• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


OOC: It looks like the majority consensus is "I'm fine with it ending". I think for now, since I am still not 100% sure I could commit to running this adventure as you guys deserve, we'll call it quits for here. I'll give DMing a break for a bit while I get stuff sorted out, and then I'll call on you guys again if I see you in the Inn in the future when I create a new adventure. To be quite honest (and I didn't really realize it until I started running this with you guys), this adventure was practically all combat, and I gave myself almost zero potential for any real RP to occur (which is, quite frankly, really sad). So, I think it will be best for all parties involved if we say bye bye for now. It was an interesting learning experience for me as to the world of PbP DMing (which is dramatically different from live table-top DMing), and I've come away with an understanding of what does and doesn't work, which I will most definitely apply to my next whack at L4W DMing. So you'll be seeing me around for sure (and I'm going to be retiring my Vyrna character and bringing in someone new... and delightfully eeeeevil, mauahahaa), so I'm not just disappearing.

Again, thanks for putting up with my Schenanigans (tm). I will be awarding XP (including time XP) today, since I FINALLY have a moment to spare for you guys and I plan on using it! Thanks for being my PbP guinea pigs!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled conclusion to Catastrophe (and I'm sorry that this adventure has lived up to its name... lol)


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Son of Meepo

First Post
Not sure who the judge is (or if we ever had one), but if the xp awards are updated on the first page (and it looks like they are) then we need a judge to approve the rewards.


First Post
[sblock=Completed Challenges and XP]

* Skill Challenge 1: Saving Sailors/Survive the Storm/Finding the Hive
** This was a lvl 3 skill challenge of complexity 4 (10 successes before 3 failures)
** Group completed 7 major successes before 3 failures. As a partial success, this meant that the group was penalized by seeing only 1/2 of the Kruthik that would be in the battle.
** This Skill Challenge is worth 1200 XP. Although Rilissa is no longer part of the group, he did help complete this challenge. As such, the reward will be divided by 6 members, meaning each of you earn 200 XP from this challenge.

* Battle 1: Kruthik Workers
** This battle contained 5 Kruthik Young and 9 Kruthik Hatchlings (who I renamed as simply Kruthik Workers).
** Before any real actions were taken by Faraque (Rilissa), he quit the adventure, so the reward for this battle will be divided by only 5 members.
** Kruthik Young are worth 125 xp each and Kruthik Hatchlings are worth 31 xp each. This adds up to a total of 904 xp. Due to L4W reward rules, this amount is doubled to 1808 xp. 1808 divided among 5 members means you each earn 361 xp.

* Battle 2: Kruthik Soldiers
** This battle contained 3 Kruthik Soldiers (AKA Kruthik Adults), and 8 Kruthik Workers (3 Kruthik Young, and 5 Kruthik Hatchlings).
** The rewards for this battle are divided among the group's 5 members.
** Kruthik Young are worth 125 xp each, Kruthik Hatchlings are worth 31 xp each, and Kruthik Adults are worth 175 xp each. This adds up to a total of 1055 xp. This doubles to 2110 xp. When divided among the 5 members, it gives each of them 422 xp.

* Battle 3: Kruthik Queen
** This battle contained 1 Kruthik Queen (AKA Kruthik Hive Lord [lvl 6]), 1 Kruthik Princess (AKA Young Kurthik Hive Lord [lvl 4]), 4 Kruthik Sentinels (AKA Sharn Kruthik [lvl 2]), and 3 baby Kruthik Swarms (AKA Fresh-Hatched Kruthik Swarm [lvl 3]).
** The rewards for this battle are divided among the group's 5 members.
** The Hive Lord is worth 500 xp, the Young Hive Lord is worth 350 xp, the Sharn Kruthik are worth 125 xp each, and the swarms are worth 150 xp each. This adds up to a total of 1800 xp. This doubles to 3,600 xp!! 3,600 divided among the 5 members gives each of them 720 xp.

*TOTAL XP EARNED THIS ADVENTURE: 8715 xp (1,703 xp each)


Earned from December 14th 2011, through May 4th 2012.

The Cursed One (earned for lvl 1): 4 months @ lvl 1 gives 668 xp & 504 gp. 20 days (aka 2/3rds of a month) @ lvl 1 gives 111 xp & 84gp. That totals to 779 xp & 588 time gold!

Congratulations on officially earning 2nd level TCO!


Ignatz, Dina, Corragan, and Sha'kar:

From 14 Dec - 14 Feb: 2 months @ lvl 3 gives 500 xp & 508 gp.

From 15 Feb - 14 April: 2 months @ lvl 4 gives 584 xp & 700 gp.

20 days (aka 2/3rds of a month) @ lvl 4 gives 195 xp & 233 gp.

That totals to a whopping 1279 xp and 1441 gp!

OOC: Approved and 5*2= 10 DM Credits for CrimsonFlameWielder (rounded up).

Congratz everyone! :)

Son of Meepo

First Post
[MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION] Was there any treasure besides the items we were given at the start of the adventure? I don't recall if there was.

Suddenly, the four adventurer's feel a bit woozy. The room begins to get hazy and out-of-focus before going black. You can feel yourself being pulled through some kind of dark void, but the lack of any sort of light keeps you from seeing where it is that you are being moved to.

Gradually, you can feel yourself slowing down until you come to a halt....somewhere. Ever so slightly your vision begins to return, and blinking at the rather bright daytime sun, you can see that you are...wait what!? You're at the Daunton Docks!?

With a quick look about you, a realization comes. Cadalis is being held by a couple of large thug-like bugbears, and a large human, somewhat resembling Cadalis, if not quite a bit more mature-looking, stands before you.

"I understand that my son hired you to explore and retrieve an item. I apologize for the abrupt teleportation, but I can't have my son gallivanting off to who knows where, spending my money on whatever he wishes, and stealing by ship..." he says with understandable frustration, glaring at the cowering Cadilis.

"However. A shore keeps his word. Even if he is meant to do so, and not in the manner he wishes. If you have retrieved the item that was sought after, then you will be rewarded as you were promised."

Upon the floor beside Dina, lay the blue-glowing orb, which you hand over to the man after Cadilis nods his assent.

"Good. I will ensure that this is not placed in the wrong hands. Now... for your reward. I have collected the majority of my son's belongings and divided it as necessary among five lockers, each of which have a key. These lockers are located in the Daunton bank, and ownership of the appropriate key will grant you access to your locker."

He hands each of you a key.

"I trust you can find your way there. I thank you for your services, and now release you from your contract with my son. Pleasant day to you." he says in a final dismissal, turning to his son and nodding to the Bugbears, who roughly jerk Cadilis to his feet before dragging him off toward whatever destination his father has planned.

After a short jaunt to the bank where you present your key to a bank teller, you are ushered into your locker. And by locker, Mr. Shore was using simple language for an entire room! Treasures of the like you've never seen before are hanging about, and you realize just how well you have been rewarded! Apparently the Shore family is quite a bit more rich than Cadilis lead on.... or the orb was really just that valuable. In either case, you spend the next hour counting out the shiny pieces of gold that were laid on a table before placing them into your packs and bags, and collect your new belongings!


The first post of this adventure (on page 1) has been updated to reflect the most current rewards, both XP and treasure! I encourage you to check out your total XP earnings so that you can see if you are anywhere near your next level.

Because you guys were all reaaaaaally low on treasure count for your levels, I have majorly bumped you guys up. For those that are/were 4th level as of the beginning of the Kruthik Queen fight, I bumped your wealth level to around 7,500 gp (which is about 1/2 way between what you should have at the end of 3rd level, and what you should have at the end of 4th level.

For TCO, I unfortunately had to calculate everything at your ACTUAL level (lvl 1) so your current wealth level is a bit more than half way between what you should have had at the end of level 1 and what you should have when you reach the end of level 2, so your current wealth level is at 3,000 gp. This last encounter gave you enough experience so that you are now level 2! Congrats!

Good luck in your next set of adventures. I hope to have the pleasure of DMing for you again some day!


[sblock=Judge Approval Please]

I need judge approval for the treasure and XP I am giving to my players (please see the first post of this adventure on page 1 for the exact totals and items given), as well as approval for however many DM points I am supposed to earn (I think it's 2 per month DMing the adventure, but I'm not sure if there is a pro-rate for the 20 days that was left over after DMing for 4 months and 20 days [maybe 1 DM point?])



First Post
[MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION] [MENTION=44459]Luinnar[/MENTION]

Just a wee question which I ask because TCO (aka Boris) is soooo close to level 3: 3482 xp

If my calculations are correct TCO had 983 xp from encounter rewards after Battle 2: Kruthik Soldiers. Time awards would have bumped him to level 2 at that stage. Which means all the time after that encounter TCO should have been accumulating time XP as a level 2 PC, right?

It wasn't a concern to level up at the time as he was temporarily bumped to lvl 3. But being at the gates of level 3 now, I'd rather not make a level 2 version of TCO when he is going to basically level up after 2 days in his next adventure, especially as the level 3 sheet is already done.

Am I right on this one? If so what would be the correct XP total?



You would be correct had I given out time XP throughout the adventure. But since Time XP is not treated as xp earned at any time other than when it is given out (but calculated based on the level of the character as they are adventuring), I don't know if we can do that. If Luinnar wants to approve it that way, I'm okay with it, certainly (cause I really don't blame you for wanting to stay at 3rd level, rather than go back down just to come up after an encounter or two), but then I think it would only be fair to treat ALL of the time XP that way, which I think would require a proposal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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