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D&D 3E/3.5 [D&Dg] Kancheisis, the Lord of Vampires

Hand of Vecna

First Post
Mastraacht, Lord of Vampires, The Beast, The Rake
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Bat with glowing red eyes
Home Plane: The Abyss
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Blood, debauch, magic, vampirism
Worshipers: Vampires, vampyres, nosferatu, wights
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Favored Weapon: ---

Kancheisis, the Lord of Vampires, is said to have been born of the collective blood of the Seldarine (the Elven Pantheon), mingled with that of a Human creator god. Blood itself, from such sources, was intended as a creative force to maintain the life of worlds. But in some dreadful and magical accident, a bloodsucking, ravening thing thing was born. Blood took on its own life, took corporeal, fleshy form. And the darkness of Kancheisis came into the planes and fled to Gehenna...
Kancheisis is a split-natured deity: part of him is the Beast, a wild and ravening thing which runs with wolves, rips out throats, and gulps blood as fast as it flows. In this aspect, some wights have a reverence for this being. His other side is the Rake, a bon vivant who savors blood as others do wine; he is a seducer, a connoisseur, a lover of finery, an expert debauch. The Rake dominates when Kancheisis feels well with his ways; the Beast, when he is moved to hot rage (rather than his usual cold hates and sadistic triumphalism).
Kancheisis has two distinct forms. The Beast is a wild-eyed, toussle-headed human male, powerfully muscled, with taloned claws and an excessively hairy body. The Rake is a slim, elegant human or half-elven male with slender, long hands, a wining smile, and finely-chiseled features, always immaculately dressed.
The Rake is often accompanied by elven or half-elven vampiric companions, and his favored vassal is a female half-elven fighter/wizard.

The blood is the very essence of life and magic, the forces which sustain him.

Clergy and Temples
The rare temple to Kancheisis is awash with blood (as is his Abyssal home).

Rogue 14, Wizard 18
Medium-Size Outsider/Undead (Chaotic, Evil)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice: 20d8 (outsider) plus 14d12 (Rog) plus 18d12 (Wiz) (544 hp)
Initiative: +20, always first (+16 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, Supreme Initiative)
Speed: 90 feet
AC: 88 (+16 Dex, +15 divine, +36 Natural, +11 deflection)
Attacks: +5 chaotic keen unholy wounding rapier +72/+67/+62/+57 melee, Slam +65/+60/+55/+50 melee, Claw 65/+60/+55/+50 melee; or spell +65 melee touch or +67 ranged touch
Damage: +5 chaotic keen unholy wounding rapier 1d6+19/16-20/x2, Slam 1d6+14/20/x2, or Claws 1d4+14/19-20/x2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Patriarchal vampire traits, domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Half-elf traits, patriarchal vampire traits, divine immunities, DR 50/+4 (30/+3), fire resistance 35, fast healing 35, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication, godly realm (10 mile radius of the Abyss), teleport without error at will (self plus 1,500 lbs.), plane shift at will (self plus 1,500 lbs.), familiar (any bats within 15 miles), turn resistance +8, SR 67, divine aura (1,500 feet, DC 36)
Saves: Fort +43, Ref +61, Will +55
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 43, Con ---, Int 42, Wis 35, Cha 33
Skills*: Alchemy +66, Animal Empathy +26, Appraise +66, Balance +70, Bluff +69, Climb +64, Concentration +61, Craft (all, untrained) +31, Decipher Script +66, Diplomacy +69, Disable Device +66, Disguise +65, Escape Artist +31, Gather Information +61, Handle Animal +31, Hide +74, Innuendo +66, Intimidate +65, Jump +68, Knowledge (arcana) +66, Knowledge (nature) +66, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +66, Knowledge (the planes) +66, Knowledge (undead) +66, Listen +73, Move Silently +74, Open Lock +66, Pick Pockets +70, Scry +66, Search +75, Sense Motive +70, Spellcraft +66 (+70 when deciphering scrolls), Spot +73, Tumble +70, Use Magic Device +61 (+69 with Scrolls), Wilderness Lore +22. *Always receives a 20 on checks.
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Improved Critical (Claws), Improved Critical (Rapier), Improved Initiative, Jack of All Trades, Lightning Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Sacred Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Still Spell, Summon Familiar, Weapon Finesse (Rapier)

Half-Elf Traits: +2 racial save on Will saves against enchantment spells or effects; low-light vision
Patriarchal Vampire Traits: Alternate form (bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf), animate dead (once per day as a 12th-level Sorcerer), blood drain (1d4 permanent Con drain, must feed on 4 Con/day), children of the night (4d8 dire rats, 10d10 bats, or 3d6 wolves that arrive in 2d6 rounds), cold resistance 20, command undead (rebuke/command undead as a 12th-level Cleric), create spawn, DR 30/+3, darkvision 60 ft., dimension door (once per day, as a 12th-level Sorcerer), domination (Will save DC 47, and saves against it are made with a -4 penalty), electricity resistance 20, energy drain (5 negative levels, Fort save DC 47 to negate), fast healing 10, fire resistance 20, frightful presence (triggered by snarling), gaseous form (fly 50 feet [perfect]), hypnotic vapor (can use dominate ability while gaseous), scent, shroud of darkness (identical to darkness as cast by a 12th-level Sorcerer, useable at will, except Kancheisis can see normally in it and it is destroyed instantly if any part of it comes into contact with sunlight), spider climb, turn resistance +8, vampire weaknesses (not repelled by garlic or mirrors, holy symbols have no special effect on him, can be turned [as a 50 HD Undead...], can withstand 90 minutes of exposure to sunlight without adverse effects, suffers double damage from holy water, immune to running water)
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic (Quicken Wizard Spells), Avatar, Blood Alchemy†, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Shield, Divine Spell Focus (Necromancy), Extra Domain (Destruction), Grow Creature (summoned dire rats, bats, and wolves), Increased Spell Resistance, Instant Counterspell, Rejuvenation, Shift Form (the Beast/the Rake), Supreme Initiative, Wound Enemy. †Unique ability, described below.
Domain Powers: Cast Chaos spells at +1 caster level; 15/day smite (+4 on attack and +15 on damage for one weapon attack); cast Evil spells at +1 caster level
Spell-Like Abilities: Kancheisis uses these abilities as a 25th-level caster, except for Chaos and Evil spells, which he uses as a 26th-level caster. The save DCs are 36 + spell level. Animate Objects, Blasphemy, Change Self, Chaos Hammer, Circle of Doom, Cloak of Chaos, Confusion, Contagion, Create Undead, Desecrate, Disintegrate, Dispel Good, Dispel Law, Earthquake, False Vision, Harm, Implosion, Inflict Light Wounds, Inflict Critical Wounds, Invisibility, Mislead, Nondetection, Polymorph Any Object, Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Magic Circle against Good, Magic Circle against Law, Screen, Shatter, Summon Monster IX (as chaos or evil spell only), Time Stop, Unholy Aura, Unholy Blight, Word of Chaos.
Wizard Spells/Day (Levels 0-9): 4/8/8/8/8/7/7/6/6/4; base DC = 26 + spell level, 41 + spell level for Necromancy.
Blood Alchemy: Six times per day Kancheisis can throw one pint of blood up to 40 ft. to affect a 5-ft. radius as a 10HD fireball, or to dispel magic as a 20th-level wizard, or to blind victims for 2d6 rounds. Each of these abilities has a Save DC of 36 + spell level
Possessions: Kancheisis, as the Rake, carries ???, a +5 rapier with the chaotic, keen, unholy, and wounding special abilities. As the Beast, Kancheisis fights unarmed.

Other Divine Powers
As an intermediate deity, Kancheisis automatically receives a die result of 20 on any check. He treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.
Senses: Kancheisis can see (using normal, low-light, or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of fifteen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within fifteen miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or names was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Sense: Kancheisis can sense any act of debauchery or vampirism the instant it happens and retains the sensation for up to fifteen weeks after the event occurs.
Automatic Actions: Max DC 25, 10 free actions
Create Magic Items: Kancheisis can create a magic weapon from a dagger, dart, light mace, sap, shortbow, composite shortbow, short sword, club, heavy mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, rapier, or any type of crossbow, any light armor with the shadow properties, any potion (which tastes like blood), or any item that has vampiric qualities (such as a weapon with the wounding property, a Life-Drinker Greataxe, a Longsword of Nine Lives Stealing, a Rapier of Puncturing, a Rod of Withering, a Wand of Vampiric Touch, Slippers of Spider Climbing, etc.), or any item utilizing his spell-like abilities (such as a Ring of Invisibility), as long as the market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.

Kancheisis was first seen in Monster Mythology for AD&D 2nd Ed.


I'm still working on him, yes, but any comments would be more than welcome.
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Creature Cataloguer
right on handy! that's great stuff. where did you get all the info on him? make it up, or did ya find it somewhere? i didn't realize he was a half-elf. i remember seeing the name maastracht somewhere (Planescape?) and that it was probably connected to him.
it would be neat to see some other underused gods, like Mellifleur the lich lord.

Knight Otu

First Post
While I'm no expert on Kancheisis, I think that he looks good. The only thing that I would add is that he should propably have more levels - I would say Wizard 20/Rogue 15. It might even be possible to give him 20/20 levels.

Hand of Vecna

First Post
BOZ -- as I said, Kancheisis was first shown in Monster Mythology, which is where I got the base info. Using that book, Deities & Demigods, and the new Ravenloft Campaign Setting book (for Patriarch Vampire powers), I set to work, and crafted this.
As for his Half-Elf status -- Kancheisis is said to have been born of the collective blood of the Seldarine (the Elven Pantheon), mingled with that of a Human creator god. Blood itself, from such sources, was intended as a creative force to maintain the life of worlds. But in some dreadful and magical accident, a bloodsucking, ravening thing thing was born. Blood took on its own life, took corporeal, fleshy form. And the darkness of Kancheisis came into the planes and fled to Gehenna...
I'd like to do Mellifleur the Lich-Lord, but (according to Monster Mythology) he's only a Lesser God, so he'd be fairly identical to Vecna (a Lesser God, according to Deities & Demigods)...

Knight Otu -- I was thinking of giving him more levels, but for now I decided on just sticking with what Monster Mythology gave (though I tweaked even that -- according to that book, The Rake has the spellcasting abilities of an 18th-level Wizard, but The Beast only has the spellcasting abilities of a 10th-level Wizard...)

kkoie -- I'd thought of that, initially decided against it, but now that I think of it again, it makes sense...

I also need to figure out a name for his +5 Chaotic Keen Unholy Wounding Rapier...
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Knight Otu

First Post
You might want to add a favored weapon for the clergy. I'd say you should go for unarmed strike; or maybe a choice betweeb rapier and unarmed strike, depending on which of Kancheisis' form the cleric sees as more important.

Voidrunner's Codex

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