• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.


Steel_Wind said:
One of the guys on the team says he can whip up the necessary script. Give me a bit and you should be able to make this bug proof *and* automated.

Man, you guys are great! Thanks so much. I will be play-testing this setup (overhead projection utilitizing nwn toolset with the black pane "fog of war" ) this weekend as my party begins CoTSQ. I'll post the results at that time.

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paulsometimes said:
I know I already posted on this topic once about the set up, but I just wanted to say that this topic has re-awakened the geek in me. I haven't gamed in years and have barely scanned a gaming book as well. Saw this on slashdot, checked it out, and immediately the old gamer in me was back to life. Just wanted to say thanks.


Welcome back Paul! I too am a relatively recent returnee to the game and I've already spent a fair amount of money trying to bring a more visual aspect to my sessions (Dunjinni and numerous molds from Hirst Arts). But the design setup detailed in this thread is the first visual aid that is both quick to create and visually engaging.


First Post
A minor suggestion

If anybody ever writes up an FAQ about setting up this rig, the first entry should explain in great detail the problems with rear-projection of the map from under the table.

Looking around the web at various discussion on this topic, this is by far the most common "Hey! I have a better idea" response.



My projector is setup to reflect onto a mirror mounted on the ceiling and then back down onto a 4'x8' dry erase whiteboard. This allows me to project a footprint of 62"x46" Area. I also have an ATI dual head video card with the hydravision software that allows me to hotkey the image back to my monitor to make edits the PCs can't see, then quickly toggle it back onto the table. Also the white background actually works better for DLP than silver screens and we can write notes on the dry board (init, HP Dam, Duration Rounds, etc...) I am using a Toshiba Projector that does 1600x1200 ! it is Sweet !


BoneMan said:
My projector is setup to reflect onto a mirror mounted on the ceiling and then back down onto a 4'x8' dry erase whiteboard. This allows me to project a footprint of 62"x46" Area. I also have an ATI dual head video card with the hydravision software that allows me to hotkey the image back to my monitor to make edits the PCs can't see, then quickly toggle it back onto the table. Also the white background actually works better for DLP than silver screens and we can write notes on the dry board (init, HP Dam, Duration Rounds, etc...) I am using a Toshiba Projector that does 1600x1200 ! it is Sweet !

I am in the midst of preparing a Complete Guide to Digital Map Projection and I am very interested in showing more pics and providing more ideas on alternative setups. If you could contact me at steelwind@dladventures.com with some more info on you and your setup - preferably with pics, I would be very appreciative.

Ridley's Cohort

First Post
Conaill said:
Has anyone experimented with hanging a mirror from the ceiling, and bouncing the projector off of that? You could leave the projector sitting on the table, or wherever your laptop is positioned. Makes it much easier to set up and tear down. Plus you wouldn't have so much trouble with throw distance, allowing you to pick a projector with better resolution, light output, or contrast.

The only drawback is that you need a reasonabel size mirror on the ceiling. Let's say you want a 3'x4' projection... you would need a 1.4'x2' mirror on the ceiling for that. Should be a lot lighter than the projector itself, but better make sure it's well secured. I'd rather have a 10 lb projector crash down onto the middle of the table, than a 1lb piece of sheet glass...

I would guess this would be a fine way to go for a permenant setup, but a mirror is adding one more dangerously delicate element to your configuration that needs to be carefully adjusted. I think the set up and tear down would be worse.


First Post
Ridley's Cohort said:
I would guess this would be a fine way to go for a permenant setup, but a mirror is adding one more dangerously delicate element to your configuration that needs to be carefully adjusted. I think the set up and tear down would be worse.
Depends on how you use it. True, it might be worse if you're gaming at a different house every week. (And even then - the mirror will likely weigh a lot less than teh projector, so should re


First Post
Ridley's Cohort said:
I would guess this would be a fine way to go for a permenant setup, but a mirror is adding one more dangerously delicate element to your configuration that needs to be carefully adjusted. I think the set up and tear down would be worse.
Depends on how you use it. True, it might be worse if you're gaming at a different house every week. (And even then - the mirror will likely weigh a lot less than the projector, so should require less hardware to set up.)

But it would be a *lot* easier in situations where the mirror can be installed semi-permanently but you don't want to dedicate that $1000+ projector just for your once-a-week gaming session. For example, the DM might permanently install a mirror above the gaming table in his basement, but he could still use the projector as his large-screen TV in the living room outside of gaming hours. Setting up the projector itself is trivial: just plop it on the table and aim at the mirror. Heck, you could even have a mirror installed behind a ceiling tile in several player's houses. Then the DM just brings his projector to the game, aims it up, removes the ceiling tile and you're set. That makes it a *lot* more portable...


NWN Toolset - Fog of War util

As promised, here is the promised NWN Fog of War script for the toolset. You can get it here. It's very tiny - about 11k in size.

Here is what it does. Perhaps does not look like much, but this is a detailed 16x16 crypt area in the toolset, after fog of war has been implemented:

[removed direct link to to login prompt - Kid Charlemagne]

The util package is a combination of erfs, including 2 custom scripts and a custom placeable.

Full instructions for the neophyte are in the Read Me. Using this, after you get used to the process, it will take you about 5 minutes to completely mask an area in the Toolset. The result is a perfect mask of placeable camera blockers, every time.

From the Read Me:

These quick and dirty utilities are intended to be used to create areas for display in the NWN toolset which are obscured by placeables, hiding all geometry beneath the blocker from view within the toolset. This effect is of no practical use while actually playing NWN – it is instead intended to create a fog of war in the NWN toolset itself when that program is being used as a means of map display to players during a PnP game of D&D.
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