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Compiled 3.5 Revisions

Finally, someone besides my gaming group catches the HFB joke!

Well, since Morrus posted this on the news page, I felt guilty about not updating, so here's a bunch more information. I'm such a tool.


Spell Changes:

Fly: fly 60 (40) for 1 m/l, good maneuverability

Air Walk: thread on air like on ground, 10 m/l

Dimension Door: no pure weight limit, but take one medium sized creature with maximum load with you / 3 levels

Teleport: still has % table for on/off/similar/mishap

Lesser Planar Binding, target: outsider or elemental with 6 HD or less, you can ask the creature to do stuff, creature can get free with charisma check vs DC (15+1/2 casterlvl + casters Cha), once request is completed the creature is free after telling the caster. Maximum duration day/level

Planar Binding; up to three outsiders/elemental with total up to 12 HD, Greater Planar Binding; up to three outsiders/elementals with total up to 18 HD

It now has a Material component (rare oils and unguent worth 1000 gp or more).
The body part(s) you're using must have been part of the creature at time of death.
If the creature was 1st level (or had 1 HD), it loses 2 constitution instead of 1 level or 1 HD; this loss cannot be repaired by any means.
A creature turned into an undead or killed by a death effect can't be returned to life by this spell, neither can someone who has died of old age and constructs, elementals, outsiders and undead.
You do not gain automatically the language of the new form.
Not only a wish spell, but also a miracle spell can restore a reincarnated character to his/her original form.
There is no mention of becoming a magical beast when reincarnated into an animal.
The table list now humanoids and is used for humanoids receiving the spell (Bugbear, Dwarf, Elf, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Half-elf, Half-orc, Halfling, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Orc, Troglodyte, and Other/DM's choice). For other types of creatures the DM should create a similar table or choose the new form.

Improved invisibility--> Invisibility, greater lasts for 1 round/level(D)

Disintegrate: causes 2d6 /level cap at 40d6 --when reduced to 0 hp, the target is disintegrated--successful save is only 5d6 damage

Enervation: range 25 ft + 5 ft/2 lvls -- text changes: bolt has become a ray; undead gain 1d4x5 temporary hp for 1 hour

Enlarge person, mass: lvl S/W 4 -- one humanoid/level, no more than 30 feet apart

Fly: 60 feet/40 feet -- 1 min/level -- save: will negates --minor text changes: no feather fall if dispelled within an antimagic field

Heal 10 hp/lvl cap at 150 pts

Heal, Mass: C 9 Healing 9 -- as heal, 250 pts cap -- range: close, Targets: one or more creatures within 30 feet of each other

Symbol: gone
in it's place: (C=Clr S/W = Sor/Wiz)
Symbol of Death C/S/W 8
Symbol of Fear C/S/W 6
Symbol of Insanity C/S/W 8
Symbol of Persuasion C/S/W 6
Symbol of Sleep C/S/W 5
Symbol of Stunning C/S/W 7
Symbol of Weakness C/S/W 7

Overland Flight: S/W 5 -- Range: Personal -- 1 hour/level at 40/30 feet average maneuverability

Evard’s Black tentacles: duration from 1 hour/lvl now down to 1 round/lvl

Righteous Might:
- Increase size category by one (double height, 8 times weight, other usual modifiers)
- +8 Str, +4 Con, +4 natural armor
- 9th lvl: gain DR 5/evil or 5/good
- 12th lvl: gain DR 10/evil or 10/good
- 15th lvl: gain DR 15/evil or 15/good

If a creature has DR from more than one source, the two forms of DR do not stack. Instead, the creature gets the benefits of the best DR in a given situation

Wizard Universal Spells: Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Permanency, Limited Wish, Wish

Divination spells wizard:
0th: Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic;
1st: Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Secret Doors, Identify, Truestrike
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Locate Object, See Invisibility
3rd: Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Tongues
4th: Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Locate Creature, Scrying
5th: Contact other Plane, Prying Eyes, Rary's Telepathic Bond
6th: Analyze Dweomer, Legend Lore, True Seeing
7th: Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Vision
8th: Discern Location, Moment of Prescience, Greater Prying Eyes
9th: Foresight
Summon Monster Lists:
Summon monster I: Celestial Dog; Celestial Owl; Celestial Giant Fire beetle.; Celestial Porpoise; Celestial badger; Celestial Monkey; Fiendish Dire Rat; Fiendish Raven; Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, medium; Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, small; Fiendish Hawk; Fiendish Monstrous Spider, small; Fiendish Octopus; Fiendish Snake, small Viper
Summon Monster II: Celestial Giant Bee; Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetle; Celestial Riding Dog; Celestial Eagle; Lemure (Devil); Fiendish Squid; Fiendish Wolf; Fiendish Monstrous Centipide, large; Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, medium; Fiendish Shark, medium; Fiendish Monstrous Spider, medium; Fiendish Snake, medium Viper
Summon Monster III: C black bear; C bison; C dire badger; C hippogriff; elemental, small (any); F ape; F dire weasel; hell hound; F snake, constrictor; F boar; F dire bat; F monstrous centipede, huge; F crocodile; dretch (demon); F snake, large viper; F wolverine

Summon Monster IV: archon, lantern; C giant owl; C giant eagle; C lion; mephit (any); F dire wolf; F giant wasp; F giant praying mantis; F shark, large; yeth hound; F monstrous spider, large; F snake, huge viper; howler

Summon Monster V: ; archon, hound; C brown bear; C giant stag beetle; C sea cat; elemental, medium (any); achaierai; devil, bearded; F deinonychus; F dire ape; F dire boar; F shark, huge; F monstrous scorpion, large; shadow mastiff; F dire wolverine; F giant crocodile; F tiger

Summon Monster VI: C polar bear; C orca whale; bralani (eladrin); C dire lion; elemental, large (any); janni (genie); chaos beast; devil, chain; xill; F monstrous centipede, gargantuan; F elasmosaurus; F monstrous spider, huge; F snake, giant constrictor

Awesome Blow [General, Fighter]
Prerequisites: Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Size Large or larger
Benefit: As a standard action, a creature with this feat can make an attack with a -4 penalty against an opponent at least one size smaller. The opponent must succeed a Reflex Save with DC=damage dealt, or be knocked flying 10 ft straight in a direction chosen by the attacker and fall prone. The attacker can't knock the opponent towards itself. If an obstacle prevents the 10 ft movement, both obstacle and opponent take 1d6 damage.

Use Magical Device DCs:
Activate blindly 25
Decipher a written spell 25+spell level
Use a scroll 20+caster level
Use a wand 20
Emulate a class feature 20
Emulate ability score: score+15
emulate race 25
emulate alignment 30

Cohorts no longer cost the party a share of its XP. The Cohort's progression is now tied to the progression of his master. He gets an XP share equal to his master's times his level divided by the master's level in XP.

For Example: Character gets 1,000 XP. Character is 10th lvl, Cohort 8th lvl, Cohort gets 800 XP (80% or 8/10 * 1,000)

Req's: Spell Focus (conjuration), Able to cast lesser planar ally.It's a 5 lvl PrC with wizard attack and saves and HD. All levels are +1 caster level.
1. Improved Ally: diplomacy check to convince a creature called with a planar ally spell to aid him for a reduced payment
2. Augment Summoning: +4 Str and Con
3. Extended Summoning: double duration
4. Contingent Conjuration: sort of a contingency for conjuration spells only
5. Planar Cohort: use planar ally casting to get a cohort

Adamantine Costs:
ammunition +60
light armor + 5000
medium armor +10000
heavy armor +15000
weapon +3000

Specific Magic Item Changes:

Hammer of Thunderbolts: DC of Fortitude save for striking dead giants is now 20.

Wings of Flying: now costs 54,000 gp. Cost = spell level(3) * caster level(5) * 1800 (for command activated continuous item) * 2 (for spell with a duration of 1/minute level.

Strand of Prayer Beads: used to be a necklace, now three different varieties, lesser, regular and greater:
Lesser Strand: beads of bless & healing, 9,600 gp.
Strand: beads of healing, karma & smiting, 25,800 gp.
Greater Strand: beads of healing, karma, summons & wind walking, 95,800 gp.

Slippers of Spider Climbing: max. speed improved from 15 ft. to 20 ft.

Silversheen: new substance for making a weapon silvered for one hour, 250 gp.

Scarab of Protection: SR raised from 15 to 20, yeah!

Robe of Eyes: Search and Spot bonuses lowered to +10, bonus type from circumstance to competence, item cost gone up from 90,000 to 120,000 gp.

Robe of Blending: Hide bonus lowered to +10, bonus type from circumstance to competence, price now 30,000 gp.

Robe of the Archmagi: SR raised to 18, +4 resistance bonus to saves, +2 on caster level checks vs.

Periapt of Wound Closure: no longer effective versus a weapon of wounding (which now causes CON loss).

Necklace of Adaptation: price lowered from 19,000 gp. to 9,000 gp.

Mirror of Life Trapping: price gone up from 152,000 to 200,000 gp.

Mantle of Faith: grants damage reduction 5/evil for 76,000 gp.

Vibrant Purple Iouns Stone: now stores only 3 levels of spells instead of 6, price gone up from 12,000 to 36,000 gp.

Horn of Blasting: now come in a greater and lesser variety. The automatic stun effect from the old horns has been removed. Only the greater horn can stun now (Fort DC 19 to negate), but it now does 10d6 points of sonic damage! 70,000 gp. for the greater, 20,000 gp. for the lesser horn.

Helm of Underwater Action: Wow! gone up from 24,000 gp. to 57,000 gp.

Helm of Brilliance: a description of what happens to the gems if the helm overloads and detonates is added: fireballs are centered on the wearer, walls of fire extend outward in a random direction, prismatic sprays hit random targets within range (including wearer).

Gem of Seeing: use limited to 30 minutes a day (from unlimited).

Eyes of Doom: no more Eyebite, Fear (DC 16) instead.

Elixers: are now Wondrous Items and not potions.

Greater Cloak of Displacement: Now only works for up to 15 rounds per day (from permanent). Needs command word to active. Still costs 50,000 gp

Cloak of Arachnida: gone up from 6,000 to 14,000 gp.

Bracers of Archery: subdivided into Lesser (+1 to hit, no damage bonus, 5,000 gp.) and Greater (+2 attack, +1 damage for 25,000 gp.)

Winged Boots: gone up from 12,000 to 16,000 gp.

Boots & Cloaks of Elvenkind: +5 bonus for 2,500 gp.

Boots of Teleportation: cost 49,000 gp. Has something to do with a new item creation mechanic they are calling 'Body Slot Affinity'.

Glove of Storing 10,000 gp price. Storing/retrieving is a free action

Horseshoes of Speed 3,000 gp enhancement bonus to speed is +30 feet

Horseshoes of a Zephyr price 6000 gp

d. The DMG sidebar Page 282 says that a magic item with multiple different abilities has a 50% increase in price for adding an additional power, but the table on page 285 says you must multiply the higher item cost by 2 for an item with multiple different abilities.

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And here's the updated Word file. Still hyperlinked; this has the FAQ added back in as well as all the new information. As before, you're welcome to cut/copy/paste/translate/convert to PDF/whatever.

Share & Enjoy!


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Negative Zero

First Post
Ranger favoured enemy

so the ranger can now choose his own race as his FE without being evil. any word on how this workw with respect to dominant races?

i mean, say he chooses human, in most canpaigns, humans are very widespread, they're all over. doens't this make the FE too powerfull? seems like it to me.

is there any word on if/how this is handled?


Renaissance Man

First Post
Olgar Shiverstone said:
And with that I think I'm done.
I realize that Olgar's put up the chairs and turned out the lights on this thread ;) but could someone in the know please tell me whether the Renaissance weapons are still featured in the DMG? If so, have they changed at all?

Currently, a pistol lists for 250gp, dmg 1d10, crit x3, range incr 50 ft; a musket 500gp, dmg 1d12, crit x3, range incr 150 ft. A standard action to reload either.

Many thanks.

Negative Zero

First Post
Renaissance Man said:
I realize that Olgar's put up the chairs and turned out the lights on this thread ;) ...

... oh? ... he has? i guess that'll teah me to not read a thread in its entirety before posting. ... aww who am i kidding, no it won't!


Renaissance Man said:

I realize that Olgar's put up the chairs and turned out the lights on this thread ;) but could someone in the know please tell me whether the Renaissance weapons are still featured in the DMG? If so, have they changed at all?

Andy Collins posted about two weeks back (I forget which board) that the weapons are still in, but no changes.

Re: Ranger favoured enemy

Negative Zero said:
i mean, say he chooses human, in most canpaigns, humans are very widespread, they're all over. doens't this make the FE too powerfull? seems like it to me.

is there any word on if/how this is handled?

I predict lots of rangers taking favored enemy: human. ;)

And if I were to stat the HFB for D&D, it would look remarkable like a Sphere of Annihilation. Do not taunt the Happy Fun Ball, unless your Int is 20 or greater ...:p
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First Post
Re: Ranger favoured enemy

Negative Zero said:
so the ranger can now choose his own race as his FE without being evil. any word on how this workw with respect to dominant races?

i mean, say he chooses human, in most canpaigns, humans are very widespread, they're all over. doens't this make the FE too powerfull? seems like it to me.

is there any word on if/how this is handled?


Ultimately, it'll still be in the hands of the DM just what kind of enemies the party will be facing. If the party Ranger takes FE: Human, then the DM will either have to pare down the number of human adversaries the party goes up against or just accept the fact that the Ranger is going to be getting his bonuses most of the time. I don't see either situation as being a bad thing.

Remember, in 3.0 it was childs play to make an Elf or Half-Elf Ranger w/ FE; Human. The only difference is that, in 3.0, Favored Enemy really blew chunks when you take into consideration all the myriad ways one could boost his skill and damage rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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