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Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]


Arthur Human Rogue 1

OOC: I'm glad to see the quest isn't over yet :) BTW, whatever the coin size is above a penny, I hand the driver 3 of it.

Arthur takes a deep breath, not expecting the best of the upcoming exchange.

"In my defense, I did personally use a nonlethal weapon as per our agreement. Also, for having faced them personally, I can guarantee those dogs were not acting friendly. They were single-minded in their pursuit of the pie and while I can't exactly "chip in" for the other guard's decision to use lethal force, we WERE justified in directly protecting the pie. Especially since dogs are creatures of instinct more than reason. We had to make a decision then and there."

Arthur takes another breath.

"As for the rest of the trip, the pie was safely delivered to your wife in spite of a determined Half-Giant, a wizard skilled in illusions AND the original guards departing after said wizard. I apologize if the results are unsatisfactory but I did everything in my power to make the best out of a situation that was, frankly, far less than ideal."
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"I arrived to the brigade late, only encountering the driver and Arthur. The only opposition was a half giant and the rain. Both dealt with peacefully. Sort of."


Arthur Human Rogue 1

Arthur nods in agreement.

"His timely appearance was certainly appreciated. If I have had to finish the task on my own, I doubt even the carriage driver would have had the confidence to keep escorting the pie to the end."

Rae ArdGaoth

(OOC: The next denomination up from a copper penny is a silver shield, so 3sp)

The cab driver grins at your offering, "Oh really, I couldn't, this is too much," he says as he puts the coins in his purse.


back in the present...


Edwyd does not look assuaged. "You were not justified in directly protecting the pie! It's a pie! Not a living creature, not somebody's pet, a pie! I told you before you left: no blood, if it comes down to that, just give it up, it's just a pie." Edwyd pauses to take a few deep breaths, and even Vernon looks a little worried to be so close to the massive, angered baker.

Edwyd gets a bit more control over himself and continues, "What do you think my wife will say when she learns that our anniversary has again been stained with blood? It was all I could do last time to convince her it would never happen again, yet here we are." He shakes his head, more with sadness than with anger. "Vernon's in the right, I know. I'll have to explain to Captain Frandeth what all happened today."

He huffs, trying to expel his rage. "Alright, so you cut up some dogs. Bloody inexcusable, but what's done is done. Now tell me the rest, and tell it to me true. What of the giant and the wizard, now? Most importantly, what exactly do you mean, 'sort of peacefully?'" He raises his eyebrow and his nostrils flare, his anger barely contained.


Arthur Human Rogue 1

OOC: I'll update my character page with my lighter purse. http://www.enworld.org/forum/living...-ii-dm-rae-judge-trouvere-14.html#post5801399. According to this post, Kalli is the reason Arthur is getting chewed out by Edwyd. He deliberately used lethal force on those dogs.

Arthur listens to Edwyd's words, then nods.

"I did what I could given my limited experience. I understand it's not worth much under the present circumstances but I apologize personally and in the name of the departed guards. This isn't quite what I had in mind when I wanted to make a name for myself, to say the least."

Arthur takes a breath, not exactly pleased with the whole situation himself.

"About the wizard, he created a fake pie using his powers and since we were confident in the pie's safety, we were understandably shocked and chased after him. Luckily, I heard the driver call to us but the rest kept running. I came back to the pie, met this gentleman (Karl) shortly after and that was the end of it."

"As for the Half-Giant, he was determined to get a piece of the pie. My partner here tried to diffuse the situation peacefully but the Half-Giant would hear none of it. So I used one of my few talents and attempted to sneak past with the pie while this gentleman here kept him distracted. Things were heating up but fortunately, the Half-Giant quickly came to his senses and immediately left us in peace. The rest of the trip was without incident."

Looking a bit peeved, Arthur adds :

"If I may allow myself one moment of indignation, the departed guards are very fortunate to be absent. I would certainly have a few choice words to give them considering they never returned to the carriage after chasing that wizard. Also, the one who struck the killing blows, the ONLY one to use a lethal weapon, is an easy dwarf to recognize. You can be certain he will know of this exchange."

He says the last sentence with a sharp, determined look.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Then Karl chimes back in, "The Half giant gave me a wallop with his club, not with lethality in mind, I told him I forgive him and he went away in tears."

Rae ArdGaoth

Edwyd's eyebrow raises with incredulity. "He attacked you? With a club?" He mutters to himself, "Gods above, this pie is more trouble than its worth..."

To Arthur, he says, "Look, Nimblefingers, I don't know you that well. But all I've got to go on is your story and that of a hundred panicked merchants. To hear it from Vernon, there was an infernal bloodletting ritual in the middle of the Avenue. But you tell me something a bit different..." He sighs heavily. "I suppose its somewhere in between, and I'll never know the whole truth."

He takes out a small brown coin purse. Then he hands the bag to Arthur. "There's ten dragons for you and your friend here. You got the pie to my wife, if nothing else. Let it never be said that Edwyd doesn't hold up his end of a deal. If the others turn up, I'll settle things with them, maybe send 'em to the tavern looking for you. They're your problem now, and maybe Frandeth's, if he pursues it..." His brow furrows. "You'd best let ol' Joe know where you're headed if you decide to skip town soon. Frandeth might want a word, who knows."

He wipes his meaty hands on his apron. "Come on, Vern. Let's go out there and clear the air. Doesn't look like it's gonna a be a good day for business, anyway. Hey, you back there! Come out here and lock up after we step out, alright?"

OOC: Anything else before we wrap up?

[sblock=OOG]Sorry about that weird post, I had an unexpected period of zero connectivity, and my phone was freaking out.[/sblock]

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