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Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade! (A Short Vignette) [Judge: Bront] [CONCLUDED]

Rae ArdGaoth

"Hear ye, patrons of the Red Dragon Inn! I have a proposition for you. As you might have ascertained already, it is my anniversary, and I have baked a most delicious pie for my delectable wife. I've had trouble with the delivery in the past, and I need some brave, able bodied individuals to accompany the pie to my house in the High District. The group will receive free food at my shop for a year. As if that weren't enough," he says with another wink, "I have one shiny platinum Dragon for the whole group to split! Any takers?" The smiling man holds his Dragon up and looks expectantly at the crowd of people.

[sblock=Knowledge (geography) DC: 5]
Orussus' High District is located in the north west part of the city. Wealthy merchants and nobles live there.

[/sblock][sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 5]
Edwyd owns Edwyd's Victuals, three doors down from the Red Dragon Inn, in the same plaza.

[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 10]
Edwyd is well known for his fantastic griddle cakes.

[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 15]
Every year, on his anniversary, Edwyd bakes a pie for his wife and a small parade of citizens, drawn by the scent of the pie, follows the delivery all the way from Edwyd's Victuals to his house in the High District.

[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 20]
The tradition started 20 years ago, on Edwyd's first anniversary. Edwyd sent the anniversary pie to his home with one of his regular employees, but the employee was attacked several times by seemingly normal, law-abiding citizens. The employee ran from the first few, but by the end of the trek so many people were chasing after the exceptionally delicious pie that he was forced to throw it to the crowd.

Ever since that first failed delivery, Edwyd has hired a band of adventurers from the conveniently located Red Dragon Inn to protect his oh-so-savory pie. Following the delivery route has become a bit of a tradition for some of the citizens of Orussus, and every year at least a few members of the parade are overcome with desire and make an attempt on the pie.

[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 25]
Edwyd is very strict on the protectors of his pie. One year a protector drew his sword on a particularly ambitious crowd member. The crowd went crazy with fear, thinking the whole thing was all in good fun, and rampaged away, almost destroying the pie in the process and later causing problems for Edwyd's business. As a result, Edwyd began mandating use of nonlethal force by his hired Pie Brigade.

[sblock=Knowledge (local) DC: 30]
A small local sect of Geoth worshipers believes that Edwyd is actually an avatar of their god. How else could he bake such an incredibly delicious treat, they ask? Their claims are unverified by Edwyd, and even their existence is possibly unknown to the cook.

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Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: This is a short vignette, meant mostly to pass the time since no adventures are coming in the near future. It is meant for level 1 characters, but even they will receive very little XP or monetary rewards (specifically only 10gp, to be split among everybody).

Technically, this will be an adventure, and so any characters should receive approximately one month of realtime XP, as normal.

Please use Invisible Castle for all of your character's rolls. I will also use IC, you can find my rolls under DM Rae. Please put a link to your character in your first post.

Galwynn human paladin of Halina 1
Cludge dwarf fighter 1
Saithnar elan psion 1
Rathan human cleric of Hyrag 1
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Rae ArdGaoth

"Right then. You listening, dwarf?" Edwyd smiles, not expecting an answer. "Good! We all here? Have I got this right? This dwarven warrior here, whose name I haven't caught, Galwynn the priest, Rathan the priest, and Saithnar the mentalist. Is that right? Hmm... I could use some more intimidating muscle..." He looks at Rasereit, who is winning the contest. Then he shrugs and continues, "I think you folks should be able to manage. Now! First things first."

Edwyd reaches behind him and pulls out a map of the city. It has a route in red ink plotted out. "We're here." He points to a large red dot, just east of the main north-south road. "Here's Merchant's Avenue..." he moves his finger vertically along the large north-south street. "And here's Allimon Street..." again he moves his finger, this time east-west. "Now, you're gonna come out of this plaza here, that'll put you on Merchant's Ave, you turn right and head north until this intersection. Then you turn left, follow Allimon all the way to Thunis. There you turn right (that's north) and my house is on the right. 352 North Thunis Street. The High District watch tower is behind it, a few blocks away. It's all on this map, in case you get confused."

He leaves the map lying on the table as he continues on, "Now, as you've heard, I've got some rules you need to follow. This is no regular pie you're delivering. This is Edwyd Edwyd's Nigh Divine Apple Pie. I only make one a year, and the townfolk always want a piece. But I put a little bit of my heart and soul into it, and only Mrs. Edwyd should eat that! People will come out, just to smell this pie, I guarantee it. And don't be surprised when people try to snatch it away, it happens every year."

Edwyd's face grows serious. "Your job is to keep it safe from the pie snatchers, but don't hurt them! These folks are my customers, and I won't have my name tarnished by rowdy adventurers." Edwyd pauses, allowing that to sink in. After a moment, the gleam returns to his eyes, "You see, this is an excellent marketing opportunity. Joe here's got free food, but if you don't mind me saying so Joe, I'm the best chef in town." Joe shouts, "That you are, Ed, that you are!" One of Joe's regulars whoops. "Right. But it's tough to compete with free, and this pie is proof of my prowess. I don't think it's a worry with you gent's, but no using magic to get from here to there. The parade's good for business."

Edwyd smiles broadly again. "And one last thing, maybe the most important. I love my missus dearly, and this whole parade is really in her honor. So once you get to my house, I want one of you, just one!, to politely knock on my door and present her the pie with a regal bow."

"Right then, you got all that? You'll get your coin when you get back. It's a short walk, shouldn't take too long."

Rae ArdGaoth

Outside Edwyd's Victuals...

Edwyd walks up to the thick wooden door of his shop, propped open for the business day. A strong scent of baked apples and sweet cinnamon drifts out of the many open windows. A small crowd of about ten people have already gathered. They wave at Edwyd as he passes and wish him congratulations.

Edwyd leads the four adventurers inside. There are many tables, though not as many as the Red Dragon Inn. The dining room is also smaller than Joe's tavern, mostly because of the massive kitchen that takes up a good amount of space. There are also a few doors, presumably leading to private dining rooms. A few well-dressed individuals are enjoying what look to be gourmet lunches.

Edwyd draws a polite applause as he walks to the kitchen. He goes to the large oven in the very back and opens it. The pie which he removes is glorious. The scent of apple cinnamon goodness is overwhelming, and everybody gasps with pleasure. The brown sprinkles sparkle on the crosshatch pattern of the pie, and beneath that the apples look like molten bronze.

Edwyd's smile grows to an enormous size, and a great belly laugh rumbles from his large chest. A quick glance out the window shows that the crowd has already doubled in size.

"Well gentleman, here it is! Use this tray, I had a wizard enchant it so that it keeps the pie nice and warm and protected from the elements. It won't stop pie-snatchers though, so keep an eye out!" He hands the Nigh Divine Apple Pie to whoever will carry it. "Alright then, off you go!"


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Galwynn takes one look at the pie and smiles softly. "A pie for your wife. Halina will be proud."

He turns towards Rathan for a moment while adjusting the claymore scabbard hanging over his shoulder. "Do you need your hands free, priest, to cast your spells? I'm thinking you should carry this burden. The dwarf will take the front, and I'll be right at your side. As for" Galwynn looks oddly at Saithnar."Mayne he should keep an eye out for trouble."

OOC: One nitpick, Rae - Rathan is the priest of Hyrag... Gal is a paladin of Halina (probably the only one in the world!)


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OOC: Alright. For our "pie plan", i'm thinking we put Cludge in the front, all the while yelling some sort of slogan or something (he seems good at that sort of thing). Rathan holds the pie, so he can still cast with his free hand. Saithnar, the psion, keeps an eye out for distant trouble, and acts all broody. ;) As for Galwynn, I figure he can push would-be snatchers out of the way, and with his high diplomacy, could probably do it without offending anyone.

And Rathan - if it looks like someone's gonna steal the pie and there's nothing we can do about it.... EAT THE PIE! ;)


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Cludge Slatefist, Pie Escort

Cludge Slatefist

OOC Strategy: Cludge is a good point person, being burly, loud, lawful good and focused on intimidation as a core skill. He will good-naturedly attempt to clear the way and warn off any potential pie finanglers with a cheery but firm warning.
At least, that's plan.
Seeing as there are four of us, we can't completely flank the pie. Maybe Galwynn should rotate from side to side as necessary?

By the Towers! That ain't a pie, that's some sorta celestial torte! Cludge says with a chuckle.
Cludge slams his broad two-handed sword into the turf and chalks in big block letters down the blade: EDWYD'S PIE BRIGADE. He hefts the weapon high in front of him like a placard. The writing is upside-down.

[sblock=Intimidate check] To ensure the crowd stays sufficiently far from the pie.Cludge intimidate check (1d20+4=20) [/sblock]
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Pie Patrol!

Saithnar follows beside Rathan and listens to Galwynn's plan. Seeing Cludge's improvised banner, he raises one eyebrow in puzzlement while stifling a chuckle. He is soon distracted by the milling passerby's on the street around them. His eyes narrow as he realizes that the thoughts of all those nearby are turning rapidly toward the very pie he and his companions were now charged with protecting. "We should move...with haste." Saithnar advises his companions.

OOC: We can't flank it, but if Cludge is directly in front of Rathan, and Saithnar is to one side while Galwynn is to the other, then it is completely surrounded. Saithnar will use his Psionic Charm to send away interlopers for as long as his power points last. After that, who knows?


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Rathan gladly holds the pie.... as stated... no magic was to be used... none harmful at at least is how he took it... anyways this would mean he would be near the middle and tried to for up a triangle around him putting Cludge in the front alone with the other two Galwynn and Saithnar at his rear and sticking close..... this would set them to the task of keeping the pie sniffers out of his hair as he meandered the streets in hopes to bring the pie home safely.... " we ready to go my friends? alright... lets hit the road.. who's got the map?" the priest says as he looks about for who has the map as he sets his companions in his formation they will hopfully stick to....


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Cludge Slatefist, Pie Escort

Cludge squares his shoulders, looks around at the gathering crowd and gives Galwynn a conspirational wink.
Right then, lads, are we all squared away? Good! Let's march, he says and sets out along the trail towards Edwyd's missus.
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