• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General #Dungeon23


Days 215 – 224 – Hopper’s Rest

Tavern owner Inana Quickhelm (Gnom, chaotic good) needs help from adventurers.

She wanted to open her tavern “Hopper’s Ruh”. While renovating the premises carved into the asteroid, two of her employees came across a tunnel behind an old shelf. The staff went in to see what was there and never came out.
After a few minutes there was just a loud scream and then nothing.

2 star skulkers retreated into this cave system to mate and were grateful for the food that approached the nest.

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Days 225 – 243 – Family tomb

Crypt of the Shadowsteel family

  • Room 225 – above-ground entrance to the crypt – inscription – stone offering bowls (crystallised tears, letter, dried flowers) – abandoned bird’s nest (wedding ring)
  • Room 226 – Anteroom – Tomb occupancy map – Door to 228 locked (SG 12 Thief’s Tool – Glyph against the undead) – Door to 229
  • Room 227 – Office of a crypt administrator (undead)
  • Room 228 – 2 graves of the Shadowsteel families (undead)
  • Room 229 – 2 graves
  • Room 230 – Office of a crypt administrator – Secret door to 231 (SG 15 Perception)
  • Secret Passage 231 – Secret passage to the manor house of the Shadowsteel family
  • Intersection 232 – to 227, 233 and 238 (undead)
  • Room 233 – 2 graves (undead)
  • Room 234 – 2 graves
  • Intersection 235 – to 230, 234, 240 (giant spiders)
  • Room 236 – large family tomb – Aurelia Schattenstahl (undead)
  • Room 237 – 1 large and 2 children’s graves
  • Room 238 – Corpse preparation room – hidden door to 241 (SG 12)
  • Room 239 – Family altar – secret door to 242 (SG 15) – door to 236 blocked (SG 12)
  • Room 240 – Destroyed corpse preparation room (giant spiders)
  • Intersection 241 – to 238 and 242
  • Room 242 – Hidden Tomb of Valerion Shadowsteel – Ritual tomb
  • Intersection 243 – Collapse of the Wall – Ravine to Underdark – to 240 and 242 (Giant Spiders)

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Days 225 – 243 – Family tomb

Crypt of the Shadowsteel family
View attachment 332556
  • Room 225 – above-ground entrance to the crypt – inscription – stone offering bowls (crystallised tears, letter, dried flowers) – abandoned bird’s nest (wedding ring)
  • Room 226 – Anteroom – Tomb occupancy map – Door to 228 locked (SG 12 Thief’s Tool – Glyph against the undead) – Door to 229
  • Room 227 – Office of a crypt administrator (undead)
  • Room 228 – 2 graves of the Shadowsteel families (undead)
  • Room 229 – 2 graves
  • Room 230 – Office of a crypt administrator – Secret door to 231 (SG 15 Perception)
  • Secret Passage 231 – Secret passage to the manor house of the Shadowsteel family
  • Intersection 232 – to 227, 233 and 238 (undead)
  • Room 233 – 2 graves (undead)
  • Room 234 – 2 graves
  • Intersection 235 – to 230, 234, 240 (giant spiders)
  • Room 236 – large family tomb – Aurelia Schattenstahl (undead)
  • Room 237 – 1 large and 2 children’s graves
  • Room 238 – Corpse preparation room – hidden door to 241 (SG 12)
  • Room 239 – Family altar – secret door to 242 (SG 15) – door to 236 blocked (SG 12)
  • Room 240 – Destroyed corpse preparation room (giant spiders)
  • Intersection 241 – to 238 and 242
  • Room 242 – Hidden Tomb of Valerion Shadowsteel – Ritual tomb
  • Intersection 243 – Collapse of the Wall – Ravine to Underdark – to 240 and 242 (Giant Spiders)
Day 244 - 277 - Abandoned Mansion

244 - Foyer
245 - Waiting room /dining room
246 - Kitchen
247 - 254 - Servants' quarters
255 - Pantry
256 - 259 - Washhouse
256 - Toilets
257 - Corridor
258 - Bathrooms
259 - Large bathroom
260 - Ballroom
261 - Corridor
262 - Library
263 - Anteroom
264 - Office
265 - Guest room
266 - Corridor
267 - Guest room
268 - Bedroom
269 - Living corridor
270 - Bathroom
271 - Master bedroom
272 - Storage room
273 - storeroom / hallway
274 - burnt storage room (2 bodies / shadow)
275 - Tunnel
276 - Complex trap / vault lock
277 - Vault


Day 199 – 214 – The Ruins of Skullhaven – Level 0

View attachment 294728

Here, I’ve tried to take a slightly larger scale. Instead of 5 feet per 5 millimeters (per square), I’ve used a 10-foot scale and oriented myself more towards the level of detail found in Wizards of the Coast’s official maps.
This means that exact room furnishings, etc., are no longer drawn.

Rooms: All rooms are natural caves carved into the asteroid’s stone. The original furnishings within them have generally fallen into decay. Unless otherwise described, the rooms are shrouded in complete darkness.

Entrance (top right): When coming from the pirate base, you enter a hall/cave with two more exits. The western exit has collapsed, and the southern one is barricaded with makeshift barriers. Impaled on one of the barricades is a zombie (former pirate slave) that is still moving.

Small Altar: South of the barricades, there is a small intersection with an altar on the side, dedicated to a long-forgotten deity. The sculpture that once stood on it is broken. In the remaining pieces, you can see many tentacles. To the west, there is a corridor from which roots and mushrooms sprout from the ground. From the south, a foul odor seeps in.

Dining Hall: In the dining hall, you find broken stone tables and chairs. Behind the shattered food service counter lurks the bloated corpse of a slave who fled into the ruins. He is undead. He is too misshapen to walk anymore but tries to stuff anything that comes too close into his open, torn belly. To the south, there is another collapsed corridor leading to the kitchen. To the west, a corridor can be heard gushing with water.

Kitchen: In the kitchen, there is destroyed stone furniture and food remnants turned to dust. In one partially preserved stone alcove, there are magically preserved cans containing black fruits that taste sweet but are unknown. The northern passage to the dining hall has collapsed. The western exit leads to the priest’s offices.

Laboratory: Here, destroyed stone tables are scattered around, bearing inscribed runes of an unknown language. Among the debris, you can find a book in an unknown language that has apparently been preserved by magic. To the east, there is a collapsed exit leading to the room with barricades. Through the southern exit, you can hear a splashing sound. The western exit is blocked by a heavy, rune-encrusted metal door.

Experiment Chamber: The experiment chamber is sealed by a heavy, magically reinforced door, and in front of it is a magical protective circle that prevents anyone from stepping out of the chamber. Petrified bones are scattered within. On the western wall, there are deep grooves in the floor and the wall, behind which there is a hole dug into the wall. Musty, damp air emanates from the hole.

Stairs: In this hall, a spiral staircase leads both up and down. To the east, there is a corridor where you can see vines and mushrooms growing. In the west, there is a corridor whose entrance is flanked by two (alien-like) skull-shaped columns. To the south, a corridor leads to a faint, greenish light (Temple).

Cemetery: In the walls, alcoves are embedded, covered in dust. The corpses that once lay here have long disappeared. In the center, a staircase leads downward. Columns are built around the staircase, adorned with alien-like skulls and bones. From the passage in the east, a draft of air can be felt (Stairs).

Mushroom Room: In this room, the walls and floor are covered with glowing mushrooms. Their faint, greenish light illuminates the room, creating a surreal atmosphere. The floor is covered with moss, and the scent of damp earth and mushrooms fills the air. Sickly roots dangle from the walls and hang above the ground. The exit to the west leads to the chamber with the spiral staircase, where a draft of air can be felt. To the south, the path opens to the water basin room, accompanied by the gentle splashing of water. To the east, you reach the intersection with the altar.

Water Basin Room: Here, a large room features a deep water basin on the western side. The water glistens in the pale light, and it’s hard to discern its depth. Strange algae float on the surface, and the soft splashing of water creates a soothing soundscape. If you go north, you return to the Mushroom Room, where the air is saturated with mushroom spores. To the east lies the dining hall, and you can sense a foul odor from there. The southern corridor leads to the priest’s offices, where the scent of dusty books lingers in the air.

Temple: This room exudes eerie grandeur. The walls are covered in strange symbols and signs that glow in a faint, greenish light. In the center stands an altar with an ornate book resting upon it. The atmosphere is eerie, and a touch of magic hangs in the air. The exit to the north leads to the spiral staircase, from which a gentle draft can be felt. To the east lies the shrine, where a very faint bluish light flickers. Also to the east is the meeting room, where soft footsteps echo from the walls. The southern corridor leads to the priest’s living quarters, and the presence of the spirits is palpable.

Shrine: The shrine is a small room filled with strange statues and offerings. In one corner, an eerie bluish flame flickers. A solemn silence pervades the space, only interrupted by the faint flickering of the flame. This room opens to the meeting room in the south, where soft footsteps echo from the walls. To the west lies the temple, from which a faint green light emanates. To the east are the priest’s offices, where the scent of dusty books fills the air.

Meeting Room: This room appears to be a place for secret meetings and rituals. The walls are covered with old parchments and scrolls. In the center, there is an ornate table scattered with cards and documents. The exit to the north leads back to the shrine, where the bluish light flickers once more. To the west, the temple stretches, where the symbols on the walls glow in blue light. To the east, you reach the priest’s offices, and the faint rustling of weathered paper can be heard.

Priest’s Living Quarters: This is where you find simple sleeping bunks and personal belongings that have long gathered dust. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful, as if the spirits of the priests still linger here. If you head north, you return to the temple, where the symbols on the walls glow in blue light. To the east, the path leads to the bath, where the scent of lavender and rosewater fills the air.

Priest’s Offices: This room was once the workspace of the priests. Weathered desks and dusty bookshelves bear witness to bygone days. A ghostly silence prevails, as if the priests are merely waiting to resume their work. The exit to the east leads to the kitchen, and you can feel a hint of electrical charge in the air. If you head north, you return to the water basin room, accompanied by the moist air of water. To the south, the path leads to the bath, where the scent of cleansing and care hangs in the air.

Bath: The scent of lavender and rosewater water is still in the air. The north exists to the priest’s offices, the west to the priest’s living quarters.
Day 278 - 306 - The ruins of Skullhaven level 1
A continuation of the ruins of Skullhaven.

278 - Stairs to level 0
279 - Experiment chamber II
280 - Laboratory II
281 - 283 - Mage's apartment
284 - Hall
285 - Crossing with fountain
286 - 290 - Overseer's apartment
291 - 293 - School with teachers' quarters 294 - 306 - Residential quarters

Day 278 - 306 - The ruins of Skullhaven level 1
A continuation of the ruins of Skullhaven.
View attachment 334495
278 - Stairs to level 0
279 - Experiment chamber II
280 - Laboratory II
281 - 283 - Mage's apartment
284 - Hall
285 - Crossing with fountain
286 - 290 - Overseer's apartment
291 - 293 - School with teachers' quarters 294 - 306 - Residential quarters
What notebook are you using?


I aten't dead!

8: Canal, Waste Channels
  • Metal pipes that project over the back side of the ziggurat to expel waste. A long way down.
  • Strange fungi grow in the pipes.

9: Canal, Coolant Channels
  • Filled with crimson, phosphorescent water.
  • (!) Immersion sickens over time. Drinking sickens rapidly.
  • (?) Water is heated by the Heart, which drives the turbine blades that drive the machinery in the Automat and charge the alcoves. Hot water expands into the blades, flowing in a circular motion.

10: Canal, Turbine Blades
  • (!) Being thrown into the spinning blades is unlikely to end well.
  • (?) Venting the canals stops the flow.

11: Canal, Heart Exchange
  • (!) Here, where the canal wraps around the heart chamber, the water/air is dangerously hot.
  • (?) Before the spiral: a metal door to the heart antechamber, which can be opened if the canal has been drained.

12: Canal, Water Spout
  • (?) Brass wheel above the canal opens the spout, flooding the canal. It takes several hours to fill.

13: Heart Antechamber
  • (!) The round heart chamber radiates waves of intense heat.
  • Visible through the adamant wall of the heart chamber: the blazing heart of a dragon.
  • (!?) The metal door to the chamber is too hot to touch.

14: Heart Chamber
  • (!) To enter without protection is fiery death.


OK, finally done with November!

15: Thermopanoplia
  • 1d6 armoured, insulated heat suits.
  • (?) Suits are very uncomfortable to wear for prolonged periods.

16: Pistons
  • (!) 2 moving piston arms gyrate across the room, threatening to rush anyone who tries to cross (unless the turbine was stopped somehow).

17: Clockwork
  • (!) Whirling gears to crush and mangle.
  • (?) …Unless the turbine was stopped.

18: Transformers
  • Static hum, smell of ozone.
  • (!) Poorly insulated electrical components.

19: Vigilator Assembly
  • Robot cranes; grinding machinery; automaton limbs; sparking cables.

20: Timepiece: Vigilator’s Door
  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.
  • (?) Unlocked.

21: Timepiece: Heart Antechamber Door
  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.
  • (?) Unlocked.

22: Timepiece: Main Door
  • Heavy metal door engraved with arcane patterns.
  • (?) Locked and electrified.

23: Timepiece: Clockwork Shrine
  • The great timekeeper, a bronze titan with a clock face with lifelike hands. Offerings of jewels, hair and teeth about his feet.
  • (?) 3d6 jewels with 100 coins each.
  • (?) The clock face not only keeps the time, but determines the time, so long as the machinery keeps running. Each attempt to force the hands has a chance of irreparably breaking the mechanism, however.

24: Fungus Farm
  • Bizarre wood fungus growing from a pile of roots and branches from desert shrubs.
  • (?) Fungus is inedible without cooking, and is tainted by the poisoned water.

25: Bee Wizard
  • Giant bee with an opalescent, crimson carapace etched with bizarre runes.
    • Mien: clicks and clacks and frustrated gestures. Communicates via a brass box speech translator.
    • Wants: a cure for their people’s illness.
    • Needs: a safe home for their band. They came here as refugees.
    • Fears: the disease and the robots.
    • Knows: their people are infected by some disease that makes them erratic and sometimes dangerous. Something dangerous lives within the blocked-off area.

26: Mud Well
  • Overflow from the waste pipes is captured here. Bees use it as their source of water.
  • (??!) Water appears clean, but eventually causes ego death and direct experience of the dragon’s dead mind.

27: Bee Lair
  • Peaceful giant bees with carapaces in various brilliant colours.
  • (?) Some seem catatonic. All ignore attempts to communicate.

28: Bee Bully Lair
  • (!) The most far-gone bees, erratic and violent.

29: Hive Tunnels
  • Winding like a termite mound.

30: Ventilation Shafts
  • Tall pits like waterless wells, raised to the sky.


Level 12: Imperial Archive

The universal store of knowledge. The emperor is vanished somewhere within.

There are no wandering monsters; just cold, altitude sickness, and guardians in their lairs.

1: Ziggurat Stair
  • Ascends from the Temple of Industry to the silver star doors of the archive. Turns at right angles, ascending hundreds of feet in a kinked spiral.

2: Knights of the Chain
  • (!) Twin knights, undead within golden armour and lion masks, armed with great flails. None shall pass.
  • A vastly high, echoing hall of white marble.

3: Balcony
  • The sun is black; the world is on fire.

4: Courtyard
  • A marble god pours water; the fountain runs over, and trickles into the neighbouring halls.

5: Reverse Hall
  • (!) Gravity is reversed in his 60’ room.
  • Water from the courtyard trickles upward to the ceiling.

6: Gravity Cube Stacks
  • Rows of bookshelves. The walls and ceiling have their own rows of shelves, anchored to each plane. Stairs ascend from the ceiling to the reverse stair corridor.
  • (?) Each surface of this room has its own gravity. The very centre has none.
  • (!) Lair of the ink demons, hiding with books.
  • (??) If you need a book, it might be here.

7: Reverse Stair Corridor
  • (!?) Reverse gravity; stair connects to the ceiling of the Gravity Cube Stacks and the Reverse Hall.
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8: Librarian’s Bureau
  • Lair of the Librarian, many-limbed, eldritch, levitating mummy within flowing robes.
    • Mien: whispering, severe
    • Wants: new books & specimens; return of stolen materials
    • Needs: order, silence
    • Fears: the Emperor
    • Knows: the location of any object within the archive (index is in the holographer on its desk)

Sublevel: Xerocrux
  • The xerocrux is a cylindrical chamber within an outer room wrapped around it; four hallways lead into the outer room.
  • (!) Gravity within the xerocux flows perpendicularly, in the direction of the crux (i.e. each hall does ‘down’). The chamber itself has no gravity.

9: Xerocrux: South Hall
  • (!) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a pool of clear liquid (acid).
  • Lined with shelves of archival papers.

10: Xerocrux: West Hall
  • (!?) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a forest of long pyramidal obelisks of obsidian, inscribed with commemorative inscriptions. These are razor-sharp and function exactly like deadly blades.
  • Lined with shelves of oddities; locks of hair, pinned insects, seeds, tissue samples in glass.

11: Xerocrux: North Hall
  • (!) Midway down the hall is webbed with golden filaments of cutting light.
  • Bottom of the hall is the adamant doors of the crux chamber.
  • Lined with shelves of records on clay tablets.

12: Xerocrux: East Hall
  • (!?) ‘Bottom’ of the hall is a forest of long pyramidal obelisks of obsidian, inscribed with commemorative inscriptions. These are razor-sharp and function exactly like deadly blades.
  • Lined with shelves of records on holographic lead glyph tablets.

13: Xerocrux: Chamber
  • A cylindrical bookcase.
  • (??) The rarest books and treasures are here. Imperial seal; genealogical records; the dynastic sword, Sunburst, adamant blade in golden scabbard; the Librarian’s spellbook.

14: Secret Staircase
  • Marble nymph proffering a golden apple.
  • (??) Twist the apple to open the secret door to the spiral stair down to the Emperor’s solar on level 10.

Voidrunner's Codex

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