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D1: Ashin's Commission (El Jefe judging)


--- Cast ----

Almayce, male elf Priest of Gliran
* played by Xael
Eternity, female human psychic
* played by Erekose13
Hulgyr, male orc warrior,
* played by B4cchus
Ironwolf Kinkaid, male human swordsman
* played by Patlin
Michael Grannion, male human Cleric of Sela
* played by ajanders
Zaeryl Alant, male human psychic summoner
* played by Rystil Arden

--- XP Awards ---


[b]Almayce,[/b] male elf Cleric of Gliran 2 (2,770 XP)	-- Xael 
[b]Eternity,[/b] female human psion (egoist) 1 (0,000 XP) -- Erekose13 
[b]Hulgyr,[/b] male orc fighter 1 / barbarian 1 (1,575 XP) -- B4cchus
[b]Ironwolf Kinkaid,[/b] male human psychic warrior 2 (2,155 XP) -- Paltin
[b]Michael Grannion,[/b] male human Cleric of Sela 2 (0 XP*) -- ajanders
[b]Zaeryl Alant,[/b] male elan shaper 2 (1,133 XP) -- Ristil Arden

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)                BONUS**     TOTAL

Almayce	       100      03(03)          --          --         103
Eternity        50      16(16)          --          --          66
Hulgyr         100      21(21)          --          --         121
Ironwolf       100      19(19)          --          --         119
Michael        100      17(17)          --          --         117
Zaeryl         100      31(31)          --          --         131


* I'm awarding 1xp per post, a sort of garnish to the time served award. The number in brackets is just the running total. Ignore it, its just an administrative aid for me.

** ROLEPLAY BONUS AWARD: I like the idea of rewarding good roleplay, but I think that everyone should have a say in which player/character gets the award. So we are going to vote for it.

Everyone gets two votes. You may vote for your own character. You may not vote for the same character twice. The two characters with the most votes will get an award of 50 xp each.

Characters may not win the award for three consecutive months. If they come first or second in the third month after getting the award in the two previous months, then the third place character gets the award instead.

Rule Zero is in effect.

I will post voting forms at the start of each month for the previous month's play. The form will look something like this:


Xael 	 	Almayce, male elf Cleric of Gliran 2 (2,873 XP)
Erekose13 	Eternity, female human psion (egoist) 1 (66 XP)
B4cchus  	Hulgyr, male orc fighter 1 / barbarian 1 (1,696 XP)
Paltin	 	Ironwolf Kinkaid, male human psychic warrior 2 (2,274 XP)
ajanders 	Michael Grannion, male human Cleric of Sela 2 (117 XP)
Ristil Arden 	Zaeryl Alant, male elan shaper 2 (1,264 XP)

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)                BONUS        TOTAL

Almayce	       100      10(13)         400          --         510   NOW L3
Eternity        50      14(35)         400          --         464
Hulgyr         100      23(39)         400          50         573
Ironwolf       100      18(37)         400          --         518
Michael        100      23(40)         400          50         573
Zaeryl         100      27(58)         400          --         527

E1 - THE YOUNG GALLANTS: 400 XP per character awarded.[/SBLOCK]

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)             BONUS   TOTAL    TOTAL

Almayce	       150      09(22)         225	--	384	3,767
Eternity        50      22(57)         225	--	297	  827
Hulgyr         100      28(67)         225	50	353	2,672
Ironwolf       100      17(54)         225	--	342	3,134
Michael        100      30(70)         225	--	355	1,045
Zaeryl         100      41(99)         225	50	366	2,207

E2 - BATTLE WITH THE OGRE: 225 XP per character.[/SBLOCK]

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)             BONUS   TOTAL    TOTAL

Almayce	       150      07(29)         300	--	457	4,224
Eternity        50      20(77)         300	50	420	1,247 LU2
Hulgyr         100      21(88)         300	--	421	3,093 LU3
Ironwolf       150      18(72)         300	--	468	3,602
Michael        100      30(100)        300	50	480	2,605*
Zaeryl         100      20(119)        300	--	420	2,627

LU - Start the approval process, but keep it in sblocks or something. I'll let you know when it kicks into effect (basically after a night's rest).
* Updated to include starting 1,080 XP not initially listed.

E3 - HOSING THE SKELETONS: 200 XP per character
E4 - HOSING THE ZOMBIES: 100 XP per character.[/SBLOCK]

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)             BONUS   TOTAL    TOTAL

Almayce	       150      25(00)         ---	--	175	4,399
Eternity       100      25(20)         ---	--	125	1,372 LU2
Hulgyr         150      25(25)         ---	--	175	3,268 LU3
Ironwolf       150      25(20)         ---	--	175	3,777
Michael        100      25(20)         ---	--	125	2,730
Zaeryl         100      25(35)         ---	--	125	2,752

Sorry, it got a bit delayed.
POSTS: The post counter obviously went wonky with the crash. So I have just picked a number for this month. The numbers in brackets are where I will start counting from.
PR BONUS: Next month I promise.
LEVEL UP: I think I am going to allow characters to LU as soon as you get the XP and approval. E13, B4, you can put Eternity and Hulgyr up immediately. Otherwise it could be a few months down the track before the party rests up.[/SBLOCK]

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)             BONUS   TOTAL     TOTAL

Almayce	       150      05(05)         150	--	305	4,704  L3
Eternity       100      09(29)         150	--	259	1,631  L2
Hulgyr         150      16(41)         150	--	316	3,584  L3
Ironwolf       150      20(40)         150	50	370	4,147  L3
Michael        100      15(35)         150	50	315	3,045  L3*
Zaeryl         100      18(53)         150	--	268	3,020  L3*

* E5: SHADOW - 150 XP per character.
* ajanders, RA: go ahead and get your characters approved for L3. Let me know when you are done.[/SBLOCK]

              SERVED  MONTH(TOTAL)             BONUS   TOTAL     TOTAL

Almayce	       150      03(08)         000	--	153	4,857  L3
Eternity       100      12(41)         000	--	112	1,743  L2
Hulgyr         150      08(49)         000	50	208	3,792  L3
Ironwolf       150      09(49)         000	--	159	4,306  L3
Michael        150      16(51)         000	--	166	3,211  L3
Zaeryl         150      14(67)         000	50	214	3,234  L3

* None
* None[/SBLOCK]

--- What Has Gone Before ---

[sblock=The Red Dragon Inn]Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII, post #778

A well dressed man quietly enters the Red Dragon Tavern. For a moment he stands still in the doorway. His gaze wonders around the tavern. He nods to Joe.

"Joe. Long time no see. The faces are new, but otherwise things haven't changed much, have they. I'm looking for a little help again. Is there a booth available?"

He returns his attention to the tavern. This time his attention is directed at the faces around the tavern.

"My name is Ashih Hanasisar. I am a merchant here in Orussus and I am looking for a little help. Four to six brave souls would probably be enough. I am offering 240 gold pieces now, and another 240 upon completion. It will take a week or two, and involve some travelling. If would like to know more, feel free to join me over here."

Ashin gestures to the booth that Joe had just moments before indicated was free. Ashin himself heads over to the bar where he orders something from one of the bottles on the top shelf and served in a small glass.

After knocking back the drink, he returns to the booth.

"So, you all know who I am and what I bring to the table. Who do we have here and what do you bring?

Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII, post #791

Ashin acknowledges each of the adventurers as the introduce themselves.


Ashin glances around the tavern to see if there are any more coming this way. When it seems tht he has everyone who is coming, he returns his attention to the group. He runs his gaze over the group once more and nods with satisfaction. The merchant offers anyone who would like one a drink. When everyone is settled and ready, he continues.

"As I mentioned I am a merchant here in Orussus. I have a contract with one of silver mines in Duvik. Duvik is a village, well small town really, in the Stonepike mountains. The silver comes in from Duvik once a month. About 6 weeks ago when a shipment came in we were told there had been some illness in Duvik. Over the next few weeks, I began to hear stories, rumours of terrible things; plague, madness, monsters the walking dead, demons. So a week before the next shipment was due, I sent one of my people with a couple of stout men up to Duvik to look around, and see that the next shipment came back safely. That was three weeks ago.

"A few days ago I had the opportunity to talk to someone from Duvik. Apparently, many have fled the town. The persons recall of events was hazy, but in accord with the stories that I had heard. They spoke of a plague, madness, monster stalking the streets and the dead working the mines driven by devils with whips.

"Something is going on in Duvik. I think that that is clear enough. But I think that the stories are as much a product of the superstitions and imagination of the people as anything. Duvik is an isolated place, far from the centres of learning and politics. The people are simple folk, and superstitious. They see kobolds under the bed and elementals in the every water pool. I think the answer is more mundane than they think, but perhaps more complicated.

"For that reason there is something I need to do."

Ashin takes a small leather tube from his belt and slides off the top third, revealing a plain iron rod. The rod is about 8 inches long and about half an inch in diameter.

"This is a truth rod; it prevents the holder from lying. Before we go any further, I am going to ask those who are interested to answer a simple question."

Ashin holds up his hand to forestall any questions.

"I perfectly understand if you do not wish to do it, and I will tell you the question before asking any of you to make your decision. The question is this: Do you own allegiance or debt to the Lord of Fallon, or to any that themselves own allegiance or debt to the Lord of Fallon.

"If you answer 'yes', then I must ask you to leave, with my thanks for your time."

Ashin give those who wish to leave time to do so. To those that remain he hands the rod and asks the question to each in turn.

Each of the arrivals agrees to take the rod and answer the question. There is a brief discussion about the fee and a questions about Fallon and the possibility of adding another to their number. As he has allowed for six, and there are only five so far, Ashin leaves the matter of taking on one more to those already gathered to decide upon.[/sblock]

--- To Resume ---

Currently, everyone is in a private booth at the Red Dragon Tavern.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Zaeryl nods as he follows.*

"We will have some water, thank you. We would be interested to hear about this 'Lord of Fallon'. Much of the world has changed since last we walked it."

(OOC: Perhaps he will--it just would have amused me, since it is a statement that indicates that Zaeryl is more powerful than the rod, but yet he is still guaranteed to be telling the truth :D)


Eternity joins Ashin at the bar, ordering him a drink from Joe.

[I'm here :)
Regarding Eternity's status. She is on the big long unorganized list:
ao'Thuir of the Ghost Tribe <2>, Tenebrynn Glimmersight <4>, Eternity (Erekose13)
but not in the link list.

Here is a link to her character sheet: link]
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Ironwolf Kinkaid, Human Psychic Warrior 2

"Michael is a good man, if there's room for one more I'd ask that he be allowed to join us. He's proven himself to be a very valuable and loyal teammate on our last mission, which had us investigating some murders among the gladiators of Earling."


"Hulgyr thinks this micheal can come along if you all say he is a good one to have around. Everybody here joined without a voting, so he should too".
"And add another ale to that order of yours Mister!"


B4cchus said:
"Hulgyr thinks this micheal can come along if you all say he is a good one to have around. Everybody here joined without a voting, so he should too".
"And add another ale to that order of yours Mister!"

A mug of warm cocoa smelling faintly of cinnamon comes through the curtain of the booth, followed by a thick scale-mailed arm. The arm is followed by an enormous potato nose, which precedes the rest of Michael.
He smiles to the crowd.
"Thank you, Hulgyr -- Ironwolf."
Michael turns to Ashin.
"I am Michael Grannion, Builder of Sela. I can heal or fight for myself, and other things as She permits me. I will help you, if you will permit me."
Michael waits for an invitation to sit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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