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DK1: Veiled Thorns (Moggthegob Judging)

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Alton moves on, his little legs moving at twice the speed of everyone else, trying to keep up with the group...Muttering under his own breath as he proceeds, splashing through the small puddles, which seem to be a lot larger to him, and a bit more of a hinderance.

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ooc; great posts everyone!

Dashing through the damp streets, the rain begins to let up a bit, becoming a light spitting mist; annoying, but not soaking. Still, the group, save for 354B, can feel their clothes, hair, and skin becoming slick with moisture.

Mornokai listens to the group's chatter, finally waving a hand for silence before explaining in very quickly said words, 'It happened like this; I was out visiting a friend for lunch and left my apprentice in charge of the shop. He's a sturdy young lad and knows what he's about. Imagine my surprise when I returned to find my shop ransacked, my apprentice unconscious, and yes Mr. Raekz, a very important sheaf of documents were stolen! We operate a very small message station and we've never had much need for security, even in Sharn! But now... after this... well it's just too much! Please, you must discover who stole our documents and get them back!'

Puffing from the exertion of running and talking at the same time, Mr. Etchstone concentrates on bringing the group to the crime scene.

ooc; feel free to post any skill checks if you wish to make them, we're still sorta waiting on a judge to show up and I'd of course like to hear from kaz as well
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hearing barely the words from the gnome, several possible scenarios start flashing through his mind. each scenario bringing question upon question, that he knows will have to be put forward.

"mmm. the apprentice!" he mumbles to himself. "worth a question or two.. Best to wait till we see the location"

he continues in hopes to find more evidence within the crime scene.


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"Don't worry Mr. Etchstone, I'm sure we're all professionals, we'll get this package of yours back before House Sivis even knows it's gone!" Raekz says this while following, trying to reassure his gnome client. Grah, I hate this sticky feeling.

Monokai's demeanor completely changes at Raekz' words, becoming very excited as he responds happily, 'That is exactly what I need! A quick return of very important documents, without any involvement of the House. If your group is able to perform this task, I shall award each of you with a Letter of Credit with Sivis... That or 500 golden Galifars, your choice of course. We're almost there!'

Rounding a corner, the group finds themselves in a very residential and sparsely populated neighborhood of Clifftop; seeming out of place in light of the rough and tumble reputation the district, well known for it's adventurers, has.


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Alton, struggles to get to the front of the group, before addressing The Gnome

"Can you tell us a little bit about the stolen documents!!, What they were?, where they are heading? Who sent them?"

He proceeds to continue next to the Gnome as they proceed through the clifftop estate.
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Mornokai slows his pace, obviously starting to run out of breath again as Alton makes his way to the front of the pack and voices his questions.

Turning an anxious gaze upon the only member of the group that is remotely close to his own height, the gnome shoots T'Leaf a weak smile of greeting before responding, 'Well you'll have to ask my apprentice for the details, but I do know that the documents stolen were transmitted from the House Orien Enclave in Wroat. Some mundane manifests that we archive for them I believe, though nothing that one could really consider extremely secret, but private enough that I'm sure they wouldn't want them to fall into unknown hands...."

His oval wrinkled face pleading, Mornokai continues, 'As you can guess, these are very sensitive matters and I need this situation resolved quickly so as to not alarm either of these great Houses. Indeed, my own livlihood is on the line here. I hope your investigative skills are up to the task! I've instructed my apprentice to leave the shop untidied, so as to not disturb any possible clues! You must discover where the documents have been taken too!'

ooc; i'm still waiting on a judge, I'll email the Staff and see if one of them will step forward, then we can move on to the shop scene. We also haven't heard from Kaz, so hopefully he sounds off soon!


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alton takes stock of the info that the Gnome passed on. After a few moment he responds

"do not worry yourself my good man, i'm sure me and my these associates " pointing at the party "will retrieve your documents for you, and find the culprits. Can you tell us a little about this apprentice of yours? How long has he worked for you? who is he?"

Alton then proceeds to wait for a response.


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Kaz will have silently followed the gnome here, now that work is upon him, the hobgoblin will be all business. He keeps his eyes open for any that might appear to be particularly interested in the gnome as they walk.

"Don't worry little one, your matters will be handled with the utmost discretion. That is, unless you try to short change me" Kaz says to their employer.


Sorry for the delay, normally LEB isn't part of my daily checks for updates.

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