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Release Dark Albion: The Rose War, campaign setting released


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I would like to announce the release of the following campaign setting:


Dark Albion: The Rose War is a 275 pages long, OSR RPG campaign setting, set in a fantasy medieval England during the War of the Roses (15th century). Think England + sorcery + demons and fairies + some fantasy twists to the world. 80% of the book is system neutral, so can be used with most role-playing games. Nonetheless, this book is designed with OSR games in mind, and will run best with Fantastic Heroes & Witchery (also available on Lulu), and similar games such as Osric, Swords & Wizardry, etc., and of course D&D 5e! Note lastly that layout and art have been given great care to make the most visually pleasing book as possible: this means 10 maps, and two illustrations per pages on most of the 275 pages! (See snapshots below.)

The book is currently available as a hardback on Lulu; as a softcover book on Amazon (in but a few days); and as a PDF on RPGNow. In a few days, a softcover and a hardcover POD version will also be available on RPGNow, so you may buy a bundle.

If you want to get a look at the book's interior, here are a few snapshots:









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Purchased PDF & Soft Cover; gave it a quick look through. Even though I may not run a campaign with it in the foreseeable future, I will definitely use if for source material. Nice addition to my game library.

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