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Creatures-By-Poll: Fey #5 (recovery effort)

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Creature Cataloguer

hey all! i didn't mean to be gone for so long - 12 days! but i swear, i was working on something that, i think you are all going to love when you finally see it. :) mum's the word for now, though. :) i had to stay away from enworld for a bit to finish it - this place is too distracting. ;)

i would post more to this thread, but i am sleepy and do not have the brainpower for thinking at the moment. i do *desperately* want to get this thread finished up though. be back later this weekend. :) (for those outside the US, this monday does count as part of our weekend!)


Creature Cataloguer
James Heard said:
There's a new spell in the PHBII called Prismatic Mist (Sor/Wiz3) that might be interesting to sit a base effect on and then add a more CR appropriate kicker onto. Plus it ties in with new books, and who doesn't like excuses to buy new books? Well, besides people who can't afford them...The attached effect would probably have to be evil as heck to make up for the low level of that one.

Good thing I re-read that... I was thinking initially of making the effect like the iron golem's cloudy breath weapon. Is there a way to modify that using the spell you mentioned? I don't have PHB2 yet (and likely will not get it any time soon), so hints will help. ;)

OK, when we left off...

I was thinking of setting up a poll to decide what effect we want the breath weapon to have. Here were the options.


Shade said:
From http://www.allthingsarctic.com/aurora/index.aspx:

"Auroral displays appear in many colors with pale green and pink the most common. However, different shades of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet have all been observed. Green results from energized oxygen atoms and pink from nitrogen molecules. The color variations are a product of the altitude of the storm, and the density and composition of the ions at that altitude. The folding effect results from the electric field induced on either side of the auroral curtain by the electrons."

As a starting point, I'd suggest it function similar to prismatic spells, with following effects:

Pale green = sickened for X rounds on failed save; otherwise nauseated for X rounds
Pink = as touch of idiocy
Red = rage (as the spell) for X rounds
Yellow = blinded for X rounds on failed save; otherwise dazzled for X rounds
Green = enfeebled (as ray of enfeeblement)
Blue = exhausted for X rounds on failed save; otherwise fatigued for X rounds
Violet = frightened for X rounds on failed save; otherwise shaken for X rounds

2) same as above, with the lights acting as the rainbow pattern spell, either stacked with the lesser prismatic effect; or with two alternating breath weapon effects, between rainbow pattern and prismatic as chosen by the fey.

Conaill said:
I'm still voting for Fear + Deathwatch + some form of necromantic (but non-evil) damage (all three at the same time). I think that would make for a very flavorful combination - you could literally be scared to death due to the realization of your own mortality! :cool:

elaboration on "some form of necromantic damage":

Conaill said:
I believe the lowest spells I had suggested originally were Ray of Exhaustion (Sor/Wiz3) and Enervation (Sor/Wiz 4). But something like a 6-7th level spell might be better balanced. Mass Inflict Moderate (cone-shaped) would fit. Or Waves of Exhaustion. Or even a cone-shaped Enervation instead of the usual Ray.

PS: When I mentioned Deathwatch earlier, I meant that anyone within the cone of the breath would receive the benefit of the Deathwatch spell. I.e. the targets of the breathweapon would for an instance literally see the mortality of everything around them. A harmless effect (beneficial, if anything), but I figured it fit nicely with the theme, and with the Fear effect...

4): same as #1, except it does damage as straight-up prismatic spray. A lot tougher, indeed.

5): any I missed, or any new ideas.

Are we ready for such a poll? I want to do this tomorrow, to get it all over with. ;)

James Heard

BOZ said:
Good thing I re-read that... I was thinking initially of making the effect like the iron golem's cloudy breath weapon. Is there a way to modify that using the spell you mentioned? I don't have PHB2 yet (and likely will not get it any time soon), so hints will help. ;)
Basically Prismatic Mist is 30' spread 3rd level arcane, variable saving throw/no SR, with the effects of fire 1d4, 1d6 acid, 1d8 electricity, 1d4 STR poison (Fort neg), Slow (Will Neg), Les. Confusion (Will neg), Dazed (Will neg), or two effects. I was thinking some sort of variation that would up the variable nonsave damage upwards and more in line with Prismatic Spray without the "send to another plane" somethings. I think it might be interesting to define one of the color options as an Inflict or Harm even, because that would neatly intersect the "necromancy" angle I suppose.

Here's what I was thinking might be interesting, in fact:

  1. Red 5d6 points of fire damage
  2. Orange 5d10 points of acid damage
  3. Yellow Inflict Serious Wounds CL 20
  4. Green Poison (1d6 Con, Fortitude partial)
  5. Blue Hold Monster CL20
  6. Indigo 5d6 points of cold damage
  7. Violet Removes 1d4 levels of memorized, unused spells or spell slots, from the highest level spell that can be removed at once by the die. (A roll of 3 would indicate that a single 3rd level spell, player's choice, is lost), nonspellcasters are sickened as Eyebite
  8. The Void Subject gains 1d4 negative levels, Fort save DC 20 to negate

Otherwise I'd got with a straightforward Prismatic Spray.


Creature Cataloguer
you need wait no longer!

my workplace is taking a harder stance towards my internet usage... expect to see me less frequently, with me being busy at home as well. but never fear - i'm always here. ;)


Creature Cataloguer
and the winnar is - the most recent idea, actually! ;) sure, it only got two votes, but two is better than one! for the sake of as much expedience as i can regain, i'm calling that one done. besides, i like the idea of a prismatic mist. i shall have to read the spell description when i get a copy of PHB2, which i should have by the time paizo reads the query. ;)

we can set the exact functions of each color (sticking with James' ideas as a baseline in the meantime) when/if we come to actually writing the monster up. so, i'll be adding this line to our query text:

In its bear form, the fey can exude a breath weapon which functions similarly to a modified prismatic mist spell (see PHB2).

do we want to spend any more time on setting the creature's abilities for the little man form, or can we just get on to naming it and calling it a day? :)

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