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di Senzio's Tournement: Clerk Ward [El Jefe judging]


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You leave di Senzio's Magical Shop, leaded by the monk. You walk down the Merchant Avenue. many person are walking down the street at that time of the day, and with teh stalls, the progression is very slow. You watch over your puse as you know there is always a few streets rats in the sector who will dare to challenge the guards presence. As you walk, you see in front of you the Temple of Hyrag who is standing at the end of the avenue.

"She has been here for over a year now. She was invited to come here. She had done much for Rincewood's temple, and our head had visit that temple two years ago. He liked the opening of Alexa on the people. The gand priest ask her to join up, as in Orussus, as you can see, you really don't need to be xenophobe. She accepted and came to work here."

You pass in front of the temple and enter the Clerk ward. "She has establish herself near the temple. It's just north of West Potter Lane. There." She points a small street and you turn there. This ward is very different from the Merchant Avenue as you see only a few person walking in the street. Also, all the building that surround you are made mainly of wood. You end in front of a small door and the monk knock. "Alexa? It's Jamira."

"Enter" tells a voice inside. As she open, you see a small house with only a single room. The room contain the minimal to live. A bed, that looks pretty confortable, a stove, a cabinet holding some foods and plates and a drawer. There is also a small table with two chairs.

But what marks you isn't the small cozy place, but the women who live in it. When you last saw Alexa, she was starting to be old, she was almost fifty, but teh woman you see in front of you looks more someone who have hit the seventy. She is now bent over her chair, as if she can't support the full weight of her body. More wrinkle are marking her face. Also, her face seems to show only fatigue. "Enter Jamira. You have brought company? I'm not used to have so many visit at a time. And who is it? ... Garrit?"
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Garrit Kelspire, Paladin 1 of Hyrag

"Mother!" he exclaims. "It has been too long." He goes over to embrace her, carefully.

"I had no idea that the clergy here called you to serve. I would have visited sooner." You can see the regret and sorrow on his face. "I have been told you are sick and that you refuse to take the help of our God. Is this true?"


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"Others see it like that..." answers Alexa. Jamira shooks her head. "I'll leave, I have work to attend at the temple. Goodday."

"Thanks Jamira, to have bring back my child." Alexa raise from her seats and seems to have difficulty to stands on her legs. "You want some tea?" She takes a kettle and put it on the stove before sitting down again. "It's not the help of Hyrag I refuse, but the one of the order. I'm now over fifty. I've lived a good life. I've helped the people, I've traveled the world and I was even given the child I would never had, as I am the not the kind of woman to share his life with a man. I've recieved more than the average man could hope. When I fall sick a month ago, I told myself that maybe my time was coming. I am tired. I have nothing before me that drive me like it was when I was young. So I put my live in the hand of Hyrag. You know, many men fall sick and recover from it without the help of our God. And if I still have something to fullfill in this world, I know that Hyrag will come to me.

But enough of me. What have you done during these last months. It's been now almost two year now that you've left Rincewood."


Garrit Kelspire, Paladin 1 of Hyrag

"I have traveled and honed my skills and served the Lightbringer," he says. "I have done caravan duties and guard duties and courier duties. Humble jobs for sure, but I have begun to learn so much. I am only just beginning, mother."

"You have still not told me what ails you and how I can help. The world needs a person like you for as long as you can stay here."

Heal check to determine her illness (1d20+3=17).


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"I don't know the name of my sickness. I am just more and more tired, nothing else. And the world have seen more than just me and will survive me as it will survive you and will survive your grandson too. I've done my share to make this life better. Not that if I was able I would stop, but you'll see one day, when you'll had lived a life as long as mine, you'll look back and tell yourself that you can now die happily.

Well, today, I look at you, and I can finally tell that. And stop looking at me like that. You have a face as if I was already dead."
You look at your mother, observe her, trying to understand what affliction have possessed her, but you can't tell.


Garrit Kelspire, Paladin 1 of Hyrag

"I do not believe it is your time to go. You are much too young, despite your current physical condition. I refuse to believe that you really want to die right now. This does not sound like the woman who raised me." And a tear runs down his left cheek.


First Post
Alexa takes Garrit in her hands and press the warrior on her gantly. The time seems to stop for a moment for both of them but they are waked up from that by the sound of boiling water. Alexa release the half-orc and walk to her stove and grab the keetle. She takes two cups and a box in the cabinet. She pour the hot water in the cups. She then take a few leaves in the box.

You are both sitting on the chairs while the leaves infuse in the water. "Are you in Orussus for some more time?"


Garrit Kelspire, Paladin 1 of Hyrag

"I am here for the time being yes. There is a tournament here that I entered, for the duel and the joust. I hope to bring honor to Hyrag's name, and to make a name for myself, so that I can have an opportunity to receive more quests."

He sits down in a nearby chair. "I must admit, part of the reason why I responded so dramatically at first is partly because of guilt. I knew that I should have visited you more than the one brief time that I did, and the thought of you dying without me having to make that up tore me up inside."


First Post
"Guilt? I didn't saw my parent for five years when I started to adventure. You didn't took two year to see what it took me twice. It is sure I am happy to see you again. But you have your own life too and I understand when you are unable to visit me." Alexa pause a moment to drink some tea.

"I've heard about that tournement. Before Jamira replace me, it was me who brought to Valeria the potion she sells. Her shop is open for now a month or two only. I didn't had much time to know her but her and her husband, Rinaldo if I remember well, had spoken to me about that. It is not a bad thing for you, but never loose of sight what Hyrag's have told us. You have to promote life. The gold, under the sun, glimmer and is very attractive, don't let yourself blind by it."

"My son, as you are here for some times, I hope to see you again. Come to visit me. I don't move much from my house, Jamira take good care of me. My door will be always open to you."


Garrit Kelspire

"You are right of course," he says. "I should not lay so much guilt on myself."

"But I promise you, Lightbringer willing, that I will visit once this tournament is over. Now that I know that you are here, things will be different." As he says this, he holds his hands together, palms outward, in a symbol of a sunburst, a ritual sign of Hyrag. He then kisses his mother on the forehead, and leaves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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