• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Critical Role Critical Role's Kickstarter Breaks $1,000,000 In About An Hour!

For those hoping for a new D&D cartoon, Critical Role has just launched a Kickstarter for an animated show based on their livestream campaign. It broke a million dollars in about an hour, and has 45 days left to go...

For those hoping for a new D&D cartoon, Critical Role has just launched a Kickstarter for an animated show based on their livestream campaign. It broke a million dollars in about an hour, and has 45 days left to go...


"Critical Role's The Legend of Vox Machina reunites your favorite D&D heroes for a professional-quality animated special!"

Also on offer are theme song MP3s, production art prints, sticker sets, dice, playing card sets, plushies, pin sets, canvas bags, and more.

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Forbes has done a few D&D articles over the last few years. If you google “Forbes D&D” you’ll find loads of them. This hobby is mainstream now!
Wait, does this mean I have to hate it now? Or just make sure everyone knows I was into before it was cool?

$8,839,918 pledged of $750,000 goal
64,955 backers
14 days to go

"Final" goal achieved.

(EDIT: It went up $7,000 (50 backers. yes 65,008) in the couple minutes since I did the cut paste and typed the above until now.)
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The Critical Role Kickstarter just became the 7th highest funded project in Kickstarter history, beating Exploding Kittens. They are projected to end in the Top 4 by the time the project ends. This is crazy.

The Critical Role Kickstarter just became the 7th highest funded project in Kickstarter history, beating Exploding Kittens. They are projected to end in the Top 4 by the time the project ends. This is crazy.

Even more crazy is the community around this. It definitely goes to show how, even at a different scale, building a community *first* and then crowdfunding can work wonders.

I have been checking Kicktraq each morning, and they had leveled out at $40-60K per day (which itself is amazing!) for weeks and were on target to reach their last stretch goal in a week or so. But I had missed the #critterpush online discussion. If you missed it, too, the community decided to wait until the next episode and during the stream pledge if you hadn't or add $5 to your pledge if you had.

The result was going from $40-60,000 per day pretty reliably to $266,000 yesterday and another $140,000 so far today (and at least half of the today was in the first hour of the day Eastern time when people were pledging during the break)!!! So it was a 10x increase in pledges that, as far as I can tell, was entirely community lead.

There is definitely a very large community, but probably more importantly, a very passionate and excited community! Amazing!

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