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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 3



Act 2: Scene 3

Continent of Akhenaten

Kingdom of Vulkh & Surrounding Region; Year 3500 - 10th day of Mid Spring

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Folg, Mogan, Svexyn

Your journey into Akhenaten from Caishia was not rushed. After all, something lost two thousand years ago can wait an extra month or two to be found. The first leg of your journey was entering the Kingdom of Nefer, where you spent a month preparing for a journey south through the Kingdom of Vulkh. Much of your time there was spent researching its dangers, speaking to various merchants, traders and mercenaries who encountered Vul before. It was also in Nefer that you hired a henchmen, a half-dwarf named Mogan.

Mogan gambled away his wages in a tavern playing a game of cards while he was drunk. You watched him lose everything before suddenly raving about how he was cheated and attacking the other players. (In truth it seemed to you like he probably was cheated) Mogan fought with more skill and fervor than you might have expected from a brewers apprentice, leaving the other four men bloodied and beaten with a chair leg.

Mogan returned to the tavern the next day, despondent over the loss of his job prompted by rumors of his drunken behavior. You approached him and offered to buy him a drink, engaging in a conversation about Mogans past and future prospects. You learned Mogans father was a hill dwarf mercenary (clearly the source of Mogans training as a fighter) who died a year ago leaving Mogans mother with the responsibility for keeping a roof over the head of Mogans two younger siblings. She worked hard as a cook but couldn't earn enough to keep the landowner happy about the rent he was used to collecting from Mogans father.

Mogan promised the landowner he would keep the rent coming working his fathers trade, but he took a nasty wound to the knee that never properly healed and slowed his step. No longer able to march or charge across a battlefield he took up an apprenticeship at a brewery for a stipend (and you saw well how that worked out). It seemed to you that Mogan could be useful so you offered him a month's wages in gold, paid in advance, in exchange for acting as your bodyguard. Mogan accepted the offer as a better alternative to facing his mother again with news of another failure.

The pair of you encountered your second henchmen on the way through Vulkh, a Kobold by the name of Folg the Brave who you found nearly dead, tumbled into a ditch from atop a high rocky hill. When he spotted you come upon him he began speaking at you in draconic, clearly delirious, talking about Userrwroth (a kobold god who serves true dragons and is a sworn enemy of Vul). At the last moment you prevented Mogan from putting him out of his misery, ordering him to help you save the Kobolds life.

Of course Mogan scoffed at the notion, but you insisted on his honor that he obey you and he begrudgingly agreed. Meanwhile you took a hike up the hill he fell off and found several dozen dead kobolds around the bodies of several halfings. Some brutally impaled by javelins, others trapped in nets and stoned to death. It was a bizarre and bloody scene indeed and made very little sense except for how they died. You knew from your time in Nefer how Vulkrie prefered to kill with javelins and nets.

When Folg recovered and realized you could speak both draconic and the common tongue (as can he) he confirmed his tribe was attacked by Vul from the air. When you asked him why there were halflings among the bodies he explained his tribe attacked the halflings. He also said the Vulkyrie didn't attack for the sake of the halflings, they killed them along with the rest of his tribe for sport.

Mogan asked why the kobolds attacked the halfings and Folg answered he killed one of their family members in a duel. Mogan asked what the hell the duel was about and Folg said he asked for the victims daughters hand in marriage and the father answered 'over my dead body'.

Mogan asked why he wanted to marry a halfling and Folg said it was an order by the great winged leader of his tribe who sought to please Enlyerak, a vile god of thieves and sworn enemy of Halflings. Folg explained his bride to be would have been sacrificed had he managed to get away with her and bring her back to the tribe. Of course his tribe didn't expect him to succeed and waited in the hills for him to draw the halfings out of their camp in pursuit where they could ambush them.

You asked him where his great winged leader was, since you didn't spot his corpse among the fallen and Folg said he was captured by the Vulkyrie in one of their nets. He said they would take him back to their capital city, Ayuthaya, as a great prize. Folg said he was angry to see his tribe annihilated, but he believed his leader brought it upon them worshiping the wrong god. He said he always felt Userrwroth should be their rightful deity because he had several visions from him, including one as as soon as he saw you approach. He said Userrwroth recognized you as another servant of true dragons and told him he must pledge his life in service to you. A pledge you of course accepted being a Dragon Shaman.

Mogan didn't like it and still grumbles over it weeks later but Folg appears very loyal and grateful to be alive. Since then you have had many conversations with travelers and merchants on your way through Vulkh in search for the infamous Quresh tribe until you finally got a lead. Someone told you about a waystop south of Vulkh known as the Restless Sands Inn who's owner/proprietor is a clever man of ill-repute with golden eyes named Saraesh Husayn.

You have been on your guard ever since you entered his no mans land, where no one lays claim and there is no law, but now at last you have found your destination. The inn appears to be a very old two-story structure constructed of masonry, surrounded by large dunes. Some of the stonework is recent, indicative of repairs or improvements. Additional fireplaces and privies for example are visible from the exterior to accommodate more occupants than the structure was originally intended for. Behind the inn is a barn, also constructed of masonry, half buried by a huge dune.

The main entrance appears to be a heavy double door separated by an iron post, but you gather there must be at least one back entrance as well for you can see foot traffic between the inn and the barn where the cooks must store a great deal of supplies to keep so many visitors fed in the middle of a desert. A few horses and one camel are tied to posts before the inn, but there must be a larger stable, probably in the barn that you cannot see, where mounts can actually be sheltered. It is currently late afternoon so there are only a few good hours of sunlight left. You are not close enough yet to the Inn to be spotted but there is very little cover to approach unseen, though it may not be impossible for something as small as a Kobold.

[Svexyn: What do you do?]
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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

"I don't start trouble... I end them!" he yelled to the four others in his loudest roar. He turned to Alic then and told him.

"Alic, run! Get your father and the others! I'll protect the little one."

He readied himself scanning the sky for something, keeping his stance over the Keu and his shield at the ready.

"Who will stand by me against this fiend!?" he directed to the other four observers.

Alic stands and rushes back towards his father who is already standing, sword in hand and fully alert.

The slavers immediately bolt back towards their own camp, only the Katanese warriors stand their ground, neither stepping closer or moving away. They shout at each other in their own language, but it doesn't appear like an argument, its more like they are encouraging each other for a battle to come. For the moment however they seem content just to watch.

Ordechai meanwhile moves over to his pile of goods and starts digging for certain packages. not at a frantic pace, or even a hurried one, just a methodical one that shouldn't draw undue attention from an observer.

Moments later the Vul hunter lands near the Keu about 15 ft. away from you Kryslogious, wings spread wide, wing-claws poised to strike as its spear leveled towards you in a clear threat. It's black eyes, opaque yet oddly reflective of the firelight like an owls, regard you very much like a bird of prey as it speaks in a very screechy tone.

Vul Hunter: -Speaking Common- "That Keu is my prey! Stand aside!"

[Kryslogious: What do you do? Roll initiative.]
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

Vul Hunter: -Speaking Common- "That Keu is my prey! Stand aside!"

[Kryslogious: What do you do? Roll initiative.]

Kryslogious roared back to the Vul "Tonight you are my prey, hold still!"

[Initiative roll=17]

He readied himself with his shield and an open hand ready for combat.


Ania, Ersun

__________________________________________________ ________

<Start of Round 4>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(22) Underfolk Thug #2 (Unconscious)
(16) Ania
(16) Half Orog (-10)
(13) Worgo (-15)
(10) Ersun (-4)
(5) Underfolk Thug #1
__________________________________________________ ________

Ania: (Concentration Check to Cast 'Shocking Grasp' , DC 16: = 14, Fail) Unfortunately her spell fizzles.

Half Orog: Uses his greataxe to strike at Ania with all his strength. (Power Attack: = 16, Miss) However his rage reduces his accuracy and the edge of his axe doesn't actually penetrate the chainmail sewn within her robe.

Worgo: Picks up his Glaive (Provokes AOO from Ania but she has no readied weapon/spell) and strikes at Ania. (Glaive Attack: = 16, Miss) Once again her chain mail robe saves her from the sharp edge of a weapon.

[Ersun: It is your turn, what do you do?]

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Mogan and Folg


~If Folg pulls that little trick again, I doubt Mogan will be easy to pull off of him again. Although, it was pretty funny to watch Mogan's face. Didn't know the dwarf could jump that high. Maybe he'll get over it. Or get Folg back...~

Folg holds up his hand, pointing in the distance to the inn. This little guy seems to be pretty good as a scout so far.

The inn looks out of place in this mass of dunes all over, but from what was told about it, this had to be the place. Saraesh Husayn had to be here, and based on what others say about him, it's not going to be easy to get any info from him.

Halting Mogan, Svexyn kneels, taking in the area. There wasn't much daylight left, but they couldn't blindly go in without surveying the area. Looking around, Svexyn notes that the dune in the back where there seems to be a barn might be their best bet. He points to the left, making sure the others see the dunes in the area.

"We'll skirt around the edge, using the dunes as cover. Might as well check the back, see what other exits there are, just in case we need a quick getaway. Plus, we can keep an eye on the area; see if anyone else comes to this place or leaves. Might tell us what to expect. Keep your eyes peeled. I'll see if we can get a little help..."

Reaching into his grey sack ties to his belt and removes a small fuzzy ball. Folg eye's the ball as it is tossed at his feet with confusion. The ball bursts into a frenzy of fur and claws, as a familiar sight shows up. (roll for Bag of Tricks, D100 = 96, Badger!)

Looking at the confused Kobold, Svexyn adds, "Seems like your partner is here... better keep up with her. And Jina," he adds, as the badger looks back for acknowledgement, "DEFEND Folg."

Svexyn then allows Folg to take the lead with the badger, knowing the little one had a knack for spotting things. Using what ability he had, Svexyn grants what little bonus he has to the group, staying behind Folg and Jina by about 15 feet, with Mogan by his side.

(Senses Aura, grant +1 to Spot, Listen and Initiative for allies within 30', skirting around the dunes to the rear of the inn to see what he can see in the barn. Intent on just getting an idea of how many to expect in the inn, as well as the rear entrance and the comings and goings of this place. Badger has stats here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/badger.htm and notably, Listen +3, Spot +3, Init +3 not including aura bonus.)
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Ordechai meanwhile moves over to his pile of goods and starts digging for certain packages. not at a frantic pace, or even a hurried one, just a methodical one that shouldn't draw undue attention from an observer.

"Ordechai, Ordechai, Ordechai," Wrenwil softly mumbled to himself as his short little friend daintily went about his business. The old cleric sighed with frustration, stuck out here in the dark, muffled unpleasant sounds in the distance, a land which seemed determined to make his journey miserable and overflowing with danger.

~ This one is no fool, no no, he's a survivor, and right now he's doing exactly that. I can't help but imagine that the demise of our other half-height companions would serve Ordechai well... is that the real reason behind this whimsical scheme? Or is he serious? A bloody a great bolt to end whatever foul play is in swing. I can't just stand here. Hell, I want to just stand here though, indeed there are times when looking stupid, is the best act to play...

He moved in next to his accomplice, "how might I assist you in preparing this meal? Once it is cooked, I have a few spices to sprinkle on top." Wrenwil winked, hoping Ordechai caught drift of the implied meaning. "Best we cook a little faster don't you think? Sounds like our friends are getting hungry..."

[Wrenwil studies Ordechai's body language and facial expression in an attempt to read between the lines and sense motive: 11]


Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Bill finishes binding the wound, and smiles as he examines it. "That's better. I think we have it wrapped nice and tight." (Heal skill: roll: 20.)

Bill turns to Khaled, and says, "Do me one favor; whatever the favor Jabar asks of you, do not allow yourself to become involved in something you shouldn't. REMEMBER: No debt is great enough to warrant the betrayal of one's honor, and one's principles. As for me, you have been more than kind. I don't want to place you in any further danger by remaining in your employ."

Bill replaces the leather underpinning, and straps the breastplate back into place.


[To Khaled]: "I'm going to make sure nothing else happens this night. Thanks for your help."

Bill spends the rest of the night on guard, pacing the perimeter of Khaled's camp, keeping the other 4 guards in sight, bow in-hand, a single arrow nocked, no tension on the bowstring. :)

After a while standing guard you note the dwarf tracker, Avar, makes his way towards you. His demeanor appears relaxed and friendly.

Avar: "Jabbar would like to speak with you if that's alright?"

After you agree Avar leads you through the crowded center of camp towards Jabbars tent making friendly small-talk as he walks.

Avar: "I've always admired the skill elves have with bows. I tried my hand at em once or twice but I have trouble keeping still enough to aim properly when a target is actually moving." Chuckles "Besides that, when I want to kill something, I prefer to do it up close with something sharp in my hand." Grins

You note many of the rougher and more devious characters in camp give a wave or a nod towards Avar whenever they catch eye contact. This dwarf is clearly well-liked and well-known among thugs, rogues and rangers which is likely the sort of company he keeps.

Jabbars part of camp has no wagons, but there are several pack animals hobbled at the center of four tents so it's likely he probably has between 4 - 8 men working for him. Jabbars tent is a little larger then most but nothing as extravagant as those of the richer merchants. You note one of the two riders who chased after the hobgoblin stands guard as you approach. Avar pauses at the entrance of Jabbars tent and calls inside. Jabbar calls back to enter and Avar
pauses to kick off his boots first and gestures for you to do the same. (One of the traditional nomadic Akhenaten customs)

The interior of the tent is comfortably laid out but modest with its luxuries. The hard earth is softened by rugs, there is a wash-basin, a brazier with hot coals to keep the desert-nights chill at bay, and a low table with an oil lamp at the center. Around the table are some cushions to sit in the traditional fashion of Akhenaten nomads. There are also some chests and a side table with food and drink.

Jabbar stands to greet you as you enter and you get a much better look at him now then you did earlier out in the hills.
He is likely in his late forties, thin, yet still evidently fit and strong. Since last you saw him he's changed out of his traveling garb into loose trousers and a tunic better fit for relaxation known as a salwar. His face is well-weathered by the sun with a short-cropped beard and grey hair. You note a pale scar across his jaw and cheekbone that carries on down the side of his neck and likely across his shoulder and back currently hidden by the tunic. By the look of it the scar isn't very old, perhaps a year or two at most? His eyes are clever and confident yet also dark with the hint of cruelty as he gestures for you to take a seat.

Jabbar: -Speaking common- "Thank you for accepting my invitation. Can I interest you in some wine or tea?"

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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil


<Start of Round 1>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(17) Kryslogious
(15) Vul Hunter
__________________________________________________ ________

It is your turn, what do you do?]

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