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Dark Elf (Drow) Half Drow

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Rae ArdGaoth

I'd hesitate giving a PC race an alignment. Such an entry belongs in a monster proposal or in their history, not as a stat. I would also question giving the drow 120' darkvision, 3 spell-like abilities, 3 plusses to abilities and 1 minus, and SR: 11+level, and only having a +1 LA. I'd say that's at least a +2. As a matter of fact, I have the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book right here in my hands, and the drow, identical to your version in all obvious ways (except for the Noble Blood feat), does indeed have a +2 LA. I rest my case.

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I've come to see LEW as a pretty open place. If we have PCs running about who are orcs, goblins or kobolts, why not Drow? At this point, I don't know that there are any active 'monster race' PCs, but it seems within the rules. Given that we allow subraces for other races, such as elves and halflings, which aren't necessarily as well balanced as the standard races, as well as monster races, I don't see why a half-drow shouldn't be used. Parties from persistant worlds such as this are rarely composed of characters of all the same level. The concept of inter-PC 'balance' isn't as much of an issue.

Drow are so interesting to so many people, I'd like to see this approved. The half-drow as written seems fine to me. No favored class is listed. I assume this means it has no favored class (like a human or normal half-elf). The drow in this proposal is more troubling. As has been stated, Drow are in the SRD and are essentially 'pre-approved'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the drow listed in the proposal are identical, except for the noble blood thing, which I'm not too keen on.

Something you might consider, Spycat, is making several versions of the half drow. The obvious question being, what is the other half? I assume Drow can breed with other elves, and perhaps other underground creatures. While for surface elves, humans seem the most likely non-elvish mate, they don't seem particularly likely mates for Drow. Identifying the other half (or at least defining it for this proposal if you don't want to make multiple versions) might make the half drow more understandable.


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thanks you know its been repeated
time and again that the drow are in
the srd but i never thought of the
fact that that makes them preaproved.
i guess i thought since they were in the
srd under creatures that made them
unsuitable for pc use.

and thats a great idea for multiple mixes
of half drow i'm on it. :D


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ok so i made a few adjustments including taking away the offending nobility portion. and changing some of the wording of the history. i decided against including other mixed versions of half Drow, my thinking is that I should probably worry about gettingthis aproved before trying to toy with it too much. so whadya think


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I would still like to see a few things made clear in this proposal.

1. What race is the other half of the half-drow? Is it always human? If not, what else could it be?

2. What is the favored class?

3. What is the physical appearence?

4. What are automatic & bonus languages?

I think Drow are interesting enough to enough people to make this a worthwhile proposal. I think the stats are presented are good. I just want to make sure it's clear before giving it the thumbs up. It's possible it will end up a bit on the powerful side, if so, the physical appearence, and the effect it would have on those familiar with the drow, might be a sufficient balancer.


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I vote Yes.

I believe as popular as the Drow are, a half-drow PC race would be a nice addition to the world. PCs would be advised that many traditional races would react negatively to the sight of a half-drow (though not necessarily any more so than to a half-orc). This is a minor disadvantage, that could accentuate the roll-playing possibilities.

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