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DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

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Jehen took just a moment or two to give 354-B just a bit of instruction in basic door-cracking. "See how those hinges are double-nested like that? That is to prevent someone from slipping in a pin, like this one, and popping the tip of the hinge out- then you would just need a few quick raps with a hammer to open it right up. This is a pretty nice set up- not quite up to House Kundarak standards, but much better than expected in a place like this. Now let us see if we can crack it the old-fashioned way... Why don't you fellows see what rope you can get ready, while I give this scroll a try?"

A few moments later, there was a light horse standing there, obviously disconcerted by the tight quarters- but it didn't need to stay long. Jehen got down to the business of trying to direct the others in how to set the ropes to put the maximum stress on the weakest part of the door- in this case probably the lock. Between the array of ropes and the horse's own harness, there was plenty of material to work with.

OOC 1: Try to read the scroll, via her UMD skill; with synergy from Spellcraft, her skill is +9, vs. DC 20 +CL of the scroll (1 ?); Roll 25- a success unless the CL is 6+; roll Roll Lookup ; I'll assume success for pacing and I'll edit if it turns out to be a failure.

OOC 2: summon the horse back a bit from the door- just as far as needed to actually fit the beast into the tunnel, then putting the hobgoblins in closer to the door (in line, I think, given the tight quarters, with the stronger of the two, farther back and closer to the horse; the horse and stronger hob get the lion's share of hard work, while Raekz gets the more complicated task of making sure the ropes and harness are pulling in the right direction/angle to get the maximum effect).

OOC 3: Giddyup horsie!

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ooc; sorry for the silence! Holidays have been cwwwwazy! he he... go Horsie power!!

Jehen's expertly crafted plan goes into effect, the Arcane Inquisitive easily able to cast the magic from the scroll; though the etheral steed that appears within the very cramped tunnel is extremely thin and long... unnaturally so.

Still, with a signal, all three creatures put their strength to the task, a great amount of heaving and grunting as the bars creak under the pressure.

Suddenly the gate bursts free! The hobgoblins go flying as the bars are yanked from their hinges, the steed exploding down the tunnel, dragging the gate after it. Unfortunately, the space is so cramped that the bars act like some huge metallic net sparks kicking up as the bars clang off the tunnel's sides, sweeping towards the assembled group as the etheral horse rushes down the cramped tunnel, heading for the exit.

ooc; reflex save please. everyone needs to roll their on on invis castle please.


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Jehen's eyes widened a bit in shock at the results of her plan. With so much training in scholarly and arcane matters, she sometimes misjudged the power of brute physical strength- and it looked like this was one of those times... Even as matters resolved themselves rather explosively, though, she managed to keep her composure- and as the clattering gate flew past she stepped nimbly to the side, allowing the torn metal to bonce off the wall beside her and continue on, just brushing the edge of her cloak...

OOC: Reflex save 1d20+1= 21! I hope that works- I can't do any better.
Roll: Roll Lookup


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As 354b stands around watching he does not realize that here he is standing may not be a good place to be standing.

Reflex save 1d20+2=13 Roll Lookup

Outcome one: 354b stumbles out of the way just dodging the gate.

Outcome two: 354b is struck by the gate and is most likely knocked out. (current hp 2)

Outcome three: Dm's choice

Clattering and sparking like some possessed demon fence, the grated cell door plows down the hallway.

Nimbly leaping to the side, Jehen easily folds her body into a seemingly waaaaay too small fold in the wall, protecting her from the brunt of the attack as the inquisitive simply gets peppered with pebbles and showered with fragments of rock.

The warforged, idle for so long, realizes the group's danger a moment before it happens and while unable to warn his comrades, simply analyzes the trajectory of the door and suddenly drops to the ground, going prone and ducking the sudden danger.

Raekz, on the other hand, is caught unawares and tries to leap out of the way, only to get painfully clipped in the shoulder by the stout iron gate though he causes it's angle to shift so it's pulled down the rest of the narrow tunnel on it's side.

The chamber now stands open, the half elf's eyes bugged out in surprise at the group's sudden action.

Ooc; Ref DC: 12, 3hp damage for a failure, only Raekz takes that. Also, please post reactions that occur before going into the cell (though you can easily post; 'my pc moves to go through the door' or some such thing)


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Jehen glanced off down the hall in the direction where the horse and gate had gone. "That went better than expected, I guess," she muttered. Then she reached into her pouch and handed Raekz one of the vials of healing potion. "Here, this ought to take the sting off that- you can save it for later if you'd like..."

Then she turned to the half-elf, captive no more. "Well then sirrah! I do believe you are free. Now if you'll permit, I'd like to give your former accommodations a quick once over- then we will be away."

OOC: If allowed, Jehen will give the former cell a quick search (+10, with both Trapfinding and Investigation potentially applicable for different things)- her primary search target is secret doors or compartments. She will give Raekz one of her healing potions, not from the stash we found.

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