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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 5


Aletia: A knowing look

The moonlight walker cringed as one of the steps creaked underfoot. ~Oh come on! For real? Thank the heavens most of those downstairs will be too wetted to even notice.~ Alas, even a slender young elven lass couldn't get out of here without proving the age of the place and its well-worn charm.

She'd contemplated a few secret words and an elaborate disguise but moments ago! Ultimately however, she'd decided against it, just in case it was discovered and no doubt frowned upon. With largely higher-class folk around, she couldn't take the risk. If a little arcane trickery tickled the night and she was caught, things could head downhill fast.

No. No tricks. She was going to be herself. Herself after a terrible day, wrapped in pain and darkness. Thus, her plan was to calmly just wander down to the ground floor, avoid eye contact of course, and confidently head for the doors. An innocent evening walk perhaps? Nothing wrong with a young woman getting some "fresh" air right? It would be a sinch.

Then the bouncer caught and locked her gaze, one of those "knowing" looks, like she matched someone's description or was wanted for something. Not good. ~Hopefully only some conversation?~ she wondered, the usual games and humoring of the tired and intoxicated perhaps. All was not lost. At least he wasn't giving her "that" look, ~erk!~

Conversation she could handle, but with the dream's sorrow still gripping tight and drawing emotional blood, she hoped this would be quick, polite and eventually see her out the door in peace. Unless of course Vallio's friend was still awake?

~Let's do this head-on then. Back straight. Look pretty. Charm the man. We'll be outside in no time Crez.~

Nodding her head respectfully and graciously, Aletia acknowledged the bouncer, smiled a little, and casually walked over to him. Looking up to the fellow with an expression of innocence and kindness, she said in the common tongue "Good evening. How is your night going dear man? I hope your shift passes smoothly and peacefully my friend."

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link
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Aust Thale

Wererat: (initiative: =12, loss)

As quickly as you can manage, you roll the unconscious, bound and gagged prisoner unto her stomach, draw your rapier and strike down with all your weight in a brutal strike designed to do one thing... kill as assuredly and quickly as possible. As you commit your coupe-de-grace, you feel her ribs crack under your weight, along with a deep sucking sound as her lung collapses before the tip of your rapier stabs through her heart into the wooden floor itself. And then there is nothing... no sound.

The hair growth on her face, the claws forming on her fingertips, those things are gone as quickly as they appeared. All you see now is the most assuredly dead neferese woman, bleeding out unto your floor the same as she would if she were a not a wererat. The same as if she was simply how she looked, a defenseless woman murdered in cold blood.

[Aust: What do you do?]

In disgust, Aust takes stock of the situation. ~What just happened?~ His knowledge of lycans was woefully inadequate, but this little one was so easy to dispatch as he himself might regard this as a murder. ~The talisman...I wonder if it was holding back the transformation or simply a trinket denoting her tribe?~ Hopefully Jabbar would know the answer to that question. Hopefully Jabbar wouldn't hand him over to the Vulkyrie on the general principle of making such a nasty mess of the night. Were it not so obvious by the wound and the blood, he would have most readily used the opportunity to cast Avar in the worst light.
~What am I thinking? I am jealous of a sundered dwarf. By Archaeos, I need more wine.~

And with that, Aust Thale began the unpleasant task of cleaning up his work. He put as much thought and gentle care into sopping the blood and cleaning her broken body as he didn't into killing her. Truth be told, he did not come by bloodlust naturally. However, when he fought, he fought to win. His intent was to leave his opponent bereft of both will and ability to come at him again. As this little one began to change and become a threat, he simply ended the threat.

Still, he could at least offer some dignity in disposing of the body before that sundered dwarf came back. Avar would simply toss her into a canvas bag and dump her in the sewers like so much garbage.

No, he'd at least do this much. Not that she'd notice. Someone would miss her. Her tribe would come looking. If they were lycans, they would come for the scent. ~oh no. I need to get her the HELL out of here!~
He redoubled his efforts, taking care to not completely rush the job, but quickening his pace. He needed to get the body out of here and clean the scene.
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Ersun, Rasul, Ren

Rasul: Nods "Observe as you like. I understand you didn't come this far merely to make introductions, so go with Ren, but watch your back, and be careful to whom you mention my name. Some of my enemies would relish an opportunity to kill you simply through association with me... Most of all however, beware the Vulkyrie! Those monsters may decide to come after you simply because you are the first of your race they have a chance to hunt for sport!" He scoffs.

The diminutive rhat glances up at mention of the Vulkyrie... a primitive instinct perhaps, born of its link to the common rodents that scurry in fear from owls and hawks... an axiom of nature that may be a valuable lesson for Ersun-of-the-underdark?

Ren: "You must not look them in the eye!" He whispers fearfully.

Rasul: hmmphs. "Better to be sure they don't notice you in the first place, rather than worry about offending them afterwards... time to get going Ren! Find Jabbar and bring him into the sewers. I will meet you down there as soon as I can."

Ren: Nods quickly. "Yes master! Follow me Ersun!" He says darting back towards the gate he entered through.

[Ersun: What do you do?]


"Thank you, Rasul. I will be careful, both with your agenda and my health. The introductions were pleasant." he says his farewell to his host. He takes note of where he left his backpack earlier, and thinks through a quick inventory to ensure he leaves nothing important or needed behind.

He does mean to be cautious, and glances upwards as he reminds himself of the sky above and that the surface carries itself differently. He imagines how things could be different here, be that architecture or the way people move, prepares himself in mind for what's to come.

"I will be right with you, Ren, lead on." he turns to his little companion as they hurry away. As they get going he quickly checks that there are no loose noisemakers on him, nor anything reflective. He is excited to be in this new and alien environment, one that could easly turn hostile, so he puts his focus on moving with Ren quietly, prudently, watching shadows and corners... and sometimes upwards too.


Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Kong

Burrai Steelborn said:
The fight, it seemed, was over. Burrai himself had no interest in pressing it - especially considering the weight of numbers Kong's party had to their advantage. So he stood up straighter, lowering his shield.

"I can appreciate professionalism. We are then, after all, just two sellswords fighting because of how the coin has fallen. And," Burrai said, nodding to the swelling torchlight now clearly moving along the wall in their direction, "I agree that incurring the wrath of the Vulkyrie isn't how I wanted the night to end. So yes - I'll allow you to withdraw." With the casual movements of a seasoned soldier, he stowed his axe and shield on their clasps.

"However, it might be to your benefit if you were to let me know who your employer is. I mean, if they intend to send you again in future, it would certainly be of benefit to you - personally - if our disagreement was resolved before I had to carve you apart once again. So? A name to keep you away from the business end of my axe in the future?"

[Intimidation check: 13]

Kong: (Level Check vs Intimidation: =22) The Neferese gladiator-turned-mercenary slowly shakes his head. "You know I can't tell you that, but i will say this..." he says shifting his gaze to Elloral. "...you have no one to blame but yourself for this."

Elloral: Glares back at Kong, thrusting her chin up defiantly. "Scum like you give mercenaries a bad name! None of you are better than thugs!" She scolds, sweeping her eyes across his men. "Someday you'll all earn a reckoning for this offense. In the name of Valkauna I swear it!"

Kong's men snicker and sneer back at her, whispering taunts to each other in Caishian, but they also sheath their weapons quickly as the guards on the wall above peer over the edge, one aiming a crossbow while the other holds a horn at the ready.

Town Guard: -Shouts- "WHAT TROUBLE IS THIS?!"

Kong: -Calls up- "NO TROUBLE! WE ARE LEAVING!..." He says gesturing to his men to withdraw.

[It appears Kong and his men will move to leave the alley in the direction Billanverthorne appeared, which makes sense given that the headquarters of the Black Lions lies in that general direction.]

[Burrai: What do you do?]

Billanverthorne said:
Still cloaked in shadow, kneeling, having just heard Kong shout an order, which caused the pursuing thug to retreat, Bill sees an opportunity to pause and assess things. He inches slowly (still crouching) toward the front (nearest) corner of the building, being careful to remain in the darkness, moving just far enough to be able to peer back at the porch where he knows (hopes?) Jabbar and Avar should appear.

You spot Avar and Jabbar approaching the inn and catch their attention with silent gestures. The three of you have a moment to confer before Kong and his men move away from the inn.

Jabbar: -Speaks quickly in a whisper- "We have the girl! What's happening here?"

What do you do?]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Playing It Cool

Bill whispers tersely, "Turn around, walk away, you don't know me. Wait for the thugs around back to leave. Then come inside and sit down."

Bill stands, quickly stepping around the corner, and casually walking back into the front entrance of Putyuk's Inn. He puts the smile back onto his face as he slides gracefully up to the bar, placing a single gold coin onto the counter. "Ale,"

Bill scans the crowd, to see if the man (who was with the cloaked woman) is still around; if so, Bill takes casual notice of what he's doing. Bill is also looking for Burrai and Elloral, expecting them to come back in through the back door.
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Nodding her head respectfully and graciously, Aletia acknowledged the bouncer, smiled a little, and casually walked over to him. Looking up to the fellow with an expression of innocence and kindness, she said in the common tongue "Good evening. How is your night going dear man? I hope your shift passes smoothly and peacefully my friend."

The bouncer smiles slightly, but ignores the platitudes. Straight to business.

Bouncer: "You took a mans room without paying yes?" He asks, making it clear it was a rhetorical question by how he proceeds without argument. "The lady of the house would like a word with you. No trouble." He says gesturing to a platinum-blonde-haired woman who is mingling among the tables before the stage.

Currently, a trio of musicians and a sorrowful-voiced singer play a melancholy tune. Another bouncer stands by the door inside, a third you remember is posted outside by the front steps... and the fourth you glimpsed moving in and out of the back offices when you came inside. You do not recall a bouncer being posted by these stairs when you came inside, which makes you wonder if he was told to wait here specifically for you?

[Aletia: What do you do?]


Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Ordechai, Wrenwil

As the shouts and screams wake you from your sleep, it is quite late into the evening, late enough that you've been in your tents at rest for a couple hours at least. Despite hard words, there was no quarrel between Svexyn and Kryslogious earlier. Even the goblin and the kobold behaved themselves, mustering a sort of competition about who could serve their master best; arranging their separate camps and tidying their respective things while they scowled at each other from a distance.

Meanwhile Alic, Ordechai and Wrenwil had a fine meal within the inn, though there was no opportunity to speak with the inn's owner, Saraesh Husayn, to make arrangements or answer any questions. However, they did overhear interesting news... multiple sources confirm a huge dragon has taken roost in Masaeus!

Accounts speak of the creature as a freak unlike any great-wyrm ever sighted before. They say it was responsible for dozens of deaths with its fiery breath-weapon, sharp-talons and great jagged beak. Indeed, they say this dragon has physical features in common with the winged Vul who rule this land. A sort of mixed-breed perhaps? Yet regardless of whatever, or whomever, spawned such a monster, it's obvious now what caused the great exodus down the river by so many ships.

Talk of that news occupied all of you for the rest of the evening when you gathered together away from the inn, but none seemed disturbed by it so much as Svexyn. He argued with a sharp tongue with anyone who spoke ill of dragons and retired early to his tent shunning all company. You even heard him praying in draconic, indicating perhaps, that he worshiped the creatures?

Needless to say, Svexyn's rash words and bizarre behavior placed an awkward mood between your groups. Your separate camps kept to themselves after that... close enough to see each other clearly without being directly adjoining. Luckily for you, the screams are coming from Svexyn's camp. His man Mogan and Asusk were alternating watch last you saw.

On your side, Alic and Kryslogious were sharing those duties, with Alic presently holding the responsibility. His warning wakes you from your rest as surely as the screams do.


As you emerge from your tents
the nearly-full moon casts a pale light over the slaughter of Svexyn and his group by cloaked warriors; accompanied by ferocious dire jackals. Of course you recall Asusk and Svexyn mentioning these forces as guardians of the ruins burried in the dunes behind the inn. Your first thought of course is, are we next?

Yet for whatever reason, there are no Jackals or assassins lurking in your midst. There is only one figure standing at the perimeter of Svexyn's camp who cares to notice you at all, and he is regarding you with full attention as the bloody business is swiftly concluded behind him. They set fire to Svexyn's tents and belongings before they set off again into the dark...

...those same flames serve to highlight features of the man watching you. He stands nearly six feet tall in well-heeled supple black boots with the lean silhouette of a swashbuckler and a duelist. Dressed in a loose tunic and leggings only, torso absent armor to hinder quick and graceful movements. His hair is long and black, shoulder-length with errant strands carried astray by the breeze. On his hip is a rapier and a dirk. Even without a clear look, it is clear to you this figure matches the description of the mercenary killer the inn's owner employs known as Drasus.

[Kryslogious, Wrenwil: What do you do?]
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

The awkward mood ended quietly as he set up a camp with his original group. He warmly greeted them back giving praise to Pentos for their safe return. After exchanging information, which ultimately didn't lead very far for either group, Alic and him set forth taking turns at guard duty. The moon was full and quite beautiful that night. The first shift switched to the second as Alic approached holding the Crossbow at his side. With a quick nod and a pat on the shoulder Kryslogious returned to his tent to rest his senses for a while. Kryslogious was sitting in his armored waiting to trade shift when Alic's call struck him into a state of alertness. He emerged from his tent to asses the scene that lay before him.

~Tis recreant attacks at which hour those gents catch but a wink. He dareth mocks us by not attacking us too?~

Kryslogious though as his anger seethed from him almost palpable in the air. He was insulted and appalled by the actions of the assailant. Breathing heavily under his helm, the moon lighting puffs of breath escaping his face vents. He walked forwards towards the figure passing Alic and saying to him.

"Alic... keep any interlopers off me. I'm going to grind this man into the dirt until he explains... this..." he voices in a disgusted tone.

Kryslogious' pace raised as he marched to the individual, his left arm shield tapping against his armor and his sheathed weapons shifting about. He approached about 15 feet away from the individual....

"You have my attention... Explain...." he spat venomously ready to end him should he tread any further against Kryslogious' nerves.
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Aletia: Another prepaid victim

Bouncer: "You took a mans room without paying yes?" He asks, making it clear it was a rhetorical question by how he proceeds without argument. "The lady of the house would like a word with you. No trouble." He says gesturing to a platinum-blonde-haired woman who is mingling among the tables before the stage.

Damn the bouncers here were good. Too good. Professional and straight to the point. It was going to take more than a smile and a winsome face to wiggle out of this one, ~no trouble? I agree. Because it was paid for in full! So blondie wants to "chat" huh? She better tread carefully less I lose my wits.~

Aletia retained her smile during the discourse, but found herself biting the corner of her lower lip a little. It seemed unfair to get double takings for a room for the night, unless of course her obliging "friend" had, in fact, been like most young men, just as mother had always said... deceitful and short-minded.

With eye contact unbroken she replied to the Inn's guard, "it would be an honor to meet the lady of the house. If it is about the room, I will most happily pay, though I do believe the coin was already settled. I do though respect your diligence and time, the safety you bring... us humble patrons. Have a good evening sir."

She bowed a little, turned, and head over to the blonde lass, wondering what all the cafuffle was about.

~Sorry Crez, soon I promise.~

[sblock="Aletia Character Details"]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link

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