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Critical Role Issues Statement

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Yeah I just saw a tweet that said "rumor has it now that WotC is putting OneD&D behind a pay wall, no physical books will be released" (not exact quote). They would be really, like in another galaxy, out of touch if they did this.
I think it's beyond unlikely for the real release. If nothing else, the books are extra profit, and they reach people Beyond just won't.


I would be unsurprised if, in 2024, there is a period before official release of the 1D&D PHB/DMG/MM, where you can access "beta" versions of them (a lot more finalized than the playtest, as they'll have to finalize a while before printing), and make characters/encounters/etc. with them, if you have a Master Tier subscription. Which would technically and temporarily fulfil that prediction.
We haven't seen the business model behind their upcoming VTT yet. There's still time.
I think they'll probably settle for requiring the person opening the VTT session to be on a Master Tier subscription, though they might introduce a higher tier for VTT access though I think it's more likely they'll just have one which adds content to the VTT (more tiles, minis, etc.).
I mean, if the VTT has a monthly subscription and you run, like, one game a month on it, wouldn't that amount to the same thing?


Man, this is Twitter in a nutshell with the new algorithm. Instead of showing you posts from people you follow in chronological order, it shows you a selected assortment of posts on subjects you've shown interest in from people you've never heard of. I've read takes ranging from "WotC is trying to cancel cultural conservatives" to "this was all instigated by reactionaries against 'woke' D&D," with hundreds of conventional lefty "late-stage capitalism corporate greed" takes in the "middle."

Sounds like your feed is on "For You" rather than "Following." If you want to see tweets by people you follow, set it towards the latter.

(I was confused at first, too, but going to Following reverting back to seeing only/mostly tweets from people I follow)

Let's be honest, 99% of groups will use Discord and disable the in-game voice chat.
Virtually built-in voicechat solution is going to end up getting abandoned in favour of a non-built-in one, for the very simple reason that people get on voice-chat BEFORE they start they game session, in 99.9% of cases, for VTTs.

So I think integrating any kind of voice-chat solution kind of indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of how these products are used. With Roll 20, we had actually quite some real annoyance disabling their one. At least it stays disabled, but bloody hell - it was absolutely godawful and all it was really doing was annoying us and costing them money!

At most I think they might want to endorse a voice-chat solution and make it so it's particularly easy to create a voice-chat session in that by clicking something in the VTT.


How inconvenient
That's... not much of a statement. Not much of anything, really. Some vague fluffy feel-good stuff that commits them to absolutely nothing.

With respect, I'm failing to see any statement. :)

"Just make sure to get the buzz words of the day in there...yeah yeah, good, hit send."

All of this.

Also: I am rapidly tiring of everybody and their uncle seeking to suck up to folks starting their statements with the word "inclusive".
Although it beats "safe". :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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