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Dark Reaper Prestige Class (formerly Grim Reaper)


Dark Reaper PrC
Dark Reapers are masters of fear and scythe. Even the mere presence of an experienced Reaper can frighten lesser beings, and the scythe a Reaper calls his own is said to be supernaturally sharp and ravaging.
Dark Reapers generally pay homage to Seto the First Scythe or consider him the ideal of what a Reaper should be: strong, persistent and willing to do whatever is necessary to finish the job. Whether it is indeed the spirit of Seto that empowers a Dark Reaper or not is not known, however.
The Raven's Scythe assassins' guild is most likely to produce a Dark Reaper to fight against the Curved Blades of Arcton, even if most of the members of the guild are rogues and assassins. The Cult of Seto has also been known to have trained Dark Reapers in the past. Minority of Dark Reapers are not from either of these two factions, though they do exist. Such individuals have usually gone through an experience similar to Seto's, which has lead them to feel the god's guidance.

Alignment: Any nongood
BAB: +5
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 5 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Feats: Persuasive, Weapon Focus (any scythe)

[b] lvl  BAB Fort Ref Will Special
 1st:[/b]  +1  +2   +0  +0  Bonded Scythe
 [b]2nd:[/b]  +2  +3   +0  +0  Expert Demoralizer
 [B]3rd:[/B]  +3  +3   +1  +1  Reaper's Touch
 [b]4th:[/b]  +4  +4   +1  +1  Master Demoralizer
 [b]5th:[/b]  +5  +4   +1  +1  Reaper's Blade

The Grim Reaper’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier

All of the following are class features of the Dark Reaper prestige class.
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Dark Reapers gain proficiency in all scythes if they were not already proficient with them.
Bonded Scythe (Ex): A first-level Dark Reaper chooses one specific scythe, of a type he has the Weapon Focus feat with, to be his chosen weapon. Bonding with a scythe takes 8 hours, during which the Reaper scribes personal markings and runes on the scythe. Once the ritual is completed, the Reaper gains a +1 competence bonus to damage with his bonded scythe.
While a Dark Reaper can bond with a new scythe at any time, doing so removes the bond from the previous scythe.
A Dark Reaper does not gain any bonuses associated with his chosen scythe when wielding the bonded scythe of another Dark Reaper (however, see Reaper's Touch, below).
Expert Demoralizer (Ex): A 2nd-level Dark Reaper is beginning his journey towards the mastery of fear. He can use the Intimidate skill as a move action instead of a standard action to demoralize an opponent in combat, though he can still make only one demoralize attempt each round.
A Dark Reaper with the Greater Demoralize feat can demoralize as a swift action instead.
Reaper's Touch (Ex): As a Dark Reaper's familiarity with a scythe deepens, he becomes even more adept at delivering blows. The competence bonus to damage that a Dark Reaper has with his bonded scythe increases to +2 at third level. In addition, he gains a +1 competence bonus to damage with any other scythe he wields.
Master Demoralizer (Ex): Closer to the mastery of fear, a 4th-level Dark Reaper can use the Intimidate skill as a free action once per round to demoralize an opponent in combat. In addition, a demoralized opponent remains shaken for 1d4 rounds instead of 1 round.
A Dark Reaper with the Greater Demoralize feat can make multiple demoralize attempts a round, though making more than one requires a move action for each additional one, and a given creature can only be demoralized once per round. A creature demoralized by a Dark Reaper with Greater Demoralize remains demoralized for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 plus the Dark Reaper's Charisma Bonus.
Reaper's Blade (Su): At fifth level, a Dark Reaper reaches the pinnacle of scythe mastery. As long as it is being used by the Dark Reaper, his bonded scythe is treated as having keen edge cast on it.

[sblock=Old Version]
Grim Reapers are masters of fear and the scythe. Even the mere presence of an experienced Reaper can frighten lesser beings, and the scythe a Reaper calls his own is said to be supernaturally sharp and ravaging.
Scribes and loremasters theorize that it is the essence of Seto the First Scythe that grants a Grim Reaper his powers. Indeed, Grim Reapers are most numerous among the followers of the Desert Heretic, though there are Reapers who are strongly against this interpretation and will "persuade" anybody who says otherwise to change their mind. Some Reapers credit their powers to another deity or cause, or even their own personal power.
Grim Reapers adventure to expand their skills or to follow another agenda. Reapers from Raven's Scythe serve as the frontline of their order on direct battles against the Curved Blades of Arcton, and the Cult of Seto also sports many a talented Reaper. Independent Reapers often work as mercenaries, or as bodyguards for powerful necromancers. Many a Reaper has been known to also work as an adventurer, not serving anybody but their own desires.
Most Grim Reapers come from the ranks of the more martially oriented. Most are fighters or barbarians, though rangers and fallen paladins are not uncommon. Some rogues pick up the career of a Reaper to improve their fighting skills, and clerics of Seto often dabble in the arts to show their devotion to all aspects of the Last Raven. Arcane spellcasters rarely become Grim Reapers.

Alignment: Any nongood
BAB: +5
Craft (Weaponsmithing): 5 ranks
Intimidate: 8 ranks
Feats: Persuasive, Weapon Focus (any scythe)

[b] lvl  BAB Fort Ref Will Special
 1st:[/b]  +1  +2   +0  +0  Expert Demoralizer
 [b]2nd:[/b]  +2  +3   +0  +0  Bonded Scythe
 [B]3rd:[/B]  +3  +3   +1  +1  Intimidate +2
 [b]4th:[/b]  +4  +4   +1  +1  Master Demoralizer
 [b]5th:[/b]  +5  +4   +1  +1  Reaper's Blade
 [b]6th:[/b]  +6  +5   +2  +2  Skill of Fear, Intimidate +4
 [b]7th:[/b]  +7  +5   +2  +2  Immunity to Fear, Unnerving Presence
 [b]8th:[/b]  +8  +6   +2  +2  Reaper's Touch
 [b]9th:[/b]  +9  +6   +3  +3  Intimidate +6
[b]10th:[/b] +10  +7   +3  +3  Frightful Presence

The Dark Reaper’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier

All of the following are class features of the Grim Reaper prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Grim Reapers are proficient with all scythes.
Expert Demoralizer: A 1st-level Grim Reaper is beginning his journey towards the mastery of fear. He can use the Intimidate skill as a move action instead of a standard action to demoralize an opponent in combat, though he can still make only one demoralize attempt each round.
A Grim Reaper with the Greater Demoralize feat can demoralize as a free action instead.
Bonded Scythe(Ex): At second level, a Grim Reaper chooses one specific scythe as his specialty weapon, and the scythe must be of a type that he has the Weapon Focus feat for.
Bonding with a scythe takes 8 hours for the Grim Reaper, during which he scribes personal markings on the scythe (DC 15 Craft (Weaponsmithing) roll, the Grim Reaper can Take 10). If the ritual fails, the Grim Reaper can try it again the next day without penalty. Once the ritual is completed, the Grim Reaper gains a +1 competence bonus to damage with his bonded scythe.
While a Grim Reaper can bond with a new scythe at any time, doing so removes the bond from the previous scythe.
A Grim Reaper does not gain any bonuses associated with his bonded scythe when wielding the bonded scythe of another Grim Reaper (however, see Reaper's Touch, below).
Intimidate bonus: Student in the ways of frightening others, the Grim Reaper gains the listed bonus as a competence bonus on all Intimidate checks.
Master Demoralizer: Closer to the mastery of fear, a 4th-level Grim Reaper can use the Intimidate skill as a free action once per round to demoralize an opponent in combat. In addition, a demoralized opponent remains shaken for 1d4 rounds instead of 1 round.
A Grim Reaper with the Greater Demoralize feat can make multiple demoralize attempts a round, though making more than one requires a move action for each additional one, and a given creature can only be demoralized once per round. A creature demoralized by a Grim Reaper with Greater Demoralize remains demoralized for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 plus the Grim Reaper's Charisma Bonus.
Reaper's Blade(Su): At fifth level, the Grim Reaper's bonded scythe becomes a greater tool of desctruction. As long as it is wielded by the Grim Reaper, it acts as if under the Keen Edge spell.
Skill of Fear(Ex): A sixth-level Grim Reaper learns new ways of using fear to his advantage. He can use the Intimidate skill with the following three options in addition to those normally available:
  • Attention of Fear: With a succesfull Intimidate check as a full-round action that doesn't draw an Attack of Opportunity, a Grim Reaper can hold a creature's attention. The target creature suffers a -5 circumstance penalty to Listen, Search and Spot check as their attention is inadvertantly drawn towards the Grim Reaper. This penalty doesn't apply against the Grim Reaper himself. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to one-half the Grim Reaper's Charisma score, rounded up, or as long as the Grim Reaper remains visible to the target, whichever is less.
  • Faith of Fear: If the Grim Reaper acceps a -10 penalty to his Intimidate check while influencing an NPC, the NPC can be treated as Helpful instead of Friendly on a succesfull check. The NPC remains Helpful for 1d6 plus the Grim Reaper's Charisma bonus minutes, after which the NPC remains friendly untill 1d6 x 10 minutes after leaving the Grim Reaper's presence.
  • Lies of Fear: The Grim Reaper can choose to make an Intimidate check at a -10 penalty instead whenever he would be required to make a Bluff check, including feinting in combat. All normal modifiers for the believability of the bluff applies to the Intimidate check as do the normal modifiers for an Intimidate check, including the target gaining any save modifiers against Fear effects on its Sense Motive check. Lies of Fear does not allow a Grim Reaper to qualify for feats or other abilities that require a certain bonus or amount of ranks in Bluff, merely to make checks using the Intimidate skill at a penalty instead of Bluff.
Immunity to Fear(Ex): The Grim Reaper gains immunity to fear (magical or otherwise).
Unnerving Presence(Ex): The mere presence of a sevent-level Grim Reaper is unnerving. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 don't approach a Grim Reaper that they can see within 30ft unless they are following a trick they know that requires them to come closer to him or are trained with combat general purpose. If the Grim Reaper approaches such a creature, they usually flee, or fight if fleeing isn't possible.
Creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher that are within 30ft of a Grim Reaper they can see feel uneasy, and know that the Grim Reaper is the source of the feeling even if they don't know a specific reason for it. At the DM's discretion, some creatures can be unaffected by a Grim Reaper's Unnerving Presence, such as if they are more powerful than the Grim Reaper, are within a paladin's Aura of Courage, know the Grim Reaper well, or some other reason.
Unnerving Presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Reaper's Touch(Ex): The Grim Reaper's skill with his bonded scythe improves, increasing the competence bonus to damage to +2. In addition, the Grim Reaper gains a +1 competence bonus to damage with any scythe he wields.
Frightful Presence(Su): A 10th-level Grim Reaper has reached the peak of inducing fear. Immediately after he charges, attacks, or makes an Intimidate check in combat, a Grim Reaper can use a Swift action to force creatures within 30ft that can see him to make a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the Grim Reaper's character level + the Grim Reaper's Charisma modifier) or become shaken for a number of rounds equal to 2d6 + the Grim Reaper's Charisma bonus. An affected creature whose HD is less than one-half the Grim Reaper's (rounded down) is frightened instead, or shaken for 1 round on a successfull save. A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to that Grim Reaper's Frightful Presence for 24 hours, and no creature can be affected by the same Grim Reaper's Frightful Presence more than once per encounter.
Unlike other fear effects, a Grim Reaper's Frightful Presence overlaps any successful demoralize attempts. Thus, a creature that has been demoralized (and is thus shaken) does not become frightened, or panicked if its HD is less than one-half the Grim Reaper's.
Frightful Presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.[/sblock]

This PrC is according to be to scythe-wielders something along the lines of what Ventrid Swordsman is to sword-wielders. It first had more abilities relating to adding damage to a scythe, but then I realised that that would be simply too much, so I shifted the focus more towards the fear abilities.
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LEW Judge
Dalamar said:
Grim Reaper PrC

Weapon Focus (any scythe)


Grim Reapers are proficient with all simple weapons and all scythes, light and medium armor, and shields (but not tower shields).


Bonded Scythe(Ex): At second level, a Grim Reaper chooses one specific scythe as he specialty weapon, and the scythe must be of a type that he has the Weapon Focus feat for.

All this sounds very strange, since the core rules don't include different types of scythe. If you're intending to propose a variant scythe, please do that first (I'll probably vote against that as a pointless complication involving a matter too trivial to deserve a house rule, but maybe there's a reason you particularly want it). If not, please rewrite this proposal to reflect the existence of only one type of scythe.

I like this proposal in the abstract; need more time to consider balance issues.
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First Post
i like your PrC!!

perhaps you should post it in the house rules section too, to get more feedback and such!

other than that, the only problem i have is that (maybe?) your prereqs are a bit low. its not that this class offers soemthign uberly powerful; it just needs a bit of flavour. Also, i think persuasive is an inappropriate feat; perhaps skill focus: intimidate would be more appropriate??


First Post
Your characters are all so gloomy and evil, Dalamar. I'm not a professional therapist, but perhaps you should consider playing a good aligned PC with a sunny disposition instead of developing a death-obsessed PrC. :p


My telepath is far from gloomy (though she is evil) and Zack's just gloomy, not evil. :p

As to choosing Persuasive over Skill Focus, I see the difference as the former being a personality trait and the latter being pure training. So, to me, Persuasive is the more fitting one. Though maybe requiring both could be approriate.


The man with the probe
My question. Is Death/The Grim Reaper an entity in this campaign setting? I don't see any deity that realy fits the Grim Reaper profile, so I don't know where the mythos for the grim reaper would come from.


My memory said that you could get death as an adversary from a Deck of Many Things, but my DMG seems to disagree with my memory. Somebody with the 3.0 version mind checking if it talks about death in it?

Edit: Dug out the 3.0 SRD, and here's the relevant part:
Skull Defeat Death or be forever destroyed.

Skull: A minor death appears. Treat this minor death as an unturnable spectre with a ghost touch scythe that never misses and deals 2d8 points of damage. The character must fight it alone-if others help, they get minor deaths to fight as well. If the character is slain, he or she is slain forever and cannot be revived, even with a wish or a miracle.
Even though in generic DnD there isn't a Death deity or entity actually listed, it is assumed to just be there, I think.
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