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d20 steampunk

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First Post
I think FFG is coming out with a book on this called (I think) "Spells and Steam". I'm not sure when it's due out, but I'm certainly looking forward to it.


First Post
Umm, 'Sorcery and Steam' actually. Been pestering our FLGS for it every month since I heard about it...

There is also Deadlands, both the regular and D20 versions, which also has some steam tech rules. And Iron Kindoms (still in the works, dang it! I've been waiting a long time for that one.) will also have steampunk rules.

The Auld Grump, Space 1889 might also fit your needs, not D20 though...


Registered User
Iron Kingdoms is good. Although, yeah, it is still "in progress."

Deadlands makes a great Steampunk setting IMO,
but to keep the steamPunk feel you would want to remove the Western setting of the game.
Actually easy to do although you would have to not let the players see Any of the materials as Everything is
"Old West steam punk" by presentation.
But you could easily set it in Victorian England/Europe, or anywhere else for that matter.

There are some nicely done zombies and vampires in the monster book also!
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Iron Kingdoms is great, but only nominally steampunk. Its really more "Full Metal Fantasy" to use their terms. The tech is fully magical, and aparently has not really advanced for hundreds of years. Though I love the setting it does requiore some suspension of disbelief, but being a fantasy game that should be easy enough.

Forbidden Kingdoms from Otherworld Creations is pulp, and does have some alternate science material in it. Some disagree with some of the alternate rules systems, and the new classes presented are not necesarily to formula, but the game is very interestig, and one of the most readable game books I own.


First Post
I assume you're talking about a steampunk fantasy game. If so, then d20M plus Urban Arcana will be plenty. Just do some research into firearms of the day, and you'll be set. Steve Kenson (of M&M fame) also wrote a good article about D&D Steampunk in the Dragon a few years back. An option I was thinking about was Victorian Dragonstar, but that's another story...

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