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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII

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Scowling, Korash looks between Boog and Phoenix and back to Levin and Juliana for some explaination. 'Adjusting to things? Mental Link trick? Mind Blade? Sounds like someones been tooling around where they shouldn't been.'

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Ridik, under his robe, with his glutural voice replies "Bah, mind's tricks. Not that much interesting. And they says after that goblin are uncivilized? I start to wonder what that word mean. Joe, do you have have some water and cheese. I start to be hungry. Howdy Levin. What you plan to do next?"

El Jefe

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Phoenix8008 said:
Coming within reach of Boog, Phoenix points her mind blade at his head before shouting verbally at him, "NEVER do that again unless you want this buried in that powerful brain of yours! I'm here less than five minutes and already one of you is here to spy on me. Didn't waste any time here, did you?! Your kind... heh, MY kind I guess now, make me SICK! Why don't you quit interfereing in other peoples lives and let well enough ALONE!!"

Phoenix pants as she finishes ranting at Boog, tears welling up in her eyes but not spilling down her blushing cheeks. Blinking back the tears, she takes a deep rattling breath before turning away from the blue cloaked man and covering her face with her hands. Running through a nearby doorway into another room of the Inn, Phoenix crashes sitting down into a corner where she holds her knees in her arms and buries her head in them, sobbing...
As the woman rushed him, Boog began to think about charming her to save his own skin, but he hadn't the time before he was staring at her mindblade, just inches from his face. His face was impassive as she launched into her tirade. He started to display a puzzled expression as she dashed off, only to be confronted by another flame-haired warrior. Once again, he stared at a woman without betraying a hint of emotion. After Juliana left, Boog almost wordlessly murmed something like, "She doesn't like it when someone says 'Hello'."
Phoenix8008 said:
Walking back into the first room, Phoenix first apoligizes to the general crowd for the disturbance, then to Joe for the near rule breaking, then finally walks calmly towards Boog. "Sir, I find I must apoligize to you most of all. I know that what I did was more than rude. I hope you'll try to forgive me for my outburst as I'll try to forgive you for the intrusion you made."
When Phoenix returned, so did the urge for Boog to manifest a charm, but this quickly passed when he noticed that she appeared contrite and began her apology.
Phoenix8008 said:
To the crowd nearby, Phoenix and Boog seem to stand facing each other silently...
[sblock]'Pardon my reaction, but I was but recently made an Elan, and not by my choice. I understand this is not the normal way of it, so you must have assumed I would welcome a conversation with another newmade. I understand this now, but my loss and trials are so fresh in my mind that you happened to break the dam holding back my emotions.'[/sblock]
Boog appeared as stone-faced as ever as he stared back at Phoenix, his dark sunken eyes perhaps a little softer than before. As they stood, an expression of surprise overtook him, then one of awe, then he appeared downcast.

Phoenix:[sblock]"I have never heard of such a thing. I do not know that you lie, but in my case becoming a newmade was a rare gift only given to the truly talented or to the truly desperate. Maybe some...thing saw the potential for great talent within you and forgoed any chance that you'd refuse the gift. I wish you fortune in controlling your emotions. As for myself, the only one I cannot extinguish completely is a smoldering hatred for those who misused the gift to...(and after a long pause, came the concluding thought)...my family."

OoC: Boog is not exactly the most charismatic psion in town, as you may have gathered. ;) [/sblock]


First Post
Gli'jar said:
Scowling, Korash looks between Boog and Phoenix and back to Levin and Juliana for some explaination. 'Adjusting to things? Mental Link trick? Mind Blade? Sounds like someones been tooling around where they shouldn't been.'
I could explain but it'd take a long time. I'm fine.


The man with the probe
Gli'jar said:
Scowling, Korash looks between Boog and Phoenix and back to Levin and Juliana for some explaination. 'Adjusting to things? Mental Link trick? Mind Blade? Sounds like someones been tooling around where they shouldn't been.'
"Sounds typical, and about right," Juliana says as she sips a mug of ale.
Name's Levin. It isn't my first time here, I just didn't expect to see Boog with a mindblade heading for his face. Levin looks over to Korash. I'm not quite sure, but I think someone flipped out over Boog's little 'mental link' trick. I don't think there's going to be an actual fight, but you never can tell.
"I am Juliana, and no, there will be no bloodshed in here tonight."


ao'Thuir remains silent while Juliana and the others are speaking. He is mostly admiring his new sword, very happy with the result of her work. He'll make sure to pass on her name to any one that inquires in the future.


First Post
El Jefe said:
As the woman rushed him, Boog began to think about charming her to save his own skin, but he hadn't the time before he was staring at her mindblade, just inches from his face. His face was impassive as she launched into her tirade. He started to display a puzzled expression as she dashed off, only to be confronted by another flame-haired warrior. Once again, he stared at a woman without betraying a hint of emotion. After Juliana left, Boog almost wordlessly murmed something like, "She doesn't like it when someone says 'Hello'."When Phoenix returned, so did the urge for Boog to manifest a charm, but this quickly passed when he noticed that she appeared contrite and began her apology.Boog appeared as stone-faced as ever as he stared back at Phoenix, his dark sunken eyes perhaps a little softer than before. As they stood, an expression of surprise overtook him, then one of awe, then he appeared downcast.

Phoenix:[sblock]"I have never heard of such a thing. I do not know that you lie, but in my case becoming a newmade was a rare gift only given to the truly talented or to the truly desperate. Maybe some...thing saw the potential for great talent within you and forgoed any chance that you'd refuse the gift. I wish you fortune in controlling your emotions. As for myself, the only one I cannot extinguish completely is a smoldering hatred for those who misused the gift to...(and after a long pause, came the concluding thought)...my family."

OoC: Boog is not exactly the most charismatic psion in town, as you may have gathered. ;) [/sblock]

Phoenix nods and takes a seat at the bar next to Boog before continuing their conversation mentally...
[sblock]"In my case, I believe they were trying to UNmake whatever it was I would have become without their meddling. Whether that was to be something good or bad, I have no way of knowing. It was all in some prophecy they spoke of in hushed tones when they thought I couldn't hear. So after the accident happened, they kidnapped me and said I could accept their gift of life eternal...or go on to the afterlife right then. So I chose to live. And with that life I choose to battle against others who would interfere in the lives of people who didn't ask for anything besides the right to live their lives in peace."[/sblock]

After a long moment of silence, Phoenix takes a new tankard of mead from Joe and lifts it somberly to her lips for a long pull.


First Post
Korash continues to wear his scowl,"It is understood there are some things best left unsaid."He shakes his head and continues, his scowl fading as he waxes on what the future holds"Let us focus on the adventure tomorrow wil bring." He drinks deep from his mug. " Joe another round at your pleasure."

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