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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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ooc: Man, as soon as I go to bed, y'all explode into action! :)

"Sorry, Tarag, no sleep spells today. I didn't prepare it because it doesn't work on mindless creatures." He rolls his eyes meaningfully towards Keldar. The joke is poorly timed and falls a little flat, but Rilithorne's exit covers what might have been an uncomfortable silence.

"Goodbye, Rilithorne. It was a pleasure to meet you."

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"Look at that, you scared him off," says Keldar.

When he lays out his needs to Tarag, he's disconcerted to discover that bowmaking is not one of his specialties.

"Just metal, then? Well, my grandmother is coming up to 65 years of age, and on the off-chance that I ever see her again, I'd like to have a present for her, even if it's late. Her old set of toothpicks that I've been using for doors and traps... What? You only make weapons? Oh dear, oh dear oh dear."

"I would very much like a rapier, but now I'm going to have to find a bow maker somewhere, and my funds may run short. Hrumph!"


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Wik said:
OOC: Yeah, while in game terms it'd be making tweaks to his existing sword, in mechanical terms, I'd just be paying for a new one.

And no, Galwynn has no ranks in Weaponsmithing. Does that mean he can't contribue craft points? I thought he could.
OOC: Yes, he can still contribute craft points - but he'll have to contribute the full craft point cost for half the effectiveness. For the MW greatsword, that'll be 35 craft points. If he had at least one rank in the skill, it would It will only cost him 17 craft points. (Tarag will pay 18 CP.)
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Boddynock said:
Yes, he can still contribute craft points - but he'll have to contribute the full craft point cost for half the effectiveness. For the MW greatsword, that'll be 35 craft points. If he had at least one rank in the skill, it would only cost him 17. (Tarag will pay 18 CP.)
OOC: Actually, the effectiveness penalty only seems to apply if you need a feat. So you can contribute to normal crafting with full effectiveness.


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Xael said:
OOC: Actually, the effectiveness penalty only seems to apply if you need a feat. So you can contribute to normal crafting with full effectiveness.
OOC: Thanks, Xael. On rereading the section on assisting with crafting it seems clear that the effectiveness penalty doesn't apply to the creation of mundane items.

In that case, Wik, it'd cost Galwynn 17 CP. :)


Once again, Keldar is left with the feeling that a recital has gone badly. "I should be getting to bed," he says. "In the morning, I'll pop my head into a weaponsmith's or two, to see if anyone can make me a recurved bow for a price I can afford. Maybe if I lend a hand. I'm pretty sure I know which end of a bow is up. Or, no, that's probably a little tricky. Anyway, I'm sure with my help, it won't take too long to make. Tarag, I'll let you know if my purse stretches to the rapier that is haunting your dreams. I'm sure it will. And then I'll hurry along to Grenton. Er... I know Tommy will be galloping full speed through the Allimon gate even before sunrise, but if anyone wants to wait a little and make the journey with me, that'd... no, I suppose... well, I'll probably be eaten by a giant weasel on the way, but if not, then I'll meet up with the rest of you there."


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"Yes, I'll be going to bed as well. Hopefully Tommy will at least wait for the sun to start coming up before he bolts."


In the morning, Keldar heads out into the streets of Orussus with a money pouch that is heavier than he's been used to of late. Several hours later, he comes back to the tavern with a lighter purse and a splendid longbow.

"Keldar Warbray, archer without peer," he announces himself. "Did my friends leave already, or did they sleep in? Well, I shall give them until midday to find me. I'll wait in the square and pop my head through the door now and then."


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Only a few moments later, Galwynn emerges from his room, bleary-eyed. "First time I've slept in in years, and it's just before we head back to Grenton. Has anyone left already? Really? Keldar?
Galwynn pauses for a moment, and then looks at the ceiling. "You're behind this, aren't you? Very funny."

He sighs, hefts his scabbarded blade over his shoulder like a backpack, and leaves.

Richard Rawen

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Richard Rawen Human Fighter

A large yet youthful human male enters the RDI dressed in simple soft leathers, he doesn't appear to be much of an adventurer, more a farm hand or other heavy laborer despite the light armor.
He is however in a bit of a hurry, so he steps forward quickly, announces "Richard Rawen, Fighter... Oh, and if you're a skilled adventurer, you may want to go over to the party..." with that he gives a quick description of the route to the party and then heads upstairs at a rapid pace.
Returning a few minutes later he looks much more the role of the fighter he claims to be, his breastplate and fine bastard-sword securely strapped on, he carries a shield and a bundle of other weapons and equipment over his shoulder. Striding down the stairs the young man approaches the bar and beckons Joe over. He speaks quietly with the famous innkeep and then turns and leaves.

[sblock=listen check DC 17]"Joe, I expect their'll be quite a few folk lookin for at least a week's road rations on the morrow. I'll pay for some decent feed for me and my horse if I could pick it up in the mornin?"[/sblock]

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