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[D&D 3.5] Pirates of the Broken Sea - OOC [recruiting open]


All right, I'm going to officially kick off a new campaign here. I'm looking for up to about 8 players.

As the title says, it's 3.5. However, my source for 3.5 is pretty much the SRD itself, my books are all 3.0. Also, I haven't DMed in something like 6 years now, so there might be some minor inconsistancies. In general, core material from the SRD will be allowed along with non-core material I specify. None of the variants from UA on the SRD site either, at least at the beginning, since I'm unfamiliar with those rules.

We will be using EN World's dice roller; no Invisible Castle, please.

Characters start at first level. Once we get into the campaign, new characters will start with an XP total based on the level of the party members.

Ability score generation
Player's choice of 4d6, rolled in this thread or Standard Point Buy. No rerolls on the 4d6 unless the character is really pathetic (like all penalties).

Character Race

The basic core races plus goblin, kobold, and orc.

And there are no drow PCs IMC. Ever. (Drow pirates might be interesting, but I'm not willing to bend this rule).

The basic core races except paladin (since piracy is basically unlawful). I am not opposed to psions (and only psions from the psionic classes), but keep in mind that I have no familiarity with the 3e psionics rules.

Monkeys and parrots are added to the choices for animal companions and familiars. As a familiar, monkeys give their master a +3 bonus to Tumbling checks. Parrots can speak 1 language like ravens and get a +3 to Appraise checks.

Prestige classes. The core PrCs will be allowed, and I will add a few PrCs from outside core eventually. Dread Pirate naturally will probably be one of the ones added.


Core and Divine SRD feats are allowed. Other allowed feats:

Death Blow, Dirty Fighting, Dual Strike, Eagle Claw Attack, Extra Stunning, Feign Weakness, Fists of Iron, Lightning Fists, Monkey Grip, Off-Hand Parry, Pain Touch, Pin Shield, Power Lunge, Prone Attack, Shield Expert, Throw Anything, Zen Archery.

Arcane Defense, Arcane Preparation, Chain Spell, Cooperative Spell, Delay Spell, Energy Admixture, Extra Slot, Extra Spell, Innate Spell, Sanctum Spell, Scupt Spell, Spell Specialization, Split Ray, Twin Spell.

Alluring, Arterial Strike, Charlatan, Dash, Flick of the Wrist, Green Ear, Hamstring, Lingering Song, Multicultural, Obscure Lore, Pyro, Quicker Than the Eye, Requiem, Shadow, Snatch Weapon, Subsonics, Trustworthy.

Animal control, Animal Defense, Clever Wrestling, Destructive Rage, Divine Cleansing, Divine Resistance, divine shield, Empower Turning, Extended Rage, Extra Favored Enemy, Extra Smiting, Favored Critical, Greater Resiliency, Heighten Turning, Improved Swimming, Improved Toughness, Instantaneous Rage, Intimidating Rage, Quicken turning, Reach Spell, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Resistance to Energy, Sacred Spell, Scent, Shield Charge, Speaking Wild Shape, Supernatural Blow.


No evil characters.

Gods. All clerics will need to choose a god, this is somewhat optional for other characters. Gods are also restricted by race.

[sblock=Human Deities]
Goddess of the sea, CG
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Good, Water
Weapon: Trident

God of winds and trade, CG
Domains: Air, Chaos, Good, Travel
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Goddess of luck, CN
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery
Weapon: Dagger

Merina is the wife of Faris. They are both popular among sailors and merchants, and Merina gives leave to traders to travel across her seas using the winds of her husband. Kalibet is seen as a very flighty and unreliable goddess, but her followers still believe she will grant them good fortune.

These are the three most popular gods among the pirates of the Broken Sea. Other human gods include:

God of the sun, LG
Domains: Good, Law, Sun, Time
Weapon: Longsword

Goddess of the earth, NG
Domains: Earth, Good, Plant
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Goddess of nature and the moon, N
Domains: Animal, Plant, Time
Weapon: Sickle

Goddess of white magic, LG
Domains: Good, Law, Magic, Protection
Weapon: Quarterstaff

(note: Melora and Arista were orignally the other goddess in my homebrew, but I swapped them to avoid confusion from 4e players.)

God of justice, LG
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
Weapon: Longsword

God of War, CN
Domains: Chaos, Strength, Storm, War
Weapon: Warhammer

God of magic and knowledge, N
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Rune
Weapon: Dagger

Goddess of black magic, CE
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Magic, Trickery
Weapon: Dagger

Goddess of love, CG
Domains: Charm, Good, Healing, Protection
Weapon: Net

Goddess of Healing, NG
Domains: Good, Healing, Protection, Renewal
Weapon: Quarterstaff

God of the forge, LN
Domains: Fire, Law, Earth
Weapon: Light hammer

Evil gods (not allowed for PC clerics):

God of death

God of tyranny

Goddess of disease

Armen is the creator of humans. His wife is Nera, the matron of agriculture. Their daughter is Melora. She is the wife of Orius, and their daughters are the goddesses of magic, Arista and Rania. Korr is the husband of Melia, and their children, Rendon, Asira, and Paran taught civilization to humans. Zult is the brother of Armen, and mockingly granted death to humans when Armen instructed the gods to give blessings to his creation. For this act, Korr who was the god of justice, banished him from the fellowship of the gods. In revenge, Zult created a spell that drove Korr mad, and he became a god of senseless violence. Rendon then took up his father's previous mantle as the guardian of justice. Zult tried to seduce Arista but she resisted him, and in time became the wife of Rendon. Rania however, was impressed by the spell that Zult placed on Korr and seduced him to learn his knowledge. From their union was born Roba, the foul goddess of disease.

Note: Rendon is a remarkably bad choice for this campaign, 'cause he's all about law and order. What's more, one of the pirates' biggest enemies is a theocracy run by clerics and paladins that's all about worshipping him, which gives the pirates even less reason to follow him.

For non-human characters, the standard D&D humanoid gods will be used. We will use this document as the reference for domains, favored weapons, etc.:

Wizards of the Coast

One point, I don't have access to Complete Divine and other such splats, so stick with the domains from core. The domains from the Divine SRD are ok.


Standard wealth. Though really, I don't pay too much attention to mundane stuff like packs, rope, 10 foot poles, etc. Just don't try to carry an entire gneral store around on your back. I will mostly just check just weapons, armor, and special items.

As part of the pirate crew, everyone starts with 1 pistol and enough powder and ammo for 20 shots. This is a bonus to your regular gear. Medium-sized pistols do 1d10 damage, have a crit multiplier of x3, a range increment of 50 ft, weigh 3lbs. and do Piercing damage. They are considered Simple weapons for members of the pirate crews.

All starting spells should be from the core rules only.

Identifying items: identify has the 3.5 casting time and such, but effects are 3.0: only identifies the item's most basic power. For full identification, analyze dweomer is needed. Cursed items play havok with identification; identify will not detect the curse, and misidentify the item instead. Analyze dweomer will properly detect all properties of cursed items. Cursed scrolls are particularly dangerous; some have the curse triggered by simply viewing the writing on the scroll.
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Signing in to this campaign! YEAH!!! PIRATES!!! Ok - I know some of the others already have an idea of what type of character they are playing, but I need a little more info. Your char gen states point buy as an option, but I didn't see the points listed? Is it 28 Point Buy? 32?

Kobold, Goblin and Orc as optional character races, and I see that one person already wants Goblin cleric. I am assuming that you are limiting the non core race selections to possibly only 1 of each at most?

I am thinking of a sorcerer possibility. I can play most classes, and will probably lean towards a rogue, barbarian or sorcerer. Perhaps I will throw up three options and see which one fits the best?

Voda Vosa

First Post
Definitely interested. Perhaps a human fighter? Feats galore is always neat. We are allowed to multiclas once we level up right? As for guns, how much would an additional pistol cost? Can we apply weapon specialization/ focus to it? Is it single handed? What's the reload time? How much extra powder and bullets cost? Am I asking too many question? Is this already annoying? ;P

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Ok - I am assuming that standard point buy is set to 25 points. Kobold Sorcerer sounds interesting as an option, yet the stats on him will be poor. -4 STR, +2 DEX, -2 CON to start with is steep, but still, interesting in its own way. I have been itching to play something out of the ordinary and more vulnerable than the normal core races.


Yes, Point Buy is at 25 points

We are allowed to multiclas once we level up right?

Yes. Just don't string tons of classes together to cherry pick 1st level benefits. Keep the multiclassing focused.

As for guns, how much would an additional pistol cost? Can we apply weapon specialization/ focus to it? Is it single handed? What's the reload time? How much extra powder and bullets cost?

I took the stats from the DMG, I'll have to look them up again later. Yes, it's a one-handed weapon, and you can apply feats like weapon specialization and focus to it. Reloading is a full-round action.

I was working on campaign information but stupid StickyKeys got turned on and I ended up wiping out out most of the text. I'm too mad to retype an hour and a half of work right now, so it'll have to wait until later. Worst. Windows. Feature. Ever.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Yes, Point Buy is at 25 points

Worst. Windows. Feature. Ever.

Too true.

On other matters, don't worry about the multiclassing. And, is there something like quick reload (the feat for crossbows) for the guns? Making it a move action? I want to make a "pistol fighter"


First Post
We have Psion, Sorcerer and Fighter?

I was thinking Rogue, but maybe another Fighter?

I hate sticky keys as well...

EDIT: Could go Cleric / Druid, depending on what other people want.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
I can still change mine as well, but kobold sorcerer has a nice ring to it for now. I thought someone was going with a Vikingish Barbarian? Rogue is always a good thing to have as well.


First Post
Okay, I'm itching to make a goblin wizard, but if that leaves us without divine magic I might make a cleric instead.

I feel like rolling scores for once. Should I place my rolls in the RG (when you make one), or wherever and just link to them?
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