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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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LogicsFate said:
Why are you trying to find the goblins? Mearran asks cheerfully.

OoC: I was in one adventure but had to drop out due to RL. Mearran has turned into my pubcrawler it would seem. ;)
"They 'ave some children hostage. We don't know the area too well, so we could use some help, and if yer dog can track, that would help. We lost one of our companions earlier, so I'm fairly sure his share could be given to ya."

Having gotten the help she needs, Solange heads back out to meet up with the rest of the group, hopefully with Mearan.

OOC: Not to hold things up, let's head back to W2: The Search for Thomas Quin, come join in.

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A statuesque beauty, with long brunette hair tied back in a pony tail enters the tavern with confidence and grace. A bright smile and soft brown eyes greet any who glance her way. A sword and shield strapped to her back, and her chain shirt hugs her curvy figure well. Her tanned skin is well toned and smooth. She glides in with a little swagger in her hips as she approaches the bar.

"I am Rapture," She anounces before she spots her friends and joins them.

"I wanted to stop by the temple when we returned...Oh, M'lord Rilithorne, I did not expect to see you again. It was an honor working for you earlier."
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
pendrake looks to the cat man with the hunting dog, "ja, join us if you would...you are most velcome. vee must to be goooo...ooooh my....". the northerner's eyes widen as Rapture aquires his rapt attention, "Mmmmi lady." he stammers out, "I must on mein vay go now..." he walks to the door, runs into it (it closed behind solange), grabs at the door handle, but has naught but air...his eyes have not left the long haired beutey. he finally finds the door handle, only to open the door on himself which consequently gets his eyes to the doorway and himself out the door. he sees solange and reluctly races to catche up with her, glancing behind to check and see if Mearan was following.

]ooc[yes, Mearan is most welcome to join the hunt!]/ooc[


Tommy Worthallingham, Wizard 3-ish

"...and I don't see why we have to spend the night here before going back. I mean, if we started now and rode hard, we could be there no more than an hour or two after midnight, and I could get started with the spells Thyrin's teaching me," Tommy's voice drifts above the noise of the inn, shrill with complaint. "I'm sure the odds of riding into a ditch and killing ourselves would be no more than one in...Rilithorne!"

At the sight of the famous wizard, Tommy jumps to his feet, knocking his chair over and nearly spilling Tarag's ale all over himself. When Rilithorne asks which group of adventurers Arngrim hired, Tommy feels as if every eye in the room is directly on him. There is a moment of silence, only seconds, but to Tommy it feels far longer. He opens his mouth, momentarily unable to form words, desperately hoping one of the others will speak. Then he notices Keldar's poorly concealed smile, Tarag's twitching beard, and realizes that they have left the floor to him. He waves in response to Pendrake's friendly greeting, then straightens his spine and smiles at Rilithorne.

"Hello, Rilithorne, sir. It was me and my companions here, Tarag, Keldar, Galwynn, and Rapture, that Arngrim hired. I'm Tommy Worthallingham, and I'm very pleased to meet you at last, sir."

Rae ArdGaoth

Rilithorne smiles at Tommy. The mage flicks his hand and Tommy's chair flips upright. "Ah, yes, Arngrim told me a wizard was in the group. Tommy, an Academy graduate? I am Rilithorne, it's quite a pleasure." Rilithorne makes his way over to your table.

"I don't think the Academy thinks very highly of me, but don't let that color your view of me. I thank you very much for assisting Rilithorne, gods only know how long he'd have been stuck in that room were it not for you." He sits, a waitress brings a tray over for him. "Ah, good food. I haven't had a real, sit down meal in ages it seems. So tell me, I'm interested to know, what exactly happened? I received Thyrin's message, but it was pretty vague."


"Well, yes, your work isn't taught at the Academy, but there's always a graduate student or two willing to point out alternate viewpoints if you ask them nicely. I get the impression you've had some disagreements with the faculty there, of a... professional nature?" Tommy asks, trying to fish for gossip.

"For my part, I'm learning that there is a big difference between studying spells in a library and casting them under fire. And speaking of fire... As I'm sure you know, Thyrin is quite fond of his elementals. It seems that he managed to misplace his spellbook during a ritual, and used the one from his saferoom rather than going to find it. Naturally, burglars chose that moment to break in. Thyrin retreated to his saferoom while his elemental guardians and dealt with the intruders, but having removed the saferoom spellbook, Thyrin found himself unable to prepare the necessary spells to stand down the tower's defenses. We were forced to fight our way through his elemental guardians one floor at a time, disabling or isolating the summoning devices as we went."


"I took a great liking to the old coot," says Keldar, "but he's a bit of a bumbler. Imagine getting trapped in your own tower!"


First Post
Mearran shrugs. All goblins, without mercy? Interesting. I'll come along. The cat jumps down and the dog lumbers up. Togeather they head out following his newest compainions.

Rae ArdGaoth

"Ah, the Academy and I... we have different values, to say the least. I feel that the Academy spends entirely too much time on glorifying their own history and preserving the reputation, and not enough on the students. They also tend to be a tad... overbearing, on their students. It's difficult material, I understand, but there are ways to teach that allow creation and freedom rather than following a prescribed formula. Seems a bit boring to me, but how did you like it?"

"Oh, Thyrin, you've pinned him for sure! He is a bumbling old coot!" Rilithorne chuckles a bit at that. "Yes, he does love the elemental planes. For now, at least. I've known him to completely switch his focus. Doesn't help much in the way of arcane knowledge, but it keeps him interested."


"The Academy does have a fair amount of concern for its reputation, true, but aside from a few rough spots, I think that reputation is something we can justifiably be proud of and seek to maintain," Tommy responds amiably. "I... did not notice any neglect of students while I was there, but to be honest I spent most of those years with my nose buried in a book. If I had been neglected, I probably would have been grateful for the extra reading time. There was that time a few years ago when a number of the non-human students were murdered. That certainly didn't do the Academy's reputation any good."

"As for Thyrin... does he, er, get out of his tower much? It seems like the only company he gets are creatures from other planes. I thought about offering to stay for a while as his assistant, but I've had enough of studying for a while. I've learned more about the Art in these last few months in Orussus than in the last two years at the Academy."

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