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D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games

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OK, no post(s) tonight; there's just really not enough time on week nights to play the game, pacing myself to make sure I've got all the cool screenshots (and, trust me, there are a lot of them from tonight's session), and then write it all up. So weekdays will likely have posts on alternating days, as opposed to the weekends where I'll have more time to both play and then post afterwards.

But I've just completed clearing the Slums, and did the infamous fight we've been talking about, which was as tough as ever. You'll get to see what happened when I write it all up tomorrow!

Pool of Radiance (Part 9): The Slums (Part 5)

Back to the Slums for one final push! Brother Baltor, however, has had received some cryptic messaging from his god (I wonder which one? He's LG and has a red outfit, so Lathander sort of makes sense for him. Baroness Bella more likely a worshiper of Tyr) about the dangers ahead, and has decided to slightly change his memorized spells, requiring a quick trip back to the inn.

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With what's ahead, they'll need all the help they can get, and bless is a nice, if short (6 rounds), buff, giving everyone +1 to hit.

Back to the Slums again.

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Alarm still going as strong as ever, I see.

The party literally takes one step forward...

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Seems like your typical patrol, but we have a new foe among the horde of goblins:

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Bugbears are pretty rare in the game, so it's neat to see one here. Brin is worried about all the goblins down in the lower room (there are a lot more than the six here), and so casts sleep on the one nearest here. It probably wont affect the bugbear, but it will slow the goblins moving in from the south.

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Well, what do you know. That's going to make this fight a bit easier for sure! Some goblins get past the sleeping ones (there was still a path to get through), and Brin retreats north after taking a hit, as does Buffy. After we clear out most of the goblins up top...

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And the rest of the battle is over with soon enough. That's at least our 14th patrol, but I always seem to miscount. Perhaps it was the last of them, and why we had a bugbear in the mix. So now we travel over to the western area of the map, and rest up and save in the set encounter room with all the orcs from last time.

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(I've started to take more screenshots to include maps, so hopefully the narrative will a bit easier to follow).

We made it all the way encountering no further patrols, so I'm beginning to suspect that I have indeed miscounted and that was the 15th and final one. We had south, and enter a large plaza. The party hears whispered rumors from one of the surrounding buildings:

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Yeah, we found that one already. I head to the door facing west in this room...

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And Brother Baltor gets the premonition that's time to buff up. (I guess I'm going to blame how I know the places to buff up before a big battle through godly warnings)

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(This text appears for all six characters, I just happened to catch this one). And afterwards, the buff will appear (with rounds remaining) on the GBC bar up top:

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And what's behind the door?

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Lots of orcs.

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I want to take out those two leaders in the back with their ranged attacks with a sleep spell, but alas, they are out of range, this being the furthest the spell can be targeted:

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So I target there in the middle. That will split the force in two, with only a trickle being able to get through, so my melee can deal with the group in front, while my ranged take out the ones in the back, starting with the leaders:

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(Didn't get the skull and crossbones in the shot, but that one is dead)

The GBC map shows how this has resulted in only a few up front. Some of the orcs are, futilely, trying to find a way around to the right, but that room is a dead end, so they just mill around aimlessly up there. Also, you can see all the info you can get by mousing over enemies on the map:

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More orcs go down, while I just leave a single row to block the back (mainly since I need to be sure to take out helpless ones before they wake up!)

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(Orcs in the back trying to flank in a dead-end room. Granted, that also keeps them out view for my ranged, so it's smart in another way I guess!)

Eventually I take enough of them out that they start to surrender - I was actually quick enough to get a screenshot of it this time!

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Whew. That was a long fight (but not the "infamous" fight we've been talking about; that's still to come!). But actually the party took pretty minimal damage.

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The duration of the bless spell has long since passed. I was thinking about re-casting it for the next room, but no one is seriously hurt, so, let's see who all these orcs were guarding! We go into the room where the orcs were futilely trying to flank the party, and...

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Monster leaders! There are definitely some tougher creatures in here, including a couple we haven't seen before. But thankfully there are only a few in total:

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There are a couple of gnolls.

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And an ogre! The ogre especially has a lot of hit points, and can do some decent damage, so we need to take him down as quickly as possible!

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In the end, we actually take them down pretty quickly, but Baroness Bella took a bit of a beating. So we're going to rest here before continuing on.

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We next go a bit south. We find a passageway that will take us to the next zone to the west (Kuto's Well), but we'll pass on that now until after we've cleared this area. We then go back to east, through another door:

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The issue here is that there are a lot of goblin leaders with ranged attacks. We need to kill or incapacitate as many as possible, since they can cause some serious damage. Brin casts sleep to catch as many as possible:

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But one manages to get off two good shots, and we have our first casualty of the game:

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After dealing with the goblin next to him, Brother Baltor rushes over to get a heal spell off:

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But she'll remain unconscious for the rest of the battle (which is how the game handles characters that go down but are stabilized during battle), which, thankfully, is over quickly.

After casting his other cure light wounds when the battle is over, Brin is back up, hale and hearty.

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So, what were these guards guarding? Let's go through the door behind them:

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"Apparently". That calls for a search.

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Of course we do, we're adventurers!

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Excellent! Let's see exactly what they are.

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Brother Baltor will take that, at least until one of the other front liners starts getting hit a lot.

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We have our first magic scroll, and it's a nice one. We'll scribe that the first chance we get to add it to Bragir's spellbook.

And all this tasty treasure XP means that Bant has gained a level. And a lot of characters are this close as well. That's explained by the fact that the three of them are multiclass fighters as well, and XP levels at this point are usually double what you had last level (and only half of their XP is going to each class). Bant is going to be level 3, while they are on the cusp of level 2 (and not quite there because Bant gets a 10% XP bonus for being single-classed).

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We're going to rest in the previous room where we had a set encounter (and thus is safe to rest in), heal up, and re-memorize spells. And scribe magic missile from that scroll!

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Scribing takes rest time as well, so it's added in to the rest time for spell memorization. When the rest is over:

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I'm not going to memorize it now, since it only shoots off a single missile of 1d4+1 damage. But as we go through the games, and the magic-users gain levels, it will definitely outpace sleep since the spell gains an extra missile every other level. And 1e doesn't have a cap on spell damage. If we reach level 40, with a missile every other level, we'll be firing the spell off for 20d4+20 points of damage (unfortunately the game, unlike even 1e tabletop, doesn't allow for splitting missiles, so there will only be a single target - but still, that's nice damage). The real fun are the spells like fireball that will gain a dice per level - so at level 40, we'll be shooting off 40d6 fireballs and lightning bolts.

That done, we now will head south to the Rope Guild, for the infamous fight, and to complete clearing the Slums. All that will be in the next post!
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Pool of Radiance (Part 10): The Slums (Part 6) - The Slums Completed!

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The party heads south to the door leading to the Rope Guild. They enter, no doubt the door squealing ominously...

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And it is pretty much a maze. You can see just from the screenshot all the various paths available. But since Ohlo said the person with the special potion he's requested is to the east, we'll head that way the best we can.

The corridors twist and turn...

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But then...

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Is that a shop? Here in monster infested ruins?

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I guess it is. We enter...

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I would guess you wouldn't have much to sell, given your potential clientele here. Location, location, location, my good shopkeep!

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OK, time to head back to Ohlo. Normally, I'd stay and explore the ruins of the Rope Guild a bit more, but something tells me that getting the XP for those characters so close to leveling might be a good idea. So, back across the map we go!

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(The funny thing is that Ohlo is two squares up and two squares to the left. He could literally break through a wall in his house to get into the Rope Guild and be a couple of steps from this guy. But, we'll have to go the long way round to get back to him)

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Let's see that reward, old man, since we've had to traipse back and forth across these gods-forsaken ruins to get it to you.

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Eh, nice, but neither of those spells will see much use in this game. Brin can have them since Bragir got the other scroll. She'll scribe them when next we rest. And, she'll avoid taking them when leveling up as a magic-user. Speaking of which...

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A very nice mass leveling! And we'll need every last bit of it for what we're about to encounter...

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So... back to the Rope Guild. Surely there's more in there than just a shop run by that weirdo! Let's explore to the west this time:

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We take one step forward...

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Two ogres and FOUR trolls! Who designed this for level 2 - 3 characters? Some sort of sadist, apparently. Blundering into this fight was one of the biggest shocks of the game, and you were inevitably murdered very quickly. Luckily, I saved just before walking in here. So... let's rewind and buff up for this as best we can, because we'll need it!

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Let's equip those magical arrows we've been hoarding.

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And pop that bless. It may only last 6 rounds, but that's better than nothing!

And in we go...

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The first thing we do is cast sleep on that ogre. It will only affect him, but it will cause the three trolls in the back to be effectively blocked rather than moving down after we take out the other ogre. Brother Baltor has our best AC, so he can take the hits a bit better than the others, and can heal himself if necessary.

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We'll concentrate on taking out the troll in the front first, then the awake ogre, and let the remaining trolls filter down one at a time towards Brother Baltor (Baroness Bella an Bant will for a short time start using missile weapons as well, shooting past the sleeping ogre while the trolls filter down).

The troll in the front still causes significant damage before we can take it down, due to multiple attacks that do quite a bit of damage.

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So... now we have a problem. Trolls regenerate, and if we don't stop them from regenerating, in a few rounds, they'll hop right back up with max hit points. We really don't want that to happen, for very obvious reasons! The secret here, since it doesn't give you the option to set a troll on fire after it's down, is to stand on the spot it dropped. If you do so, it will be unable to return to vex you later in the fight. So Baroness Bella moves into its spot:

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The trolls are being taken down (as is the sleeping ogre on the round before he wakes up), but they are doing some nasty damage before they do. Brother Baltor just gets mauled:

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(I probably should have had Bant in that slot, as he has more hit points, but we're beyond that now). He's already used one of his heals, and is looking to use his second when, thankfully, as the third troll goes down, the last troll's morale breaks and it runs to the back of the room. Baroness Bella gives chase, and takes some damage as a result (Creatures, and the characters for that matter, can end a round where they've done nothing but move with a "Guard" action, meaning they get a free shot on the first foe that comes into range )

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Bant gives chase as well, while Brother Baltor slaps a heal on himself, and I position the ranged characters in various spots where trolls fell to make sure they don't rise again to ruin everything right when the battle is ending. The dwarf and the paladin take down the last troll, and we are victorious!

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Although not in the best of shape:

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But that pain goes away with this:

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(This treasure and the one you get from Ohlo are random, some of the very few random ones in all the games. Usually you'll get a useless magical polearm or two - nothing like a fauchard fork +1 as a reward - but both times I got fairly decent treasure. Unfortunately, the coolest treasure, a bag of holding which doesn't give you extra inventory slots but at least negates the character's encumbrance, didn't drop. And, surprisingly, that's the only bag of holding in all the Gold Box games!)

Let's check out that scroll

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Jaw drops. That's... really, really, REALLY good for a random scroll drop. Haste is bluntly one of the best spells in the game (moreso since I've got a lot of non-humans for whom taking a full year off their lives isn't much of a worry - Baroness Bella has to deal with it, but luckily there are elixirs of youth in later games for her; beyond that in 1e it's a group spell and there's no concentration), lightning bolt is a decent spell for when you can get foes lined up right (and, as can be seen from all these screenshots, they do so with regularity - it's just a matter of getting into position to take advantage of that), and knock is fairly useful because in some situations there are magically locked doors you can't pick or bash. All in all, very nice for future scribing, once my magic users are of the right level.

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The scale mail is equivalent to the banded mail my characters already have, but it should increase movement, so I'll give it to Bant. All my characters who use swords already have a broadsword +1 though, so that will get sold.

With all the XP from the fight and treasure, it's levelin' time again!

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Bragir chooses enlarge for his spell as he levels up. It's not terribly useful now, but in later games it becomes quite powerful. None of the rest of them are really all that useful in game, even protection from evil, which is nice, isn't helpful in taking up a slot for sleep, magic missile, or enlarge, and later protection from evil 10' radius comes online anyway

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Brin chooses magic missile, as Bragir had used the scroll with the spell on it previously.

So, we rest, and Brin scribes her scroll she got from Ohlo:

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Now that both magic-users can memorize two (a whole two!) spells, they both memorize... sleep twice. Right now there really isn't much better.

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At least their spellbooks are looking a bit more robust:

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After we rest, let's see how everyone looks now:

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And so, back to town, across the map. We haven't had any random encounters in all this time, running back and forth from Ohlo's and the like, so I very much believe that we've taken out all 15 of them. And that guess is further supported by the fact we get back without encountering any on the way.

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Yeah, whatever, losers. We head to the City Hall to see if the City Clerk agrees that we've cleared the Slums and we are due our reward.

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Yay! We've have indeed fought all 15 encounters and have cleared our first block. But I've hit the max number of images again, so we'll see what that reward is and prepare for the next area we'll be going to in the next post.
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Pool of Radiance (Part 11): Sokal Keep (Part 1, sort of)

Reward time for clearing the Slums:

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With one exception, the City Clerk only hands out money as a reward, although we're not going complain about what we got. The fact that the city hands out gems/jewelry is actually a plot point later, in Secret of the Silver Blades.

That done, she goes through her list of commissions. Clearing the Slums is gone, but Sokal Keep and the reward for finding books and maps are still there. And now a new one appears after those two:

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That sounds a bit dangerous. We'll stick with the first one on her list, and prepare to head to Sokal Keep.

With the experience from the reward, Brother Baltor is ready to level again:

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Time to go to the shop and sell off our loot. It's mainly the same as before, but we do have a magic item we no longer need:

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Our current funds after selling the loot off:

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Brother Baltor can now memorize 2nd level spells, so it's off to the inn to do so!

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The only two there worth anything are hold person (very useful) and silence 15' radius (rarely and situationally useful). I have a thief, so find traps is unnecessary, and slow poison never works long enough to get to a temple to cast neutralize poison (which gets rid of poison permanently instead of just slowing it), so it does nothing but very temporarily prolong how long before a character dies of poison. The others really aren't even worth mentioning

So Brother Baltor memorizes his spells:

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Here are everyone's character sheets at this point:

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And in overview:

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And we're ready to go to Sokal Keep! But that will be for next time!
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