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Converting monsters from the second edition Monstrous Compendiums

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Monster Junkie
I think the 50% chance just unnecessarily complicates the matter. Good point about the Fort save. How's this?

Gibberslug (Ex): On a successful bite attack, a brood gibberling may attempt to insert a gibberslug into the victim. The victim must succeed on a DC X Reflex save. Success indicates that the gibberslug falls off the victim and quickly perishes. If the save fails, the slug enters the wound. Each round thereafter the target takes 1d4 points of damage as the slug bores its way toward the brain (Fort DC X halves the damage). The save DC is Constitution-based.

A gibberslug will reach a creature's brain in 1d6+5 rounds, at which point the host automatically falls into a coma, subject to alien nightmares which ravage its mind. After 1d20+4 hours, the gibberslug completely digests the hosts brain and body from within, and a fully grown gibberling emerges from the husk. Although the gibberling slightly resembles the victim, it retains no memory of its former life and immediately attacks any non-gibberlings it finds.

In the round following entry, fire can be applied to the gibberslug's point of entry to kill the gibberslug, but this also deals 1d4 points of fire damage to the host. Before it reaches the brain, a gibberslug can be destroyed with a remove disease, heal, or similar effect, or by ingesting a special form of mushroom called Darkscape that grows in regions tainted by the Far Realm. Once the gibberslug has reached the brain, no form of ressurection will work on the body, although a wish or a miracle spell can restore the victim to life and its original form, destroying the gibberslug.

Spit Gibberslug (Ex): Once ever 1d4 rounds, a brood gibberling can spit a gibberslug at a target. This requires a ranged attack and has a range increment of 10 feet. On a successful hit, the victim must make a saving throw as normal for the gibberslug ability (see above).

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Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, I actually meant a fort save to kill the gibberslug, but I think this is ok.

Feats: Maybe Iron Will and Ability Focus (gibber)?


Monster Junkie
A brood gibberling can mentally control any gibberlings which it has personally created, giving rise to various clans of gibberlings, each controlled by one brood gibberling. Clans sometimes cooperate and sometimes war, depending upon the whims of their progenitors. Brood gibberlings often seek to "convert" gibberlings of other clans to its own.

Gibberling Command (Su): A brood gibberling can communicate telepathically with any gibberling it has created within (1 mile?). Gibberlings created by the brood gibberling will follow its mental commands to the best of their ability.


Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good, but should we put in something about "converting" other gibberlings? Maybe add something like: "A gibberslug that attacks a gibberling merely converts it to the control of a new brood gibberling."

No treasure?

Skills: Listen, Spot, Tumble or Climb? at 7 ranks each?


Monster Junkie
Hmmm...I get the impression that gibberslugs only work on humanoids (need to add that to ability, eh?) not already gibberlings. Maybe just use Bluff or Intimidate to convert others?

Its treasure was "nil (E)".

Treasure type E in 2e was:
1,000-6,000 copper (5%)
1,000-10,000 silver (25%)
1,000-4,000 gold (25%)
300-1,800 platinum or electrum (25%)
1-12 gems (15%)
1-6 art objects (10%)
Magic Items: Any 3 + 1 scroll (25%)

I'll take those skills and pilfer a few points for Intimidate and Knowledge (the planes).


Extradimensional Explorer
Sounds good. What does nil (E) mean? Type E treasure in its lair or something? So either None or say Standard in its lair? The changes to the skills are good.


Monster Junkie
Yep, in lair.

Organization: Solitary, x (1-4), or clan (1 brood gibberling plus x gibberlings)
[Gibberlings are Solitary, horde (20-100), or wave (101-500)]

CR 3?

A brood gibberling is about 3 feet tall and weighs x pounds. (None listed for gibberlings)

Brood gibberlings speak x. (None listed for gibberlings)


Extradimensional Explorer
What about
Organization: Solitary, slug (1-4), or clan (1 brood gibberling plus 20-100 gibberlings)?

CR3 is ok, and maybe halfling weight 30-35 lb? As for language, I would say that brood gibberlings speak no recognizable language.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd say so. These would be great for a low-level adventure in a Far Realms aberrant type campaign.

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