of the Depths, Mouth of the Sea, Queen Unending, Serpent of Death, The Eel
Lesser Deity
Symbol: A waterspout
Home Plane: Prime Material (The Eye of the Storm)
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Destruction, malice, sea, storms, water, weather
Worshipers: lizardfolk and troglodytes
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE (adepts and fanatics)
Domains: Evil, Travel, Water, Weather
Favored Weapon: Trident
Moretta (mor-ret-a) appears much as an eel of immense proportions, one of the tropical, very-territorial species with evil bites. The only noticeable spots of difference are her whiskers, which are usually flowing back over her shoulders, and her stunted wings. Less noticeable are her stunted front legs ending in huge claws and immense back flippers usually kept under water or folded back against her body except when in combat. Unlike normal dragons, her wings are smaller and less useful (and damaging) than those of normal dragons. This also affects her flying ability. Though her wings are smaller than a normal dragon of her size and stubby; her wing claws are larger and stronger than a normal dragon’s; thus the higher damage. She has long sleek lateral flippers that take the place of a normal dragon’s rear claws. Her head sports a pair of long white whiskers growing from her chin and reaching to her slim, almost nonexistent shoulders. Sleek and black, her body flows through the water effortlessly due in part to her magical ability of free action.

________ Nethrancor
Bone Giant, Death Father, Keeper of the Core, Spirit Caller
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A dragon skull with glowing eyes
Home Plane: Hades (The Grotto of Death)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Darkness, death, secrets, undead dragons, undeath, underworld
Worshipers: Draconic undead of various types, some humanoid tribes, isolated giant clans
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, LN (adepts, clerics, and fanatics)
Domains: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Mind, Shadow, War
Favored Weapon: Bite (undead dragons), scythe (humanoids and giants)
Nethrancor (neth-ran-kor) most often appears as a Colossal dragon, with green scales so dark as to be almost gray. To his worshipers of humanoid or giant type, sometimes he assumes the form of a Huge robed skeleton of any type of giant carrying a scythe. In all forms, his eyes flame and smolder. As the Death Father he knows the specifics of all means of unlife and he is more than willing to trade such secrets to gain another sycophant follower. Nethrancor always uses his salient divine ability of Lay Quest on such potential followers to ensure they will worship him properly by becoming undead.

___________Zephillious Maximus
The Manipulator, The Morpher, The Schemer
Lesser Deity
Symbol: An ash-gray flower
Home Plane: The Beastlands (Etalipus)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Creations, deceit, discoveries, inventions
Worshipers: Isolated goblinoid tribes, feral halflings, and inventors
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE (adepts and fanatics)
Domains: Luck, Mind, Travel, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Club or Staff (for adepts and fanatics, respectively)

Zephillious (zef-fil-ee-us) looks like a brown miniature dragon with multicolored and iridescent bee-like wings. His snout is exceptionally long and thin; the better to get at the life-force of flowers. The clearest indication that he is around is a soft buzzing sound coming from everywhere. Zephillious usually disdains combat as unnecessary and wasteful. He is not afraid of combat; as his abilities attest; but he would rather spend his time searching for new inventions and new creations. Once he finds something new; he studies it until he understands it, then he discards it by gifting it to a goblinoid tribe that worships him. This is why goblinoid tribes that worship him are especially dangerous; they often have strange and unique things to throw at their adversaries; compliments of their god. Only the most intelligent members of these tribes are allowed to lead; often giving rise to new tactics as well. Zephillious will only converse with the smartest goblins or hobgoblins in a tribe through dreams and signs to show them the new things he’s discovered. It is not unusual to find such goblinoids utilizing new-fangled weaponry or using new alloys to make their armors and weapons.
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Deific Hierarchy

Avatars: None
Agents: None
Heralds: Black Puddings
Messengers: Black Puddings, Wizard Puddings
Portents: Elder Black Puddings, Wizard Puddings
Artifacts: None (Rumor of an unnamed one that he ate: Lich's Crown)
Worshippers: ~Slime Keepers~
Followers: Ooze type creatures

Deity: Blitzhavok
Avatars: None
Agents: Ice witches
Heralds: Hurricane
Messengers: Ice Witches
Portents: Hurricane and detrius from storm, comets
Artifacts: The Eye
Worshipers: Various humanoid/monstrous humanoid, and giant tribes
Followers: Ice witches

Deity: Crallex
Avatars: None
Agents: None
Heralds: Mist, fog, smoke
Messengers: None
Portents: Swirling mist
Artifacts: None
Worshipers: Lip service from all underearth dwellers.
Followers: None

Deity: Desinora
Avatars: Desinora’s Scout
Agents: Desinora’s Scout
Heralds: Madmen and seers
Messengers: Madmen and seers
Portents: None
Artifacts: Crown of Retribution and Desinora’s Ring of Slumber,
Worshipers: Lunatics and madmen
Followers: Lunatics and madmen

Deity: Ergon
Avatars: None
Agents: None
Heralds: Wind from the west
Messengers: Whispers
Portents: Whispers
Artifacts: None
Worshipers: None, but lip service from some rogues.
Followers: Dupes

Deity: Farrag
Avatars: None
Agents: Beholden Liches and Beholden Vampires
Heralds: Earthquakes
Messengers: Tremors
Portents: Earthquakes, Tremors
Artifacts: Farrag's Heart
Worshipers: Beholden Undead, Dark Clerics
Followers: Creatures with the Dark Template

Deity: Moretta
Avatars: None
Agents: Ice witches
Heralds: Hurricanes
Messengers: Ice Witches
Portents: Hurricanes and detrius from storm
Artifacts: The Eye
Worshipers: Various humanoid/monstrous humanoid, and giant tribes
Followers: Ice witches

Deity: Nethrancor
Avatars: None
Agents: Liches, shadowy assassins, soulless knights, undead dragons, vampires
Heralds: Bone mages, soulless knights, spirits of the night
Messengers: Shadowy assassins, shadow demons
Portents: Blood-drained corpses, eclipses, zombies that speak a few nonsense words
Artifacts: Lich’s Crown, Tome of Darkness, and Veil of Shadows
Worshippers: Most intelligent undead, those aspiring to undeath, undead dragons (any)
Followers: Mindless undead

Deity: Zephillious
Avatars: None
Agents: Goblinoids
Heralds: Goblinoid spellcasters
Messengers: Goblinoid warrior
Portents: Shrill laughter from nowhere
Artifacts: None
Worshipers: Isolated goblinoid tribes
Followers: Goblins


New Domains
Spells with an * are from the divine section of the core rules. Spells with a † are new spells.

Antimagic Domain
Deity: Arkonseptsis and Blitzhavoc
Granted Power: Once per day (as an immediate action), the cleric may add a divine bonus equal to her class level to any of her saving throws.
Antimagic Domain Spells
1 Magic Aura: Alters objects magic aura.
2 Counterspell†: Immediate action counterspell for 2nd level spells and lower.
3 Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
4 Counterspell, Improved†: Immediate action counterspell for 4th level spells and lower.
5 Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but up to +20 on check.
6 Counterspell, Greater†: Immediate action counterspell for 6th level spells and lower.
7 Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.
8 Counterspell, Supreme†: Immediate action counterspell for 8th level spells and lower.
9 Mage’s Disjunction: Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.

Electricity Domain
Deity: Blitzhavoc
Granted Power: The cleric gains both a +1 competence bonus to the DC of all electricity descriptor spells cast and electrical resistance (Su) 2/cleric level (maximum resist 20).
Electricity Domain Spells
1 Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
2 Arc†: Ranged touch deals 1d8 +1/level electricity damage then arcs to 2nd target.
3 Power Word, Shock†: 1d4/level electricity damage in 10-ft. spread
4 Wall of Lightning†: Deals 2d4 electricity damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft.
5 Call Lightning: Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
6 Chain Lightning: 1d6/level electricity damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.
7 Electric Armor†: You are covered with a suit of electrical armor that zaps melee attackers for damage.
8 Strike Sphere†: Small sphere hovers above caster's head and fires lightning bolts each round.
9 Discharge†: Destroys magic items and damages those in area.

Pestilence Domain
Deity: Arkonseptsis
Granted Power: The cleric gains a +4 divine bonus on her saves against disease. Every 4 levels, beginning at 5th level, She gains immunity to a disease of her choice from the table below.
Pestilence Domain Spells
1 Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
2 Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
3 Death Knell: Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 level.
4 Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
5 Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures.
6 Contagion, Mass:† As contagion but multiple creatures.
7 Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
8 Epidemic†: As contagion but multiple creatures; targets spread chosen disease.
9 Pandemic†: As epidemic but only heal removes disease.

Pestilence Domain Disease Immunities
Level Disease Choices
5 Filth Fever or Mindfire
9 ^ plus Red Ache or Shakes
13 ^ plus Devil Chills or Slimy Doom
17 ^ plus Blinding Sickness or Cackle Fever
21+ ^plus Demon Fever

Shadow Domain
Deities: Crallex and Nethrancor
Granted Power: Add Move Silently and Hide to the character's list of cleric class skills. The cleric gains a +2 bonus to Move Silently and Hide checks.
Shadow Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
2 Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
3 Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50%.
4 Blacklight*: Creates area of total darkness.
5 Modify Memory: Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
6 Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
7 Veil: Changes appearance of group of creatures.
8 Screen: Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
9 Astral Projection: Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
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New Domain Spells

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Electricity 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)
Target: Two creatures within 20 feet of each other
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None/Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
The caster's successful ranged touch attack deals 1d8 points of electrical damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +20). When delivering the jolt, the caster gains a +3 attack bonus if the first target is wearing metal armor (or made out of metal, carrying a lot of metal, etc.). The spark of electricity then jumps up to 20 feet to attack another creature. This second creature takes the same amount of damage as the first creature (Reflex for half). The caster need not make an attack roll for the second creature; the spark arcs to it automatically. If the first target is missed, the spark dies out and does not arc to the second target either.
Material Components: A piece of fur and a shard of glass or crystal

Contagion, Mass
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Pestilence 6
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which are more than 20 ft. apart.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The subjects contract a disease selected from the list below, which strikes immediately and deals damage (no incubation period). All subjects suffer the same disease. The DC noted is for the subsequent saves (use mass contagion’s normal save DC for the initial saving throw).
Cackle fever, DC 16, Damage 1d6 Wis
Filth fever, DC 12, Damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con
Mindfire, DC 12, Damage 1d4 Int
Red Ache, DC 15, Damage 1d6 Str
Shakes, DC 13, Damage 1d8 Dex
XP Cost: 100 XP

Level: Anti-magic 2, Brd 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One spellcaster’s spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The spell targets a casting spellcaster and is cast as an immediate action as a counterspell. Unlike a true counterspell, however, counterspell does not need to be readied with a ready action, nor may it be. (It must still be prepared as normal by those that prepare spells). Also, identification of the spell being cast is unnecessary, though identification of its spell level can be crucial. Unlike dispel magic, this spell automatically counters any spell of less than 3rd level. Third level spells and higher are unaffected by this spell.

Counterspell, Greater
Level: Anti-magic 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One immediate action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One spellcaster’s spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
As counterspell except as listed above and below:
Unlike dispel magic, this spell automatically counters any spell of less than 7th level. Seventh level spells and higher are unaffected by this spell.

Counterspell, Improved
Level: Anti-magic 4, Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One immediate action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One spellcaster’s spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
As counterspell except as listed above and below:
Unlike dispel magic, this spell automatically counters any spell of less than 5th level. Fifth level spells and higher are unaffected by this spell.

Counterspell, Supreme
Level: Anti-magic 8, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One immediate action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One spellcaster’s spell or one creature's spell-like ability
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
As counterspell except as listed above and below:
Unlike dispel magic, this spell automatically counters any spell of less than 9th level. Any spell above 8th level is unaffected by this spell. This spell can also counter spell-like abilities as long as the spell-like ability is a 7th level spell effect or lower. This includes psi-like abilities for campaigns using the magic transparency option. For spell-like abilities without a spell effect level, this spell can counter one with a caster level up to ½ your caster level. Supernatural abilities (Su) and extraordinary abilities (Ex) are unaffected by this spell.

Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Destruction 9, Electricity 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 50 feet
Target: 1 magic item
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates/None
Spell Resistance: Yes
When cast, a magic item (chosen by the caster and in his possession) vanishes and is gone forever, expended in the casting. An emerald ray springs forth from the caster's hand to unerringly strike the intended target. The item must make a Fortitude save against this spell's DC or explode in a shower of sparks, destroying the item and harming nearby creatures. An item that is targeted by this spell in the possession of a creature gains that creature's base save or its own, whichever is better.
A failed Fortitude save means the item explodes and is destroyed in a burst of electricity in a 20-foot radius centered on the item. This is the first area. Damage to creatures is 6d8 electrical (no save applicable) in the first area. All magic items in the first area must make a Fortitude save with a +2 distance bonus or also be destroyed in an explosion of sparks. Items destroyed in the first area create a second area of electrical damage (a 10-foot radius centered on the newly destroyed item). Damage to creatures is 6d4 electrical damage (no save applicable) in the second area.
All magic items in the second area must make a Fortitude save with a +4 distance bonus or be destroyed in a flash of sparks. Items destroyed in the third area do not create another burst area. There is no damage to creatures in the third area of sparks. Once an item has successfully saved versus this spell, it is immune to other bursts from this casting of the spell. Creatures take damage from any and all explosions that include the area where they are.
This spell cannot affect artifacts.
Material Components: A magic item, worth at least 500gp

Electric Armor
Abjuration [Electricity, Light]
Level: Electricity 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal (Special)
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a full suit of electrical crackling armor around the caster that gives him a +2 concealment bonus to AC and a +2 concealment bonus to all saves. The armor appears as full plate armor made of electricity, though it does not affect movement or have an armor check penalty. The armor glows with a dim radiance, illuminating the area as a torch (-10 light penalty to the caster's Hide checks). The armor pops and crackles constantly (-5 noise penalty to the caster's Move Silently checks). Any time an opponent hits the caster with a metallic melee weapon, a melee touch attack, or natural weapons; that opponent must make a Fortitude save or take 6d6 electrical damage as the armor zaps her. A successful save cuts the damage in half. In no way does this spell negate or absorb the damage and/or effects of such successful attacks upon the caster.
Focus Component: A glass statuette of an armored figure (worth at least 50gp) with a miniature fur cloak wrapped around it (worth at least 75gp).

Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Pestilence 8
Components: V, S, DF, XP
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 30 ft. burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
As contagion, mass except as listed above and below:
The subjects contract a disease selected from the list below, which strikes immediately (no incubation period). The DC noted is for the subsequent saves versus the damage of the continuing disease (use epidemic’s normal save DC for the initial saving throw).
Blinding sickness, DC 16, Damage 1d4 Str*, Incubation 1d3 days
Cackle fever, DC 16, Damage 1d6 Wis, Incubation 1 day
Filth fever, DC 12, Damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con, Incubation 1d3 days
Mindfire, DC 12, Damage 1d4 Int, Incubation 1 day
Red Ache, DC 15, Damage 1d6 Str, Incubation 1d3 days
Shakes, DC 13, Damage 1d8 Dex, Incubation 1 day
* Each time a victim takes 2 or more points of Strength damage from blinding sickness, he or she must make another Fortitude save (using the disease’s save DC) or be permanently blinded.
Affected creatures are highly contagious. They remain contagious until the disease is removed. Removing a disease requires two successful saving throws versus the daily damage or magical healing. Anyone that comes within 10 feet of one of the original targets of this spell must make a normal save versus that disease or catch the chosen disease. They must make that save each minute or portion thereof that they remain within range of the infected person or persons until they fail a save or move away. Normal incubation periods and saves apply for spreading the disease to others not affected by the initial spell.
It is possible to successfully save versus the spell but be within 10 feet of someone that failed and so need to make another save (disease's DC) or still fall victim to the chosen disease after its normal incubation time. Being in range of multiple infected victims only requires one save versus the disease (and then one more each minute later that they remain within 10 feet of at least one affected creature).
XP Cost: 500 XP

Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Pestilence 9
Components: V, S, DF, XP
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 40 ft. burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
As epidemic except as listed above and below:
The subjects contract a disease selected from the table below, which strikes immediately (no incubation period). The DC noted is for the subsequent saves versus the damage of the continuing disease (use pandemic’s normal save DC for the initial saving throw).
Blinding sickness, DC 16, Damage 1d4 Str*, Incubation 1d3 days
Cackle fever, DC 16, Damage 1d6 Wis, Incubation 1 day
Filth fever, DC 12, Damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con, Incubation 1d3 days
Mindfire, DC 12, Damage 1d4 Int, Incubation 1 day
Red ache, DC 15, Damage 1d6 Str, Incubation 1d3 days
Shakes, DC 13, Damage 1d8 Dex, Incubation 1 day
Slimy doom, DC 14, Damage 1d4 Con**, Incubation 1 day
* Each time a victim takes 2 or more points of Strength damage from blinding sickness, he or she must make another Fortitude save (using the disease’s save DC) or be permanently blinded.
** When damaged, character must succeed on another saving throw or 1 point of damage is permanent drain instead.
Affected creatures cannot be magically cured except by use of a heal or more powerful spell cast by a higher level caster than the caster of pandemic. Those that catch the disease from an affected creature can be magically healed, as normal. In all cases though, non-magical healing methods work.
XP Cost: 3,000 XP

Strike Sphere
Conjuration (Creation) [Electricity]
Level: Electricity 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Personal (Special)
Area: 80-ft. radius
Duration: 1 round/level (but see below)
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell conjures a sphere of electrical energy 1 foot in diameter that hovers 1d3 feet above the caster's head (sort of bobbing up and down). The round following casting and every other round in which the spell lasts, the caster may fire a lightning bolt from the sphere as a free action at any target within 80 feet. Only one target may be hit with each bolt. Each bolt deals 8d6 damage (Reflex for half). Creatures with evasion that succeed on their saves take quarter damage instead of no damage.
If the electrical sphere is struck a physical blow, it explodes in a 20-foot radius sphere doing 1d8 electricity damage per round left in its duration (Reflex for half). The sphere is AC 22 plus caster’s prime casting modifier (Wisdom for clerics, Intelligence for wizards, and Charisma for sorcerers). Spells with the electricity descriptor that hit the strike sphere add one round to the duration of strike sphere, but do no damage and do not count as physical blows. If a lightning bolt is not fired every round, the sphere becomes unstable and fades away, ending the spell.
Material Components: a blown glass sphere (1 inch in diameter, worth at least 100 gp) and a piece of fur.

Wall of Lightning
Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Drd 5, Electricity 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. /level)
Effect: Opaque sheet of lightning up to 20 ft. long/caster level or a ring of lightning with a radius of up to 5 ft./2 caster levels; either form 20 ft high
Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes an immobile, coruscating curtain of red and yellow lightning to spring into existence. One side of the wall, selected by the character, sends forth tendrils of sparks, dealing 2d4 points of electricity damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of electricity damage to those past 10 feet but within 20 feet. The wall deals this damage when it appears and each round that a creature enters or remains in the area. In addition, the wall deals 2d6 points of electricity damage +1 point of electricity damage per caster level (maximum +20) to any creature passing through it. If the character evokes the wall so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall by making a successful Reflex save. (If the creature ends up on the spark side of the wall, it takes 2d4 points of damage, as normal.) This spell provides light as if from a fire of its size.
Material Components: A glowworm
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Nemesis of Magic

This tablet of the Draco Procreatio started with a long dissertation on the value of magic in order to describe the singular creature by the name of Arkonseptsis, who considers himself the antithesis of arcana. Painted as the opposite of magic; he lives in a world of dark caverns named the Underearth (this could also be translated as Afterlife) and nothing magical is safe from him. All denizens of the deep earth fear him.

Through some quirk of draconic logic, Arkonseptsis doesn’t consider that there is any difference between magic and undead status, thus he also seeks to rid the world of undeath. Necromancers and death priests, no matter their race, and undead alike fear him; if undead can really be said to be able to feel fear. Powerful, intelligent undead have a healthy respect for Arkonseptsis and thus give him a very wide berth. Some gods even consider him a force of nature, a manifestation of magical entropy, or so claims this tablet. His epitaths are "null-magic elemental" and "the lead dragon". He is said to have existed since before the creation of the world, and that magic exists only to anger him.

Arkonseptsis spends much of his time tracking some unfortunate creature that “revealed” its magic/undead status to the lead dragon. As he is not a proficient tracker, he often loses interest as some new magic gets in his range of vision before he can find the previous target. He doesn’t forget about the magic he was tracking; it just gets moved down his mental list of priorities. After all, he has eternity to find them; and if they die of old age first; so much the better, if they are a slime keeper, he knows when they die and removes them from his list.

Loose groups of humanoid creatures have grown up around the wake of Arkonseptsis, usually members of a small group of spellcasters (though those with martial skills and the "stink of magic" about them can also be members of such groups) hoping to be overlooked by this engine of destruction while they figure out how to combat him. Members are usually denizens of Underearth but in no way is this limited to only those races that live there. Minds twisted in unending terror; members of these groups become obsessed with learning some way to defeat this dragon-god with his own “fire” by proliferating what slimy, pulsating creatures they can. Called slime keepers because of their expertise with slimy monsters, many of these members neither know nor care about any other members that might exist. Each slime keeper considers itself a loner even if accompanied by other slime keepers. The slime keepers are the sanity-blasted remnents of survivers of an attack by Arkonseptsis, cursed to burn themselves out uselessly trying to assail the Lead Dragon using magic and oozes. Many die of the diseases radiated by Arkonseptsis. Some few get eaten, but most are ignored as not as important as newly discovered magic calling to be destroyed.

It is thought that originally, he was a green dragon; but too many attacks by magics broke his spirit and chased him deep underground. Some ancient texts report that he was driven out of his home forest by a coalition of fey and elves. He roamed the deep earth tunnels until he found a place to call home. He hunted the resident purple worms almost to extinction to gather their poison for his non-magical traps with which he protected the confusing and winding entrance to his lair. Still, powerful adventurers found him and took a small bit of his hoard while holding him at bay with magically summoned creatures and magical barriers. He tracked them for several years (as they did not attempt to hide their passage and at first were heavily laden with his treasure so they left easily followed tracks, they then sold his treasure for more easily carried goods and moved on to another city before Arkonseptsis got to the first city. Needless to say, he wrought havoc in more than two subterranean cities by the time he had retrieved his treasure and killed the magic using thieves (and of course he took as much extra treasure as he could find for his trouble). This epic adventure made up his mind to destroy magic in any way possible.

How he attained godhood still remains a mystery, but the bits of story that do exist encompasses how he gained some of his abilities and little more. He saw magic as encroaching on his world, mostly invisible to normal vision. He gathered what magic he could easily find and studied its emanations for more than ten elven lifetimes until it became second nature. Sometime later, he found a gate to the elemental plane of entropy, entered it, and stayed there for seven millenia in order to study and become intimately familiar with anti-magic and destruction. This study changed him and infused his body with anti-radiations of magic so much so that he is now practically immune to magic. Nowhere is it mentioned how he changed his breath weapon into the two different magic-numbing breaths it is now. Nor how he became associated with oozes and disease. Physically, his scales darkened, more gray than green; and his wings practically disappeared, atrophied to mere nubs. His neck and back ridges have also been worn so much as to be merely a suggestion of his once large frills. It is thought that spending so much time running in confined tunnels sanded down all of his edges. Oozes seem to flock to him, wherever he goes; leading some sages to speculate that somehow oozes are connected to elemental entropy.

Though Arkonseptsis can speak with any intelligent, language-speaking creature; he never converses with anyone who has the “stench” of magic* about them. To avoid this “stench”, one must fulfill all of the following criteria: 1.) Possess no magic items; 2.) Not be a spellcaster; 3.) Not be undead; 4.) Be alone or not in the company of anyone who cannot fulfill #1 through #3; and 5.) Have no spell effects operating upon or about oneself. Abiding by these restrictions does not mean that Arkonseptsis will speak with such a creature. Arkonseptsis will talk or not at his whim; but only to creatures who don’t stink of magic (those who fulfill any of the previous five critera). Those with the taint of magic or undeath about themselves usually don’t live long enough to ask him why.
* For campaigns with psionics, Arkonseptsis considers psionics, psionic creatures, manifesting, and psionic items to be just another form of magic.

Arkonseptsis considers magic weapons that have hit him to be another opponent, one he will deal with first. He either uses his Sunder and Disjoin salient divine ability to quickly destroy the bothersome magic weapon or simply eats it; then continues with other opponents.
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Use this description of the elemental plane of entropy if you intend for it to be more than the description of some lost part of Limbo, the Negative Material plane, or some other plane.
This is a dark, empty place, an eternal pit where a traveler can fall until the plane itself steals away all light and life. The Elemental Plane of Entropy is even more hostile than the Negative Energy Plane. Only creatures immune to its life-draining energies can survive there.
The Elemental Plane of Entropy has the following traits.
  • Subjective directional gravity.
  • Timeless
  • Infinite
  • Static
  • Major Negative-Dominant
  • Strongly Chaos-Aligned
  • Dead magic
  • Random Encounters: Because the Elemental Plane of Entropy is virtually devoid of creatures, random encounters on the plane are exceedingly rare. Indeed, the only known creature from the plane is the treasure ooze, a minute drop of dirty water easily missed in the encompassing dark.
  • Planar Connections: The Elemental Plane of Entropy is coterminous with the Negative Energy Plane and does not touch any other plane.


Arkonseptsis has made it his personal goal to wipe out magic in the world. He has left more than one subterranean city in ruins and at least one on the surface world. He mostly ignores non-magical opponents. Rumors of his existence abound nearly everywhere deep underground. Abundant occurrences of black puddings are an indication that he is dangerously near. His heralds as it were.

Arkonseptsis is not happy just killing; he must destroy magic: items, spellcasters, creatures with spell-like abilities, active spell effects, magical traps, even undead. He will hunt down any spellcasting creatures or creatures with spell-like effects he has seen, relentlessly; though sometimes he takes his draconic time to do so. Magic items infuriate him; so much so, that he sometimes stops battle just to destroy one. Most who survive his initial wrath use this lull in the fight to run away. For some few, this tactic actually works for a while. Sacrificing a magic item or magic-using creature sometimes satisfies him enough to forego killing that "worshipper" for at least a day.

Arkonseptsis starts most battles with a spit. Next round he charges to utilize his Dire Charge feat and get his full attack. Then his opponents must deal with possible cursed party members, his divine aura (fear), and his disease aura before they can reply to his devastation. He spreads out his attacks to up to four opponents he can reach each round. He saves his tail sweep until he can get at least 3 creatures with it. Outrunning Arkonseptsis is not possible, unless his attention is diverted somehow...

Clerics, and Holy Sites
Arkonseptsis has only creatures that he has cursed, called slime keepers, for "worshippers." Slime keepers can be found wearing any type of clothing, most times it will be wrinkled, stained, and dirty, or in rags anyway. All divine spellcasting slime keepers continue to use their former holy symbol; for some reason, even though still dedicated to their original deity, it continues to work for them in their cursed state. Perhaps in essence, though their soul still belongs to their professed deity, they do worship Arkonseptsis, for they do gather magic with which to fight him or to sacrifice in hope of appeasement, all to no avail. Arkonseptsis gets to destroy even more magic through the slime keepers sacrifices and eventual deaths.

There are no temples to Arkonseptsis and any temporarily consecrated sites made for the sacrifice of magic or magic-using creatures soon fall into disrepair and become unconsecrated.

Though not actually a holy sight, Arkonseptsis is thought to have a cavern where he stores his treasure (all non-magical), a horde of a size that would make any dragon proud, somewhere deep underground loaded with non-magical death traps and ooze guardians.


Colossal Dragon (Chaotic, Earth, Evil)
Divine Rank: 5
Hit Dice: 39d12 + 351 (819 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 180 ft. (36 squares), burrow 140 ft., climb 70 ft., swim 140 ft.
AC: 63 (touch 16, flat-footed 61)
Base Attack/Grapple: +39/+76
Attacks*: Bite +52 melee; or claw +52 melee; or tail slap +52 melee; or spit +38 ranged touch; or Sunder and Disjoin +52 melee touch
Full Attack*: Bite +52 melee, two claws +52 melee, and tail slap +52 melee; or tail sweep +52 melee; or spit +38 ranged touch; or Sunder and Disjoin +52 melee touch
Damage*: Bite 4d8+26/19-20, claw 4d6+18, tail slap 4d6+44, tail sweep 2d8+44, spit 2d6+16/19-20 plus 2d6 acid, Sunder and Disjoin (Will DC 26 and Fort DC 26)
*Melee attacks include a 10-point Power Attack
Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks: Breath weapons, domain powers; slime keeper curse (300 feet, 39 HD or less, Fort DC 41)/frightening presence (300 feet, 39 HD or less, Will DC 41), salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spit (300' range),
Special Qualities: Dragon traits; fast healing 3; divine aura (50 feet, DC 22); divine immunities; DR 15/epic; sonic resistance 10; fire immunity; greater teleport at will (he has only used this ability once, to quickly reach an artifact helping a lich achieve godhood); immune to necromantic spells and effects; SR 57*; remote communication; understand, speak, and read all languages; and speak directly to all beings within 5 miles
*In campaigns including psionics, PR is equal to SR.
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +28, Will +28
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 15, Con 28, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 25 [Insanity 2]
Skills: Bluff +54, Climb +29, Craft (trapmaking) +27, Diplomacy +38, Disguise +12*, Intimidate +58, Jump +123, Knowledge (arcana) +49, Listen +55, Search +49, Spellcraft +13, Spot +55, Survival +7*, Swim +29
Feats: Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Dire Charge [Epic], Energy Resistance (sonic) [Epic], Fast Healing [Epic], Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (spit), Improved Initiative, Improved Multiattack, Improved Sunder, Multiattack, Power Attack, Run, Spellcasting Harrier [Epic]

Dragon Traits (Ex): Arkonseptsis has immunities to necromantic spells and effects, as well as illusions that have no substance. The lead dragon also is immune to fire. Arkonseptsis has darkvision and low-light vision

Breath Weapons (Su): Arkonseptsis has his choice of two breath weapons. After using either, he must wait 1d4 rounds before either breath weapon can again be used. Each is a cone, 70-ft. long. There is no saving throw against Arkonspetsis' breath weapons, both always work exactly as written.
Anti-magic Cone (Su)*: This breath weapon "turns off" all magic items in its area for 2 rounds. Artifacts are immune to this effect. Active spells are not affected, but constructs and undead are shut down for 2 rounds, unable to move or perform actions.
Disabling Cone (Su)†:This breath weapon automatically counters all spells being cast, and dispels all active spell effects (from spells, magic items, or spell-like abilities) in its confines. Spells targeting something in the area of the cone or creating an effect in the area of the cone are also countered/dispelled.
*In campaigns that include psionics, treat this breath weapon as if it were both anti-magic and anti-psionic.
†In campaigns that include psionics, this breath weapon also counters psionic abilities and dispels all active psionic effects (from powers, psionic items, or psi-like abilities).

Spit (Ex): Once per minute Arkonseptsis can spit a glob of black spittle that has all the abilities and qualities of a 10 HD black pudding (See Ooze in the Core Rules). He makes a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 300 feet to hit a specific target, but the black pudding then takes up its normal area of 15 feet by 15 feet (Huge creature). A miss puts the black pudding in a space directly in between Arkonseptsis and the target, and adjacent to the target; and makes the black pudding have to hit normally. A hit does normal black pudding damage but uses Arkonsepsis’ Strength modifier for the damage and allows a free grapple check (using the black pudding’s Strength and special size modifiers) to pin the target; with the black pudding taking up a space centered (as much as possible) on the target. On subsequent rounds, the black pudding acts on Arkonseptsis’ turn and further grapple checks can do normal crushing damage. This black pudding is a normal black pudding and exists from this point onward. Some sages speculate that all black puddings were first created by Arkonseptsis and have spread across the world since to become a separate scourge.
Ooze type creatures sense Arkonseptsis as one of their own and will not attack him.

Divine Immunities: Acid, cold, electricity, transmutation, draining and ability damage, mind effects, disease, poison, paralysis, sleep, stunning, and disintegration.

Domain Powers: Arkonseptsis gains an Insanity score equal to half his divine rank (2). For spellcasting (determining bonus spells and DCs), Arkonseptsis uses his Wisdom score plus his Insanity score in place of Wisdom alone. For all other purposes, such as skills and saves, he uses Wisdom minus Insanity in place of Wisdom. 5/day, Arkonseptsis can see and act with the clarity of true madness: use his Insanity score as a positive rather than a negative modifier on a roll involving Wisdom. Arkonseptsis gains a +5 bonus to any save 5/day.

Salient Divine abilities: Disease Aura (20 ft. radius, Fort DC 19 and 20, shakes and slimy doom), Extra Sense Enhancement (blindsight, magic sense*), Increased Spell Resistance (+20), Sunder and Disjoin (Fort DC 26x2). Slime Keeper Curse (Fort DC 41)
*See below under Senses.

Spell-Like Abilities: Though Arkonseptsis can use any domain spell he can grant as a spell-like ability at will; he has never been known to do so. If he were to use such abilities, he would do so as a 15th-level caster. The save DC’s would be 22 + spell level. His choices would include: Antimagic field, bolts of bedevilment*, confusion, contagion, counterspell†, death knell, dispel magic, doom, epidemic†, eyebite, ghoul touch, greater counterspell†, greater dispel magic, improved counterspell†, insanity, insect plague, maddening scream*, mage’s disjunction, magic aura, mass contagion†, pandemic†, phantasmal killer, rage, random action, supreme counterspell†, touch of madness*, weird.
* A spell from the divine section of the Core Rules.
† A new spell, described above.

Disease Aura (Unique Salient Divine Ability): Arkonseptsis carries virulent cases of, but is immune to the diseases: shakes and slimy doom. Anyone that enters the miasma that surrounds him out to 20 feet must make a Fortitude save each minute or portion thereof she remains within 20 feet of the Null-Magic Elemental for each disease; DC 19 for shakes and DC 20 for slimy doom. Failure means the character has contracted the disease. Shakes has a 1 day incubation period and deals 1d8 Dexterity damage per failed save. Slimy doom has a 1 day incubation period and deals 1d4 Constitution damage per failed save (one point of this will be drain instead if the victim fails a second save). Two successful daily saves in a row means the victim has fought off that disease.

Slime Keeper Curse (Unique Salient Divine Ability): Arkonseptsis can affect creatures with a curse that works automatically through his frightful presence ability. Creatures of creature types Humanoid, Giant, or Monstrous Humanoid instead make a Fortitude save DC 41. Failure indicates a creature has fallen prey to the curse and is a slime keeper. They are also affected as if panicked for 4d6 rounds. Notibly, paladins of 3rd level and above and derro are immune to this curse.

Sunder And Disjoin (Salient Divine Ability): If any weapon or item is used against Arkonseptsis in combat, he can destroy it with a touch. Treat a successful touch as a combination of a disintegrate spell and a mage's disjunction spell, both targeted exclusively at the touched item. The save DC for both effects is 26. An item remains vulnerable to this ability for up to one day after being used against the Lead Dragon.

Skills: Arkonseptsis is very aware of his surroundings and so receives a +6 racial bonus to all Spot and Listen checks, and a +2 racial bonus on all Spellcraft checks. Arkonseptsis gains a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. He can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. He can use the run action while swimming, provided he swims in a straight line. Arkonseptsis gains a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Arkonseptsis does not lose his Dexterity bonus to armor class while climbing. Arkonseptsis can use the run action while climbing provided he doesn't change direction by more than 45 degrees (mentioned in several tales: one way that Arkonseptsis starts a battle is to run in on a cavern wall, skid to a stop, and mete out justice still on the wall).
*Arkonseptsis gets a +4 synergy bonus to Disguise checks when he knows he's being observed and he tries to act in character (as a dumb giant lizard). Arkonseptsis gets a +4 synergy bonus to Survival checks to find or follow tracks.

Other Divine Powers
Senses: Arkonseptsis can see, hear, and smell at a distance of 5 miles, as well as use darkvision and low-light vision at that same range. In addition, he has blindsight to a distance of 5 miles and can see invisible and ethereal creatures within 1,000 feet (as though with a see invisibility spell that is constantly active).
Also, Arkonseptsis can see magical auras out to the maximum range of whatever type of sense (vision, low-light vision, darkvision, or see invisible/ethereal) he is using. Active or continuous magics (including spellcasting, the slime keeper curse, lycanthropy, any other god-curse, even deific power up to and including his divine rank [5], all supernatural diseases: mummy rot, devil chills, and demon fever, passive magic (including magic items that do not turn off), and undead can be instantly identified with a Spellcraft check DC 10 as a free action (this counts against his number of free actions per round, but one check alerts him to all magic targets in range). If he detects magics of any kind, he also instantly knows all such objects' bent: arcane, divine, or undead (as well as its actual effects or abilities). This enables him to determine which opponents need punishing the most. Arkonseptsis also sometimes considers magic items as opponents; so divesting oneself of one's most powerful magic item might let one get away...
As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 5 miles of any slime keeper as well as any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 2 locations at once and still sense what’s going on nearby.
Once he chooses a remote location to sense, he automatically receives sensory information from that location until he chooses a new location to sense, or until he can no longer sense the location.
He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations plus the area within 1 mile of himself at once for up to 5 hours. This block has a radius of 5 miles, centered on Arkonseptsis or a slime keeper.

Portfolio Sense: Arkonseptsis senses any slime keeper death. When Arkonseptsis senses an event, he simply knows that the event is occurring and where it is, but he receives no sensory information about the event. Once he notices an event, he can use his remote sensing power to perceive the event. This allows him to “remove” deceased slime keepers from his mental list of tainted (with magic) creatures that need to be destroyed. Even though some slime keepers are not spellcasters, the curse itself puts them on his list.

Automatic Actions: Arkonseptsis can use any skill related to his portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower (usually Spellcraft or Survival). He may perform up to 2 such free actions per round.

Create Magic Items: Arkonseptsis can create any magic item associated with antimagic or counterspell magic as long as its market price is 4,500 gp or less. As this is totally against his goals and aims; he has never done so.
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