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di Senzio's Tournement: Arena - Backstage [El Jefe judging]


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Jik'tu makes face that indicates to all concerned that he is stumped a bit by the instructions....

I kin uses any of dem we-puns over dere?
He walks over to look through them...


Velmont, I assume all mundane armor and weapons of all sizes is represented for our use? Also, "martial" does not mean "mêlée" but I make the assumption that this is a mêlée combat based on the distance.

Also there are no stipulations given about using magic. I think spells should be out of the question but what about a Domain Power? It's not a spell, its a gift from one's god. In Jik'tu's case that "DESTRUCTION" I get the smite ability.


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Every weapon and armor you can see in teh SRD is there, as any that has been approved for LEW. That include ranged weapons. You'll have the choice of two weapons (if a weapon takes ammunition, you have 10 of them, or 20 if you spend your second wepaon on ammunition.)

For the domain power:

SRD Domain Power said:
You gain the smite power, the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack...
SRD Supernatral ability said:
Supernatural abilities are magical and...
I think you can guess what will happen if someone use detect magic during all teh fight on you...[/SBLOCK]


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Jik'tu is hesitant to choose knowing that he doest want to tip his hand to an opponent. He thinks on that for a moment - his mouth agape and a vacant stare for a few uncomfortable moments then decides...

<Talking to himself - but audible enough to hear>

I Jik'tu...

I be war, sew destruction, drink blood and fear none...

Dis gots be mine day!

He looks around at the armor and weapons, he takes the suit of spiked full plate that looks as if it might be big enough and inspects it. He doesn't really know what to look for exactly, never having owned a suit of full plate - but he makes a decent show of it.

He looks through the shields and takes the biggest one there - a tower shield that, ironically has the tree of life painted on the front.


Hurumph, dis trees not be fer me but dis my size fer once in dis life!

Searching the weapons racks he carefully makes his choices...he takes a good bit of time but eventually settles for the flail. He also chooses for himself a Ransuer - he figures that he can set it in upright in the sandy floor of the arena within reach, if he needs a reach weapon he can grab it up and use it then.

I dunno if yous wants all find out wut makes big orc womens screams fur good pains in luv

<grabbing his crotch> Jik'tu got big un of da Orcish manhood...

you not wants to...den where me change dem armors?

New combat stats for Jik'tu:

Medium; hp:16; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23 ( +1 Dex, +8 Armor, +4 Shield ), AC 19 ( +1 Dex, +8 Armor ) touch 11, flat-footed 22; Base Atk: +1; Grp +6; Atk: Ransuer +6 melee (2d4+7); Flail +6 melee (1d8+5); Space/Reach 5 ft./5ft (flail) 10 ft (Ransuer); SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +4; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 8.
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Khairi watches the other contestants. He smiles thinking he just may learn quite a bit from this group.

ooc : Khairi combat stats for tournament:

Medium; hp:12; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22 ( +1 Dex, +8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dodge ), AC 20 ( +1 Dex, +8 Armor,+1 dodge ) touch 12, flat-footed 20; Base Atk: +1; Grp +3; Atk: Scimitar +5 melee (1d6+3); SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
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Jik'tu looks around for his "slave"...

Where dat boy got to?

He need watch dis udder armors fer me,

dun wan some thiefs gets it...

[sblock=Note] I know as a player you can't have two of your characters in here ICY its just some IC things for JT to say.. we can assume you come in and take the stuff for him and watch it throughout the event.

Velmont - been looking forward to this thing for a while - how bout giving bonus XP for good vivid descriptions of combat maneuvers as an incentive? I will do it regardless but never hurts to ask - lol! [/sblock]


Quozen pokes his head in. "Excuse me, Warren, but would it be permissible to stay back here to properly care for my lord's belongings while he competes?"


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Warren look at Quozen, a bit confuse by his intervention. "Sorry, but no, if you are not part of the contest, you can't stay here. But you can take it with you and come back and gives him back if you want."

Warren look a last time at everyone, making sure they all got there equipement. "Perfect, we will start that contest. Please follow me."

The door open, and Warren lead the two lines of contestant into the Arena.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Please, list teh equipement you bring into the Arena. (1 armor, 1 shield, 2 weapons, and if it is a wepaon with ammunition, you have 10 of them. If it is a thrown weapon you can't use in melee (ex: dart), you can have 10 of them too. If it is a thrown wepaon that can be use in melle, you can only have 1 (ex: dagger)[/SBLOCK]


"Thank you, Warren, I shall do just that."

Quozen gathers up Jik'tu's belongings and carries the load out to the front, sitting in the stands, and carefully watching the equipment as he watches the match.


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People of the last contest are gathered there, and they are ask to leave, as the next contestant are also gathering, with over sixty persons in the backstage, it is very crowded. People have some difficulty to make there way throught the crowd, as most of them take a lot of place with there weapons and large armors.

Voidrunner's Codex

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