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D&D General Cosmological constants


I've not seen on the interwebs any comparitive descriptions for various basic cosmological/fundamental terms/concepts found in the D&D omniverse. So I'm actually confused as to how these ideas relate. Astral vs Ethereal is easy to me since I've always known them, but how do the following define relate?

Crystalline (spheres)

Deep Ethereal
Far Realms

anything else I'm missing?

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Elemental Planes and how they relate to the above.
Shadow/Feywild and ditto

And good luck! None of these are completely consistent with each other within editions let alone across editions. Asking 20 people for what the "real canon" relationship is is on these is likely to end up with 22 different answers :)


I find it confusing as well which is why I ignore most of it and came up with my own cosmology. I have realms that are sort of the same as the Shadowfell and Feywild for example. On the other hand the ethereal plane isn't really a different plane of existence, it's just a place slightly out of sync with the real world.

So in other words, good luck trying to figure it out. It seems to vary by edition, publication and campaign setting. Your best source is the DMG chapter Creating a Multiverse or hope the new books like Monsters of the Multiverse gives more details.


I find it confusing as well which is why I ignore most of it and came up with my own cosmology. I have realms that are sort of the same as the Shadowfell and Feywild for example. On the other hand the ethereal plane isn't really a different plane of existence, it's just a place slightly out of sync with the real world.

So in other words, good luck trying to figure it out. It seems to vary by edition, publication and campaign setting. Your best source is the DMG chapter Creating a Multiverse or hope the new books like Monsters of the Multiverse gives more details.
In my mind, the Etherial and Phlogiston can be easily jived if one imagines the plogiston as energy and Ether is matter. . Both are in a constant flow state, but deep ether at its highest densities is comparatively inert. Phlogiston and ether are mutually exclusive, one displaces the other. Where phlogiston is predominate, It becomes flammable, to the point of explosive ness at its higher density. Phlogiston flows faster than ether, and dense phlog flows the fastest. Where ether is densest, it nearly solidifies to islands and asteroids, but still ephemeral from a long term perspective.
It also allows flame to exist without explosions, so civilizations can develop industry on a small level.

Where does phlog come from? The spheres. It is said that Spheres are warmer the older they are. This heat radiates into the ether as phlogiston and flows in the direction of sphere to sphere. So the spheres are bound to each other through a network of cosmic energy, much like a circulatory system in plants and animals.

I would posit that warmer, older spheres are capable of being farther apart from the network and other spheres. Younger cooler spheres far away would be very cold indeed, and any prime material within would tend to be cold, slow spacetime close to suspend ed animation, a la a frozen captain america.

Research needs to be conducted by Xanathar to compare sphere age/temp and the phlogiston flow speed.

And Im clueless about wildspace.

I've not seen on the interwebs any comparitive descriptions for various basic cosmological/fundamental terms/concepts found in the D&D omniverse. So I'm actually confused as to how these ideas relate. Astral vs Ethereal is easy to me since I've always known them, but how do the following define relate?

Crystalline (spheres)

Deep Ethereal
Far Realms

anything else I'm missing?
Pretty sure phlogiston was a type of fuel used in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?


Moderator Emeritus
In my previous homebrew I made the Ethereal and the Plane of Shadow be two names for the same thing.

As I have mentioned in other threads, with the caveat that I never played or ran in Planescape, I have never worried too much about trying to make sense of how the planes are laid out and relate to each other in any kind of constant way. Any seeming contradictions are easily attributable to the limits of mortal minds.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I find it confusing as well which is why I ignore most of it and came up with my own cosmology. I have realms that are sort of the same as the Shadowfell and Feywild for example. On the other hand the ethereal plane isn't really a different plane of existence, it's just a place slightly out of sync with the real world.

So in other words, good luck trying to figure it out. It seems to vary by edition, publication and campaign setting. Your best source is the DMG chapter Creating a Multiverse or hope the new books like Monsters of the Multiverse gives more details.
On the Ethereal, I kinda am planning to do the same in an upcoming update of my Space Fantasy concept. Basically The Aether is a place and a substance, and it is found throughout space.


Crystalline (spheres)

Deep Ethereal
Far Realms

anything else I'm missing?
So, Old School Planescape Spelljammer here......so

*Astral-is a nonspace nonplane that should not exist...but does. It connects the Inner and Outer planes.
*Ethereal- The Proto-Matter of creation, smoky potential. The Deep Ethereal is the deep, deep smoky soup where the proto matter is created and swirls. The Border Ethereal is the part of the Etheral plane that 'touches' each connected plane. The Border Ethereal is a smoky copy of whatever plane it touches.

Phlogiston-an endless sea of explosive gas (think hydrogen) that fills the whole Prime Plane.
Crystalline (spheres)-Massive spheres of crystal around each solar system of the Prime Plane.
Wildspace- This is simply the space inside a crystal sphere

Far Realms- a realm(maybe a plane) far beyond the normal multiverse that is strange, weird and unknown.

And, well, yea, your missing a LOT.....but no need to overwhelm you.


So, Old School Planescape Spelljammer here......so

*Astral-is a nonspace nonplane that should not exist...but does. It connects the Inner and Outer planes.
*Ethereal- The Proto-Matter of creation, smoky potential. The Deep Ethereal is the deep, deep smoky soup where the proto matter is created and swirls. The Border Ethereal is the part of the Etheral plane that 'touches' each connected plane. The Border Ethereal is a smoky copy of whatever plane it touches.

Phlogiston-an endless sea of explosive gas (think hydrogen) that fills the whole Prime Plane.
Crystalline (spheres)-Massive spheres of crystal around each solar system of the Prime Plane.
Wildspace- This is simply the space inside a crystal sphere

Far Realms- a realm(maybe a plane) far beyond the normal multiverse that is strange, weird and unknown.

And, well, yea, your missing a LOT.....but no need to overwhelm you.

So in the heirarchy of Cosmic Constants, is?

Inner Planes/Outer planes/Astral Plane
Inner planes/Ethereal
Inner Planes
Prime material planes
Phlogiston / Crystal Spheres

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