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Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!


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It's pretty wild to think that I've been going to gamedays for ten years--every single one has been a blast and this one was no exception.

Huge thanks to my morning Star Wars game. I had a blast digging into saga rules and turning to the dark side. If it weren't for that mean master of mine, I probably would've stayed good ;)

First, thanks to SW for running the game... and I suppose to TB42 for suggesting all 3 of us show up. :) And Buzz and Games Plus of course.

The boys and I had fun though they really only 'came online' when the fighting happened. Kids!

Trev... I'd have to say one of the best moments of the day happened AFTER the game while we were having lunch. I told Alex congrats for not getting upset when his character died. He thought about it for a moment and said "Yeah, well I deserved it". I laughed and said yes, he did. :) Maybe next time he'll carry his own pack.

Thanks guys.


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Thanks for the praise for the game guys! I was worried that it was getting off to a slow start, but we had some hardcore stuff going on in there.
That was probably from our own unfamiliarity with the mechanics. For me sitting back at the beginning and paying attention to the feel of the game was very important.
The players where awesome and really got into their characters. The drama and role-playing intensity was just right for me. Had to laugh with Mark putting together a still and then stopping to intimidate the President. :lol:
I could have played for hours more.

BTW: I forgot to take my character sheet, could you email it to me at Delwugor@yahoo.com? I have a quirk in keeping a copy of every character I've played. Don't worry I'll cut the corners off...

Vyvyan Basterd

Are you Nat? I don't think I got most people's user names in Snowpocalypse.


Yep, that was Nat. And I'm Kelly, a.k.a. the GM with no nametag.

Thanks to Josh for yet another fun game of Supernatural and the rest of my fellow hunters for all the laughs (usually at poor Laurie/Jo's expense).

Thanks to my players in SNOWPOCALYPE! Thank you for your feedback on the game.

Thanks to Buzz for coordinating and Games Plus for hosting!


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Wooooo, GameDay!

Yesterday's GameDay was a blast, as they always are. Jase & ekb have it right, this has been fun ever since the beginning thanks to everyone's efforts, and I'm confident that will continue! :cool:

Thanks as always to my SPN:RoadTrip players; watching you guys come up with plans and work together to Save People and Hunt Things is a real treat; everyone embraces their characters and runs with it- -I swear, I could run to the bathroom or buy another soda or whatever, and y'all would still be having your discussion of the plot and planning when I got back, awesome! And the byplay is a hoot, too, even if it is usually at Jo/Laurie's expense...Laurie, Sn2ep4 is "Where the Wild Things Hunt", and it's gonna be Jo's time to shine, get 'em! I'll be in touch with everybody about that.

To my afternoon players, Thank You so much for making my first time out of the gate with Cortex Plus so much fun. I wasn't sure how well such a character-relationship driven system would work with people who didn't know the source material even in the slightest, but R.T. & TorresRoman picked up on Lexa's superior bitterness and Adam's supergenius confidence with gusto. I certainly need to make some refinements to the adventure, but it was my prep and understanding of the rules, not the players at all. Thanks to all five of you for helping me out with that.

And of course, huge thanks to Curt & Games Plus for hosting us, and to Buzz for administrating (and zombie discussion at breakfast. The look on your face when you grasped the concept of SPN's monster was rewarding, too. *g*)

See Everybody Next Time! :D


What a phenomenal Gameday! Attendance was excellent, 47 people total (not including me), and with legit Ghostbusting support!

In addition to Mark's pictures, I've posted the photos I took over on the Gameday Facebook page.

Big thanks as usual to Curt and the crew at Games Plus for being our gracious hosts, to all our volunteer GMs for running their events, and to everyone who attended. I'd also like to thank Keith for running me through his FATE mash-up, and to thank all my Dresden players for their patience and for their great contributions to the scenario. I promise that next time, we'll actually finish the scenario before you have to go home!

Lastly, I want to agree with the posts above about how amazing it is that Gameday has been going strong for ten years now. Gameday was the first gaming con-type-thing I had ever attended, despite having played RPGs for decades prior. Gameday founder Mark and later organizer Matty Helms did such a phenomenal job of making me feel welcome and making sure I had fun. I was hooked on Gameday from then on. And Games Plus has been so generous, offering us space in one of the country's best games stores, year-in and year-out.

And, man, all of YOU. You all keep attending, keep running events, keep making enjoyable RPG experiences and welcoming newcomers.

Gamedayers, I salute you, and look forward the *next* 28 Gamedays. :cool:


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Trev... I'd have to say one of the best moments of the day happened AFTER the game while we were having lunch. I told Alex congrats for not getting upset when his character died. He thought about it for a moment and said "Yeah, well I deserved it". I laughed and said yes, he did. :) Maybe next time he'll carry his own pack.

That's awesome! Well done by Alex to see it that way.


First Post

Another gameday in the books! Thanks, as always, to Curt (thalmin) for hosting and to Mark (Buzz) for organizing! Without you guys, this simply wouldn't be happening. Kudos and Booyah to you both!

Another great romp in the Star Wars universe care of Josh (sw3333)! I knew we would be off to a great start when we learned the nature of the adventure...we were to investigate a misappropriation of funds! Beuracracy, thy name is Star Wars! Super fun time, complete with a bullying jedi master (Alex) and his young padawan (Jason - Trevalon Moonleiron), who put up with it for a long time before going dark side on his butt and wiping the floor with his master and taking off. Still, I think the line of the day might have belonged to Nicky...

"I don't care if I'm better with the vibro-ax...I want to use the FLAMETHROWER!!!"

hehehe...that's my kind of gamer! Glad the boys had fun, Rich (rvalle)! Might have to get those boys in some more games!

And then there was the afternoon...

There are a lot of thoughts that went through my head when I saw two Ghostbusters walk into the room. I'll admit, most of them probably were not of the best nature. I thought I'd have a couple of "experts" on my hand and have had bad experiences with that sort before. It made me a little nervous. After speaking with Zach and Steve a bit, however, I knew that things would be just fine.

As for the game...wow. Yet again, Ghostbusters proves to be a sillier game than I could ever imagine it to be. Big thanks to all the players, Zach (Lothos), Steve (Lothos's guest), George (gperez), Jason (Trevalon Moonleirion), Troy (RFlatstone), and Nanette (the_grot_shoppe), for making it so much fun. Highlights, for me, included (and I'm sure I'm forgetting some):
-Character Creation: Jack Naysay, who's a paranormal skeptic looking to bring down the ghostbusters from the inside? Are you kidding me? Hilarious concept! Loved it!
-Talents: some of the random "talents" chosen by players: dropkicking things, rationalization, un-pimping things, the "hallelujah backflip" (do you see the light??!!!), the hand jive, and rearranging furniture!
-Drinking beers at EVERY stop
-Poached eggs (even though we didn't really get to that encounter)
-Ivory (bravo, Steve, for figuring it out, and Shame on everyone else for mocking him!)
-Randomly breaking into "Every Rose Has Its Thorn."
-Dieter Kaufmann rides a Hoover!
-The Easter Bunny! (The Eggman)
-"Ok, so his proton pack is soaking wet and sparking...I'm going to fire my proton pack near his so that the heat will help dry it out."
-The walrus. (Kookuk Achuk)
-Jack Naysay riding on a snowy walrus while blasting at his co-workers after being possessed!
-Dieter builds a flamethrower. (Flamethrowers in both games today!)
-Drop-kicking a baby seal.

I'm sure that I'm forgetting a lot of things, but that's a good start. Again, thanks to my players for putting up with my confusion, asides, and frequent trips to the potty.

Oh, and did I mention that two of my players showed up in full-on, amazing Ghostbusters gear? I just might remember that one for a while, and if there's something strange in my neighborhood, I'm calling those guys.

Looking forward to next gameday...I think I may run some Serenity next time around.
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Nev the Deranged

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Another smashing success. Thanks as always to Buzz and the Games Plus crew for organizing and hosting. Thanks to my morning players for coming up with good dangers to cover my mistaken idea about adding political intrigue to a pulp SF adventure game, what was I thinking? You saved the day again, Danger Patrol! Maybe next time we can find out what happened to the space pirate werebears and the synthetic Stygian assassins.

Untold. Interesting idea. Needs more work. Fortunately we had a deep well of sarcasm and smartalecky comments to see us through. Thanks guys, sorry I turned coat there at the end, but seriously, can you blame me? We almost got TPK'd by the introductory monsters, there was no way we were gonna take on the boss. Sometimes diplomacy is the better option. That, and surprise casting Ice Field on your former party members.

Looking forward to the next one, when hopefully someone else will step up and run one of the games I've been hoping to play for years =P

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