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Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - Signups complete

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Rodrigo Istalindir said:
Perhaps the posters in the above contretemps could be imposed upon to edit out their remarks. This is a fun contest for the audience as well as the participants, and I think they'd rather read the stories, the commentary, and the trash-talk in that order.

Wow....I finally got to use contretemps in a sentence. And in a place I won't get mocked for it. :cool:

Your intent is well meant Rodrigo, but I would prefer that they stay in place. Judging is something that comes up frequently and Alsih2o has always been clear on his stance. I would not ask him to back down from that and edit anything. Disagreements can be uncomfortable, but they are an aspect of the growth of the contest in general.

Patryn, I appreciate your offer and I kindly refused it. Alsih2o is trying to be very clear, as he always is, what his feelings on judging are. If you want to judge, you need to participate as a writer first. That is the primary qualification required. "If you are a previous competitor and are willing to write critiques," is what I asked for. You do not qualify in the context of that request. That is why I encouraged you to volunteer as a writer first.

Don't take it so personally.

Obviously I could stand to update the FAQ on this one.

Who are these judges?
The judges will shift over time. As I said, they are volunteers. Some of them are past Ceramic DM winners. Some of them have judged many contests. Each individual contest may have different judges.

Alsih2o, let me know how you want me to update that particular FAQ entry.

BardStephenFox said:
Patryn, I appreciate your offer and I kindly refused it.

And, again, thank you for that. :) I read the FAQ, which you mention below, before I volunteered to see if there were any particular hard-and-fast requirements, and I didn't see any.

As for refusals, "Thanks for offering, but we require that you have prior Ceramic DM experience before judging," is fine. This is more-or-less what you said. This is a clear, concise statement based on observable facts. No, I don't have any CDM experience, and therefore disqualifying me based on this is acceptable.

"You don't know what you're doing," is not acceptable. It is based on an incomplete data set - chiefly, the poster's knowledge of me. Apart from what I have posted in this thread, no one on this board has the slightest clue what my qualifications may be. As far as anyone could prove, I was an award-winning author, editor for a major national publication, and all-around swell guy. I'm not, but no one else knew that when they made the claim - and therefore it is not a valid criticism.


First Post
Patryn of Elvenshae said:
"You don't know what you're doing," is not acceptable. .

Surel, working for a publication as you have you know better than to use quotes when there is no quote of the sort, yes?

Please, when putting word in my mouth, be able to cite the quote. My posts are uneditted, I invite you to point out this quote from me.

I will spare the audience my long list of qualifications, as that was just tacky.


Patryn of Elvenshae said:
"You don't know what you're doing," is not acceptable. It is based on an incomplete data set - chiefly, the poster's knowledge of me.

I am not seeing that quote written anywhere here. You are inferring more than was written. Please refrain from such things.


Uh, gents? Is it possible to come to some sort of agreement, or take if to e-mail if it really needs to be hashed out? I understand if there's a need to do so, but there's no need for the contest to suffer in the process.


First Post
Um, excuse me.


Would you people *PLEASE* stop trying to hijack *MY* thread so I can get on with winning *MY* CDM????

To-to-toDAY Junior!


alsih2o said:
Please, when putting word in my mouth, be able to cite the quote.

It's called paraphrasing.

The full quote is:

Also said:
If you think judging takes significantly less time than writing you are sorely mistaken, and probably not ready to judge. Judging is doen after multiple reads of each story AND requires writing in and of itself. Writing about every story, which is twice as many finished pieces. 8,12 or 16 contestants in the opening round and the judges have to write a judgement on every one. No CDM author writes as much as a judge.

Sorry, but explaining the judging process - including the fact that I might need to read the entries multiple times! - is implying that I do not know what is involved. I read through the archives. I have a pretty good idea what is required of judging; I noticed the change in tenor of the judging from the earliest rounds to the most recent contest.

The point of my earlier post - which, yes, I should have more explicitly stated - is that you should not judge the qualifications of a person to judge based on a single post. Would you allow someone whose comments equated to your initial judging to judge now? Probably not. However, I daresay you think you're a pretty good judge - and, from reading the archives, I'd agree with that.

I understand your desire to keep this contest great. I volunteered, BSF turned me down, and that should have been the end of things. It wasn't, because you felt the need to discuss my qualifications apart from observable fact.

Now, maybe it's just me, but if somone volunteers to help me with something, and I don't want or need their help, then my answer is "No, thank you." Possibly, I might go so far as to say, "No, thanks, I got it," or maybe, "Nah - you need to be able to read Bocchi to handle this. Do you know Bocchi?"

That's what I call common courtesy.

And, now, back to your regularly scheduled trash talking.

EDIT: And that's all I have to say about that.
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